Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 1098: Jinan

Qi State Sima Chen Heng put on his armor and coat, stood at the head of Lixia City, facing north, and was silent as he watched Jishui flowing eastward. He was over thirty years old, with a mighty appearance. When he was wearing dark clothes and wide sleeves, Chen Heng was a talkative lobbyist. When he was wearing jet-black armor, he was a valiant general. The cap and sword loomed coldly and stabbed people coldly, but beneath this sturdy exterior was the restless heart.

In fact, since the State of Wu was attacked by the State of Yue the previous year and returned after being defeated in the State of Song, Chen Heng had not felt at ease for even a day.

For a time, Zhao State had already swept away the Central Plains and expelled the strong enemy, leaving only Qi State alone to resist.

Qi suffered a terrible defeat in the Battle of Wenshui more than ten years ago. Nearly half of its soldiers were either killed or captured. Although they were all enemies of the Chen family, it was impossible for Qi to recover in a short time. possible. Therefore, the Chen clan has always taken measures to unite with other states to oppose the Zhao clan and the Zhao country, but on their own side, they have built the Great Wall for passive defense.

However, this strategy now seems to be basically a failure.

The first is the internal disputes in the state of Qi. Last year, the Bao family was eliminated by the Chen family, and Bao Xi fled to the state of Zhao, which triggered a series of shocks and led to the fall of Yiyi and Juguo. With the fall of Gaotang, Jibei was safe. To defend, Chen Heng could only retreat to Jishui, because he only had 30,000 soldiers, plus 30,000 Ding Zhuang people recruited from both sides of Jishui.

Chen Heng also tried to use Chen's influence in the people of Jibei to train the recruited civilians into soldiers, but the time was too short, the scattered hearts could not be gathered at once, and the incomparably long line of defense could not stop the idea. Ding Zhuang who wants to escape. These civilians, holding wooden sticks and guarding the river bank, are fine. If they are going to fight against the elites of the Zhao State, they are just giving the other side the merits of war.

It rained overnight, and there was a problem in the rear. The Great Wall of Qi with only one wall was like a fence full of loopholes. The Lu army had already attacked and began to attack the city in the Taishan area, disturbing the flank of the Qi army.

In this case, Chen Heng had to divide another 5,000 troops to cooperate with the Great Wall guards to plug the gap. As a result, there were many fewer Qi people in the area to defend Zhao Wuxi's main force, and Chen Heng had to fight. Hundred times the spirit, make full use of the limited manpower to guard against the dead.

Because of the first battle in Jinan, it is related to the success and loss of Qi, and it is related to the survival of the Chen family!

However, just at this moment, I suddenly heard the rumbling sound of war drums!

It turned out to be the main camp of the Zhao army in Jibei. With the black bird flag raised by Zhao Wuxi's central army, it gradually sounded. Thousands of drums were lined up beside the bank of Jibei. The sound of war drums gradually became urgent. From weak to strong, gradually became crazy, between the drummer's arms rising and falling, the sound of war drums became stronger and stronger.

At the same time, with the waving of the command flag, an unknown number of Zhao Bing burst out with a strong and powerful roar, which was earth-shattering!

Hearing the sound of war drums rising on the other side, the people of Qi who were stationed in Jinan couldn't help but feel terrified. Chen Heng hurriedly ordered his soldiers to reorganize their army to prevent the enemy from attacking. , they gathered on the south bank, with bows and chariots ready, ready to deal with the enemy's **** battle across the river.

However, Zhao Jun only knocked for a while, and then died again...

Chen Heng couldn't help but said bitterly: "Zhao Wuxi, this is deliberately disturbing our army, trying to make people uneasy, so that the soldiers can't rest well..."

Since half a month ago, Zhao Jun has played a drum almost every day, but the time is uncertain. Every time, Qi Jun's chickens and dogs in Jinan can jump for a while. Although Chen Heng knew that this was deliberately done by Zhao Wuxi, he did not know how to do it. Don't dare to care for the big, every time you have to deploy defenses, who knows if Zhao Jun will force the crossing of the river next time when the drum beats? He can now feel how passive the initiative to attack is in the hands of the enemy.

In this extremely tense state, every precaution must be taken, and there are always omissions. On the night of June 25th, Zhao Jun had already beat a drum, and Jibei was quiet in the second half of the night. After nearly 20 days of confrontation, Chen Heng, who had not slept for several days, finally couldn't hold it any longer. He told several cousins ​​and lieutenants thousands of times that if Zhao Jun crossed the river like this, they would be at the head of the city. Wrapped in a marching blanket for a nap, he soon fell into a deep sleep. However, in this gap when Qi people were the most tired and careless, the north bank of Jishui River was not as quiet as it seemed...


At the camp of the Zhao army on the north bank of the Jishui River, Zhao Wuxi was fully armed and stood outside the tent. He Haolang, with his head held high, accepted the inspection and orders of Zhao Hou.

For today's battle, Zhao Wuxi can be said to have been preparing for a long time. At first, Zhao Jun didn't know the depth of the water and did not dare to act rashly. Zhao Wuxi knew that the cunning Chen Heng was waiting for Zhao Jun to attack the water. For a moment, if the Qi army can attack halfway, no matter how brave and strong the Zhao army is, it is very likely that they will be defeated and retreated. Therefore, he first let Lu State invade the Great Wall and mobilized Chen Heng's defense line. At the same time, he was constantly weakening the morale of the Qi people and disrupting their rest. Behind the various methods, he was still waiting for the opportunity to cross the water and give the Qi people on the other side a fatal blow.

After more than 20 days of confrontation, the depth of the Jishui was almost the same as that of the Zhao army, and there was such a rule: wherever the Qi army was heavily defended, the river was shallow; where the Qi army had few defenders The place is where the river is deep. So Zhao Wuxi decided to do the opposite, and sent his elite soldiers to cross the river tonight from the place where the Qi army had not set up troops to defend, and launched a surprise attack on Jinan.

In this way, although the water is a little deeper, as long as the first group of troops crosses over and occupies a bridgehead, the follow-up troops will continue to follow up.

All the generals responded enthusiastically, and finally Zhao Wuxi named Tian Ben. Although Lao Tian often did some impulsive things, he charged into the battle, slashed the generals and captured the flag, and no one could stand in the right!

At this moment, looking at the Lixia City on the other side, it was pitch black and no lights were on. Presumably, the people of Qi country were extremely tired after the Zhao army beating drums for many days, and in this deep water area, the shore opposite the Kushui River was also empty. , Seeing no one is a godsend opportunity!

Zhao Wuxi asked people to pour wine for the three thousand dead soldiers to march. Although it was midsummer, it was still a little cold when entering the water in the middle of the night. This spirit not only warms up the body, but also strengthens the courage, making these dead soldiers change one by one. Become a murderous beast.

Tian Ben took three thousand people to feel the darkness and swam quietly into the river. It was also unfortunate that the southeast wind was strong at this time, and the battle flag was blown by hunting, and rolling waves were also set off on the water surface. Although the waves were not big, one after another was quite spectacular, so it was not difficult for the dead to advance. .

Just when more than ten people had already climbed to the bank of the river, and Tian Ben himself had swum halfway, he suddenly heard a violent drumbeat coming from the shore, and shouts of killing came along with the night wind.

Zhao Jun, who was waiting on the north bank, was shocked for a while, but he saw hundreds of figures appearing from nowhere on the other side of the river. !"

On both sides of the river bank, countless torches were also lit up, and they rushed towards this side like a long dragon. It seemed that hundreds of people were ordered to help!

Zhao Wuxi was also slightly surprised by the sudden change. If he was cautious at this time, he should have withdrawn the advance troops. However, looking at the posture on the other side, Zhao Wuxi also guessed a bit.

This month-long confrontation is a test of patience for the commanders of both sides, and it is also a psychological game~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Logically speaking, it is easier to cross the river from the shallow water, so there are many guards, Zhao Wuxi In order to do the opposite, he deliberately chose to cross the river in deep water. However, his old rival Chen Heng was so cunning. He must have deliberately arranged fewer guards in the deep waters, but he actually left soldiers in ambush. Once someone crossed the river somewhere, he would definitely light the torch and seek support.

The road beside Jishui was muddy and difficult to walk, and the support was not fast. It would take half an hour for the nearest fire dragon to arrive, and Tian Ben and hundreds of dead soldiers had already joined forces with those who wanted to come to the shore to drive Zhao soldiers off the shore. The Qi soldiers fought and fought all the way forward. Although the dead soldiers were not wearing inch armor, they were brave and hard to stand, and they were only a few minutes away from killing this group of Qi people!

This is also Zhao Jun's opportunity!

Chen Heng is prepared, why is Zhao Wuxi not prepared? Even if the Zhao army fails to cross the river, if the main force of the Qi army on the other side can be attracted here, wouldn't the two troops he prepared ten miles away from the north and south have a chance to cross the water? And he also believed that if they met on a narrow road, Zhao Jun would be slightly better in terms of morale, numbers, equipment, and training.

Thinking of this, Zhao Wuxi resolutely let people sound the drum of war and blew the horn of attack. Facing the hunting and hunting wind, he vigorously waved the commanding flag in his hand, gearing up for a few miles and laying out on the shore of Jishui River. The officers and men of the three armies issued the order to force the crossing: "Cross the river! Break the state of Qi and destroy the Chen clan, all in one fell swoop!" (To be continued.)

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