Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 1099: East unknown

ps: Two historical texts are recommended in the package, "Soviet Union 1991" and "The Great Era 1958". If you are interested in the history of the Soviet Union, you can read it

The East is not yet clear, and the clothes are turned upside down. Turn it upside down, call it from the public...

Dongfang Weixi, upside down clothes. Upside down, since the public order...

——"Qi Feng. The East is not yet Ming"

When he was pushed awake by a colleague, the guard at the gate was dead asleep. He muttered and scolded, and wanted to roll over and continue to sleep as usual, but was kicked several times by the gatekeeper of Jimen in Linzi.

"What time is it, I'm still sleeping!" Ji's clerk smiled at his superior, but stared fiercely at the people, who then got up in a hurry, hurriedly putting on their clothes upside down.

"Put down the drawbridge and open the door!"

He was kicked several times in the ribs, and it still hurts now. While turning the turntable of the suspension bridge, he turned his eyes to the east.

"It's not yet dawn..." It's wartime, and Linzi's city defense is much stricter than before, but why did it open so early today?

The soldiers approached the city wall on their own initiative, and looked down the city, but they saw that outside the moat, there were more than a thousand soldiers in darkness. Against the background of the torches, black blood clots were solidified on their faces, and their hair and beards were full of dust. One of them glared at him when he saw that someone was spying on the city! Those people crowded around a black-robed general, who was obviously a dead man he raised.

Everyone was shocked and didn't dare to look again. Obviously, this group of people had just gone through a **** battle and returned from the trek. As for where they came from, could it be Jinan?

Not allowing people to think too much, the gate of Ji was opened, and under the leadership of a black-robed general, more than a thousand soldiers who were defeated and defeated filed in, and then the city gate quickly closed again.

At this moment, the East is still unknown.


The black-robed general who rode in the car was none other than Chen Heng.

It turned out that the Battle of Jishui, which started in Jinan five days ago, went through many twists and turns. First, the Chen family deliberately deployed heavy troops in the shallow waters, and deliberately left the deep waters undefended to lure the Zhao army to cross the river from the deep waters.

However, Zhao Jun was too brave. Before Chen Heng, who had just woken up from a nap, mobilized soldiers from other positions to support him, Tian Ben and his hundreds of shirtless soldiers had already defeated the guards on the shore, occupying a bridgehead position for Zhao Jun.

But they were immediately stopped by the thousands of Qi troops who came. After all, the mud on the shore was slippery and it was difficult to stand firm. They were shot with arrows by the Qi people on the shore, and the dead soldiers without armor were killed and injured.

At this time, the war has started, and neither side is hiding anymore. For a time, both sides of the Jishui are densely packed with torches. The Zhao army on the north bank is a sea of ​​fire, and the Qi army on the south bank is a fiery snake that is constantly rushing to help. Chen Heng knows that success or failure depends on In this move, almost all the soldiers and civilians under the calendar were thrown out of the nest. He issued an order that it was not necessary to drive the Zhao army into the river.

For Zhao Jun, the situation was a little unfavorable at first, because the river was too muddy and it was inconvenient to walk, so it was impossible to send too many people to cross the river at the same time. In addition to Tian Ben's 3,000 dead soldiers, nearly 10,000 people crossed the river to come to the rescue. The Chen family soldiers on the other side of the river were very fierce. Most of them were wearing armor, and they fought very bravely. The number of dead men on the other side is getting less and less.

However, the main force of the Qi army was delayed here, but it was not prevented that two branches of the Zhao army had successfully crossed the river ten miles to the left and right of the waters. The location is relatively clear, and after dawn, they will cover up to Lixia, cooperate with the main force of the Zhao army on the other side, and try to surround the Qi army.

Although the Qi people successfully drove Tian Ben and the dead soldiers off the river and prevented Zhao Wuxi from crossing the river south, they were extremely tired and were attacked by two sub-pawns from the rear.

Chen Heng, who was under the calendar, saw that the situation was over, and did not do any more resistance. He directly took the chariots and soldiers out of the northeast of the city and fled. After walking for three days and three nights, he finally returned to Linzi.

At this moment, the news of Jinan's defeat has not yet returned to Linzi. Most of the people here are still sleeping, but parents will dream of their children and grandchildren who are out on the expedition. Father and brother, who would have guessed that many of them had become dead bones on the banks of the Jishui River, and they were also captured by Zhao Jun with good luck...

When he finally entered the city that he was very familiar with, the thousand or so remnants of the defeated soldiers thought that they had escaped from life and did not have to be buried in Jinan. The sophisticated and sleek Chen Heng didn't say a word, just drove forward silently.

Linzi is one of the most prosperous capitals in all countries, including the big city and the small city. The small city is the palace city where the monarch lives. In the southwest of Linzi, the big city is the Guocheng where officials, civilians and businessmen live. The two cities are closely connected. Now Chen Heng enters from the Jimen in the southwest, and he can enter the big city along the main road, directly to Chen's mansion.

After expelling the three clans of Guo, Gao, and Yan, the main body of the Chen clan had already migrated to Linzi. After Chen Qi took office, he said to Yan Ji and Qi Hou Ruzi: "Exercising kindness is what people want, and it is up to the king to implement it; Punishment is something people hate, please let the ministers execute it." After doing this for five years, the state of Qi has been controlled by the Chen clan, and Linzi is only the Chen clan. After the elimination of the Bao clan, the Chen clan is now the only minister of Qi. His mansion covers the entire official area. There are not only tall walls, but also stables, school grounds, and warehouses. It is like a new palace city. .

As early as yesterday, Chen Heng sent someone on horseback to report the news. Chen Heng had already learned the news of the war in Jinan and his return from abandoning the army. , then went straight to the inner hall to meet his father Chen Qi.


Sitting on the terrace, looking at Linzi City, which is not yet in the East, Chen Qi was silent for a long time, and suddenly commented in a tired voice.

"My son is back."

Indeed, at the other side of the hall, there was the sound of squat boots with copper nails stepping on the wooden boards, like a drum beat. Except for the Chen family, no one dared to enter here without taking off their shoes. But this kind of stride, hasty, and irritable pace is not like Chen Heng's usual style.

But since the head of the family had an order, the clansman Chen Bao hurried over, supported Chen Qi, and returned to the living room from the terrace.

Under the candlelight, Chen Qi was no longer the shrewd and hard-working middle-aged gentleman he was more than ten years ago. He was in his sixties, and because he was worried about state affairs and family affairs, the lamp ran out very quickly, and unfortunately, he suffered from the common rheumatism. , it is almost difficult to move, and the whole person is described as withered. Therefore, the affairs of expeditions and alliances in these years are all done by Chen Heng.

At this moment, he was only wearing a single suit, sitting wearily indoors waiting for his son to return.

"Father..." When he stepped into Mingtang and saw the face of his old father, Chen Heng couldn't bear it any longer. He bowed his head to the ground suddenly, and when he raised his head again after a long time, without warning, a crystal teardrop rushed out of Chen Heng's eyes. . Because the teardrops were so light, even Chen Heng didn't notice it.

Chen Qi noticed that, he let Chen Bao go down, and waved his son to come over, wiped away the weak tear for him, pursed his lips, and rebuked: "Winning or losing is impermanent, but how can a man's tears fall lightly? The old man is not dead yet, it's not my turn to mourn for me!"

Only then did Chen Heng realize that he had lost his temper, and quickly wiped his face with his dirty sleeves, then quickly recounted the war in Jinan, and immediately bowed down and said: "The boy lost his teacher and lost his land, humiliating Qi and Chen. Shi, should be slaughtered in the family temple. But my father, Lixia is the gateway to Linzi. Now Jishui has been captured in the north and south, the Great Wall has also been breached by Lu people, and the west, south, and north of Qi can no longer be defended. When we arrive, Linzi is also in danger..."

Chen Qi looked at his son and smiled bitterly: "This is the destiny, not the fault of war. The state of Qi will be today, it was doomed as early as ten years ago, and several attempts to form an alliance against Zhao were unsuccessful. Wu and Wu were defeated one after another, and Chu State did not dare to be an enemy of Zhao State. Now Zhao Wuxi is in full swing, begging for peace for his father several times, saying that Qi State could return Yiyi and Ju, and even cede Jibei, but they were all rejected. Zhao Wuxi hated the state of Qi completely, hated my Chen clan, and it will be destroyed soon... Now, is there anything my son can do?"

He is not blaming Chen Heng and Zhao Wuxi as enemies. This was originally a national policy planned by the father and son together. If Chen Heng had not traveled all over the world and made allies, he would have been defeated by Zhao Wuxi five years ago. Broke.

Chen Heng really has a plan.

"This is the end of the matter. Whether it is to defend the lonely city or give up and surrender, it is a dead end. In my opinion, it is better to give up Linzi and move east!"

"Dongfang?" Old Chen Qi looked at Chen Heng thoughtfully.

"Yes, in the east of Linzi, there are Gaomi and Weishui, and further east there is Donglai. Although Jiaodong and Jiaoxi are small, there are hundreds of miles of land. It is isolated in the east, and it is separated from the sea on three sides. It is good at fish and salt. It has a population of 500,000. Moreover, the hills are vertical and horizontal, and it is close to the seashore, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

This is what Chen Heng thought about on the way to escape. After Chen Qi sat up, he divided the land of Qi from the east of Anping to Donglai as his own fief. This area also includes Donglai, which is the Jiaodong Peninsula in later generations. , In the past, it was the country of Lai Yi, but it was conquered by Qi State only 60 years ago.

"Donglai..." Chen Qi got up from the couch with difficulty, and after walking a few steps in melancholy, he sighed: "With Gaomi and Weishui alone, I'm afraid I still can't stop Zhao Lu's army of 100,000..."

"But at least, escaping into Donglai is Chen's last hope!"

Chen Qi, as if returning to the light, stood tall and straight, and immediately ordered Chen Heng: "You quickly gather your clansmen, and don't want to load up your belongings. The main force of Zhao's army has not yet come from Jinan and the Great Wall, go east to Gaomi, and retreat. Go to Donglai!"

"Let's do it now, kid!" The gloom of Jinan's defeat was also swept away. For Chen Heng, no matter how many people died, as long as his Chen family temple didn't fall, everything was worth it.

But after walking a few steps, he realized what Chen Qi meant, looked back and asked, "What about father?"

Chen Qi shook his head helplessly: "I've run out of lights, and I can't get out of Linzi at all, let alone to the East."

"Could it be that my father wants to stay in Linzi!?" Chen Heng was shocked~www.wuxiaspot.com~ As Qi Qing, as the head of the Chen family, he should naturally stay where I should be, even if the army is under the city, even if the axe In addition, it should not be avoided. "

Chen Qi's words sounded so sad, so tired, so weak, but he also had the pride of being a minister of a great country and a traitor!

"One generation has another life, and the era of being a father has come to an end, but you are different. You are still young, full of strategy, and won the heart of the warriors of Qi. Even if you are forced to such a situation, you have never treated him Zhao Wuxi. Bow your head and give in, you should succeed the Chen family and continue to walk with your clan!"

Chen Qi took his son's hand and handed him a mysterious turtle strategy that the Chen family had passed down for six generations, with a few lines of words densely written on it.

"My son, you will immediately go to Gaomi, cross the Wei River and the Jiaolai River, and escape into Donglai. You must keep in mind that if you can let the Chen family continue for a longer period of time, whether it is a few months or a few years, as long as there is a You can't give up any hope of continuing the family!"

ps: There is another chapter in the evening (to be continued.)

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