Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 1069: oriole behind

ps: Recommend a book "1885 British Tycoon", Victorian England, readers who like foreign history can collect it for trial reading


In mid-June, standing above the city of Wu, looking at the Vietnamese troops camped outside the moat, the Prince of Wu looked solemn and muttered to himself, "I have already said that you can't send troops rashly, if you are defeated, Then the Yue people will have no scruples, but no one will listen to my son's words..."

The son Ji Zha knew that Helu and Fuchai, the king of Wu, could not be changed, so he put his energy on Fuchai's prince friend and taught him personally. Affected by Ji Zha, the prince did not have tattoos and haircuts like his grandfather and father, but combed the Central Plains style bun, wore clothes, and read poems and books.

This way of life is incompatible with the majority of people in Wu State, but although Fu Chai claims to be "I am a barbarian, I am not responsible for my etiquette", in fact, he is bent on hegemony in the Central Plains, and also wants the future of Wu State to develop to the north and integrate into the Xia. Therefore, he did not allow his son to dress up in a neutral way. The only thing that Fu Chai didn't like was that the prince was kind and kind, he didn't like killing and war, and he didn't have the ambition to dominate the world and compete in the Central Plains, which was very different from his own character.

What's more serious is that the gentleness of the prince's friend is unapproved by the generals of the state of Wu, which also led to the fact that when Fu Chai went on an expedition, although he ordered the prince to supervise the country, he had little right to speak in the court.

In late May, the Yue Kingdom suddenly announced a rebellion, and began to send troops to counterattack all over the country, expelling Wu officials, all the Yue people in Wu Kingdom rebelled, and the south of Zhejiang was no longer owned by Wu Kingdom.

There was nothing to do in the capital city of Wu, because Fuchai took away the main force of the Wu army, and the partial division was also placed in Huainan to defend the Chu people, and it would not be able to be transferred back for a while. He only left less than 10,000 people in the country - all because of Fuchai's contempt for Yue and his inexplicable trust. Now that the incident happened suddenly, and there was no old official like Wu Zixu to preside over the overall situation, Wu Guo suddenly fell into chaos.

After recovering the homeland south of Zhejiang, Gou Jian immediately dispatched Fan Li and Xie Yong to lead a navy of two thousand and dozens of ships to enter the coast of Wu State by sea, land from the east, and hit Sanjiangkou. While Chou Wuyu and Ouyang set off from the land, leading 3,000 forwards, taking advantage of the domestic emptiness of Wu State, they defeated several Wu divisions in a row.

Prince You, Prince Di, Wang Sun Miyong, Shou Yuyao and others who stayed behind looked at the Yue people array from Hongshui, the outer moat of Wucheng. When Wang Sun Miyong saw the Yue people holding the flag of Gumiao, he could not help gnashing his teeth. His father was The prince of Wu State was ordered to station in Gumian, the western border of Yue State, to monitor the Yue people. This time, the Yue people suddenly rebelled and seized his flag. I think he himself was killed.

So Wangsun Miyong decided to fight, saying: "This is my father's flag, I can't see revenge but not kill!"

Friends of the prince hurriedly advised him: "Wait a minute! The King of Kong went north, and the Yue people took advantage of the situation to rebel. Now the three rivers and five lakes are not owned by Wu, but as long as the city is defended, the Wu city will not be lost, and the Yue people will not be able to become a climate. Now Wang Sun thinks If you want to go to battle, you won't be able to fight, and the domestic army will be empty, and I'm afraid Wu will be destroyed! Please wait for Huainan reinforcements to arrive before going to battle!"

Wang Sun Miyong, who was in charge of the military affairs in the city, did not agree, because the prince's friend was polite, and dressed "not like Wu people". Wu generals who advocated war always looked down on him, and they did not listen to his orders, and gathered the only five thousand left in the city. When the people went out to fight, Wang Zidi and Shou Yuyao also went out of the city together.

On June 10th, the Wu and Yue armies fought on the outskirts of the city. Because of the shortage of Chou and the small number of troops in Ouyang, they began to retreat after a while. The Wu people were overjoyed and chased them all the way. However, when they reached the Sanjiangkou, they encountered the main force of Goujian, the king of Yue, who was ambushed in the reeds. It turned out that this was a fraudulent defeat...

On the 11th, the two sides fought again at Shixiongyi. Although the five thousand Wu people fought hard for a long time, they were attacked by the Yue Guoshui Army. Brave, after a day of fighting, the winner was finally decided. Wangsun Miyong and Shou Yuyao were captured, Wang Zidi died in battle, and the entire Wu army was annihilated!

On the 12th, the victorious Vietnamese army approached the outskirts of Wudu again. The main force of Goujian's relatives and coaches set up camp under the city and tried to attack the city, while Fan Li continued to command the navy to head north from the sea and enter the river, blocking the relationship between Wu and the army of the northern expedition. The connection between them also made it impossible for the Huainan Wu army to go south smoothly. And they didn't dare to go south. The Huainan Wu army soon discovered that the people of Chu had also launched an attack on Qunshu, and the commander was precisely the upstart King Sun Sheng of Chu who was named "Bai Gong"...

The urgent letter from the friend of the prince was hurriedly sent to Huainan just before the Yue National Boat Division blocked the river, and then traveled for hundreds of miles before finally reaching the hands of Fu Chai...


Seeing Wu Zixu, being separated, and even his own son, the crown prince's fears becoming a reality, Fuchai was severely injured, and after a few slashes with his sword, he said angrily: "I regret not listening to my son's words!"

During the period after Wu Zixu was killed, no one in Wu State dared to enter the Chauffa, but the young prince friend bewildered and used another way to remind his father and king.

Every day, he took the slingshot to and fro under the platform of Suzhou, and his clothes didn't stop when the dew got wet. Finally, the prince's strange behavior caught the attention of Fuchai, when Fuchai asked him what he was doing, the prince friend replied: "Father, please look, there is a cicada on the tree, drinking dew, and I don't know there is a mantis. After trying to catch it, the mantis was about to pounce, but I didn't know that another oriole was creeping beside him! The oriole stretched its neck to peck the mantis, but I didn't know that the boy had opened his slingshot under the tree and wanted to shoot it! All three just wanted to get The immediate interests, but the future troubles! There is nothing more stupid in the world than this!"

After hearing this, King Wu looked hesitant. He knew that his son was comparing Qi to a cicada, Zhao to a mantis, Wu to a oriole, Chu and Yue to a slingshot under a tree. The boy, in a different way, reminded him to pay attention to the calamity and killing opportunities lurking behind him!

At the time, he only thought that this was Wu Zixu's "legacy", and with a flick of his sleeve, he said contemptuously, "Ruzi's words, military affairs, what do you know!?"

But now, Fu Chai discovered that he had become a "stupid in the world" who only looked at the immediate future and ignored the troubles in the future.

He laughed at himself: "Few people know the soldiers in the territory, they have exhausted the wealth of the treasury, and violently marched thousands of miles north to the Central Plains. They only know how to cross the border, but they don't know that Goujian chooses dead soldiers to go out of the three rivers, enter the five lakes, slaughter my master Wu, and surround my capital. !"

After he finished speaking, Fu Chai grabbed Bo Xi, who was on the ground begging for guilt, and said angrily, "Didn't you say that Gou Jian is loyal and will never rebel! What about now?"

"It's you, it's you who framed Zixu and asked the widow to kill him. It's better for the widow to kill you, the calamity of the country!"

Bo Xi was trembling, speechless, and the husband was so angry that he raised his sword to kill him to vent his anger, but Wang Sunluo stopped the husband.

"Your Majesty! Killing Zixu is already a wrong thing. To kill Dazai today is to kill the pillar of a country again!"

Wang Sunluo knew very well that although Bo Xi was greedy and treacherous, his ability to govern was not bad. After Wu Zixu's death, the government affairs of Wu state were basically undertaken by Bo Xi alone. If nothing else, it is said that in this war, from Dajiang to Xudi, all the food transportation along the way was in charge of Bo Xi's cronies. If Fu Chai killed him today to vent his anger, then Bo Xi's cronies might rebel or run away. In that case, the Wu people's rear would be in chaos.

Fuchai also knew that killing Bo Xi now would be of no avail~www.wuxiaspot.com~ so he stopped, kicked him in disgust and told him to get out. He then kept pacing in the hall and said to Wang Sunluo: "The army was defeated in Sishang, and after the Yue people and the Chu people attacked the Wu state again, the capital of the country is at stake, and the prince is in an emergency. What should we do now?"

Wang Sunluo suggested closely: "The most urgent task is to block the news. Domestic affairs must not be known to the three armed forces, let alone Pengcheng Song Gong, Huang Yuan, etc., otherwise the military will be unstable and things will change!"

Fu Chai nodded slightly, and asked people to entertain the seven messengers of Wu who came to report the letter. After they got drunk, they killed them all with cruel heart!

Pity that these Wu people were desperate, and they did everything they wanted, but they were poisoned by their own kings.

After doing this, Fu Chai's original plan to fight Zhao Wuxi with the army was gone, and the country was in a mess. If the army was damaged here again, Wu Guo would die even if he didn't want to. Wang Sunluo struck the iron in the heat, and said: "Your Majesty, why don't you send an envoy to Zhaoying to see if you can negotiate with the Duke of Zhao and turn the war into jade and silk?"

ps: there is another chapter in the evening

(To be continued.)

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