Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 1101: hanging by a thread

ps: Chen Hengdong should have escaped from Bei Dianyi, not Gaomi. Correct it here. Chapter 2 is at night


There were more than 10,000 troops besieging the city outside, but there were only more than 1,000 guards in the city, and the walls of the city were low and the armor and soldiers were inferior. Qi Wei is self-aware. He obediently obeyed Zixia's "request", opened the city gate, agreed with Lu Jun's "borrowing road", and was willing to provide Zhao Jun's rations for ten days for free - the total population of Qi country is less than 30,000 yuan, no matter how much he can't get it.

After that, Qi Wei handed over all affairs to the doctors in Chunyu City, and ran back to the humble palace to get sullen. What he was angry with was not Zixia's intention to explore the way for Zhao Hou to come to Qi Kingdom, but that he was unwilling to tell the truth and never regarded himself as a friend.

Zixia was also a gentleman. Seeing Qi Wei like this, he felt ashamed. With his mediation, the Lu army finally took care of Qi. The army did not enter Chunyu City, but was stationed outside. After a night's rest, they headed to Yuanling, leaving only a few people to follow Zixia to take care of the back road and coordinate food and grass.

Just as Zixia said, they were traveling through the Qi Kingdom this time, indeed, they came here by means of the Tao. The commander of this army was Ran Qiu, who made great contributions in the Zhao-Wu War. After the war in Huaisi the previous year, Ran Qiu was transferred to Donglu to cooperate with the Guo, Gao and Yan families stationed in Jucheng to counterattack Langya. .

Ju Zi, who took refuge in Qi State, had no appeal in the country, and the doctors would rather take refuge in Zhao State than go crazy with him. The attack went very smoothly. After retaking Langya and rescuing Xu Cheng and the navy generals who had been savages for almost a year on Langya Mountain, Ran Qiu was ordered to be stationed in the state of Ju. In addition to the Donglu army, he also had the family soldiers of the Yan family and the Bao family.

Qi State also has several sections of the Great Wall in its eastern border, extending from Muling Pass to Jimo City, but Ran Qiu has long seen that this section of the Great Wall also has a fatal weakness, that is Qi State.

Qi State stationed heavy troops in both Jimo City and Muling Pass, but Qi State was a blank area, and Zixia visited Qi State as a wanderer, which also happened under this circumstance. Digging up a section of the Great Wall, entering Chunyu along the Wei River, and then going deep into the hinterland of Qi has become the established strategy of the Eastern Front.

Now the strategy has been completed halfway, but for the coach Ran Qiu and many people from the Lu country, they have always had no good feelings for the Qi country under their feet.

Back then, the state of Qi was weak and weak, sandwiched between the states of Qi and Lu, and was often harassed. In history, the state of Lu had repeatedly attacked the state of Qi and occupied the fields of the state of Qi under the pretext of being disrespectful to the ruler of Qi. In order to protect himself, the state of Qi formed an alliance with the state of Jin, and Duke Qi Yin made a great deal: he gave his daughter to Duke Miao of Jin as a concubine, and as a result, Duke Ping of Jin was born.

Now Qi Guo is equivalent to hugging a thigh. When Duke Jin Ping grows up, he can't resist his mother's ear, and decides to support Qi Guo and help them move the capital back to Chunyu. Not only that, Jin also asked Lu for Qi Tian for Qi, and Lu was forced to agree.

But secretly, the Lu people were very angry that Jin State favored Qi State too much, and they said indignantly: "Qi State is a descendant of Xia Dynasty, and it uses Yi etiquette. Lu State is a descendant of Zhou Gong, and has the same surname as Jin State. Now, the state of Jin is not worried about the decline of the Zhou family, but instead protects the remnants of the Xia Dynasty. It is really unreasonable! Giving all the state of Qi to the state of Lu is almost the same, how can it damage the interests of the state of Lu and make it fat!"

Forty or fifty years and two generations have passed since this incident, but some deep-rooted regional characters are difficult to reverse. In the minds of Ran Qiu and other scholars of the state of Lu, now that the state of Lu and Zhao Che have the same language and text, and are almost integrated, they should do things that Jin state did not do back then, and merge the cities and towns of Qi state into one. Enter the territory of Lu Kingdom! As for the Qi people, it is enough to move them to a remote rural area to continue offering sacrifices to the Xiahou's Sheji.

However, these words were still in Ran Qiu's stomach and did not come out easily. Last time, because of the death of Sima Ziniu, Ran Qiu was emotional and said more about the right and wrong about Nanzi and Tiandaoism, which indirectly caused Zhao Wuxi to divide the Song country and let the Le family stationed in Pengcheng. Now two years have passed, The Song Dynasty was still divided into East and West.

Ran Qiu is very measured and is very sensitive to the relationship between monarchs and ministers. He knows that some words need to be made at the right time, and he is not sure, if this battle can be broken in one fell swoop, how Zhao Hou will treat Qi, Lu and Qi , and even the state of Ju.

The situation in the East is still unclear...

But there is one thing that Ran Qiu is sure of, that is, no matter which country it is, no matter how it is divided after the war, whether it is continued, destroyed, or reborn, everyone must honestly stay in the new order delineated by Zhao Hou. under!

In this way, at the beginning of July, Ran Qiu let Bao Xi lead thousands of his family soldiers to hold off the Qi army at Muling Pass, and let Yan Yu lead thousands of people to attack Jimo, the eastern important town of Qi State, while he himself brought the main force to take advantage of Qi State. This blank, all the way north, deep into the hinterland of Qi, the lower reaches of the Yinma Wei River, that is, Weifang in later generations.

After arriving here, Ran Qiu was very close to his strategic goal.

Bei Dian, this is where Ran Qiu is about to attack!


Bei Hall, also known as Changyi, Shandong in later generations, was originally the site of Dongyi Laiyi. Two hundred years ago, after Duke Zhuang of Qi conquered this place, he began to set up Bei Hall. After two centuries of development, this place has been developed. Yes, Qi is regarded as the other capital of the East. It has a prosperous city group with a population of nearly 100,000. The cooking salt industry and fishery are very developed. It is the core area of ​​Jiaoxi.

In addition to the developed economy, this place is also surrounded by Weihe River in the south, Shaohai Sea in the north, mountains and rivers, shielding

East and West is an important place connecting Linzi and Donglai, so when Zhao Wuxi was formulating his strategy, he let Ran Qiu on the east line use this as the end point of his march.

It's a pity that Ran Qiu came a few days late. After the soldiers approached Bei Palace, he learned that just a few days ago, Chen Heng had brought thousands of people from Linzi to Bei Palace, but he didn't make much pause. After leaving some soldiers, they crossed Weishui and Jiaolai River and continued eastward.

"This Chen Heng is really more cunning than a fox~www.wuxiaspot.com~ has a nose like a dog." Ran Qiu knew that Chen Heng was the most difficult enemy of the emperor, not because he was strong, but because of his perseverance Di and Zhao Hou are against each other, probably because they are all thieves?

If Chen Heng can be killed or captured, it must be a great achievement, and this time he let him run away, Ran Qiu can't help but feel a little regretful.

However, he still intercepted Chen Heng's tail. Chen Bao, a member of the Chen clan behind him, brought a group of nobles and common people over, but was blocked by the Lu army and could not move forward. As a result, the state of Qi was divided into two parts: east and west. .

Ran Qiu was cautious and did not rush across Weishui to pursue Chen Heng. The Donglai area is densely covered with hills, and it is easy to suffer a loss if you are not familiar with the terrain and traffic. His mission was to conquer Beidian, strangle Donglai, and then head west to join Zhao Wuxi.

In the first ten days of July, after nearly ten days of fierce battles, the terrified Bei Temple was finally conquered. After leaving more than a thousand people here, Ran Qiu headed westward with the main force. On July 15th, Jinan, the Great Wall of The three armies of Jiaoxi and Jiaoxi have joined forces. Except for the capital and Donglai, the rest of Qi has been conquered by Zhao Lu's army.

In this way, nearly 100,000 troops surrounded Linzi, the Sheji of Qi State, and the Chen family's survival and death were endless! (To be continued.)

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