Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 1073: JAC Fence

The Prime Minister of Xuzhou, Zhao Wuxie's arrogant husband Chai would definitely not have come up with this idea. I don't know which of his courtiers came up with this trick, it is really sinister. As far as Zhao Wuxi knew, several hegemons of later generations fell in front of this move.

For example, at the time of King Wei Hui, the state of Wei was unprecedentedly powerful, and the neighboring countries were begging for mercy. Therefore, Shang Yang of the state of Qin deliberately flattered and made King Wei Hui proud. In spite of the severe strategic situation of the state of Wei, he summoned the small state of Sishang and established himself as the king. , opened a precedent for the Warring States princes to be kings. So Wei State stabbed the hornet's nest, and within ten years, he fell from the position of hegemony. In his later years, King Hui of Wei could only say to Mencius miserably: "Jin State (Wei State), there is nothing strong in the world, and Zizhi knows it. Also. As for the body of the widow, the eldest son died in the east, and the eldest son died; the west was lost in Qin seven hundred miles; the south was humiliated by Chu.

Later, King Wei Hui used the same trick on King Wei of Qi who had defeated him. He and Tian Yingqi were in Xuzhou as the prime minister. The always wise King Wei of Qi fluttered. However, King Wei of Chu was furious and sent troops to attack Qi. Qi State was defeated all the way, and had to beg for peace...

Decades later, King Qi Min, the grandson of King Wei of Qi, repeated his grandfather's story, and mutually recognized Qin as the "Two Emperors of the East and West", which naturally attracted a lot of hatred, plus the brazen annihilation of Song, which led to Later, when the five kingdoms attacked Qi, the Qi army was defeated, and there were only two of the seventy-two cities in the Qi kingdom. The king of Qi died, laughing for the world...

Zixia knew that being king would be a great temptation for a prince who was about to dominate the Central Plains, but Zhao Wuxi was different from them. Although he had no respect for Zhou Tianzi at all, he had trampled on him for an unknown number of weeks since he started. Li, but only this bottom line has never been broken, because he is well aware of the benefits of "buying food and becoming king slowly".

Therefore, Zhao Wuxi was unmoved by the invitation of "Prince King of Pengcheng". Although Wu Yue and Chu were crowned kings, although they looked domineering at first glance, they were actually just closing the door and playing by themselves. Zhao Wuxi's goal was to The unique king in the entire Huaxia circle, the Son of Heaven! Instead of the false name of a barbarian king, besides, who would like to be on an equal footing with the husband?

But he didn't reject it outright, but decided to count on it. The people of Wu planned to use the peace talks to wait for the opportunity to evacuate from the waterway. Zhao Wuxi also made excuses with them. At the same time, Yu Xi and Zhao Guangde were dispatched to attack the rear of the Wu army...

At this moment, Wu Xie re-examined the map. Now that the state of Tan was annexed and the state of Pi was also captured, Zhao Jun had already strangled Sishui by the throat!

The first is Tan State, which is located between Shandong and Jianghuai, facing the sea in the east, Xu State in the south, and barbarians in the north. It has a very special geographical location. It was an important military stronghold as early as the Western Zhou Dynasty. , King Zhuang of Chu also sent troops to attack Ju State from here. In the past 100 years, the country of Tan has become a springboard for the people of Wu country to go north to compete for Lu Si. It was also that the main force of Wu State was concentrated in Song State, which gave Zhao Jun an opportunity to take Tan State in one fell swoop.

As for the country of Pi, it was a small state surnamed Si, a relative of the State of Xue. It was originally a country, but it was divided into two after migration. The national power of Pi is slightly stronger than that of Tan, but it has been transformed into Wu. The helpless defenders did not expect that the Zhao army, Yuxi, and Zhao Guangde of the State of Zou would suddenly attack from Donglu at the behest of Zhao Wuxi, and it only took two days for the State of Pi to declare its demise.

Compared with the state of Tan, the state of Pi is even more a battleground for military strategists.

The strategy of competing for the state of Pi was also suggested by Sun Wu. He asked Wu Feng to recite Zhao Wuxi: "There are three problems in using troops for the generals. If you don't know if the army can't go ahead, then it's called advancing, and if you don't know if the army can't retreat, it's called retreating. It is the so-called 縻 army, the Wu army rushed into Pengcheng regardless of the rear, and it is already a 縻 army, and the monarch and the lord can annihilate it between Xu Si."

"Sishang is connected to the Central Plains in the north, and the Wu State in Nantong is the key point of Lu, Song, Wu, and Dongyi. When the princes and Fuchai compete for the supremacy in the north and south, they must first compete for Sishang. And if you want to compete for Sishang, the Pi State is an important part. The most important thing is that this place guards the intersection of Yishui and Sishui, which is a meeting of boats and cars. For the north, it is the only place to enter the south, and for the south, it is the throat of the Jianghuai fence. Attacking Picheng and capturing this place will not only make the Wu army of Song State unable to retreat, but also further south to Huaibei and Huainan."

Sun Wu has been in Wu State for many years, and he is very familiar with the situation of mountains and rivers in Wu State. Even if he is thousands of miles away, he can accurately point out where the seven inches of Wu State are and how to fight to make Fucha feel unbearable. After the strategy, there must be a back-up move. One link is linked to another. It is irresistible. It is indeed a "war situationist".

Zhao Wuxi agreed with Sun Wu's suggestion very much. The country of Pi was called "Xiapi" in later generations. Whenever China is divided, this is a place where all forces will compete. The most famous is the Three Kingdoms period, where the Battle of Xiapi took place here. Cao Cao, Lv Bu and Liu Bang used Pengcheng Xiaopei as the battlefield, which is very similar to the three-way wrestling between Zhao, Song and Wu today. In the end, Cao Cao got it and used it to control the southeast, making Yuan Shu in Huainan unable to lift his head.

When it came to the Southern and Northern Dynasties, Liu Yu from the south swept Nanyan, and was also a commander from the south of the Yangtze River.

Entering Sishui from Huai River to Xiapi, leaving ships behind and attacking Shandong with infantry. During the whole process, the army went from south to north, and Xiapi was really the center for the allocation of cargo and troops.

In late July, after the "Xuzhou Prime Minister" and the false peace talks were abandoned, Zhao Jun once again showed his fangs to Wu State. From the beginning to the end, Zhao Wuxi had no intention of sitting down with Fuchai to negotiate.

After occupying the state of Pi, the roads leading to north-south navigation in the state of Wu were immediately cut off, and the situation was very favorable to the Zhao army.

Today, Pengcheng, where Wu Jun is located, is surrounded by Zhao Jun from the west, north and east. Among them, Piguo Yuxi and Zhao Guangde have seven or eight thousand cavalry in the east, Ran Qiu 20,000 in Peiyi in the north, and Zhao Wuxi in the west. The commander-in-chief of Zhao and Song 70,000 joined forces in Xiaoyi.

Zhao Wuxi and his staff believed that there were not many choices left to Wu, either to concentrate the main force to fight the Zhao army decisively, or to wait for this big encirclement to get tighter and tighter, hoping to defend the city. Or, give up Pengcheng to break through to the east and retake the country of Pi, but once the Zhao army follows closely, the Wu army will face the danger of being attacked from the front and back. Perhaps under the city of Pi, the Wu army will be destroyed.

The advantage was already so great, but Zhao Wuxi still thought it was not enough. On July 27, after several days of fierce battles, the Zhao army finally conquered Xiaoyi, he selected a hundred people from the captured Wu people, and took them Let them go back, and let these people spread a message to the army of Wu State: Wucheng has been captured by Yue State, Prince Wu of Wu State has died, and Wu Zhong has also been slaughtered by Yue people!

Wu Jun's strength was not comparable to that of Qin and Qi, and Zhao Wuxi didn't want to confront his husband head-on. Attacking from the side, creating a siege to frustrate the Wu army, using gossip and gossip to scare the snake, and when the Wu people did not have the will to fight, they forced Fuchai to retreat to the east, and then attacked their living forces in the pursuit, and finally annihilated the Wu army under the city of Pi. This is the best way. good tactics...

"The rumors and rumors will spread within the Wu army. I want to see, how long can the army of a hundred battles running rampant in the south survive in this situation without retreating?"


Fuchai sat in the big tent, rubbing his temples in annoyance. He had never been in such a passive situation since he was in charge of the army when he was young.

A corner of the tent was opened, and Wang Sunluo walked in and whispered, "Your Majesty."

"How is the situation outside?"

Wang Sunluo looked sad: "Your Majesty, the army is in chaos outside, everyone is worried about the situation at home, and Qun Shu, Xu and other attached soldiers also have a commotion. Last night, there was a battalion roar, and the soldiers were killing each other in the dark, but fortunately The control was timely, and there were not too many casualties..."

Fuchai was immediately furious and slapped the desk: "All those who were released by the Zhao army will be beheaded, and those who dare to make a commotion in the camp will be killed on the spot. We must quickly rectify the military discipline, so that we can follow the widow to attack the Zhao army and fight it decisively!"

"At this time and another, our army's morale was high before, and it should be divided into five to five. But now that the Zhao army has broken through Xiaoyi, going west to fight with him at this time will not have any unexpected effect at all, and it is easy to be attacked. A partial attack in the direction of Peiyi, not to mention..."

Wang Sunluo bowed to his head, choked up and said, "What's more, the people of Wu no longer have the will to fight."

Regardless of whether the rumors are true or not, the current situation is that Goujian of the Yue Kingdom has rebelled and invaded the hinterland of Wu State. Wu people's hearts are made of meat, who wouldn't worry about the safety of their families? In this case, no one is willing to follow Fuchai to fight desperately in a foreign country. If they lose, everything will be empty. Even if they win, what is the point of their expedition this time, no matter how much they rob, they will go back, facing the burned home and missing family members?

Wang Sunluo said frankly that the stubborn Wu people were no longer willing to fight against Zhao Jun, and they only had one thing in their minds: go home!

"Alas..." Fu Chai sighed up to the sky, "This is a widow who wants to fight and can't..."

He also secretly regretted it, but it was a pity that he believed in the villain and didn't listen to Wu Zixu's words. Now that Wu Zixu's predictions have all come true, Fuchai's assiduous pursuit of hegemony has come to nothing. Even if he doesn't want to, he has to accept the reality.

Fuchai struggled for a long time before he said bitterly: "It doesn't matter, although the Zhao army is surrounded by three sides, there are still gaps. The few generals and divisions will break through the encirclement and advance by water and land. First, they will recapture the country of Pi, get the ships, and then return to Wu by water. middle."

Because Pengcheng was in the south of Sishui, and the main force and partial division of the Zhao army were in the north of Si, the army crossed the river extremely slowly, which gave the Wu army time to evacuate from the south bank of Sishui.

"No." Wang Sunluo said: "Pengcheng's ships are only enough to carry thousands of people, and the Zhao army is sticking to the country of Pi. If the army cannot conquer the country of Pi within a few days, when the main force of the Zhao army from the rear arrives, our army will be defeated on both sides. Flanking attack, not to mention I heard that the scouts reported that the Zhao army had burned all the ships of Pi State, and sank them to block the river, even if our army broke the city, the waterway would be difficult to pass."

Fuchai gritted his teeth with hatred: "Zhao Wuxi is so cunning~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Even if the waterway is blocked, the land of Pi is still the fastest way to return to the country. Besides attacking, do we have a choice?"

Wang Sunluo smiled and said: "Yes, there is another place. Although the army did not pass much in the past, it is also a shortcut to return to the country, and it can avoid the combined attack of the Zhao army..."


On the last day of July, after learning of Wu Jun's commotion, Zhao Wuxi thought that spreading rumors had played a certain role, and issued an order to attack. Tens of thousands of troops crossed Sishui from Xiaoyi and were about to encircle Pengcheng. However, at this moment, he got the information from the front: Wu Jun started to evacuate from Pengcheng in a hurry yesterday...

However, Wu Jun's actions also deviated from Zhao Wuxi's expectations. They did not go east, but went straight to the south!

"To the south?" Zhao Wuxi frowned, which was unexpected before. He immediately asked people to open the map to check. Soon, Wu Feng, who was the guide next to him, determined the possible direction of Wu Jun's withdrawal.

"Sui Shui! Fu Lisai!"

ps: There is another chapter in the evening (to be continued.)

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