Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 1102: after having a concubine

In the first ten days of July, the city of Linzi was overwhelmed by dark clouds.

When the Zhao army came from Jinan, and the two armies of the Lu army arrived from Maxing and Beidian respectively, and the three armies surrounded Linzi with 100,000 people, they found that the defense of Linzi was not strict. Although there were many people standing on the city wall, the weapons and equipment were also All are well-made, but an air of despair pervades them.

It turned out that the only psychological defense line, the Great Wall, was easily crossed by Zhao Jun, and after Jinan's defeat, the people of Qi had lost the courage to resist, and the reason why they were able to stand on the wall and pick up weapons was entirely because of the Chen family. Ze is still alive, but Chen Qi, the head of the Chen family, is not dead.

As long as he is still alive, the traitor who played the prince and clan of Qi State with applause, Linzi will not be captured from within.

But Zhao Jun was not polite at all. After Zhao Wuxi gave an order, dozens of Shaoliang artillery pieces in the chariot battalion of the Chinese army roared and began to pour out their anger towards the city head. Hit the city wall. The stone collided with the earth wall, and for a while, the debris flew, and even the entire city tower shook.

The Qi people could only hide at the base of the wall. In the face of the powerful trebuchet, the shield could not play any role at all. Fortunately, there were not many soldiers guarding the city, and there was no crowded situation when they were scattered. Block still gave the defenders a heavy blow.

The flying gravel hit them mercilessly, causing them to twitch for a while, but they didn't dare to move at all. These boulders filled the sky made them feel endless fear. A fool knows that as long as they leave the protection of the city wall, they will be destroyed in an instant. will be smashed to pieces.

The Qi people couldn't help being horrified. Zhao Jun's sharp weapon, the Shao Liang Cannon, was even more terrifying than the legendary one today. Such a terrifying thing could not be resisted by human power, and they were at a loss for words.

The gate tower of Jimen was screaming miserably under the ruthless blow of the stone. At this moment, it was like a small boat in the sea, and it was in danger. The people above all thought to themselves: This city, I’m afraid it won’t be able to hold…

On the contrary, outside the city, the Zhao army burst into cheers, and the huge power of the trebuchet boosted the morale of all the soldiers and made them full of confidence. Immediately, the sound of low war drums rang all over the battlefield.

"Kill!" As the Chinese army's command flag waved, the battle flag danced wildly. Looking from the top of the city, one could see that the colorful flags of Zhao Lu's army set off layers of waves, which was spectacular. Afterwards, the first brigade and then the first division, and then the entire three armies cheered and drank. Between heaven and earth, there was a sound of killing, and countless torrents composed of copper, iron and leather rushed to Linzi.

Under the fierce attack, the dangerous city was crumbling, and Chen Qi, the patriarch of the Chen family who should have been in control of the overall situation, was lying on the sick bed at the moment, dying, and there was only a younger son named Chen Xi serving him.


The head of the city was caught in a fierce battle, and the city of Linzi was also full of fear.

The Zhao army had a hundred thousand troops, and Linzi also had a hundred thousand inhabitants, but less than one-tenth of them were able to take up arms to fight for the Chen clan. Most people hid in their rooms and shivered. The means of buying people's hearts that Chen's big Dou lent and Xiao Dou took back would not make them sell their lives.

In this time of panic, Chen Xi was equally uneasy. He is the son of the elder of the Chen family. After the defeat in Jinan, Chen Heng, the heir of the Chen family, has been ordered to move the whole family eastward, but the head of the family, Chen Qi, insists on coexisting with Linzi. The elders will naturally die together. Because of his father, Chen Xi could only be forced to stay. When his father led his family soldiers to defend against the enemy, he had to stay beside the family master to serve.

The people who were supposed to run had already run away, and the loyal guardians went outside with their weapons, so within a hundred paces, except for a few family soldiers patrolling the door, the entire inner hall was empty. If Chen Xi listened attentively, he could hear the sound of battle in the distance. The long distance, the walls of the house almost cut them off, but if he listened carefully, it was always there: the murmur of the horn, the shaking and impact of the trebuchet , the wall shattered, countless arrows fluttered at the city head, the cloud ladder collided with the city wall, the armor and shield collided with a crackling sound... Beneath all this, there were the cries of the dying.

These noises woke Chen Qing on the sickbed. He opened his eyes and wriggled weakly under the quilt. Although he was in a bad mood, his voice was still clear.

"Has Zhao Jun entered the city?"

Chen Xi swallowed and replied, "Patriarch, not yet."

"Even if not, it's almost..." Chen Qi took a deep breath, as if he might die at any time.

People who are about to die are also good at their words. He looked at the younger son who was with him at the last moment, and asked, "Your name is Chen Xi?

"Wei." Chen Xi was surprised and flattered by the memory of the head of the family.

With his help, Chen Qi got up with difficulty, he was skinny and skinny, and Chen Xi felt that there was almost no weight in his hands.

"Since you are a disciple of the Chen family, you should know, where did my Chen family come from?"

"I know, the ancestor is Chen Gongzi, who came from Chen country."

Chen Qiheran: "Yes, it has been passed down from Chen Jingzhong to me for six generations. These are well known, but there is one more thing that only past generations of patriarchs know..."

This story is related to a mysterious prophecy from the very beginning. Chen Wan is the son of Chen Ligong. When he was born, Zhou Taishi happened to come to Chen State, and used "Book of Changes" to make a divination prediction about Chen Wan's destiny: "The hexagram becomes the "No" hexagram, which is called "viewing the light of the country, using the guest to the king", which is a good omen, and the price is indescribable. I am afraid that the surname of Chen Guo's surname will be changed, but it should not be here. , but in another country, not in this son, but in his descendants...

"After Chen Jingzhong came to Qi to escape the civil strife in Chen, he was used by Duke Huan of Qi, but he still lived under the country, high, Guan, and Bao, just as a small worker and a doctor, not worth mentioning. However. When he married the Gong clan Yi clan, he fortuned for good and bad and got another hexagram..."

After Chen Qilue paused, he quietly sang the prophecy: "Feng Huang Yu Fei, and Ming Qiang Qiang, after having Gui, will be nurtured in Jiang. The fifth generation Qichang, and Yu Zhengqing. After the eighth generation, Mo Zhi and Jing..."

Chen's history, he vividly remembers.

After Chen finished, the Chen family has been developing tepidly. In the fifth generation, it coincided with the first demise of the Chen state, and the Cui Qing rebellion occurred in the Qi state. Chen Qi's father, Chen Wuyu, made great contributions and became the Qing family. , obtained a large fief, and from then on, the Chen family re-noted the prophecy left by the ancestors, and for the first time came up with the idea of ​​"dai Qi"...

"After there is a concubine, it will be bred in Jiang; the fifth generation of Qichang, and Yu Zhengqing, my father has fulfilled this prophecy. The Chen family has developed and grown in the Jiang surnamed Qi country, and it is more prosperous than the Chen country in the south..." Chen Qi said sadly: "It stands to reason that this prophecy should be accurate. Next, it should be after the eighth generation, Mozhi and Jing."

If you count his short-lived brother Chen Wuzi, when his son Chen Heng is in power~www.wuxiaspot.com~Chen's family is exactly eighth! Chen Qi was also inexplicably excited, thinking that the ancient prophecy would be fulfilled in the next generation.

What is the purpose of his life's enduring humiliation, full of tricks, maneuvers, and bribing people's hearts? Isn't it in order to weaken Jiang's public family to the greatest extent, remove their wings, and prepare for his son Chen Heng to fulfill his prophecy in the future and obtain Qi's regime?

However, in the end, the bamboo basket was empty and the prophecy failed. The Chen family did successfully seize the domestic political power, but their prosperity also came to an end together with Qi's national fortune...

When the lamp was running out of oil, Chen Qi couldn't help but angrily asked the sky, why is the prediction inaccurate?

A hollow rumbling sound echoed above Linzi, which was the dull thunder from the clouds, which seemed to answer Chen Qi's question.

"Zhao Wuxi..."

Chen Xi heard the patriarch gnashing his teeth with his last strength and cursing: "It's all because of Zhao Wuxi! He was born out of nowhere and robbed the Chen family of the family fortune. It stands to reason that the one who succeeded in stealing the country and becoming a prince should be my family's talent. right!"

(To be continued.)

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