Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 1072: The Kingdom of Shaohao

ps: I recommend a copy of "The Battle for Five Thousand Years", produced by the old driver Sanhong, and you can read it if you have a book shortage.

Trembling, walking on thin ice, and facing the abyss, these words are the most appropriate to describe Tan Zi's mood at the moment.

Tan country, originally after the Shaohao clan, its history can be traced back to the Lianghao era two or three thousand years ago. At that time, a tribe with the surname Ying settled in the upper stream of Yishui and established a city-state named "Tan". At that time, Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties The ancestors are still ignorant savages.

Although Tan Kingdom has a long history and is a cultural center in the Dongyi area, due to its location in the east, there is not much communication with the Central Plains. It was not until after Duke Zhou's eastward expedition that the Tan country was incorporated into the Huaxia system, surrendered to the Zhou Dynasty, and was named a sub-country. After the time entered the Spring and Autumn Period, the state of Tan became a vassal of the state of Lu in the north. The two sides married many times, and Tanzi also went to Lu many times. He absorbed a lot of Zhou rituals from the state of Lu, and combined with the local Shaohao relics, forming a unique culture.

After the rise of Wu State, the Northern Expedition to Tan State. Since then, Tan State has been involved in the cracks between Qi, Wu, and Lu, and has been pushed to and fro in the middle. It does not stop for a day. , in order to maintain their own society. It was not until 20 years ago that Wu State had completely swept Huaisi, and Tan State had completely become a vassal of King Wu.

The official positions of the Tan people are bird names, and even the names of nobles are also bird names. This generation of Tan Zi is named "Hong". Since Tan Zihong took the throne for ten years, he has been obediently listening to Wu's words and paying tribute on time every year. In the audience, his status is similar to that of a small prince of Wu State, so he can barely maintain the independence of Tan State.

Unexpectedly, the situation in Sishang has changed suddenly this year. Wouldn't an army come under the city?

His worry became a reality in mid-July. When he woke up, Tan Zihong was stunned to find that a 3,000-strong Zhao army cavalry had already called the door under his city, and there were 5,000 more farther away. The Zou team came slowly, raising the sky full of smoke and dust.

Tan Zihong, who has always been good at writing but not martial, was stunned, and Tan Zihong wanted to cry without tears. The country of Tan is too small, the entire country is less than fifty miles away, the population is less than ten thousand, and the guards in the city are only five hundred. Under absolute force, he had no choice but to open the city gate, and surrendered naked, leading the lamb.

Just when Tan Zihong thought desperately that the Zhao army would conquer his city and wipe out the villages of the Tan country, a nobleman who claimed to be Zhao Guangde smiled and helped him up, wiped the dust off his body, and put on his clothes for him. Saying that Zhao and Tan are both descendants of the surname Ying, Hou Zhao had already met his distant relative for a long time.

Immediately, Zhao Guangde couldn't help but say that he stuffed Tanzi and his small harem into several carriages, and sent soldiers to **** them out of Tan. As for the eight thousand Zhao army, there was another task to complete...

The road in the state of Lu has been renovated very smooth, and the speed of the car is very fast. Tan Zihong was taken to the state of Song in such a daze, a place he has never been to in his life, at the Zhaojun camp in Mayi, east of Mount Mangdang. , met his "distant relative" Zhao Hou Wuxi.


"Tan Jun took the initiative to make way for Zhao Guo's partial teachers to pass through. He really knows the general situation and distinguishes between right and wrong. I thank you for this, and it has been hard work on this journey."

Unlike Jie Xiong, who was cruel and domineering in Tan Zihong's imagination, and who would destroy the whole family if he didn't agree, Zhao Wuxi treated him very kindly. Because the two were of the same age, Tan Zi quickly let go of his nervousness and started chatting with him. .

"Who was Tanzi, who was in the court of Lu in the seventeenth year of Duke Zhao of Lu?" After chatting for a while, Zhao Wuxi asked.

Tan Zihong hurriedly replied, "It's my grandfather, posthumously titled Duke Wen..."

Zhao Wuchen praised: "The posthumous name is said, the morality is well-known and the language is known, and the people are polite and polite. This posthumous title is really a perfect match." But the posthumous law has been in line with Zhuxia.

"The widow has always admired Duke Wen of Tan, and I heard that when he was the prince, he was able to serve his relatives, which is called pure filial piety. The succession, logistics, politics and love for the people have made the culture and education of the country prosperous. It is also very decent to go to the state of Lu to hire and talk to the doctor of the state of Lu. He knew wealth at a high age, and when Confucius heard about it, he also praised 'the emperor lost his official position, and learned from the four barbarians', and from then on he took Tan Wengong as his teacher..."

Speaking of Duke Wen, who made the Tan people proud, Tan Zihong's nervousness due to the sudden change was completely calmed down. Later, he also introduced to Zhao Wuxi the traditions that have been circulating in Tan since the Shaohao era and still exist today." Bird name officials" system.

"In the past, when Huangdi was appointed, there was auspicious cloud, so he used cloud to record affairs, and Yun named officials; for the same reason, Emperor Yan used fire to record affairs, and fire named officials; Gonggong used water to record affairs, and water named officials; Taihao used water to name officials. Dragon chronicles, and officials are named after dragons; when Shaohao ascended the throne, phoenixes and birds were appropriate, so birds were chronicles, and officials were named after birds…”

"Among them, the Fengniao family is in charge of the calendar and the calendar; the Xuanniao family is in charge of the vernal equinox and the autumnal equinox; the Bo Zhao family is in charge of the Xia family and is in charge of teaching; the Jiu family is the Sima and in charge of the legal system; the Lujiu family is the Sikong and in charge of engineering; The Shuangjiu clan is the Si Kou, the chief punishment..."

When it comes to the ancient history of the surname Ying, Zhao Wuxi listened with relish. Taihao and Shaohao were the two major groups in the East in ancient times. Taihao was the ancestor of the surname Feng, and Shaohao was the ancestor of the surname Ying. The two sides were probably bounded by Mount Tai, and the center of the country of Shaohao was in Qufu, which was also at that time. a birthplace of civilization. It is a pity that Boyi was defeated by Xia Qi at the turn of Yu Xia, and the surname Ying retreated to the east. In the Yin and Shang Dynasties, because the tribe with the surname of the surname was also related to the surname Ying, the surname Ying once re-emerged, and it declined completely after the Eastern Expedition of the Duke of Zhou. The land lingered for breath. However, the official positions and history retained by these small states are rare memories of the surname Ying. For example, the ancestors of the Zhao family once served as the Xuanniao family in the country of Shaohao, and even derived the Yin Shang. The legend of the black bird falling from the egg...

"Under the Cork Jiu clan, five pheasants were set up according to the five directions, and they were also five craftsmen who were in charge of the five types of craftsmen: in the east, they were called Qianzhi, and they were in charge of pottery; in the south, they were called Zhaizhi, in charge of metallurgy; Carpentry; in the north it is called Xi pheasant, in charge of leather; in the center it is called Hui pheasant, in charge of weaving and printing and dyeing.”

Speaking of which, Zhao Wuxi clapped his knees and laughed: "Speaking of which, I once named the five ships of the Langya Navy after the five pheasants, but unfortunately they were defeated by the boat division of Wu State Qi and sank in the bay a few months ago. ."

"Uh." Seeing Zhao Hou revealing his defeat, Tan Zihong didn't know how to answer.

Zhao Wuxi didn't seem to care much about the five building ships, but said meaningfully: "Although the Zhao army cannot compete with the Wu people at sea, but on land, Fuchai has been completely surrounded. Tanjun doesn't know yet. Well, thanks to the way you made way, the straitjacket that borrowed from the state of Tan just destroyed the recalcitrant state of Pi, and cut off the only way for the Wu army to evacuate..."

"What!" Hearing this, Tan Zihong, who was already very relaxed, was shocked. Pi State is a small state in the south of Tan State. Its territory, population, and soldiers are almost twice as large as Tan State, so he was taken captive. In less than a few days, that Zhao army has already perished the country of Pi?

Thinking of this, Tan Zihong couldn't help but tremble again, and suddenly realized that he and the "distant relative" in front of him are completely two levels. He is the overlord of the Central Plains, but he is the most small state. Zhao Hou only needs to move his fingers. , the millennium of the Tan country will be destroyed in an instant!

The story of Jin Xian's fake Yu Faguo was lingering in his mind...

However, Tan Zihong, who was about to get up from Zhao Wuxi, pressed him back on the couch and said to him, "The Shaohao clan is the ancestor of the Ying surname, and his descendants are all over the world, and each of them named his country as clan. The kingdoms of Am, Xu, Tan, Luoli, Doujiu, Liang, Huang, Jiang, Xiuyu, Baiming, and Qin... Although they are not as prosperous as Ji and Jiang, they are still very prosperous. already."

"But what about now?" Zhao Wuxi said regretfully: "Time has changed, and all the Yings have been destroyed by different surnames, and now only Zhao, Qin, and Tan are left."

Tan Zihong hurriedly said, "Zhao Hou established his country in Jizhou, which is really a feat of revival of the surname Ying."

"That's right." Zhao Wuchun smiled and said, "Although Ying's surname is old, his life is new. Fang Ji Jiang will decline today. It is the time when my surname Ying is revived. Zhao Qintan should share weal and woe."

He didn't care whether Tan Zihong agreed or not, and directly announced: "Qin State is already a small sect of Zhao State, let's not forget it for the time being. Tan State used to be sideways among the strong and powerful, and it was very difficult to think of peace and stability, and sometimes he had to succumb to it. In order to protect himself, he had to be a vassal of Wu State for many years~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But since then, with the protection of Zhao State, Tanjun doesn't have to bow down to the barbarians who cut off tattoos!"

In such a confused way, Tan Zihong signed a covenant with Zhao Wuxi in this tent: the state of Tan will break away from the state of Wu, and from now on, as a vassal of Zhao, it will be protected by Zhao, and at the same time, it will also be in this war. The country is open to Zhao Jun, and the Tan people do their best to assist Zhao Jun in attacking Wu!

After pressing his own monarch's seal on the covenant, Tan Zihong was invited out of the big tent to rest in the camp prepared for him. Zhao Wuxi refused to let him return to the country for the time being, but asked him to break down the ancient rituals preserved by Tan to Zhao's officials, so that Zhao could combine Zhou rituals with Shaohao's ancient rituals in the future. Prepare.

Tan Zihong walked out in a loss, facing the sun, only to wake up a little. Everything in the past few days still seems to be in a dream, but one thing is certain, that is, the fate of the state of Tan has been seized from the state of Wu by Zhao Wuxi, but Tan Zihong does not know whether this is a blessing or a curse... …


After Tan Zihong left, Zhao Wuxi also let go of his affinity in front of him, and sneered at Zixia next to him: "Fu Chai really thinks Lonely is like him, a fool who will be confused by Bailao's false name, Xuzhou. King Xiang, looks tempting, but in fact he wants to roast the widow on the fire!" (To be continued.)

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