Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 1097: The Great Wall of China

"The Great Wall is empty!?" Zhao Guangde was shocked.

He was not only shocked by this sentence, but also because of Yihuhui's usual carefree temperament and knowledgeable mind, he was able to have such knowledge.

The Tiger Association did not dare to take this sentence as his own, he smiled and said, "I also borrowed the words of your lord. This is what your lord said when he summoned us to the Guardian Council at the beginning of the year."

Zhao Guangde suddenly realized that at that time, he was also taking the soldiers of the State of Zou to surround and suppress the Huaiyi bandits in Zhongwu, so he was not present. Since Zhao Wuxi said it, no matter how unbelievable it was, he would believe it. This is Zhao Houhua. The supreme authority established within the Zhao family in twenty years.

It turned out that at the Puyang military meeting, when some generals were worried about the strength of the Great Wall in Qi, Zhao Wuxi didn't take it seriously, and sneered directly: "The Great Wall? It's empty!"

Zhao Wuxi explained his philosophy on the spot: "In ancient times, the emperor guarded the four barbarians; the emperor was humble and guarded the princes. The princes guarded the four neighbors; the princes were humble, and guarded the four borders. The north is guarded by the State of Yan. For this reason, Duke Huan did not hesitate to crusade the Shanrong for the State of Yan and beheaded the lonely bamboo. Get rid of the traitor Qingfu, stabilize the political situation of Lu State, and send soldiers to guard Xudi to defend against Chu State's attack. In the West, Qi State uses Zhou, Xing, and Wei as barriers to support the emperor and save Xing to save Wei. Yes. Said that the national defense of Duke Huan and Guanzi of Qi not only extended to the state of Qi, but also extended to the entire Central Plains and the four barbarians."

"And now, the state of Qi is in a stage of decline and decline, and its defense line has been shrunk from the four neighbors to the four borders, so it will build walls on the frontier."

After taking a negative attitude towards the defense of the Great Wall of Qi, Zhao Wushi further pointed out the drawbacks of the Great Wall: "The people of Qi built the Great Wall to defend against the enemy, especially to prevent the easy passage of Zhao's cavalry. After attacking Qi, they thought that the Great Wall really worked. However, the construction of the Great Wall itself was a mistake."

From Zhao Wuxi's point of view, building the Great Wall of Qi is just a solution that Chen's father and son have no choice. After all, Qi is surrounded by Zhao and its allies on three sides. The people of Qi are extremely insecure and need a wall to calm people's hearts. . Building the Great Wall to defend against foreign aggression is a vicious circle, almost reaching a vicious circle. weak. Qi Guo and the Chen Clan did not spend a lot of money on the construction of the Great Wall, but the effectiveness and value of the Great Wall were not reflected. Wu fell one by one, and it was Qi's turn to bear the attack.

On the contrary, in the sea without the Great Wall, Qi Guozhou's boat division took the initiative to attack and gave Zhao a painful blow, causing Zhao Guo's Langya naval division to be annihilated and all the ships to be burned. Only some of the crew, led by Xu Cheng, retreated to Langya Mountain and saved their lives.

Therefore, Zhao Wuxi's evaluation of the Great Wall is extremely low: "The so-called transport of wealth from the government's treasury to fill the ravines of Mount Lu, a hundred efforts and no benefit, drinking poison to quench thirst!"

After the remarks made the generals and officials ponder, Zhao Wuxi further elaborated on Zhao's defense concept.

At that time, he raised his head and asked, "Where is the historian?"

Zuo Qiuming immediately agreed.

"Write down what the widow said today, don't miss a word!"

"In the eyes of few people, the Great Wall, especially the Great Wall purely used for defense, is a useless thing, at most a decoration!"

Huhui and the others listened intently, but they didn't know that Zhao Wuxi was thinking about the history of the next two thousand years.

The Great Wall, the Great Wall, was pioneered in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. It has become synonymous with civilization since Qin Shihuang connected the Great Wall in the north. However, the Great Wall has been repaired in successive dynasties, and Huma has also entered the fortress. The Ming Dynasty used a hundred years of effort. , Millions of people repaired the Great Wall, but resolutely did not stop the Manchus from entering the customs, and the country changed hands.

On the contrary, the Manchu Qing Dynasty did not repair the Great Wall. During the Kangxi period, the frontier defense chief Cai Yuan reported to the court that many parts of the Great Wall had collapsed and requested repairs. Kangxi disagreed, saying that since Qin built the Great Wall, the Han, Tang, and Song dynasties have often repaired it, but it has never been relieved of border troubles. At the end of the Ming Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty, the Taizu army drove straight in, and all roads collapsed, and none of them could do it. It can be seen that the way of defending the country is not repairing the city but repairing the people. So in the early Qing Dynasty, it actively expanded outward, destroyed Oirat Mongolia, and annexed the Western Regions. Since then, there has been no major frontier trouble in the north.

Hundreds of heroes dream of a hundred, thousands of miles of the Great Wall is empty. Looking at the past and present, Zhao Wuxi had a vision that transcended the times. He stood in front of the map with his hands behind his back, lightly speaking, while denying the significance of the Great Wall of Qi, he also said loudly:

"The way to consolidate the country is to repair the armoured soldiers and reassure the people's hearts. If the armoured soldiers are sharp, the four barbarians will be afraid, and if the people's hearts are happy, the state will be self-consolidated. This is the so-called united will to form a city. The few people here say that Zhao Guo will never build the Great Wall, but will make the four neighbors. , Siyi is my Great Wall!"

In Zhao Wuxi's heart, even if the territory expands in the future and needs to be repaired, he will repair the border wall that encircles the outer border into the country, not the Great Wall of passive defense!


At this moment, after the Tiger Club recounted the situation that day, Zhao Guangde was also inexplicably excited.

"The Qin State is the West City, the Yan Dynasty is the North City, the Zheng Song Dynasty is the South City, and the East China Sea is the East Pool! The frontier of the Zhao State is an active frontier, not a fragile border wall built with people's fat and plaster..."

The impassioned words spoken by Zhaohou brought tears to Guangde's eyes, and he repeatedly praised: "This is the grandeur that the princes of a great country should have! Compared with the king, the father and son of the Chen family in the state of Qi are too arrogant. small."

Indeed, when everything is safe, the Great Wall looks very reassuring. However, once the Zhao army attacks, because the Great Wall's defense line is too long, the rigid and passive city wall is difficult to withstand the sudden attack of the enemy, and its weakness is obvious. Coupled with the different heights and thicknesses of the garrison and the city walls in various places, Zhao Jun had more than a dozen ways to bypass several fortresses in the Great Wall. The law blocked the front of the Zhao army.

Hu Hui smiled and said, "However, Qi has already been surrounded. Even if the army is recruited aggressively, more than 50 people can come to guard each mile of the Great Wall? Even if the enemy forces set fire to the beacon fire, they can't stop the thousand-mile embankment from being destroyed in the ant's nest. , rip off a section, or forcibly smash a section with a Shaoliang cannon, and you can drive straight in!"

If there are not enough soldiers to mobilize the defense, the Great Wall is as worthless as the low wall that prevented robbers from entering the house and looting.

"Having said that, but Mulingguan, Maxing, Fangmen and other places are heavily guarded. Where should we attack?" Zhao Guangde asked. , Suppressing Huaiyi is okay, but it is a little difficult to attack the fortress. The main force of this attack is still the 10,000-odd Luguo Right Army commanded by the Tiger Club.

"Yangdi." The Tiger Club has been pondering the route of entry for several months, and he said confidently: "The so-called Yangdi is the place south of Mount Tai and north of Wenshui, between Qilu and Lu, as the central place. The state of Lu controlled Qi, and the state of Qi controlled Yangqiao. We don't have to care about the so-called Great Wall of a thousand miles, as long as we concentrate our forces to break through Yangqiao, and from there we can enter Jinan. Wan Qi army, just want to disrupt its deployment and defense, so that your army in Jibei can cross the river!"


From late May, the situation in Qi became more and more serious. Not only did the Zhao army swept across Jibei, but also faced off against the 30,000 Qi army commanded by Chen Heng and the 30,000 temporarily recruited civilians. At the same time, in the direction of Lu State, 20,000 Lu troops also began to harass along the Great Wall of Qi State.

Initially, the Tiger Association and Zhao Guangde divided their troops into four directions, focusing on Jiagu and Ailing as their main attack directions, and broke through the barriers respectively. However, instead of attacking the city, he only looted the villages and forts. At the beginning of June, two hundred cavalrymen captured more than a thousand women and children near Ailing. They passed by the city of Ailing. They saw their relatives in the city, and they wailed at each other. . After Chen Heng, who was under the calendar, heard this, he was still calm, so that the troops stationed in Qi in various places must not rashly attack to give the Zhao army a chance, but to see the movements of the main force of the Zhao army.

Qi State's troops were insufficient, the defense line was too long, and various internal divisions made Lu's soldiers travel between the north and south of Mount Tai as if they were no one. The law has become a solid line of defense that can be fortified.

Just when the people of Qi thought that the main direction of Zhao Lu's army would be Ailing and Jiagu, in mid-June, Huhui suddenly led 10,000 Lu troops to destroy the Great Wall from Yangqiao near Fangmen!

There are already many craftsmen specializing in civil engineering in the State of Lu~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Many people were drafted into the army during the war and became special engineers, carrying hoes and shovels, and approaching under the cover of soldiers is not a problem. The thick earth wall of the Great Wall, with thousands of people facing the midsummer sun, worked in full force for a day, a side wall of dozens of steps near Yangqiao was completely demolished like this, much faster than when it was built.

Chen Heng set up three important towns along the Great Wall, Mulingguan, Maxing, and Fangmen, and made a more rigorous deployment. However, the entire Great Wall was only guarded by more than 10,000 soldiers and the same number of civilians, and the powers were different. There was no unified order, and the response was slow. For half a month, Lu Jun had attacked one place in the east and one place in the west. It was impossible to determine the center of defense, so it was not until half a day after Yangqiao fell that the defense gate responded.

However, the thousands of people who went to help were defeated by the Tiger Society's tactic of encircling the point to fight for help, and the western section of the Great Wall of Qi State had already fallen.

As more than 10,000 Lu troops penetrated into the Great Wall and began to stand firm and advance step by step, Chen Heng, who was under the calendar, found that the situation became more and more serious...

ps: Regarding the advantages and disadvantages of the Great Wall throughout the ages, especially the Ming Dynasty, Liu Tao, a Ming person, said it clearly in "Liu Daichuan Border Defense", so there is no need to repeat it. There is a chapter at 12:30 (to be continued.)

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