Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 1018: My family's 0 miles horse!

ps: There is one more chapter at 12 o'clock

On June 13, when Zhao Jia arrived at Linqin (Dali), the first batch of grain that Qin promised to deliver was being shipped downstream along the Wei River.

They were watching from the shore, but saw a steady stream of ships that were weighed down to the waterline, heading for the dock. The Qin people watched eagerly as the bags of grain were carried down, and swallowed with envy.

In the next ten years, the people of Qin will have to be hungry to transport food to the East...

Zhao Jia breathed a sigh of relief. They crossed Jing with a hundred people, but only less than fifty when they returned, but seeing all this, Paoze's sacrifice was worth it. The war is over, and the living are secretly grateful, and there is no need to be too sad for the dead. Their family can get a lot of comforting fields and grains. , unless his family is extinct, otherwise the military merit field will not be confiscated, but can be passed on to the next generation, and the government will send some laborers and scoundrels to help farming.

Then Zhao Jia and the others arrived at the city gate of Linqin. Linqin was the capital of the Dali Rong Kingdom. Since its demise eight years ago, the Dali people have been ruled by Qin and Wei successively, and now they have been replaced by the Zhao clan. There is no difference in words.

Because Zhao Wuxi lived here recently, and Linqin was selected as the capital of the new county, the Zhao officials who had just arrived in office organized manpower to repair the city towers and city walls that were damaged in the war. The new paint, the sun shines brightly, and although the smoke from the Qin land has only subsided soon, Linqin is already a good atmosphere of peace after the war.

Right next to the city gate, they were warmly welcomed by the unexpectedly warm welcome. Two rows of Yulin guards with distinctive armor stood there, like two rows of poplars. When they saw Zhao Jia and others coming from a distance, they were greeted by the sound of drums and horns. Zhong Qi saluted the ground and let Zhao Jia and others pass through it. They felt like they were treated like heroes...

Zhao Wuxi, also wearing court clothes, stood by the city gate and watched Zhao Jia come over with a smile.

Zhao Jia hurriedly took two steps and took three steps to walk over. From a distance, he bowed down and said, "Brother's size merit, I was lucky enough to come back, how dare I let my brother welcome him in person?"

Zhao's family is not prosperous, and Zhao Wuxi's four brothers are the only one left. Besides, Zhao Yi and Zhao Guangde, who have been entrusted with important tasks and govern the puppet state, have only five or six male members. That's all, and they're all young. But even these younger generations of Zhao clan have a kind of obsessive admiration for Zhao Wuxi, and Zhao Jia is no exception. In their eyes, this cousin of the patriarch is undoubtedly the hero of the family who comes out every five hundred years. , led the Zhao clan to defeat their old enemies, manage the state of Jin, and even swept the feudal lords to dominate the Central Plains. In history, Zhao Chengzi, Zhao Xuanzi, Zhao Wenzi, and Zhao Wuzi, the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter, are not as great as him.

The confidence and arrogance of the Zhao clan's children have reached the peak, so Zhao Jia will bring more than a hundred people into the Qin country, just to prove that the Zhao clan is stronger than Jin Jun!

Now that Zhao Wuxi greeted him personally, it was tantamount to acknowledging the value of his move. How could Zhao Jia not be excited and inexplicable? For a while, there were words of sincerity and sincerity in his mouth.

"Crossing Jing into Qin, attacking Qibei, shaking Yongdu, and prompting Qin to surrender. You have made great achievements this time. You are a hero of the Zhao family, and you have solved the trouble for me.

Zhao Wuxi smiled and helped him up, patted off the dust on his body, and then said to the left and right: "A thousand miles across the Qin land, and come back safely, this is my horse of a thousand miles!"

In the name of Qianliju, he will be with Zhao Jia for the rest of his life...


After entering the city and settling down the tired soldiers, Zhao Wuxi temporarily ignored the soldiers who were eager to come and talk to him, but held a small banquet for Zhao Jia and asked him to talk about his experience these days.

Although I have heard a little about Zhao Jia's adventures these days, I can guess a general idea, but I heard him describe himself as he crossed the Jingshui, crossed the Hou Li and other places where the Jin army had arrived, and set out to Qishan. Can't help but applaud him. It is really very human to go into the hinterland of the enemy country with more than a hundred people alone.

Then Zhao Jia mentioned that he had burned Du Yang, and told the Qin people that Zhao Jun had come forward, and imitated the style and format of "The Book of Jue Qin", leaving a letter, which shocked Yongcheng, and when Uncle Qin was frightened, Zhao Wuxi He clapped his palms and praised, and asked him to retell what he had written, and let the writer write them down one by one.

"Today, the chief minister of the Zhao clan, obeying the order of the emperor and God, and only respectfully executes the punishment of heaven, unifies the power of Jin, and commandes his division to cross the river in order to approach Jingwei. Zhang Jin is angrily, dressed as a soldier at the bottom of the armor, with a hundred thousand flags pointing directly at Yongcheng. , We are the forerunners of Shangqing, burning the small town of Er, to warn: If the Qin society is in danger, and the seven temples and pavilions are soil tiles, it is not the Zhao family who dares to forget Boyi and Feilian, but it is the first Qin Dynasty to reject me. . . …”

After Zhao Jia finished reading this paragraph, Zhao Wuxi was full of praise, and at the same time loved this son even more. Zhao Jia is far superior to his brother Zhao Guangde. He is not only courageous, but also knowledgeable. It is worth sending him to Linzhang Academy to study for three years. .

But Zhao Jia's story is not over yet, and the most exciting thing is after this.

"The Qin people learned about Du Yang's incident, and were inspired by the letter I left, so they dispatched more than a thousand people from Qibei towns to hunt and kill us..."

Dozens of people rode on horses to avoid pursuit and suppression in a strange country, desperate for the world. When it comes to the thrilling place, even Zhao Wuxi sweated for him. Less than half of the people who followed Zhao Jia back, most of them lost their lives during this period. damaged.

"The Qin people seem to be determined to kill us all, knowing that the road to the east has been cut off, and we can only go north. When we arrived near Bindi, the horses we rode were extremely tired and weak after running around for ten days. Gradually, he was caught up and outflanked by Qin chariots. Seeing that he could only turn around and fight to the death, at this critical juncture, a military chariot came out and drove the Qin people away..."

Zhao Jia said to Zhao Wuxi: "These Rong people are the people from Yiqu who came back with me this time..."


In the west, the Rong is called the Rong, who is covered with skin and skin, and there are people who do not eat grains. Although the Rong people have a close relationship with China, they have long been separated due to different lifestyles. Yiqu is a branch of the Rong people and has existed since the Yin and Zhou dynasties. Zhao Wuxi summoned the accompanying historian Zuo Qiuming to inquire, and Zuo Shi told him accurately: "In the 30th year of Wuyi, Master Zhou attacked Yiqu. It's the return of his lord..."

Yiqu has been neighbors with the Zhou people since ancient times. Zhou declined, Quan Rong took advantage of the emptiness to enter, and Yiqu also moved south. They took root in the "Dayuan" area of ​​Jingbei, that is, Guyuan and Pingliang at the junction of Gansu and Shaanxi in later generations. However, because Duke Mu of Qin "benefited the country twelve and opened up a thousand miles", which suppressed the space of the Qunrong, so the Yiqu could only develop north to west, and had no contact with the Central Plains.

After the Zhao family established Shangjun, only through Bai Zhai did he know that two hundred miles west of Shangjun was the sphere of influence of Yiqu. Yi Dun, the level officer who manages the entire northern commerce and trade, tentatively sent a caravan to visit, and some people from Yiqu also came to Shangjun to sell sheepskins, but because of the mountains and mountains, it was difficult to travel, and there was no other way. Exchange more.

However, with Zhao Wuxi's occupation of Jingyang, the Zhao family and Yiqu had direct contact.

He is a little interested in this new neighbor, because it is related to Feng Yi's border defense and stability, so let Zhao Jia continue to talk about what he has seen and heard in Yiqu...

"Although Bindi was the place where the Zhou people were Zhaoxing, after the disaster of Mount Li, the place was occupied by the Rong people again. I can see that Yiqu attracts the remnants of the Zhou people, not only in farming, but also in animal husbandry and hunting, some people speak the language of Qin, and their lords call themselves monarchs, and they also call themselves kings…”

"The last Rong Bang, dare to be the king?" Some people in the banquet were very disdainful, and regarded Yiqu as a little man like the Barbarians.

Zhao Jia didn't answer yet, but Liu De, who was sitting with him, retorted cautiously: "The Yiqu is not small. There are Yiqu, Wuzhi, Xiaoyan, etc. in the northwest of the Qin Dynasty. Among them, the Yiqu is the largest, and its territory is vast. There are hundreds of miles in radius, and the soldiers are brave and good at fighting. When they encounter the confiscation of the army, they will invade and loot, and occasionally a small group of soldiers will run to the vicinity of Jingyang..."

Zhao Jia nodded and said: "Yes, Yiqu was once defeated by Duke Mu of Qin. After more than a hundred years, he recharged his strength and built a fortress to defend himself. Although his country is remote and deep in the mountains, the land is fertile and the water and grass are lush. After they were rescued, they followed them back to Lord Yiqu's hunting tent by the Jingshui River. Although it was simple, there were many soldiers."

Wuxi asked, "How many soldiers does Lord Yiqu have?"

"I don't know the exact number, but it's not difficult to dispatch 20,000 to 30,000 people at a time. It's just that there are many clans in Yiqu, and their rulers are selected from each clan, and they are often enemies of each other. Therefore, in the past few hundred years, there has been no threat to Qin. Big……"

Afterwards, Zhao Jia also talked about the customs that he saw in Yiqu, such as "the relatives die, gather firewood and burn them, and smoke it up, which is called Dengxia". This kind of cremation custom, which is despised by the people of the Central Plains, is a common practice among all ethnic groups in the Rong clan. commonplace. Moreover, the people of Yiqu "take death in battle as auspiciousness, and end in illness as ominous", and they are very brave in private battles.

According to Zhao Jia, after they met Lord Yiqu in the upper reaches of the Jingshui River, Lord Yiqu didn't care at first, but after learning that they were Zhao Jun, who was the enemy of Qin, he didn't dare to neglect them. No matter how blocked Yi Canal is, he also knows that in recent years, a strong "Zhao Kingdom" has emerged in the east, and even Shangdi Bai Zhai has surrendered to Zhao. So the people from Yiqu treated Zhao Jia and others with food and a good place to live, and even gave them women...

After some internal discussions, Yiqu decided to send someone to send them back, but the messenger of Yiqu also followed, and it seemed that he wanted to establish contact with Zhao.

Zhao Wuxi had no interest in the land of the Yiqu Kingdom at all... Not to mention the current Zhao clan, even the Qin Kingdom in its heyday would rather go to fight with the eastern princes, and would rather cross the "difficult to get to the blue sky" Shu Road, go to To open up Bashu, he was unwilling to move a few steps north. It was not until King Zhaoxiang of Qin that he destroyed Yiqu and established Beidi County.

The reason is that the Yiqu, Rong and Di were too poor in the pre-Qin era, and the poor mountains and rivers made troublesome people. From the Qin and Han Dynasties to the Song Dynasty, this area has not been developed. It is still the world of the Tibetans, and even the Xixia Party members despise their vulgarity and barbarism.

That's why Zhao Wuqi went to fight this meatless idea after he was full and supported...

"But after all, my generation saved my family's Qianliju, and we will be neighbors in the future, and we must have some dealings, so let's meet."

With this thought in mind, the next day, Zhao Wuxi summoned the messenger of Yiqu.

The messenger of Yiqu took a lot of thought for this interview. He did not know where to find a dark robe, and his loose hair was tied into a bun, and he knew how to bow when he entered, which shows that he has a rough etiquette.

It's just the bad Qin dialect that makes people want to laugh.

"Jun Yiqu asked the villain to see Jun Zhao and ask Hou Zhao Jun to be safe."

The opening remarks were stern, but when he spoke again, the envoy put forward a suggestion that stunned everyone in the room.

"Jun Yiqu still wants the villain to ask, would Zhao Jun and Yiqu destroy Qin and share the land?" (To be continued.)

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