Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 1100: unfounded

Qi State is an ancient state with the surname Si in its office. It is said to be a direct descendant of Dayu in the Xia Dynasty. Even if Shang Tang destroyed Xia, Qi continued as a small Fang State. In the Yin, Zhou and Yi Dynasties, in order to reflect the Zhou people's "existence and extinction", King Wu of Zhou chose Xiaoxiaoqibang, and his monarch Donglou Gong was honored as a guest. worship.

However, the fate of Qi Kingdom was ill-fated. The 600-year history of their re-establishment of the country is a history of continuous migration and exile.

In the beginning, the fief of Qi State was in the hinterland of the Central Plains, that is, Qi County, Henan Province in later generations. However, with the decline of the Zhou family, the Zhou nobles in the west fled east one after another, and these people from the west occupied many small Eastern countries. Qi Guo also suffered from it. As a last resort, they could only move a little in this migration wave and moved to the vicinity of Mount Tai, north of Lu State.

However, it is still unsafe here. Qi State was attacked and coveted by Song State, Lu State and other forces successively. It was unable to gain a foothold in Zhuxia and had to move to the land of Dongyi. They chased away Junyu Jun, surnamed Jiang, and took the Dove nest, this is settled down. But the good times did not last long. After more than 100 years, under the invasion of Huaiyi and Ju Kingdom, Qi Kingdom moved to Yuanling Township, a hundred miles away in the west, until more than 50 years ago, when his nephew With the support of Duke Ping of Jin, Duke Wen of Qi regained Chunyu and restored the old land.

However, the migration exhausted Qi State's energy and people's strength, and the cultural classics were scattered and almost completely lost. Even Confucius said regretfully: "I can say the rituals of the Xia Dynasty, but the descendants of the Xia Dynasty Qi State are not enough. Prove my words..."

The title of the state of Qi also dropped again and again. King Wu of the Zhou Dynasty sealed Qi, worshipped him as a kingdom, and was treated as a prince, and the courtesy was extremely long. After Qi State moved eastward, Xia Li lost, but was deeply influenced by Yi Li, so he was often despised by Lu State, sometimes called "Qi Hou", sometimes called "Qi Zi". Qi Guo himself was ashamed of his appearance, and he also called himself "Bo Qi" on the bronze inscriptions carved in seals.

Remoteness and isolation are also beneficial. At a time of millennium change, Zhao State swept the Central Plains and defeated Wu State. However, as a vassal state of Qi, the capital of Qi State, Chunyu, was located inside the Qi Great Wall, so it was not affected for the time being.

Because there is also a distance of hundreds of miles from the nearest city of Qi, the two sides basically do not communicate with each other, and merchants rarely pass by here, so Qi people don't even know that when the summer begins this year, Zhao and Qi have already started a relationship. A desperate fight.

They still live a different life than usual, the only difference is that they have a different monarch.

Qi Bowei is the 16th monarch of Qi country since Duke Donglou. His father was Duke Qi Li, who just died last year. Now the period of filial piety has been completed for one year.

Speaking of this monarch, Qi Ren also relishes one thing, that is, when he was still the prince, he once fell into an inexplicable panic after a dream:

He was actually worried that one day the sky would collapse and the earth would sink!


"If the sky falls and the earth collapses, there will be no shelter for Yu and all the people." Qi Wei, who was still the prince at the time, was deeply worried about this, and even reached the level of being unable to eat and eat, and it was over like this. For several years, this anxiety disorder has not improved, neither the doctor nor Wu Zhu can make the prince feel at ease, and his father Qi Ligong also has a headache.

Seeing that his body is not as good as the day, how can such a prince inherit the sacrifices of the Xia Hou clan and govern the country? With nothing to do, Qi Ligong even wanted to replace the prince and let the concubine take the throne.

However, this matter was finally resolved. Last spring, a dark-clothed wanderer from Qi State came to the remote Qi State and entered Chunyu City. He happened to hear that the prince was delusional, so he took the initiative to ask to meet the prince. , have a chat.

Taking the dead horse as a living horse doctor, Qi Ligong agreed to the traveller's request, and immediately let him enter the palace and meet the prince.

"When did the prince's worry start?" After meeting, the "Wanderer of Qi State" first chatted about the scenery and people of Qi State for a while, which attracted Qi Wei's attention, and then tentatively asked the reason for his anxiety.

Qi Wei said: "To tell the truth, Mr. Qi was studying the past of the Qi country, but when he saw that the country had migrated four times within three hundred years, he couldn't help but feel frightened. Entrusted to the big state, so I don't know when the next forced migration will take place. I further think that not only the country's capital and national destiny are unreliable, but even the world where this person lives is not necessarily reliable. The Sheji is preserved, and there is always a place for us to stay in the heaven and earth, but if one day, the sky suddenly falls, if one day, the earth suddenly collapses, what should we do? At that time, wouldn’t Qi Kingdom be unavoidable? Avoid, can you just wait to die?"

The prince Qi Wei's character is as simple as ordinary Qi people, but because he sees far and thinks deeply, he has such "pointless" worries. The Qi State Youshi was silent for a moment, but he didn't think it was the same as others. Thinking is often the source of human troubles, but compared to people who never think, this is already a great improvement. So he smiled and asked back: "Prince, do you want to know, what is the sky and the earth?"

Qi Wei nodded, and the traveller of Qi State came eloquently.

"The so-called sky, which seems to be vast and boundless, is actually nothing more than accumulated gas. This is air. There is no place without air in Qi Kingdom, Qingzhou, the entire Kyushu, and even the outer Kyushu and the four seas. , The prince's every move, every breath, every breath, is in the air all day long. Did the prince see the clouds in the sky? Clouds are also qi, but only water vapor formed by water transpiration. Water vapor can condense into rain. Landing, but the essence of air is gas, it has always been floating in mid-air, how could it collapse?"

Qi Wei is a remote country, how could he ever have said such a statement, Qi Wei was stunned, but after thinking about it, he felt that it was not right, and asked: "No, sir, since you said that the sky is made of gas, the sun, the moon, the Won't the stars and chen fall down?"

The traveler of Qi country smiled mysteriously: "The prince asked a good question. This will involve a bigger problem. Let's start with it first... This earth is actually round..."


"What! The earth is round!?" Qi Wei felt that everything he had known before had been destroyed, and the initiator was this Qi country wanderer.

"Don't the people of Lu state say that the sky is round and the earth is flat, and China is in the middle?"

Qi Wei Youshi seems to be accustomed to Qi Wei's shock. When he entered the Linzhang Academy to study, he was also ruined by this "round earth theory", but it also opened his eyes completely and re-understood the world. .

You Shi smiled and said: "That is a fallacy, the ground is round, for example, in the sea, the water is high and the ground hangs down, so it can be seen that the ground is not flat; I have some classmates and scholars who once went west to Jing in order to prove this point. At the turn of Wei Dynasty, they went east to Langya Beach, north to Yandai Hu raccoon dog, and south to Chu State Fangcheng. They found that the farther they went north, the higher the North Star; the farther south, the lower the North Star, In addition, some new stars can be seen in the south that cannot be seen in the north. At the same time, the sunrise times in the east and west are different, so it can be inferred that the earth is round, and we call it the earth.”

Qi Wei was stunned and could only let the scholar go on.

"Of course, in order to finally prove this point, there must be a fearless person walking around this earth, stepping over mountains, and crossing the sea. If he can really return to his original position, then he can finally prove this point of view. But for the time being, we think that the earth is like an egg yolk, and the sky is like an egg shell, each of which can turn. That is to say, the sky that we can see has an end, and the air fills up from the surface to 99,000 feet. Outside, the earth is surrounded by this thick atmosphere. The sun, moon and stars that the prince is worried about are still outside this atmosphere."

Qi Wei swallowed his saliva. He had almost forgotten his worries. All his energy was focused on the wonders of heaven and earth that Qi Youshi said.

He was not ashamed to ask, and the wanderers of Qi State naturally did not hesitate to teach them. After all, in the Linzhang Academy, "viewing the humanities and transforming into the world" is their consistent principle. The tradition of "no class", as long as you ask for it wholeheartedly, this knowledge does not need to be treasured as a broom, but to be spread so that more people can understand and accept it.

So on that day, Qi Guo Youshi told Qi Wei many theories about the "universe" outside the earth, such as "the universe is a vacuum", "what is a vacuum", "how the sun, moon and stars shine", "the way they work" What is "What is gravitation"...

All of the above, such as the earth circle theory, were directly developed on the basis of the astronomical cognition of the Chinese people in the Spring and Autumn Period. Some of them are new things directly thrown out by a prince of a big country who likes to put forward new and appalling theories. In order to prove these bizarre theories, many scholars of the Academy have worked hard.

The two of them chatted for one day. When it was dark, they had already talked about the birth of the universe...

"There is too easy, there is too beginning, there is too beginning, and there is too plain. Those who are too easy have no qi. Those who are too early are the beginning of qi. Those who are too beginning are the beginning of form. Those who are too simple are the beginning of quality. When qi, When shape and quality are not separated, it is chaos, and the universe is born from chaos..."

"So that's it..." Although Qi Wei still doesn't understand much, and doesn't believe in many of You Shi's claims, today's conversation has greatly broadened his horizons. The sleep faded away.

Seeing that the prince had regained his previous spirit, and even ate a whole gu of rice, Qi Ligong was overjoyed. Although Qi Wei still wanted to talk with the wanderer of Qi country all night, it was too late, Qi Ligong was worried about his son's body, and the wanderer of Qi country also showed a look of tiredness, so Qi Wei could only give up angrily.

For the next few days, he spent all his time chatting with the wanderer of the state of Qi, and he almost became a close friend. When asked about his name, the wanderer of the state of Qi said that his name was "Xia Zi".

In addition to some astronomy and geography, Xia Zi also taught Qi Wei "Zhou Bi's numbers" such as 12345, as well as vertical arithmetic, which is much more clever than what Qi Guo is still using.

As a young man who likes to think, Qi Wei is very interested in these things, but is limited by the conditions, it is difficult to have a deeper understanding. Although he had the intention to keep Xia Zi as his grandfather, he also knew that Qi Guo, the smallest state of the country, was afraid that he would not be able to keep this great talent, and his future would be delayed, so he could only reluctantly bid farewell to him.

When they finally parted, Qi Wei gave Xia Zi the high treatment that he could enter and leave at will in several cities and towns of Qi State, and had a special car to pick him up.

And Xia Zi gave Qi Wei a scroll of hand-copied long poems...

Paper is still a luxury item in Qi Kingdom. Looking at such a long roll of paper, Qi Wei even thinks that this traveller's identity is extraordinary. I am afraid that it is not a nobleman or a nobleman, but a certain son and grandson of Qi Kingdom.

After looking at the scroll, he was even more stunned.

I saw what he wrote at the beginning of the long volume:

"At the beginning of the ancient times, who preached it? The top and bottom are not in shape, why should we test it? Mingzhao is dark, who can be the best? Feng Yiweixiang, how do you know it?"...

The day is bright and the night is dark, how is it arranged?

The combination of yin and yang produces all things, what is the source and what is the evolution?

Legend has it that there are nine levels in the vastness of the sky. Who was there to measure it?

With such a huge project, who started to build it?

How are the sun, moon and celestial bodies connected? How is the star display?

People say: The sun comes out from Tanggu in the morning and perches in Mengsi at night.

How many miles did you travel from dawn to dusk?

After reading the 373 lines and 1560 words of the whole poem, Qi Wei was so shocked by these questions that were unparalleled in the past and present, and the world was speechless. He could only keep repeating: 'Mr. "

"Otherwise, the real genius is not me, but the one who wrote this "Tianwen"."

"Is he also a native of Qi?"

"No." Xia Zi blinked and said with a smile: "He is not from Qi, but from Zhao, and he has a high status. His mind is all over the world, and his wisdom is beyond ancient and modern. The school he founded is huge, and there are There are countless students like me, who are constantly writing, just to explore the mysteries of heaven and earth and the truth of the universe.”

Qi Wei yearned for it, but sighed again: "The boy lives in a remote and small country, the country is surrounded by Qi, and it is limited by the Great Wall. Take a look at the school you said."

"Perhaps it won't take long before the prince's wish will be fulfilled." Xia Zi finally smiled mysteriously, bid farewell to Qi Wei, left Chunyu City, and walked to the other two towns in Qi State. He claimed to be traveling all over the mountains and rivers of Qi State...


The deceased was like a man, and he was reluctant to give up day and night. Soon, a year passed. After Qi Ligong passed away, Qi Wei successfully inherited the throne of the monarch. Unfounded worries.

However, what Qi Wei did not expect was that in the late Xia June of the first year of his succession, the sky of Qi Kingdom really collapsed!

The southern border of Qi Kingdom, which should have been well defended by the Great Wall of Qi Kingdom~www.wuxiaspot.com~, suddenly had an army of more than 10,000 people. It seemed that they knew the situation of Qi Kingdom's mountains and rivers very well, so they directly attacked Chunyu City.

Looking at the brightly armored army outside, Qi Wei's face turned pale, Qi Kingdom was too small, the entire Chunyu City could not even gather a thousand soldiers, and the armor and weapons were extremely outdated, making it impossible to resist.

Just when he was in despair, a car came from under the city, and there was a scholar in dark clothes and scarves, and across the low wall, he said to Qi Wei at the head of the city: "Mr. Qi, long time no see! "

"Xia Zi, why are you?" Qi Wei took a closer look, who else could it be if it wasn't that Qi country wanderer Xia Zi? But looking at the army behind him, Qi Wei seemed to understand something...

The traveller was also ashamed, and he saluted in the car: "The foreign ministers have concealed something before, but in fact, my name is Bu Shang, the name is Zixia, I was born in the Linzhang Academy, and I am a minister of the lord of the Zhao State. Today, the Hou Fengtian of Zhao The son's order is to cut Qi, and I have specially sent me to borrow the way from Qi Jun!"

ps: The inscriptions on the Qi State bronzes unearthed in Xintai and other places have the mark "Every Uncle Qi died", which can prove that the title of Qi State was once Uncle. In addition, the "Earth Round Theory" has been mentioned for a long time in China, but most people's understanding is still that the sky is round and the place is round. (To be continued.)

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