Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 1028: Will Wang Sun return? (superior)

In late September, the towns of Negumi and other towns in the southwest of Zheng State.

"This area was originally the domain of the Zhou family. More than ten years ago, Dr. Zhou Dan Pian led a prince to rebel against the Yu Party and led Zheng's army to join the bandits. Therefore, the six cities of Feng, Hua, Xu Mi, Neusi, Foxren, and Quewai were captured by Zheng. After the state of Jin occupied the kingdom, although the state of Jin helped the King of Zhou to retake it for a while, it soon fell back to Zheng."

Because the state of Zheng had shrunk all its forces to Xinzheng, there was little resistance in its border towns. After half a month of fierce battles, a group of three to five thousand Zhao clan divisions had already occupied this area. Wang Sunsheng was the commander of this army.

Once again, Wang Sunsheng felt a lot when he rode the horse in Zhengdi.

In the past, I have gone, Yang Liu Yiyi; now I will think about it, Yu Xue Fei Fei... It has been half a year since the tragic battle of Lu Hun, Wang Sun Sheng and Mei Jian Chi successfully resisted the northern invasion of the Chu army, and even took Chu King Zhao was dragged to death under the city.

However, after the incident, when they returned to Hedong to discuss merits and rewards, both Wang Sunsheng and Meijianchi scolded each other fiercely. Wang Sunsheng said that Meijianchi "doesn't know the military, and he overstepped his authority to command without authorization", and Meijianchi said that Wang Sunsheng "has no experience with the military." Determined to die, want to retreat."

These two people have conflicting personalities, and each has his own reasoning.

Zhao Wuxi's handling was fairly fair. After listening to the testimony of Lu Hun's survivors, he did not punish Wang Sunsheng for being closer to Meijianchi. Instead, he recognized that he was responding to the situation in the first battle of Lu Hun, and Zhao Wuxi summoned him personally. He encouraged him to give some gold and silk, and a thousand mu of food fields.

But that's all there is to it, because such a "reasonable judgment" of Wang Sunsheng cannot be publicly praised. On the other hand, Meijianchi's treatment is much higher. After surviving from the ruins, he almost became a Zhao on the southern front. Heroes and role models in the eyes of the army. Zhao Wuxi needed him to stand at the front desk as an example of never giving up, so he made a lot of publicity and added officials to the nobility. However, after this incident, Wu Xie also believed that the eyebrows did not have any military talents, so he simply transferred back to his side to be Lang Wei. His crime of killing the Prince of Jin was so lightly exposed...

Although Wang Sunsheng was a little jealous and resentful, for him, as long as Zhao Wuxi didn't hide him, he could accept it. After learning that the new battle plan was to conquer Zheng State, Wang Sunsheng immediately took the initiative to ask Ying again. Considering that Wang Sunsheng had fought against Zheng Jun many times and was familiar with the terrain of Ilo, Zhao Wuxi ordered him to command 5,000 men from Zhou Shilu. Yuanguan took the road and attacked the cities behind the Zheng Kingdom.

In the late September, after winning the towns of Neusi and other places, because of the verdant Taishi Mountain (Song Mountain) in the north, Wang Sunsheng led his troops to the east and marched along the Yingshui River. They wandered forward, through the rolling hills of western Henan into the Yingshui Valley. The country of Zheng was fertile and fertile, with not only mulberry and hemp fields, but also many fruit trees.

Two days later, they arrived at Yong's City...

Yong's City has a long history. According to legend, it was the place where the Yellow Emperor ordered his minister Yong Fu to make a pestle and mortar, so it was named Yong's. The city towers high on the broad and fertile Yingbei Plain. After an autumn rain, the muddy ground is mottled by a horse's hoof and footprints.

In Wang Sunsheng's eyes, everything is so familiar: the cracked rammed earth walls in Waiguo were built in summer or Shang, and when the autumn rain swept away, thick moss grew in the gaps. Neiguo has been renovated in recent years. The entire city wall is nearly square, and the walls are two feet high and extremely thick. However, due to the lack of guards, the city quickly fell under the siege equipment of the Zhao army. After Wang Sunsheng entered, he found that most of the people had fled, and only some lucky ones stayed.

Because of the concern that the siegeists would take advantage of the city, the forests within ten miles around the city were basically cleared, but there was still a small forest near the temple in the inner country...

This is a strong banyan tree, and these trees are said to be as old as Yongshi City. Especially the one in the middle, it is the ancestor of this group of banyan trees. After the fall, the leaves gradually fall, leaving only the whiskers hanging down weakly, like a tired old man, but the huge branches are like skinny ones. Fingers stubbornly stretched out to the sky, the top branches can even be seen outside the city, a few nests of cuckoo birds are nesting on it, and when the sun goes down, they fly back one after another, making short and shrill calls.

"Zigui! Zigui!"

When stepping into this forest, Wang Sunsheng felt that his heartbeat was about to stop.

This city, this tree, this scene, he especially remembered it in his heart!

Back then, his father, Prince Jian, was executed under this tree by the Zheng people!

Although many things were traced back by Wu Zixu, with this fragmented memory, Wang Sunsheng can completely splicing out the situation at that time...

His father, Crown Prince Jian, was the Crown Prince of Chu Ping. Because his fiancée (Bo Ying) was captured by his father, there was a rift between father and son. With the instigation of traitor Fei Wuji, Crown Prince Jian was forced to leave the capital of Chu and live as a father in the city. The following year, Fei Wuji slandered the King of Chu Ping again, slandering the Crown Prince Jian to join Jin to rebel against Chu and rebel against Chu. After King Chu Ping had his son Xiong Zhen, he already regarded Prince Jian as a thorn in the eye, so he decided to put him to death, along with Wu Zixu's family. Extinct.

Prince Jian didn't want his predecessor Shen Sheng to be as foolish, loyal and filial. He immediately ran to Song in fear, where he gave birth to Wang Sunsheng with a girl from the state of Qi. Later, in order to avoid the chaos of Song Guohua Xiang, he moved to Zheng, and the state of Zheng sent him to Zheng. Sealed in the Yong family, as a local doctor, Wu Zixu also ran to defect.

The first time in Yong's family should be happy. Although it already belongs to the Central Plains, it is not far from Chu, and the climate is not very different. Not only are there southern trees such as banyans, but the folk are also gradually infected with Chu wind. Wang Sunsheng can imagine that his baby years must have been sleepy in this sunny banyan forest.

As for the adults, they are planning conspiracies under the shadows of trees.

Insufficient people's hearts, like snakes swallow elephants, although Zheng Guo's monarchs and officials are not bad to Prince Jian, but Prince Jian and Wu Zixu never forget to return to Chu to reset and take revenge. Therefore, Prince Jian colluded with Duke Qing of Jin when he was envoy to Jin on behalf of Zheng, and agreed that when Jin attacked Zheng, Prince Jian would act as an inner responder in the Yong clan.

However, the time was not yet ripe, and one of Prince Jian’s cronies sold the plan to the monarch and minister of the State of Zheng. Duke Zheng Ding and Uncle Zi made a decisive decision and sent troops to the Yong clan. With the cooperation of the local people, they would be stubbornly resisting in this banyan forest. The prince built the slaughter with the sword.

As for the infant Wang Sunsheng, after his mother committed suicide in desperation, when the Zheng people outside were arguing about whether to kill him or leave him in the wild, he was rescued by the daring Wu Zixu, one big and one small embarked on the road of escape. This departure is more than 30 years...

"Zigui! Zigui!" The cuckoo was still tweeting, and that day, it must have been the cuckoo's blood...

Now Wang Sunsheng is back, back to the place where his father's life ended. He is in his thirties and has accomplished nothing. He must face this hatred, which is the basis for his survival.

After the army counted the food and supplies that could still be found in the city, a brigade commander came to ask for instructions: "Lieutenant, what should I do with this city?"

"Burn the city!" Wang Sunsheng gave the order without hesitation.

"But..." The brigade commander hesitated. Zhao Wuxi's statement of "don't kill people, don't destroy houses, and don't fill wells" was still effective. His war purpose was not to turn the Central Plains into a no-man's land. , especially the land that is sure to be taken, if the Zheng people don't resist, they don't have to kill them all.

Wang Sunsheng had his own reasons: "Yingshui is to the south of Yong's family, and the state of Chu is dozens of miles south of Yingshui. This is the place where Chu teachers must go north to rescue Zheng. If Chu people come here, Yong's family may not be able to guard it. , it is better to burn it than to let the heavy cities and towns here help the enemy!"

The brigade commander left in a hurry, and muttered as he left, "Not to mention whether the people of Chu will come or not, if you leave this town, you can defend it on the spot..."

Having said that, because Wang Sunsheng had enough "reasons", as his subordinates should believe his judgment, Zhao Jun still carried out this order and reduced Yong's city to ashes! Crackling crackling, brick and tile walls cracked in the flames, and some townspeople who hid in the cellar and did not escape became the ghosts of the fire.

In the back of the burning city, Wang Sunsheng's face was stern, but he was laughing wildly in his heart.

Now that Duke Zheng Ding is dead, and Uncle Zi's son You Su has also died on the Hedong battlefield, but for Wang Sunsheng, his revenge has just begun.

First of all, this is the small town of the Yong family!

Zhao Jun set fire all the way~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The entire Yingshui Valley was illuminated by fire, and the woods, farmland and orchards surrounding Yongshi City were all wiped out - only the soil and ashes were left, as well as the scattered charred Houses and ruins.

This is Wang Sunsheng's revenge for Yong's helping Zheng Guojun to kill his father! He only wished that he could openly imitate the thief Zhi and slaughter all its citizens!

But it wasn't over yet. Wang Sunsheng, who had already been swept away by his own anger and no longer considered the overall situation of the battle, turned his eyes to the north with the army.

A few dozen li to the north is the suburb of Xinzheng, where Wang Sunsheng will join the Zhao army. This time, he wants to make the taxis and women who spend the whole day in the spring and autumn hunting by the feasting and feasting Qinshui River, smiling and looking forward, feel incomparably terrified. He wants to let Zheng Guojun and ministers watch in despair The city wall was broken, and he wanted to watch the country that killed his father, completely perish, and the ancestral temple to dust!

However, just after crossing the Wei River and seeing the city wall of Xinzheng, Wang Sunsheng learned a piece of news that shocked and angry:

Zheng Guo has asked Zhao for peace, but Zhao Wuxi wants to release Zheng and not die!

ps: There is another chapter in the evening (to be continued.)

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