Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 1104: The greatest joy in life

Zhao Wuxi opened his eyes and found that the bright sunlight was flowing all over the place, and the chaos in the house also appeared in front of him.

Here is the stage where the road sleeps. Inside the palace of the Marquis of Qi, the ground is full of cloud shirts, bead shoes, bian crowns, black clothes, and even women's obscene clothes. And on the large bed is a white cloud curtain, embroidered with dragon patterns, and under the thin silk quilt, there is a jade body...

Turning over, looking at the plump jade arm beside the pillow, Rui Zi was still sleeping, but there were still some tears in the corners of her eyes.

Zhao Wuqi remembered what happened, and couldn't help but feel a little annoyed, not because of anything else, but because he didn't hold back. Yesterday, he really played a little too far.

Yesterday when Linzi fell, Zhao Wuxi entered the Qi Palace proudly, and Ruizi, the widow of Qihou Chujiu, ran to Zhao Wuxi to beg for mercy in order to beg her son not to be killed.

Of course, this woman can't compare to Ji Ying's beauty and beauty, and she can't compare to Xishi's beauty, even her figure is a bit inferior to Kong Jiao, and her charm is not as good as Nanzi's. But her identity is different. She used to be Qi Hou's favorite concubine, and her appearance is naturally not bad, and she is more attractive when she is well dressed.

Her once noble posture was gone, she fell on the ground, and she didn't dare to lift her head. She only shrugged her shoulders, sobbed thinly, and glanced at her undulating chest without a shirt. Rui Zi was only slightly younger than Zhao Wuxi, but gave birth early. His son was in his teens, so he had a plump figure, and his eyes were white and fat, as if seeing snow. And the blue silk on the top of the head, with a woman-like bun in a bun, is more mature. When approaching Zhao Wuxi and hugging his leg to plead for mercy, a lingering mature woman's body fragrance faintly enters the nose, like overripe fruit. .

Seeing this situation, Zhao Wu Xie, who had resisted Xi Shi's dedication twice, could not bear it anymore, and * rose up in his heart.

The woman in front of her was the concubine of the dead ghost of Qi Hou Chujiu, his widow, and the mother of the current Qi Hou, but she was crawling under her body like a lamb to be slaughtered, and Zhao Wuxi was aloof!

He couldn't tell what the feeling was, but the urge drove him to take a gun and gallop.

That night, Zhao Hou sleeps on Qi Hou's dragon bed, and puts on a big green hat on Qi Hou Qiu Jiu who has been dead for many years.

The whole process is not enough for outsiders, but Zhao Wuxi has never been so crazy in his life.

Although Rui Zi took the initiative to seduce her, she was obviously not mentally prepared. When she was shy and scared, she screamed, panted, and twisted, but every time she resisted, Zhao Hou felt more intense stimulation.

She is a wife, a mother, and a widow. Every level of identity makes Zhao Hou a little excited, and he doesn't show any pity. Instead, he desperately releases pressure on her body, and his actions are rude and unquestionable.

It went on like this until midnight. After conquering Qi, Zhao Hou continued to conquer the mother of Xiao Qi Hou.

When I woke up the next day and reminisced about last night, Zhao Wuxi was annoyed, but also had some aftertaste.

He understands why Cao Mengde is fond of wives, this is indeed a different taste...

However, Zhao Wuxi was still very vigilant. He didn't want to be like Cao Cao, who made a mistake because of female sex, so that Wancheng was defeated, and his son and nephew were killed in battle.


Rui Zi actually woke up early in the morning, but she didn't dare to move, she could only pretend to continue sleeping.

She didn't dare to open her eyes until the door was opened and closed by Zhao Hou, who was beside her. She moved a little, but she felt powerless. Thinking back on what happened last night, tears immediately wet the pillow.

Not only did she cry for the knife and the meat for me, she could only dedicate herself to protect herself as a widowed mother, and she also cried for her own gaffe in the second half of last night. That shameful appearance must be seen by Zhao Hou...

When she married into the Qi Palace, Qi Hou Chujiu was already an old man in his sixties, and his body was frail. With a long beard and a rickety body, at a glance, he felt that he could see the age spots of death, and Rui Zi felt extremely disgusted in his heart. But as a concubine, she just accepted it silently and did her duty as a wife. After giving birth to Qi Ru's son, Qi Hou Chujiu was already half of his body in the ground, and he was too tired to tease the youngest son, and this matter became extinct.

So for more than ten years, she has been a widow first, and then a real widow, and she doesn't know the taste at all. It wasn't until last night that Zhao Wuxi was standing beside the dragon couch of the Marquis of Qi with a red candle shining brightly. After asking for her body and galloping all night, she didn't know the joy of the boudoir. When he got to the thick place, he couldn't help but cry softly.

How many times was it last night? Rui Zi blushed and thought for a while, it seemed that after tossing it three times, Zhao Hou only let him go.

After lying like this for a long time, she finally propped herself up, looking at the sunny weather outside, she couldn't help but feel ashamed and scared for a while.

The shame is that he doesn't know how to face his son, and the fear is that after Zhao Wuxi eats her to the mouth, he will not be trustworthy and still want to mutilate Yan Ruzi...

As everyone knows, outside the palace, Zhao Wuxi is also suffering the absurd consequences of doing it yesterday.


"Your Majesty was really complacent yesterday and got carried away!"

Gao Chai stood in front of Zhao Wuxi without hesitation. Although he maintained the modest attitude of a courtier, his face was full of anger, and his mouth was not polite at all.

Gao Chai was a disciple of Confucius. He chose a different path from Zilu during the Wei Guo Rebellion a few years ago. He took refuge in Zhao Wuxi and served as a governor in Wei Guo. This time, Zhao, Lu, Wei, Yan, and Zou attacked Qi. Because Gao Chai was a native of Qi and was familiar with the situation in Linzi, he took him with him and accompanied Zhao Hou as counselor at any time.

Unexpectedly, on the first day of the invasion of Linzi, Zhao Hou actually did a ridiculous thing - he openly embraced Qi Hou Ruzi's mother and stayed at Qi Hou Jun's couch at night!

Gao Chai was on the platform of the road at the time. He was shocked when he heard the news, so he wanted to go in and stop him. He was stopped by Zhao Guangde and talked about it, and he endured it until the next day.

At this moment, when Zhao Wuxi put on his clothes and came out, he was immediately stopped by Gao Chai, who was standing still.

"Your Majesty has always been cautious, but what happened yesterday was really too careless!"

As Gao Chai spoke, he got closer and closer, and the spittle stars sprayed onto Zhao Wuxi's face.

Zhao Wuxi didn't expect that before he became a prince, he was walking on thin ice, and after he founded the country, he was always cautious and devoted himself to state affairs. He even accepted only one concubine.

But this incident was indeed because he was punched in the head first, and at this time he was strongly remonstrated by Gao Chai, and his face suddenly turned red.

His cousin Zhao Guangde was a peacemaker next to him, and said to Gao Chai disapprovingly, "Zigao's words are too heavy. Back then when King Wen of Chu broke down into the country, seeing Xigui's beauty, he accepted her as his wife, and your lord is down. Lian Ruizi, let her serve and live, she should be grateful to Dade!"

Gao Chai didn't care about Zhao Guangde's status and ignored him, he just asked with a sneer, "Breaking his country and prostituting his wife and concubines, is it right for your lord to do the same?"

Zhao Wuxi was silent for a while, then he remembered a sentence he had heard in his previous life:

The greatest happiness in life is in victory: conquering your enemies, chasing them, taking their possessions, bringing their lovers to tears, riding their horses, hugging their wives and daughters...

After what happened last night, Zhao Wuxi understood the true meaning of Temujin's words. But this is the Spring and Autumn Period, and he is the prince of a civilized country, not a barbarian tribal chief who only knows how to burn, kill and loot. If he didn't want his courtiers to fry the pot and faced Gao Chai's questioning, he had to show that he knew his mistake and accept the remonstrance humbly.

He looked up to the sky and sighed: "The widow is lack of consideration. It's only this time, it won't be an example next time."

Seeing that Marquis Zhao didn't die without admitting his mistake, or refused his advice with a black face, Gao Chai's anger also subsided a lot, and he said sincerely: "It would be good if Your Majesty could know that this is inappropriate, and the minister still has a few words against his ears. Loyal words, I wonder if Your Majesty would like to hear me finish?"

Can you let me go without saying that? Zhao Wuxi could only stand under the big sun and listen to Gao Chai's spittle.

"This matter is small, but it's just that the emperor is close to women and forgets about it, but this matter must be controlled. When Duke Ping of Jin was sick, the doctor of Qin came to treat him, and they said that he had the disease of women's gourd, and he was close to him. The reason is that there are too many women. Too many will hurt the body, so the lord must pay attention to it. It is absolutely impossible to get up in the early afternoon of the next day. As the monarch of a country, it is even more inappropriate to be close to women outside the wife and concubines. "

Women's **** is like a wolf like a tiger, it can kill the hero's fighting spirit and make people intoxicated, but Zhao Wuxi slandered that he is actually quite restrained. The number of cheating episodes went even further, but he could only nod his head: "What Zigao said makes sense, keep this in mind."

Gao Chai bowed again, but his face suddenly became serious when he raised his head: "After talking about the small one, this minister has to say that it has a big impact. This matter is related to the success of Zhao Guo's entry into Qi this time!"

He pointed to the big city of Linzi, which was still smoking, and said: "Linzi was hit by a fire, people's livelihood was devastated, and there were countless dead, but the emperor did not want to appease them and restore order. On the one hand, this is an absurd thing that disregards human relations. If it spreads out, how can the lord set an example for the people of Zhao State to be a virtuous monarch? On the other hand, this is bullying the people of Qi. Your Majesty, aren’t you afraid that after hearing about this, someone will spread it out, arouse the anger of the people of Qi, and continue to fight against Zhao?”

Zhao Wuxi nodded, yes, if this matter is used by someone with a heart, it is indeed a troublesome matter. If it is not good, there will be waves of resistance in Qidi.

Today's incident has made him deeply understand the truth of "unselfish affairs of lords and lords". Since he has obtained a high position, enjoys the honor of responding to every call, and rules over five thousand li of the country and millions of people, he must bear the corresponding responsibilities and must not act recklessly.

Although Zhao Wuxi admitted that he had done something wrong, Gao Chai still refused to let him go easily, and finally said earnestly: "Let's not talk about the above hazards, what this minister cares more about is that he is afraid that the prince will be at peace and give birth to a child. It's slack and wanton!"

After Gao Chai finished speaking, Zhao Wuxi broke out in a cold sweat, and his pride in cuckolding Qihou Chujiu was gone.

Yes, as early as three years ago, he once told Ji Ying that his biggest enemy was not Fuchai, not Chu State, or even the remnants of old rituals in this world, but something called *...

However, after only three years, with the defeat of Fu Chai and the conquest of Qi, the most annoying enemy, Zhao Wuxi was really slack, and he couldn't take it anymore. This time, it was just ahead of schedule. exposed this mentality.

Born in distress and dying in peace, he really needs to keep alerting himself not to be careless at all times, and the counselor exists for this.

So Zhao Wuche solemnly saluted Gao Chai, took off one of his own jade pendants and handed it to him, and immediately said to Zhao Guangde and others moved: "If you use bronze as a mirror, you can correct your clothes; if you use history as a mirror, you can know Rising and changing; taking people as a mirror, you can see what you have gained and what you have lost! No one is perfect, and the widow is no exception, but as long as there is a mirror like Zigao, the widow can know their faults at any time. "


Gao Chai finished his remonstrance and left with satisfaction. Zhao Wuxi asked him to appease the Qi people in Linzi for himself, and cooperated with the Guo, Gao, Bao, Yan and other clans to handle the relief and disaster relief matters, so that no plague or famine broke out in Linzi. .

Standing on the platform of the road sleeping, looking at Gao Chai's retreating back, Zhao Wuxi didn't speak for a long time, as if he was thinking about something, and finally Zhao Guangde coughed lightly and came over to ask for instructions: "Your Majesty, Yan Ji wants to pay It was given to the people of Yan country, but this Qihou and his mother...how should we deal with them?"

What Zhao Guangde meant was whether to change the previously established disposal plan because Zhao Wuxi slept with Rui Zi.

"The treatment of the other generation remains the same." Zhao Wuxi responded coldly, and the dewy feeling in his heart that night did not account for any weight at all.

"First arrange them in the nearby Baixian, and send additional staff to take care of them. When the army returns, they will take the orphans and widows and their mothers to Jinan Lixia as the grounds for the brokenness of Linzi. Yan Ruzi is still the Marquis of Qi, and he can still use it. the place to get."

"Wei!" But Zhao Guangde hesitated a bit, and asked, "Your Majesty, does Zhao Guo really want to give up Linzi?"

He was a little reluctant.

"You also saw it when you entered the state of Qi. The farther east you go and the closer you are to Linzi, the stronger the resistance of the people of Qi. The only ones who can stand firm in the state of Zhao are Jibei and Jinan. Therefore, when dealing with Linzi, move its people and leave the land empty. It's the best way, Chen's fire has actually helped the widow."

Zhao Wuchen sneered and said, "Old Chen Qi wanted to leave a big trouble for the widow, but he made a bad move. He didn't expect that a Linzi with all beards and tails would be the most troublesome, such a big city of 100,000, outsiders. It is too difficult to rule effectively. Even if it is seized by force, it can only rely on the local people. In the end, the various clans in Qi will gain power. It is just through the fire that the Linzi people are divided and migrated to Jinan, Jibei, and Lu. This The mess, after the Chen clan is wiped out, it will be handed over to the Guo, Gao, Bao, and Yan clans to help Zhao clean up! It's just a leftover bone that the owner gave to the dog!"

After Zhao Guangde also left, Zhao Wuxi still stood on the platform of the road bed for a long time.

At sunset, the clouds on the high wall were covered with red glow. Although half of Linzi was burned, the view from the high platform was still shocking.

Zhao Wuxi had heard of one thing, that is, when the platform for sleeping on the road was built back then, Qihou Chujiu looked down at the magnificent Linzi City in the distance, and immediately forgot to be tired. wuxiaspot.com~ My old general, who will own this splendid Linzi in the future?"

Qi Hou did not intend to say anything, but Yan Zi, who was waiting at the side at the time, said, "As your lord said, will the Chen family be in charge of the state of Qi?"

But now...

Stepping on the platform of the road and standing where Qihou and Yan Ying stood in the past, Zhao Wuxi could tell them the final answer with a smile:

"Beautiful room, no shirt will have this!"

Not only this pavilion, but also the widowed concubine of Qihou Chujiu is already Zhao Wuxi's. Although he admits that he is impulsive and has to bear certain consequences, Zhao Wuxi never regrets what he has done!

He stayed for a while, until the sun went down, then turned to leave.

Now, all that is left is to conquer Donglai and exterminate the Chen Clan. The entire Qi Kingdom falls into the palm of Zhao Wuxi's hand and is left to be divided!

ps: I just got home, there is only one chapter, and the normal update will resume tomorrow (to be continued.)

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