Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 1095: untitled

When he was pressed down on the couch, Xi Zi's whole body was tensed, his closed eyes and eyelashes trembled uncontrollably, his hands and feet were also cold, and his heart was beating violently almost out of his mouth.

After all, she had never been so close to a man's body since she was a child, let alone in a state of complete clothes. The thought of what she was about to face only made her feel unprecedented nervousness and unprecedented fear.

But Zhao Hou was not eager or rude, but gently kissed her neck and lips, soothing her frightened deer-like emotions. He is a majestic monarch in the court, a marshal who strategizes on the battlefield, and on the bed, he is a lover who is good at appeasing virgins, and is also the best at provoking women.

When the earlobes were also sucked, Xizi's body softened and he could no longer resist. No matter how much **** he was taught by the old palace maids of Chu during the Kuaiji period, it was just a theory. adult men fighting?

Everything that followed was like a dream, at first like a terrible nightmare: it was a sharp pain like an arrow piercing through the heart, which only made her want to die, and subconsciously struggled desperately; It is said that there are bandit gentlemen who are like sparring, like grinding, and Xizi is embraced by the arms of Zhao Hou, and his whole body is as happy as soaking in a hot spring. The final process was violent, like a mountain collapse, like a flood, Xizi felt that he was swept by a torrent and rushed to the unknown shore, and he could not stop for a long time...

Suddenly opening his eyes, Xi Zi woke up from his dream, only to find that there should have been a little bit of red on the bed, but there was no trace.

She breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out to be a dream. She dreamed of that night more than a year ago. At that time, it was the end of winter in the first year of Zhaohou (488 BC), but now it is the middle of the third year of Zhaohou (486 BC). .

However, although it was a long time ago, Xi Zi always remembered it very clearly, because it was the first time that Zhao Hou came to her, and it was not only the blossoming red plum on the bed, but she also shed a lot of tears on the pillow.

But the tears disappeared in an instant. This is her own choice, and she has no regrets. As a gift from Yue Guo to Zhao Hou, this is her mission and her destiny.

But so far, there is a debt that the Shi family owes to King Yue, can it be paid off? And her mission has come to an end, right?

When she got up, she irritated her face with the cool water of Xueli Palace. Xizi told herself to stop thinking about those things. The sky outside was already white, so she had to get up and dress up. She still had things to do today.

However, in front of the "glass mirror" that Hou Zhao had set up for every lady, beauties, beauties, and eight sons in the palace, while the maid combed her black hair, she looked at the mirror that could not be seen by the water or in the bronze mirror. With a delicate face, Xizi fell into thought again.


In Vietnam, there is a saying that every woman has two men in her heart.

The first man is for remembrance.

When a woman is still a girl, at a ignorant and unknown age, in the season when the boy doesn't know the taste of sorrow and life blooms like a lily flower, she will accidentally fall in love with a certain man she thinks is excellent.

But because of the limited status, the girl will maintain restraint and shyness, and it is difficult to tell this situation, it can only be "Xin Yue Jun Xi Jun does not know". Every time she could see the man from a distance and have a few extravagant words with him, she would be extremely happy. Men's blogging, men's loyalty and modesty, gentleness and talent often make girls fascinated.

However, the reality is cruel, all the man does is to send the girl to please another man. After knowing this, the girl's heart was already half dead, and the girl's heart was completely dead when the man couldn't give up the rest after all. After that, they shouldered different responsibilities and completely separated, and began to enter different life trajectories. The two lines may have been very close, but they did not intersect after all...

But in any case, the first love is unforgettable in a lifetime, because it is unforgettable, the two "sent from love and end in ceremony", the occasional nostalgia is beautiful, it will bring ripples to the current peaceful life, But it will eventually fade away.

Now Xizi has become Zhao Hou's servant. She was first named the seventh son of Yue, and was promoted to the eighth son after serving several times. From then on, she could only hide Fan Li deeply in her heart, and she could never mention it again. Can't read, can't even think.

The second man is used for marriage, is a woman's husband, and is a woman's god.

When she was in Liluo Mountain, Zhuji, Yue Kingdom, the village girl Xizi was innocent and straightforward. She either carried a basket in the mountains to pick cockleburs, or washed the yarn with her bare feet by the water, and she was so fearlessly happy and growing , without worrying about sudden disasters and injuries.

However, since she was selected to enter Kuaiji to receive various trainings, and after knowing all kinds of intrigue and deceit in the world, Xi Zi has forgotten how to live her life rashly. She must put on a false mask to please others and make profits for the country of Vietnam. . For a long time, she didn't know who she was anymore, and even the gentleman Fan Li, who was secretly nostalgic, didn't give her a sense of security, but pushed her into the fire pit.

I thought I could fly with Fan Li, but Fan Li abandoned her halfway. Xizi was like a bird in shock, but because he was responsible for a country, he could only fly alone, flew into the cold Zhao Palace, and was locked in a cage. Canary.

However, she never expected that here, she found her own nest. It was Zhao Hou who held up a sky for her. After his first visit to Xizi, he also changed his indifferent attitude towards her. He often came to Xuli to stay overnight and comforted her, so that she would no longer struggle alone, be frightened and drift away. Slowly, Xizi began to rely on Zhao Hou's wings.

She seemed to understand why the intelligent and graceful Mrs. Xu Ying and Mrs. Le Lingzi were willing to fall in love with Zhao Hou, regardless of whether they would share a husband with other women. Zhao Hou Wuxi, although his appearance is not handsome, or even ordinary, but he has a heart-breaking charm, even if he is not a monarch...

He is wise, so wise that he can see through the dust of thousands of years of history; he is also gentle, so gentle that he does not regard women as slaves, but gives great respect, which Xizi has never seen in any man before. Highlights.

Before meeting Zhaohou, Xizi believed that the most precious thing in the world was the white water between men and women, which was as clear as a stream. After getting to know Zhao Hou, I realized that in this world, there is still a feeling of high shores and deep valleys, that is, watching the world and stroking roses...

Even though Zhao Hou is now thousands of miles away, the state he built with his own hands can still give Xizi a sense of security.

When the stupor was over, Xizi realized that his hair had been neatly combed, and he was wearing a flower-shaped jade ornament.

"Change to a simple one." Xizi is no longer the humble "use of the broom", but the unattainable Yuebazi. When instructing the slaves, he can't help but bring a bit of the majesty of the superior.

However, in Changle Palace, Xizi is still the lowest-level concubine, Mrs. Le, Mrs. Xu Ying, Bo Mi beauty, Kong Liangren, no matter who is higher than her, as Zhao Hou's new favorite~www.wuxiaspot. com~ To survive in this complex harem, Xizi has to be more attentive. Even the accessories he wears must not exceed that of the simple-minded Mrs. Le. When Zhao Hou was away, she almost mastered the life of the harem. Killing Daquan, although Madam has always been kind and Xizi has Madam Xu Ying's protection, she still has to be careful everywhere.

Therefore, today I will go to pray for the blessing of Zhao Hou, who went to Qi State, together with the ladies and sisters. Xizi hopes that Zhao Hou will return from the expedition to Qi soon.

For almost a year, Xi Zi never dreamed of Fan Li again. She didn't know whether she would dream of him again from now on. On the contrary, the number of times Zhao Hou dreamed more and more, she vaguely felt that the afterimage of Fan Li was about to be completely squeezed out of her heart by Zhao Wuxi...


As the saying goes, the love for a long time is deep. Here, Xi Shi began to miss Zhao Houchu, but Zhao Wuxi himself did not have time to miss the love of his sons and daughters. He has already crossed the He Dahe, and the fifty thousand army has joined the twenty thousand soldiers. The Tang city is going to attack the base camp of the Chen Clan of Qi State!

ps: I wouldn't say that this chapter was made up under pressure from readers. It's your fault for being 404'd, rhetoric! There is still a chapter at 1:30. I have been out of the house these days, and I have time to code it very late. (To be continued.)

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