Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 1096: Jibei

Gaotang is a large town in the west of Qi. It borders Yiyi and Liaocheng, which were occupied by Zhao troops last year, and borders Jin Hejian to the west. It is the center of Qi in Jibei, and it is also the old nest of the Chen family. .

Fifty years ago, Qihou Chujiu gave the city next to Judi to Chen Huanzi Wuyu because he expelled Qingfeng and Luan and Gao Erqing for meritorious deeds. The wily Chen Wuyu first faked his thanks, and then bribed Mu Mengji, the mother of the Marquis of Qi, to ask for a better Gaotang for him. After that, the Chen family moved the head of the family to this place and began to "prosper".

In the late May of the third year of Zhao Hou, more than 70,000 Zhao and Wei allied forces had surrounded Gaotang City so that not even a mouse could escape. The other generals and officials discussed the strategic deployment of this attack in the barracks.

"Since the time of Emperor Taigong, the state of Qi has been a big country with a radius of two thousand miles, the sea in the east, the river in the west, the Muling in the south, and the Wudi in the north. In terms of appearance, it is not as dangerous as the Qin State and the Zhou Dynasty; in terms of its territorial borders, it is still not as vast as the State of Chu and Wu. However, there is no one who can become a major patient of the State of Zhao than the State of Qi!”

Zhao Wuxi outlined the outline, first gave Qi such a definition, and then looked at the generals in the account to see what they had in mind.

The cavalry general Yu Xi said: "The state of Qi is in the state of Zhao, the teeth are opposite each other, and there is only a river separated by it. If the state of Zhao is strictly guarded, it will be fine, but if the country is empty, the state of Qi will dispatch a fine army to cross the river and break the river, and then enter Dongyang. , within ten days, you will be able to reach the outskirts of Ye City..."

"That's right, so in the past ten years, when a few people sent troops to conquer Qin and Wu, they had to use Lu's troops to contain Qi, but Qi's strength has continued to recover under Chen's rule, and we can't wait any longer. Fan Faqi, we must completely solve this problem of elbow and armpit!"

But just as Li Shiqi said during the battle between Chu and Han in later generations: Qi Qi and Haidai, blocking the river, although hundreds of thousands of teachers, will not be broken by time.

Although Qi has been weakened several times by the Zhao clan, and the infighting has been serious, it still has a population of more than two million and tens of thousands of soldiers.

But in Zhao Wuxi's view, this is not impossible.

"Although Qi is known as the four fortresses, it is actually full of loopholes. The terrain of Haidai is shallow and narrow. Although it faces Mount Tai in the west, there are still not enough mountains and mountains to isolate it from the Central Plains. Although it is surrounded by the sea in the east and the rivers in the west, But these are still not three thousand weak waters that cannot be crossed. Hejian and Dongyang are the most important, while Lu and Sishang have their feet. Now that the advantages of geographical location have been controlled by our army, why should Qi be afraid?"

Right now, the first thing the Zhao army has to conquer is Gaotang. This is the northern gateway of Qi, and it is also an important north-south tunnel. It is located in Hengqu in the Central Plains. It is the food transfer center of Zhao's entry into Qi. If you want to break Qi, you must. Fight for this place first.

"We will attack it at times, and besiege it at ten. Gaotang is besieged by a large army of 70,000 people. The people in the city have already retreated to the east under the coercion of Chen's family. There are only less than 3,000 guards left in the city, and they are attacking day and night. It can be broken in the near future." The city walls of this era have not been able to stand for several months in front of the "Shaoliang Cannon" and other siege equipment made by Luban. Zhao Wuxi is concerned about the later plans.

"The whole of Jibei is flat and fertile, and there is no obstruction from the famous mountains and rivers. While the infantry stopped in Gaotang, the cavalry had already killed hundreds of miles away, eliminating the Qi people who might resist. Once Gaotang was broken, Qi There is no danger in the north of Jishui, and there is no danger."

Looking back at history, Zhao Wuxi and his generals can find that, from the Battle of Saddle to the Battle of Pingyin, the confrontation between Jin and Qi always took place in the south of Jishui, the north of Jishui, Qi The country has never stood firm.

So the only natural obstacle is still in the Jishui place called "Qinghe".

Zhao Yi, who has been stationed in the defending country and in charge of monitoring the state of Qi, also said: "The Chen clan in the state of Qi has only 50,000 soldiers available, and it seems that they know that they will lose in the battle against the king in Jibei, so they made a retreat almost from the beginning. The plan of the water front line is to save the water as a pool, the Great Wall as a fortress, and Zhao State has no navy and cannot outflank from the sea, Qi State seems to be safe for the time being."

Zhao Wuxi nodded, and the Chen family also sent messengers over, saying they were willing to return Yiyi, and even cede Jibei, where Gao Tang was located, in exchange for a peace treaty, but Zhao Wuxi was disgusted by this for nearly 20 years. The enemy of 2010 did not let go at all, and he was on the verge of destroying the state of Qi. After all, Xu and Si, conquered the previous year, were too vast and sparsely populated to attract large-scale emigration of military nobles. The Qi State was close at hand, and the fertile land also made the Zhao people coveted. After more than a year of recuperation, the Zhao State urgently needed a new war to make the "military merit award" machine start again.

Throughout late May, the Zhao army, who had not moved for a long time, stormed Gaotang, and by the beginning of June, Gaotang fell.

In addition to Gaotang, the nearby Yanyi had already raised troops to resist the Chen clan under the instigation of the exiled doctor of Qi State, Yan Yu, to welcome the arrival of the Zhao army. Although the rest of Maiqiu and Liqiu had cities, they were not enough to stop the army from advancing. Either captured or surrendered, the fighting will of the people of Qi is completely incomparable to Qin and Wu.

At the same time, a large number of people from Jibei Qi who were accustomed to being comforted by the Chen family began to flee to Jinan out of panic. Although the Zhao State cavalry blocked some of them, most of them chose to continue to believe that the Chen family would protect them. This shows that the Chen family really hated people in Qi.

Jinan, which is the south of Jishui River, is now called "Lixia". Geographically, it blocks Mount Tai in the south and the Bohai Sea in the north. The elbows are heavy. Once Lixia is retained, it will not be a big deal for Qi to fall even if Jibei is captured, but if it is lost like the Battle of Saddle and the Battle of Pingyin, Qi will be in danger.

In short, if the Zhao army cannot capture Jinan and Lixia, it will be impossible to attack Linzi, the capital of Qi, and the main force of Qi is 30,000 to 40,000 people.

Therefore, the discussion of the generals of Zhao Jun mainly focused on how to further attack Jinan after the capture of Jibei.

However, Zhao Wuxi had his own plans. When he held a military meeting, he said: "The old rules are true, and what is true is true. After the army rested for a few days, the soldiers rushed to the water and made a gesture of crossing the river, but on the other side, the widow There's another trooper..."

Wu Xie pointed to the east of the map and said, "The direction of attacking Jinan is the first line of the Great Wall of Mount Tai!"


"My dear, how long is this Great Wall?"

When he was stationed in the horse, Zhao Guangde, the prime minister of the State of Zou, looked at the Great Wall of Qi, and he was very sighed, because from his position, he could see that it was built in the rolling Taiyi Mountains. The Great Wall made of rammed earth or bricks and stones is built on the mountain. Although the buildings are not tall, they are connected together like a stone snake that spirals along the mountain, which is indeed spectacular.

After the death of Qihou Chujiu fifteen years ago, the Chen family relied on winning the hearts of the people to seize power. Because the Zhao family was busy returning to the country to end the civil war, they barely stabilized their positions, but they were also afraid that the Zhao family would slow down and continue to attack, so Chen Qi, Chen Heng and his son came up with an idea: they began to build the Great Wall on the border of Qilu. After more than ten years of operation, they had the "natural danger" in front of Zhao Guangde.

"Originally, the defense of the Qi Kingdom was intermittent for hundreds of miles~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Now, Chen Clan has spent more than ten years building this Great Wall of Qi, extending eastward from the defense gate near Pingyin, past Shimen, Jiagu, Mulingguan, to Jimo seashore, nearly a thousand miles from east to west.”

The gray-haired general Huhui walked from the rear on his horse. He used to be the guard of Zhao Yang's loyal ministers. In the nearly twenty years he has been under Zhao Wuxi's command, he has changed from a small **** to a big boss. The country's Zuo Sima, exterminate the thieves and defend against the state of Qi, all have his credit.

"How much people's fat, people's cream, and people's blood and sweat will be spent." Zhao Guangde couldn't help but stunned.

Although after Duke Huan of Qi died, the state of Qi began to build the Great Wall on the southern border to prevent Jin and Chu from attacking. It has been a hundred years since the Chen family had finished it. But such a huge project, Zhao Guangde asked himself that he could not do it. He controlled Sanzhu for Zhao Wuxi, and implemented the same policy as Zhao and Lu in the country of "cars on the same track, books on the same text", and also developed the economy. Zoudi has a population of 200,000 people, and it can't even build a hundred miles. It can be seen that the state of Qi is a thin dead camel larger than a horse, and its national strength is really terrifying.

However, the Tiger Society scoffed at the dangerous and giant defenses in front of them: "What's the use of spending so much effort and manpower? Zou Xiang, you should know that this Great Wall is actually empty!" (To be continued.)

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