Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 1105: Peninsular War

In the third year of Zhaohou three years, and Qihou Ruzi's ninth year in autumn and July, with the fall of Linzi, Qihou was captured, and this great country of Haidai was almost completely controlled by Zhao, with the exception of one place, Donglai.

Donglai is a peninsula in the east of Qi, so it is called Donglai. It is thousands of miles in diameter and occupies one-third of the size of Qi. The Lai here were wiped out.

Laiyi is a descendant of the Zhuanxu clan, a branch of Dongyi, who often fought against the great states of the Central Plains as early as the Xia and Shang dynasties. After the rise of Ji Zhou, Lai Yi, who maintained his deep roots and luxuriant roots, did not take the Western Zhou foreign countries in the eyes at all. When Taigongwang was sealed in Qi State and established the capital in Yingqiu, if he hadn't traveled all night, Yingqiu would have almost been taken over by Lai State. Take up.

After all, they were the elites of the Four Mountains who were killed in the **** battle of Muye. Taigong hoped that the Lai people who would compete with him in the future would defeat the city of Yingqiu. From then on, the five-hundred-year-long grievance between Qi and Lai began. .

Lai Zi regarded Qi as a foreign weed, and went to harass him without making preparations, but he did not know that the monarchs of Qi regarded them as a piece of good fat, and were enjoying the fun of slowly nibbling away.

Because it was always lost to the state of Qi, the state of Lai became smaller and smaller. When Duke Huan of Qi came to dominate, he lost most of the land west of the Weihe River, retreated to the east of the Jiaolai River, and lived in the eastern coastal area. 's state. The Central Plains feudal lords and national alliances have no part in it, so they also present gifts from time to time to guard against the attack and plunder of Qi people anytime and anywhere.

This cat-and-mouse game finally ended when Duke Ling of Qi succeeded. In 567 B.C., Laidu was conquered, and then Gonggong of Lai died on the way to escape. The last great power of Dongyi came to a bleak end in this way.

Now that eighty years have passed, Donglai has almost been completely transformed into a state of Qi. The relationship between Laiyi and Linzi is just a different dialect area, plus a few differences in customs.

The ownership of this place has been tossed for several times, and now it is the exclusive fief of the Chen clan. Linzi was broken. When Chen Qi died, his direct son Chen Heng had fled eastward to Donglai with most of the Chen clan to survive.

In this regard, Zhao Wuxi paid great attention to it.

"This Donglai Peninsula is secluded in the east, with the sea on three sides, and it is good for fish and salt. It is a new land with a population of 300,000 to 400,000. With Chen Heng's ability, relying on Weishui, Jiaolai River, and overseas islands. Dangerous, but enough to establish a country on its own.”

Zhao Wuxi recalled it carefully, maybe it was the rejection between the thieves and the thieves, he and Chen Heng were disgusted with each other. For more than ten years, Chen Heng has been embarrassing himself everywhere. Although it can't cause much damage, it is always annoying like a fly that is hard to beat. Moreover, in the original history, this Chen Heng laid the foundation for Tian Qi. Heroes, don't be careless.

It is advisable to use the remaining brave to chase the poor bandits, and not to be called the Overlord of Learning!

Therefore, when most of the 100,000 people in Linzi and surrounding areas were forcibly relocated to Jinan and Jibei for food, Wu Xie also dispatched Zhao Yi, Ran Qiu, as well as 30,000 soldiers from the three families of Guo, Gao, and Bao Shiqing of Qi to continue their eastward march. They also sent Yan Yu and Yan Gao, who had already occupied Jimo, to the north, hoping to conquer Donglai as soon as possible and destroy Chen Heng.

"Forcibly cross Weishui and Jiaolai River from the west to seize Yeyi, then break Laicheng and Huangyi, and start from Jimo to the south to seize Tangyi. In this way, most of Donglai can be taken into the palm of his hand, and the Chen family can only Slowly retreat eastward."

Zhao Wuxi's plan was a good one, but the war on the peninsula didn't go well...


Because there are many hills in the Dongnae area, the allied forces marched slowly. And Chen Heng may also know that his family has reached the moment of life and death, so he resisted fiercely everywhere, and the two sides almost reached the level of fighting for every inch of land.

Chen Heng had already learned of the fire in Linzi and the news of his father's death. Because of the lack of news in Donglai, Chen Heng took a bite instead, and spread that it was Zhao Wuxi who had conquered Linzi, in order to boast of his illustrious martial arts and to force Linzi. People migrated, and a fire burned this big city!

In addition, there are many rumors that add fuel to the rumors, such as Zhao people want to kill all the men in the land and take away their wives and daughters, Zhao Wuxi wants to boil the water of Shaohai, sprinkle salt all over the land of Qi, and let this place be desolate forever. ...

All these have inspired the morale of the Donglai people to resist the invaders, so it is very difficult for the Zhao army to advance.

At the end of July, during the battle between Weishui and Jiaolaihe, the dead men organized by the Chen clan charged frantically towards the Zhao army crossing the river.

In August and September, the battle of Yeyi took a whole month to build a mountain and break the city.

In October, the battle of Laishan and Huangyi was even more difficult to win. Thanks to Yan Yu and Yan Gao who came from Tangyi in the south, they joined the encirclement and successfully won the battle.

From late July to the end of October, Chen stubbornly resisted for three months. So far, most of Dong Lai has been captured, and only a few places in the easternmost part of the peninsula are still resisting.

But what is frustrating is that there is still no sign of Chen Heng in Lai City. This cunning Shiqing son has won the true meaning of "Three Caves of Cunning Rabbits". Every time he resists, he will not go to the front line in person. No matter how difficult the situation is, he Always stay behind.

Although the city of Lae had been broken and most of the people of East Lai were subdued, as long as Chen Heng did not die, the war would not be over.

After discussing with Ran Qiu, Zhao Yi could only bite the bullet and continue to march eastward.

"Is there any other city to the east of Lai City?" Zhao Yi asked Chen's enemy Bao Xi.

"More than 100 li to the east, there is Shue (Yantai), and there is Fushan overseas, and the island is dedicated to the Sun Lord; two hundred li to the east, there is Buye Town, which is seen in Donglai in ancient times. Laizi established this city, named 'No Night', it is the easternmost point of Donglai, the easternmost point of Kyushu, the place where the sun rises the earliest in the whole world..."

"This Donglai is really big." Zhao Yi gritted his teeth, he understood a little why Zhao Hou only let himself and Ran Qiu lead a division in, instead of sending a large army to attack, because such a huge and barren peninsula could not supply a large army at all. The rations here, the hills are vertical and horizontal, and the mountains and forests are densely covered. Even if the Zhao army is stationed, it will not be able to effectively rule.

But fortunately, they are coming to an end, no matter how they run, Chen Heng can only run until the night, there is absolutely nowhere else to go!

However, Zhao Yi was wrong. Chen Heng didn't go to the night after all, and he stopped in Yiyi.

The army surrounded the small town, but after breaking into the town, they found no trace of Chen Heng, not even the Chen clan, the dead men who had been fleeing with him, and even the thousands of residents of the town.

Zhao Yi and others couldn't help being shocked, but Ran Qiu was thoughtful, and he led his army to the north for another ten miles to reach the seaside.

It was early winter, and the sea had not yet been frozen. This was the blue sky of blue sky, and it was slightly windy.

On the coastline north of the town, there are countless wooden sailboats, boats, and sampans, swaying slowly with the breeze. The big ones are ten feet long, with masts and hard sails, and can carry hundreds of people, while the small ones are only more than ten feet long and can only accommodate one family. The waves lapped lightly on the hulls of these large and small wooden boats, splashing white waves all over the sky.

"It's the missing Shaohai boat master from Qi country..."

Ran Qiu and others looked around, but saw that the decks of the ships were densely packed with people, including people helping the old and the young, as well as sailors dressed in short coats. The fishermen looking for a living looked at the mainland with tears in their eyes, and cried as they watched their hometown.

In addition, there are also some armored warriors~www.wuxiaspot.com~ either holding a spear or a sword and halberd, waving constantly, the Zhao Jun rushing to the shore is screaming, they are venting, venting their anger that they have been cornered. And fear, but these loyal and brave men who have been raised by the Chen family for many years still believe that as long as there is a family owner, they can find a way out...

"The wind is rising..." The thin Chen Heng stood on his flagship with his hands behind his back, looked up at the Chen's flag that was blown by the sea breeze, and finally glanced at the coast of Qi State where he was born and raised, and Zhao Jun, who looked at Yang and sighed, had no joy or sorrow on his face. He was forced to now, and he no longer had the concept of success or failure in his heart. Only his father entrusted him with the responsibility - let the Chen family continue!

He turned his head resolutely, raised his hand, and commanded loudly, "Let's sail, Beihang!"

Thousands of sails are raised, hundreds of boats are vying for the stream, accompanied by the sea breeze, slowly sailing northward, away from the homeland, towards the unknown shore...

"Zuo Shi": "On the 30th day of the tenth month in the winter of the third year of the Duke, Chen Heng, along with five hundred warriors and eight thousand people, floated away on the sea at Fushan in the town..."

ps: Chapter 2 is at night

(To be continued.)

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