Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 1106: go to sea

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"General, no Chen's legacy has been found on the island!"

This was already the fourth team of scouts who came back for a briefing. Zhao Yi had a dark face, waved his hands to let them go down, and once again looked at Zhifu Mountain, a remote, sparsely populated and less prosperous island, filled with anger.

After Chen Heng took the fleet to the sea, the first thing that Zhao Yi, Ran Qiu and Bao Xi thought of was the island closest to the coast, "Zhifu".

The reason why it is called "Zhifu" is because the topography here is very similar to the two seal characters of the state of Qi. The first is the tortuous coastline between Zhifu Island and the mainland coast, or a harbour is drawn. Fu, there are many fishing nets on the shelves along the coast. The two characters together mean the literal interpretation is: The winding coastline with fishing nets.

The island is not big or small, with a radius of more than 50 miles, with a twisting coastline and vast tidal flats. There are several natural harbors that allow fleets to land. Moreover, the island is hilly, densely covered with forests, and has fresh water and streams, which can also allow thousands of people to hide in it.

Therefore, it is not impossible for Chen Heng to lead the crowd to escape here.

Zhao Yi could not wait to go to the island to search immediately, but Zhao Jun's Langya navy had already been wiped out. This time the attack was complete without even the boatmen accompanying him.

Fortunately, Bao Xi told him that Zhifu was only three miles away from the coastline, so it could not be considered a complete island, because at low tide, there would be a narrow sand ridge that was nearly three miles long, enough for people to pass through. It's just that this sand ridge path disappears and shows up with the ebb and flow of the sea. If the time is wrong, the people on it will be swallowed by the sea.

When Bao Xi was young, he had been here with Duke Qi Jing. Not only did he know the shortcut, he also remembered the time limit for going to the island.

"Pinggong (Qi Jinggong) likes to travel around Shaohai. He once brought me to Zhifu, where he set up a temple for Yangzhu. At that time, Chen Heng was also with him, so he knew that he could go to the island to escape."

Under the guidance of Bao Xi, Zhao Yi personally took more than a thousand people to the island and camped at the empty Yangzhu Temple. Because he was unfamiliar with this place, he didn't dare to be careless, and first sent scouts of 100 people in all directions to explore. From morning to afternoon, the four teams returned to their camp and reported that no trace of the Chen family was found on the island, but only a few fishermen who were hiding on the island and fishing for a living.

The conditions on Zhifu Island were difficult, and there were few residents. Those islanders didn’t even speak the language of Qi, so they couldn’t ask anything, so Zhao Yi could only give up. He decided to rest overnight on the shore, and let the scouts go deep into the forest on the island tomorrow to search carefully, but it seems that there is not much hope of finding Chen Heng...

"Chen Heng took seven or eight thousand people with him. Even if they hid in the mountains and forests, the boat couldn't take them away, but after turning around the island, there was no sign of the boat. From this point of view, Chen Heng probably didn't. come here..."

As Bao Xi spoke, he sat outside the Yangzhu Temple and frowned. In fact, Chen Heng was missing, and he was even more anxious than Zhao Yi. For Zhao Guo, the Chen family is just a more annoying opponent, but it is also a defeated general, but for Guo, Gao, Bao, and Yan, the Chen family is the culprit who made them leave their homes and go into exile, and is a mortal enemy! Every time they think of the days when Chen Qi and Chen Heng and his son were playing with applause, they feel indignant.

As long as Chen Shi was still alive, Bao Xi couldn't live in peace, so he wanted to find Chen Heng's whereabouts more urgently than Zhao Yi, so he didn't hesitate to wait all night. Kneeling in the temple, praying to the gods to guide the maze.

It turns out that the belief in Qidi is not the same as that in the Central Plains. It basically inherits the tradition of Dongyi as it is, and worships the "Eight God Lords", that is, the eight gods of heaven, earth, sun, moon, yin, yang, soldiers, and four seasons. There are all gods, among which the soldier is Chiyou, the leader of Jiuli and Dongyi.

The yang master is opposite to the yin master. At the level of the religious gods of the Qi people, he is in charge of natural disasters such as water, drought, wind, and hail, and is also in charge of the harvest of rice, sorghum, corn, and millet. Qi is one of the most worshipped gods in Qi, where the people live on grains.

Among them, Fu Island, in the eyes of the magicians of the state of Qi, is precisely the land of the sun, so Qi Hou Chujiu chose to build a temple here, hoping to pray for immortality.

The temple site of Yangzhu Temple is backed by the main peak of Zhifu and faces the vast sea. It has a mountain gate built with reefs and a wooden temple. After its establishment, the doctor of the city will send people to worship every year, so the incense remains the same.

Under the astonished gazes of Zhao Yi and other Zhao people, Bao Xi paid homage to the lord tablet in the temple, thinking of the grand scale, solemn ceremony, and majestic demeanor when the ancestors brought them to sacrifice, and then look back at the state of Qi now. Decline, even if it can continue, it depends on Zhao Wuxi's face and actions, and he can't help but sigh.

On that day, Qihou was begging Yangzhu to bless the weather and the country, but now Bao Xi just wants to know where Chen Heng went?

"If Lord Yang can tell the boy Chen's whereabouts, the boy will come to sacrifice every year with fine wine and five grains..."

Bao Xi, who was on his knees and bowed down, did not know that there would be many emperors who would frequent this place in the future. For example, Qin Shi Huang’s three times of fortune-telling tours, he was still here to take a memory of Leshi, the second emperor of Qin, Hu Hai, and Liu Che, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, also visited this place. , However, the Yang Lord did not bless their empire to continue forever...

In the end, the thoughtful Ran Qiu sent people across the sea to tell them that the cavalry of the State of Zhao, who had been dispatched to the coastline, observed that Chen's fleet seemed to be heading west...

"That's right, the east wind was blowing that day!" Zhao Yi and Bao Xi hurriedly returned to Yuyi to discuss with Ran Qiu, and Ran Qiu put forward a bold opinion.

"Could it be that Chen Heng deliberately lured us to come and pursue him, and he went to the west to attack Huangyi and Laicheng?"

Everyone was shocked, because they were chasing Chen Heng wholeheartedly, so only a few troops were left to guard in Laicheng and Huangyi. If they were attacked by Chen Heng, it would be really troublesome.

So the army hurried back to Lae City, but they still fluttered in the air, and there was not even a shadow of a ship at sea.

Ran Qiu was still a little unwilling. After thinking for a while, he asked people to call Huangyi's ships and also cross the sea to "Shamen Island" north of Huangyi to find out.

Shamen Island is the later temple island archipelago, also known as "Penglai". This string of islands is like a string of pearls scattered on the blue and young sea. The large ones are dozens of miles in diameter, and the small ones are only a little rocky, but in general, they are larger than those, and there are more island barbarians living on them. Ran Qiu believes that his judgment is correct. In this era, ships can only sail along the coast, and it is impossible to go deep into the ocean. Even if Chen Heng's fleet did not attack Lae, they could only reach here.

This time, on Shamen Island, in addition to the fishermen who were fishing on the island, Zhao Jun finally had some other gains. Several ships that hit the rocks and sank were found, and several Qi people who were trapped on the island were also captured. .

After interrogation, they admitted that they were from Donglai who had been carried on board by Chen Heng. Chen Heng's fleet had indeed headed north for more than ten miles, then headed west while avoiding the sights on the shore, and arrived at the Shamen Islands, where they supplied some supplies. After fresh water and food, they continued to travel north along the island chain...

And these unlucky people either accidentally ran aground on the rocks, or deliberately left the fleet and did not want to follow Chen Heng to continue the adventure, but they did not know where Chen Heng was going. The Chen family owner was extremely cautious and only shared with a few people around him. confidential.

After asking, Ran Qiu, Zhao Yi, Bao Xi and the others looked at each other, this time, their knowledge was limited, and some did not understand what Chen Heng intended.

"In the past, there were also ships that traveled along Shaohai to Jieshi in the State of Yan~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Isn't this Chen Heng... going to the State of Yan?" Bao Xi guessed.

But now that the State of Yan has taken refuge in the State of Zhao, it is unlikely that he will offend the Marquis Zhao in order to protect the remnants of the Chen family. This speculation is difficult to confirm in a short time. In the end, Ran Qiu made a decision. In the east, Wuye arrived Zhifu, then Huangyi, Yeyi, and even Beidian and Linzi. For a time, Chen Heng, who was nowhere to be seen, seemed to be everywhere, and he might land at a beach in Qi at any time.

For the first time, the threat from the sea was placed in front of Zhao State, and in the hearts of Ran Qiu and Zhao Yi, the idea of ​​"taking the sea as the border" occurred for the first time.

When there was nothing else they could do, they could only write to Hou Zhao together, confessing that they had lost Chen Heng and asking him to blame...


"Chen Heng took 500 heroes and 8,000 common people and floated off to the sea at Fushan in the town?"

In late November, Zhao Wuxi, who had returned to Yecheng, finally learned the news.

"Hey, this Chen Heng is really a rabbit, he can really escape."

Zhao Wuxi put down the letter and thought about it. He didn't expect Chen Heng to have such courage, he couldn't stay on land any longer, and he actually dared to escape into the sea.

So where did he go?

Zhao Wuxi's vision was farther than that of Ran Qiu, Zhao Yi and others. His vision jumped out of the limitations of Qi and Yan countries, and turned to three other places, which were not included on the ordinary map of this era.

Liaodong, North Korea, Japan!


PS: "Mencius: The Second Prince of Liang Hui" records that Duke Jing of Qi once said to Yanzi: "I want to look at the Zhuanfu Dynasty, follow the sea and go south, and put it in Langxie". "Zhufu" is Zhifu. During the Spring and Autumn Period, Qi people had already opened up a route from Zhifu to Langya. (To be continued.) Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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