Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 1029: Will Wang Sun return? (middle)

Zheng Guo's quest for peace may seem sudden, but it has been brewing for a long time.

In fact, long before the battle of Zhao Zhengluo Shang, there had always been some anti-war voices in Zheng Guo, who believed that joining Lian Heng would be unprofitable for Zheng Guo. However, the brutal slaughter of prisoners by the Robber Zhi in the Luobei battle silenced these people, and the country was infuriated. For a time, Zhao and Zheng were like mortal enemies, and insisting on fighting to the end became politically correct.

But at that time, it was when Qin and Wei were still unbeaten, and when Chu State went north, the outcome of the war was unknown, and the people of Zheng State also reported a bit of luck. They didn't know that in this war, almost every force was in Counting on others by chance.

When King Zhao of Chu died of illness and his troops retreated, the dust settled in Hedong, Yousu died in battle, and Zheng's expedition troops were either killed or captured, and Zheng's country could no longer be turned over.

During the period, there were also envoys from Zheng State who came to contact Zhao, hoping to end the state of war and let the two sides pass the buck. However, Zhao Wuxi obviously could not accept such peace, and put forward extremely excessive conditions. Naturally, Zheng Guo could not easily accept such terms of national subjugation. They refused to step back at the negotiating table, so the Zhao family could only take it by himself.

There are only less than 30,000 troops in the country of Zheng, but Zhao Jun has dispatched 50,000 troops. How can they fight?

In September, the territory of Zheng State was attacked from the north and the south. Zhao Wuxi's handsome division got through all the way along the Jishui River. The army of Mucha and Qi Wan also approached Xinzheng.

For a time, Xinzheng, who had been very vocal against Zhao, was also panicking, and the surrender faction raised its head again. However, the stubborn anti-Zhao faction, the ruling Handa is still relatively optimistic. He believes that the strength and food of the Zheng state have been concentrated in Xinzheng. As long as it is delayed until winter, the Zhao army will retreat. Until next year, Wu Shi will come from Chen Guobei, or To put more pressure on Lu Song, Zhao Jun had to give up the plan to conquer Zheng State.

However, not everyone thinks so. On the seventh day of Xinzheng's siege, a mutation happened...

When Handa, the ruler of Zheng State, was wearing court clothes, many doctors suddenly poured out from the two ques, approached him intimately, and saluted him. Handa did not suspect him, and when he returned the salute, those doctors suddenly showed their daggers from their sleeves and stabbed Handa twenty-three times in a row!

After Handa fell in a pool of blood, a coup was also launched in Xinzheng.

The Han clan and You clan, who fought stubbornly, were besieged by the other five clans. Han Da was dead, and You Su was killed outside. There were no real power figures from these two clans to turn the tide. Controlled by Shi, Guo Shi, Liang Shi, Yin Shi, Feng Shi.

After the victory of the Wumu coup, the first thing he did was to cut off Handa's head and send him out of the city, as the sincerity of Zheng's request for peace.

Zhao Wuxi readily accepted this.

After Si Hong finished offering his head, according to the agreement, he left a son and Wu Mu's direct son as hostages in the Zhao camp, and he returned to the city to prepare for surrender.

As long as Zhao Wuxi completes the terms of the peace agreement, and Zheng Guo accepts it in full, the peace talks will be over with a certainty...


When Wang Sunsheng left his army and commanded a few light cavalry to fly to Zhao's camp, Zhao Wuxi was working on a peace treaty with his advisors...

Wang Sunsheng was so anxious that he stormed into the tent without notice, bringing a gust of wind and rolling the candles and the corner of the map inside the tent, causing Zhao Wuxi to frown unhappily.

"Shangqing, I heard that Zheng Guo begged for surrender..."


Before Wang Sunsheng could finish speaking, the road ahead was blocked by several Yulin guards. Another adopted son of Zhao Qing, Wu Lin, glared at him and drew his sword to block Zhao Wuxi.

Because they both belong to the Yulinwei system, they are relatively close to Meijianchi, and they judge a person based on whether they can die for Zhao Qing, so they are very disgusted and dissatisfied with Wang Sunsheng. Seeing him so disrespectful at this moment, how could he give him good fruit to eat? Immediately, several people gathered around, sandwiched Wang Sunsheng in the middle, and shouted sharply, "Kneel down!"

Wang Sunsheng was beaten in the head, sobered up a little bit, and bowed down to Zhao Wuxie, who was wearing a big cloak and had a grim face, saying, "Chen Sheng has broken through several towns in the southwest of Zheng Kingdom, and will join forces with the army in Xinzheng before the deadline. I'm here to deliver the military order!"

Zhao Wuxi sat down after the case, tasted the new tea that had been cultivated after the wild tea was found from Wu and Chu, and said lightly, "Where is your handsome teacher?"

Wang Sunsheng broke out in cold sweat: "It's still five miles away."

"The Zhao family has a well-written military law. When a commander joins forces with a friendly army, he must first report to the commander of the army, send an envoy to report it once, and then hand over the military order in person after camping. Now the Zhao army is in enemy territory, and there is no one to restrain his troops five miles away. The captain of the school rammed into my tent alone, military judge, what is the crime?"

The military officer in black with a black crown and an old-fashioned face said: "This is dereliction of duty, the staff will be punished for thirty, the job will be cut, and the salary will be fined."

"Zhao's family is established by law, and the army is governed by law. It must not be lax. Please ask the military judge to supervise the execution immediately."

After speaking, Zhao Wuxi ignored Wang Sunsheng, turned his head and continued to look at the map with all his attention. The territory of the Zheng Kingdom, which was originally connected by dark blue, has been marked out by the black Zhao's tone.

In the eyes of humiliation, Wang Sunsheng was dragged out by the Yulin guards, and he took a stance on the grass outside and beat him with thirty military sticks. It will be fine in a few days. Some of them seem to have minor trauma, but in fact they are bruised inside, which makes them even more painful and unbearable. These Yulin guards used the latter method to beat Wang Sunsheng, but Wang Sunsheng didn't say a word during the whole process. Halfway through the fight, Wu Lin thought he fainted from the pain, and tried to wake him up with cold water, but Wang Sunsheng's eyes were red, staring in the direction of Xinzheng City. I couldn't help but slow down the movements of my hands, and my heart palpitated...

It was like this until the end, and after the 30 sticks were finished, Wang Sunsheng was carried into the big tent again. But he pushed left and right, shook off the support of Yulin's guards, and insisted on walking in slowly on his knees with his lower body that was beaten to the ground, so that the ground was full of blood spots, and the whole person looked like a fallen human. The plucked phoenix.

It was so tragic that the people in the tent couldn't help but change color. Zixia couldn't bear it, so he asked: "Wangsun, you have abandoned your army and traveled so fast, what do you have to say to Shangqing?"

Wang Sunsheng bowed his head three times to Zhao Wuxi, who had been calm from the beginning to the end, and said loudly: "Shangqing, Chen Sheng is guilty, but Zheng Guo must not be destroyed!"

Wu Xie finally gave him a positive look, and motioned to Wang Sunsheng: "Go on."


"Firstly, Zheng Dixiong stands on the Central Plains, and controls the dangerous key points. It is the rush between the north and the south. In ancient times, Xia and Shang were divided here. In modern times, Jin and Chu have fought for hegemony here. ;The West controls Hulao~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There is no lack of resistance from mountains and rivers; Nantong Cai, Deng, actually cover Huai, Han defense, east Cao, Song, Shangqing wants to compete with Qi and Wu, must first get Zheng! The land is fertile, the merchants and merchants are popular, the people are rich, and the land is rich. If the Shangqing can obtain this place, the benefit is no less than that of the Hedong County!"

This is the most subtle summary of Zheng's geographical situation that Zhao Wuxi has ever heard.

"Secondly, the state of Zheng may be subordinate to Chu or Jin, and it has been repeated twenty or thirty times before and after! If you ask for peace today, but tomorrow you will tear up your oath before your blood is dry, such a capricious generation cannot be trusted! Shangqing will fight with Wu and Qi in Songlu next year, and Zheng Guo will take the opportunity to raise troops to fight again. Xinzheng is only two hundred miles away from Hanoi, and it will be a serious disaster for the Zhao family! Now Zheng Guo's soldiers are nearly half dead and wounded, the country is empty, and people's hearts Panic, it's a good time to destroy Zheng!"

This section also analyzes the temperament of Zheng Guoren very well.

Wang Sunsheng looked at Zhao Wuxi earnestly, expecting his approval, so he invited Ying again and sent troops into the city. After winning the city, they will slaughter the Dukes and Qimu of the Zheng Kingdom. If possible, they will even burn down their ancestral temples to completely destroy the history of the Zheng people. Only in this way can the hatred be relieved.

In terms of emotion and reason, Wang Sunsheng felt that his reasons were flawless, and he hoped that Zhao Wuxi could be persuaded! (To be continued.)

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