Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 1017: Feng Yi

ps: There are two more chapters in the evening

As the flag of the Qin army in Weinan was laid horizontally, expressing submission, the Zhao army camp on the north bank of the Weishui gave a burst of cheers...

"The Qin people have descended!"

"Wan Sheng!"

"We can go home now!"

What ordinary soldiers thought of was the battle-dead robes who failed to see today's scene, the awards they were about to receive, and the cheers and admiration they received after returning home.

Perhaps it was already anticipated, but Zhao Wuxi was calmer in the tent. After congratulating in unison, Zixia heaved a long sigh and said, "I thought the Qin people would bargain, but I don't want to be so quick. I have accepted the conditions proposed by the Minister."

Zhao Wuxi was in a good mood: "Yu originally planned to sit on the ground and raise the price, but if the Qin people can't accept the profit or loss, thanks to the beautiful striker, a large number of cavalry are eyeing Jingyang, and my disciple Lu ran to the edge of Yongcheng. Qishan made a scene, and Qin Jun thought that the invasion of the Zhao army was imminent, and Yongcheng was at stake, so he hurriedly asked for surrender, and he didn't even give Qin's concubine a chance to bargain."

There have always been voices of anti-war within the Qin state, and with the failure of military adventures, it has become more and more intense, and many clans have asked Zipu to step down and be punished. Uncle Qin was also under great pressure. As a new emperor, his authority had completely fallen from the altar in this war. Therefore, the Qin state was in urgent need of peace. Once the war continued, the autumn harvest would also be affected, and there would be turmoil in the country. The problem in the east of Jingshui.

In short, no matter what the process was, the war between Qin and Jin that lasted for more than half a year ended with the victory of the Zhao clan.

However, the officials and officials under Zhao Wuxi were busier than ever.

The covenant of peace must be refined, and it is indispensable to contact the Qin State. In addition, there is a plan to withdraw the army. It is necessary to reward the troops who have participated in the war for the past six months. Volunteering to join the army, in addition to daily food, all they want is to obtain slaves in the fields and houses with military merit, which is another complicated and important work.

Zhao Wuxi's administration is not as detailed as Qin Shihuang. He usually only sets the general direction, and the details are always handed over to his subordinates, but he just looks over it after completion.

So Zixia and the others were so busy that Zhao Wuxi and Yu Lin's army returned to Dali City in Hexi first, where he wanted to plan another matter with the vassal officials from all over the country: how to deal with the newly acquired territory?


Ren Zhang, who believes in the teachings of Lao Tzu and likes to rule by inaction and rest for the people, was finally brought back to him by Zhao Wuxi after being sent out as a county magistrate for a few years, and let him be responsible for the post-war recovery of the Hedong area.

"Hedong has suffered from war and chaos, and the household registration is three or four out of ten. In some places, there are even ten rooms and nine empty spaces. As for crops... it is delayed from spring ploughing to summer harvest. Most counties and towns basically have no harvest, but good news. Yes, with the end of the war, and the ministers and others recruiting and consoling them on the orders of the minister, the people have returned to their hometowns one after another, such as the people from Yangxian who fled to Taiyuan before, have returned to their hometown to replant crops."

Two months after Ren Zhang took over Hedong, he was already quite effective. Zhao Wuxi nodded and was very satisfied with his actions. With the demise of the Wei clan, the Han clan abandoned Hedong Pingyang and other territories, and Hedong was completely under his control. He planned to set up a new big county: Hedong County.

This will be the most populous county in the Zhao family, starting from Huotai in the north and bordering the Yellow River in the south and the Shangdang Basin in the east, covering the main part of Jin. Even though Hedong suffered from war and chaos, when the refugees returned home, the population was nearly one million, far exceeding that of other counties. Such a large area and population can be divided into at least twenty or thirty counties. The next thing to do is to try to restore the local economy to the level before the war and the disaster. At the same time, it will eliminate the Shiqing clan rule that has lasted for hundreds of years, and turn the people who belonged to different Qing clans in the past into the people of the Zhao clan...

In terms of restoring war wounds, Taoist politics is the most suitable, so Ren Zhang is Zhao Wuxi's favorite Hedong County Chancellor. As for the prefect, he planned to let Dong Anyu retire from the cold Taiyuan and return to his familiar Xinjiangxia Palace to retire.

In addition, as the Han family was forced to give up the territory of Shangdang and Hanoi, the Zhao family and Hanoi would be joined together, Changzi County was changed to Shangdang County, and the administrative office was still in Changzi City. For a time, the weight of this county increased. It is also equivalent to promoting the old minister Yin Duo...

In addition to these inherent territories of the Jin state, there are also the "lost territories" that Zhao Wuxi had just recovered.

As compensation, Shangluo will be handed over to the Han family. In this way, Hewai, Luhun, and Shangluo are connected together, and the scope is consistent with Hongnong County in the later Eastern Han Dynasty. Although this place is large, it is located in the western Henan Mountains, even if it is more than 2,000. Years later, it was also a remote area. Even if Han wanted to start a new business, he could not accumulate strength. It was just far from the center of Zhao's interests and served as a buffer between Zhao and Chu.

What's more, there are also Zhao's garrison at Hangu Pass and Taolinsai watching over them.

Although Duan Gui asked Zhao to pass the Hangu Pass after the banquet at Fenglingdu, Zhao Wuxi excused that this place was the place where his general Liu Xiazhi was killed, and he could not give it to others, so Han had to give up. Taolinsai and Hanguguan are too important, guarding Qin Jin and controlling Sanchuan, Zhao Wuxi does not feel relieved to hand them over to others.

In addition, the Hexi area has been actually controlled by the Zhao clan. In addition to the area east of Jingshui that he just acquired, he intends to combine these three places and set up a new county: "Fengyi County".

"Feng Yi, Feng Yi, there is a saying called 'Feng Feng Yi Yi, the rule of the sky', which is described as numerous and grand. After the covenant is signed, the Zhao family will have a total of 800 miles of Qinchuan with Qin, while Hexi, Jing Together, it occupies three hundred li, the land is vast, and there are many cities and towns, so it is called Feng Yi..." Zhao Wuxi explained to others.

The administrative office of Fengyi County was not located in Shaoliang, because Shaoliang was empty during the war, and it was not difficult to restore the previous prosperity in ten years. Instead, it was located in Dali City, where Zhao Wuxi was located, and it was just renamed Dali.” "Lin Qin", which means that it is on the verge of monitoring the Qin state, the territory of this new county is exactly in line with the "Zuo Fengyi" of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

Although they belong to the same county, the area east of Jingshui, which Jin never ruled, is special. Although he promised to occupy it for only ten years, Zhao Wuxi did not plan to return it to Qin at all. It's just that the local people are quite hostile to the Zhao clan, so Zhao Wuxi planned to temporarily rely on the local clans and nobles such as the Liu clan in Yueyang to maintain the east of the Jingshui before the tentacles of his rule covered the west of the river, and the Zhao clan only stationed the army. Then another county official was stationed in Liyang for indirect rule.

Of course, Zhao Wuxi was not at ease with these local snakes. He asked the clans in each city to select the descendants of the clan and send them to Jin to act as attendants and pen officials by his side. This seems to be a great favor, but in fact those children have also become hostages. Even if each ethnic group has different opinions, they must be weighed and weighed, not to mention the young children who have been nurtured by the Zhao family for a few years, and then return to their hometown, they can replace Their fathers became the cornerstone of Zhao's establishment of rule.

For the Liu family in Liyang, Zhao Wuxi asked Liu De by name. This son is a good talent. If he is trained by his side or sent to the school, there may be surprises in the future.

However, compared to Liu De, Zhao Wuxi expected more from his younger cousin Zhao Jia. If he hadn't gone into Qishan alone to make a scene and frightened Qin Jun, Qin people would not have accepted his conditions so quickly. Therefore, Wu Xie was very concerned about Zhao Jia's whereabouts and life and death.

In the past few days, he sent people to Weinan several times to press the Qin people. On the one hand, he asked for the Prince of Qin as a proton. On the other hand, he also asked the Qin people to explain Zhao Jia's whereabouts. The treaty that has not yet been finalized is a bit harsher~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Not to mention that the Qin State was in a state of distress after being intimidated. One day in early June, news came from the Zhao army camp in Weibei, saying that the disappearance was about half a month. The Zhao Jia is finally back...

Zhao Wuxi was very happy and asked Zhao Jia to come to Qin immediately to reward and encourage him.

War needs heroes and targets that are admired by thousands of people. In the battle of Qi State against Lu many years ago, Zhao Wuxi rode his horse in front of Qi Hou's chariot, beheaded his generals, and seized his flag. He was the hero himself.

In the rebellion of Liuqing, the Zhao clan fought with Fan and Zhongxing. The hero at that time was You Wuzheng, who took a detour from Shuai, the hero who pursued the battle of Qi Jun was Ran Qiu who bravely went out of Qufu to meet the enemy, and the hero of the battle of eradication was Ran Qiu. Yu Xi, who defeated the enemy for eight hundred miles. In this battle of the feudal lords, although Liu Xiazhi was written down, he was already dead, and because of Luoshui's slaughter of prisoners, he should not be a role model. Therefore, Zhao Jia's deeds of going deep in his own army and returning with power should be greatly commended. In addition, he is a child of Zhao's family, and at the delicate juncture of Zhao Wuxi's intention to replace Jin, it is even more worthy of publicity.

Two days later, Zhao Jia arrived, but not only the cavalry Paoze who accompanied him to death, but also some Rong people—Yiqu people!

(To be continued.)

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