Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 1070: Dazai??/a>

After returning to the Spring and Autumn Period, Zhao Wuxi met many ancient people, including the warriors of the country, the assassins who died for confidants, the mediocre nobles, and the common people who were eager for status. As for celebrities, he has seen Confucius, a "sage" who is worshipped by later generations but is now just a displaced old man; he has seen Liu Xiazhi, a robber who has killed countless people across the mountains and rivers;

But he has never seen a traitor, especially a big traitor like Bo Xi, who can be called "stinking for thousands of years".

In mid-July, when an envoy of Wu State arrived at Zhao Wuxi's camp east of Mount Mangdang, and revealed that he was actually the Dazai of Wu State, Zhao Wuxi had to ask someone to welcome him in, and at the same time. Take a close look at his appearance.

Unlike the traitorous officials in his imagination, Bo Xi's appearance is even handsome. When he was young, he must have been a handsome gentleman of the Chu state. Now he lives too luxuriously and richly, causing his figure to be out of shape and inevitably bloated. But his eyes are still shrewd and strong, and after entering the camp, he can be neither humble nor arrogant, without wagging his tail and begging for mercy.

However, Zhao Wuxi was not confused by his appearance, but said with a smile: "I didn't expect Dazai to dare to come to see Gu. For Dazai, Gu has never seen him, so I heard his voice first."

He stretched out his hand and asked Zixia next to him to hold up a book on silk and read: "The son of Yang Wu Tie is the son of the maid of Di, who is close to evil and eccentric, who kills the loyal and the good, who marries his elder sister and slaughtered his elder brother. I can't tolerate... I don't know how to repent without mercy, and I even persecuted the Ji Ji, asking for a seal for her, as if stealing the seven cauldrons and listing them as princes. This is the shame of Ji's surname and the shame of her husband..."

Only halfway through the reading, Bo Xi's face changed, and the secret thought was not good.

Sure enough, Zhao Wuxi asked with a sullen face: "Is this the writing of Dazai's handwriting of this husband Chai's crusade against Zhao?"

Bo Xi did not panic, but laughed loudly: "As a minister of Wu, when Wu State and Zhao State are enemies, naturally in the written text, he will do everything to smear Zhao Hou, otherwise he will not be regarded as a loyal minister. But now..."

"Okay, that widow will fulfill Dazai and let you be the eternal loyal soul of Wu!"

Zhao Wuxi interrupted him, clapping his hands, and immediately several fully-armed Yulin guards entered, trying to drag Bo Xi out and kill him.

Only then did Bo Xi's expression change, and he shouted, "If the two armies fight against each other, it is a courtesy!"

"Wu State did not do much in the funeral, why should the widow pay attention to military rituals with a barbarian country?" Zhao Wuxi waved his hand, as if he didn't want to talk nonsense with Bo Xi.

Bo Xi was completely panicked now, who knew that Zhao Hou did not play cards according to common sense at all, he did not care that he represented Wu State, and screamed in a changed voice: "The foreign minister and Zhao Hou are also considered to be the same. It is a relative, and I hope Zhao Hou will spare his life for the sake of his in-laws, spare his life!"

"Relative?" Zhao Wuxi thought about it for a long time, and then he seemed to remember and smiled: "That's right, Qu Ao, the uncle of the eldest son of the widow, happens to be the son-in-law of Dazai. In this way, Dazai is still the elder of the widow. I don't know. Where is Qu Ao, is he all right?"

Bo Xi hurriedly said: "Your Majesty wanted to kill Qu Ao, but fortunately, a foreign minister guaranteed him, but now Wu is relieved of his duties by His Majesty, to accompany his wife and children in Huainan..."

"Sure enough, he was put under house arrest by the husband..." Zhao Wuxi sighed. Since the contradiction between Zhao and Wu has surfaced, the news of Xing Ao has been cut off for half a year. Zhao Wuxi is a little worried about him. Now it seems that if it is not Qu Ao Holding Bo Xi's thigh, I'm afraid he won't be able to live.

Having said that, Wu Xie has been kind to Bo Xi a lot, and he stood up and threw his hands to him and asked for a seat.

Of course, there is no need to threaten again: "My concubine misses this younger brother very much. If my husband almost refuses to send him back, I can only go to the south to welcome him."

Bo Xi was frightened and sweated, but he did not forget his purpose.

He said to Zhao Wuxi eloquently: "Qu Ao will soon come to the north to meet the prince. After all, it is common for the two countries to fight and settle down. In the past, Qin State also fought with Chu State, and the Qin people attacked. Shangtu killed a lot of Chu people, but later the two countries formed a marriage relationship for generations, sharing weal and woe. Now Zhao Guo and Wu Guo are also fighting against Sishang because of a little misunderstanding..."

"Small misunderstanding?" Zhao Wuqi sneered: "This is very different from the rhetoric of the surname Ji, who is called the leader of Ji's surname, and wants to slaughter and slaughter my different surname."

"The news from the north and the south is inconvenient. The widow and the princes failed to communicate in time. Instead, they listened to the words of foreign lobbyists. Now that I think about it, I regret it. Fortunately, it is not too late to see the rabbits and let the dogs go. Therefore, the state of Wu hopes to have a truce with the state of Zhao. Restoring peace talks..."

"Fuchai wants to ask for peace?" After figuring out Bo Xi's purpose, Zhao Wuxi's expression on his face was very interesting. With Fuchai's bad face above everything else, he was willing to bow his head to himself. It was really the sun that came from the west. . Come to think of it, the dark son that he buried in the country of Vietnam has already had an effect, right? And Bo Xi, who has always supported the preservation of the Yue Kingdom, has also been greatly suspected. This time, he took the initiative to come to the Zhao Kingdom for peace talks. It seems that he hoped to atone for his crimes and regain the trust of Fu Chai.

But Zhao Wuxi did not promise peace easily, he proudly said: "I should have seen Dazai on his way here. The strength of Zhao and allies is twice that of Wu, and it has the advantage of location and ingenuity to attack the city. He city is not broken? At that time, the two sides will attack, Wu Kingdom will definitely lose, Zhao Kingdom will definitely win, why do we need peace talks?"

Bo Xi did not show weakness, and said eloquently: "Zhao Hou dare to say that he will win? In the battle of Tang, Zhao Jun besieged Wu Guo's side divisions several times, didn't they also suffer heavy losses? If you have to fight to the death, it must be a corpse. Millions, bloodshed and drifting, it is not good for both countries! At that time, Zhao and Wu will be hurt, and the ones who get the cheap will be Qin, Qi, and Chu!"

"Where's the country of Yue?" Zhao Wuxi asked abruptly.


"Why didn't Dazai mention the country of Yue?" Zhao Wuxi showed a smile on the corner of his mouth, "Fuchai has always wanted to settle the grievances and grievances with the widow from ten years ago and compete for the hegemony of the Central Plains. Now, I hurriedly ask for peace, which is very different from the previous one. Could it be Wu Guo? Domestic changes? Could it be that the country of Yue is harassing Suzhou from the rear?"

"This..." Bo Xi's heart tightened, he didn't know that Zhao Wuxi got the news? Or guessed it out of thin air, or even more terrifying, the attack of Yue Guo was also part of his arrangement? When his bottom line was pierced by Zhao Wuxi, Bo Xi couldn't play anymore, like a deflated inflatable fish, his confidence quickly withered, and he almost collapsed to the ground.

To be honest, Bo Xi did not expect that the Yue Kingdom would come back so quickly, so coincidentally, he now wants to keep his favor in front of Fu Chai. great power status.

At this time, he couldn't care about the dignity of the great country of Wu, and said in a low voice: "The strength of Zhao's army was not seen until after the country went north. The previous offense was really because the country on the coast did not know the power of the great state in the Central Plains... So today I am willing to Please be pacified, I hope to fight with Zhao Guohua for jade silk. Zhao Hou, Wu Guo really sincerely asks for pacification!"

Wu Xian didn't take it seriously: "Since the widow was listed as a feudal lord, he has seen many messengers and lobbyists every day, all of whom are full of plans, creating things out of nothing, intimidating and boasting, and setting up traps. It’s okay to get rich and noble, but there are often people who are sent by the enemy to set up ambush. If you accidentally misunderstand a sentence, you may lose the lives of 100,000 soldiers, and even lose land, lose power, humiliate the country, and destroy the foundation you have worked hard to create... Wu Whether the country is sincere or not, it depends on what price Dazai has brought this time."

"Wu State's conditions, Junhou will definitely be satisfied." Bo Xi's image when he first arrived has been completely destroyed by Zhao Wuxi, and this meeting has returned to nodding and bowing in front of Fu Chai and handing over a silk book.

"Heh." Zhao Wuxi glanced at it and threw it to the side with contempt: "Fuchai also delusionally wanted to use the remnants of the more than a thousand Zhao Junzhou divisions on the Langya platform as a bargaining chip to negotiate with the widows. He thought he would cut off the relationship with Qi and evacuate Ju. country, betray Gongsun Jiu and the emperor, and promise to hand over the country of Song to the widow, is this over? The widow will let him go south?"

He slapped the table abruptly: "Does Fu Chai think that the widowed beggars are sitting on the street waiting for their food? The soldiers of Langyatai, the widow will save themselves, the land of the Song country, the widow will take it, and the Chen family in the Qi state, the widow can also If the clan is destroyed by his own hands, why should he be a good person?"

Bo Xi was trembling with fear, but this was already the bottom line of Fu Chai, and it was not that he didn't know the temper of his own king. In order to persuade Fu Chai to negotiate with Zhao State first, go back to defeat the State of Yue, and then make a comeback in the future, he knelt in front of the door for a long time. One night, Fu Chai did not agree.

It was not until after learning that Chu State also dispatched Wang Sunsheng to attack Qunshu, Fuchai knew that he could no longer stay in the north, and this was how Bo Xi's trip to Zhao Ying came.

"In any case, let Zhao Wuxi think that the State of Wu wants peace talks, just hold him back, but Hugh will lose the prestige of the State of Wu, and let Zhao Wuxi despise the widow!" one's. But Bo Xi knew that if he failed again this time, he would have no place in Fuchai's heart, and everything he had in Wu State would be gone!

So Bo Xi's heart slammed ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ opened the trump card of this time.

"The State of Wu has one more condition, and the princes and princes are willing to listen to it."

Zhao Wuxi sat high on the table and looked down at Bo Xi: "What are the conditions, Dazai will talk about it."

There was a smile on Bo Xi's fat face, and he stepped back a few steps and said: "Fang today, the princes are fighting for strength, and the emperor is weak. The marquis of Zhao started from Jizhou, and the princes all follow, so we should no longer stick to the title of the prince. , with Lu, Wei and other countries, why not be king together with Wu?"

"This..." Zixia on the side was stunned, and even dropped the silk book in his hand, because this condition is too absurd!

Zhao Wuxi was relatively calm, but he was stunned for a while, and then said meaningfully: "Such a condition, the widow did not think of it."

Bo Xi thought he had a plan, and then said: "Widow lord, I am willing to share the north and south with the monarch in Xuzhou, and at the same time make an oath and promise that from now on, the north of Song Lu will belong to Zhao State, and Wu State will never step into the Central Plains. step!"

(To be continued.)

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