Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 1107: Overseas loading

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Holding his two-year-old son Zhao Yan in his right hand and dipping his left hand in tea, Zhao Wuxi drew a "Map of Northeast Asia" on the black desk that only he knew... Japan, North Korea, Liaodong and even most of the Northeast are in it.

Looking at the twisting lines, Xiao Zhaoyan blinked, trying to stretch out his chubby hand to grab it.

But he was stopped by Ji Ying, and Ji Ying, who became a mother again, took him over from Wu Xie, and the handover was very tacit.

Wu Xie glanced at Ji Ying thankfully, Ji Ying smiled back, she knew it best, Wu Xie didn't like to be disturbed when she was thinking, and over the years, she was also used to him writing and drawing some others to watch. Something you don't understand.

Maybe it's because of his talent, but Ji Ying doesn't want his child to be as smart as his father. If he is too smart, he will worry about more things.

However, Zhao Yan's eyes were still staring at the pattern curiously, wondering what his father was doing.

Zhao Wuxi was using the exclusion method to determine Chen Heng's orientation.

"Japan is impossible."

As soon as the speculation started, he had already ruled out a possibility.

During the Spring and Autumn Period, the people of the Central Plains had no idea about the Japanese archipelago. They just told stories about the "fusang" outside the East China Sea from the mouths of some magicians of Yan Qi. According to the knowledge of later generations, Zhao Wuxi knew that Japan is still a desolate island with only the indigenous Ainzo people, and the seeds of civilization will have to be spread by the people of the East Asian continent in hundreds of years. birth.

In short, it is now a virgin land like a new continent. It is primitive and ignorant. The isolation of the ocean is the main reason for this situation.

The states of Qi, Yan, Wu, and Yue have already begun to explore the ocean, but it is impossible to directly cross the ocean just by sailing along the coastline. Not to mention that the East China Sea has always been rough, let alone the Spring and Autumn Period. Even in the Tang and Song Dynasties, crossing the sea to Japan is a very risky thing. Unless Chen Heng really has the destiny, the people who bring it will basically have to feed the fish, or starve to death. .

Of course, if you slowly travel south along the Korean Peninsula and cross the Tsushima Strait, there may be a chance, but if this is the case, Chen Heng will land on the Korean Peninsula directly, so why bother to travel all the way to Fusang?

So Zhao Wushi directly wiped Japan away.

The more likely ones are North Korea and Liaodong.


The Shiqu Pavilion in Linzhang has collected almost all the books of the princes, many of which are precious bamboo slips, and there are many secret histories of the Yin and Zhou Dynasties. Zhao Wuxi asked people to check, and it is recorded in the classic history that there were "three benevolences" at the end of the Yin and Shang Dynasties, Bigan, Weiziqi and Jizi. Jizi was Di Xin's uncle, and he was sealed in Korea after King Wu of Zhou destroyed Shang.

However, according to the records of the family history of the Zhao family, who had close ties with Yin and Shang, Jizi, before the demise of Yin and Shang, saw that the general situation was over, so he took some merchants to the north, and wanted to return to the place where they came from, that is, the distant Yan. The land of Bo – the development of Yin and Shang was a process of gradual southward migration. The land of Yanhao was the birthplace of the pre-Shang culture, but the origin of Yin and Shang’s lineage can be traced back to the Yourong clan, and the ancestors of the Yourong clan and The once glorious Hongshan culture is closely related.

Yin and Shang came from the north and returned to the north. In the north and south of Yanshan, there are many sons of Yin and Shang surnamed Fang. For example, Guzhu, who has always been loyal to them, received Jizi and let him and his clan settle in the Liaohe River basin to the east of Guzhu.

However, the Zhou people did not give up their expedition to the north. With the expedition of Duke Zhao, the entire Yanhao area, including the Lone Bamboo Kingdom, surrendered to the Zhou people. Jizi could only continue to cross the Liaoshui River and migrate eastward, reaching the distant North Korea. In a place that is difficult for human forces to reach, the Fang Kingdom of the Yin and Shang survivors was established: Jizi North Korea.

Therefore, the so-called "Zhou Tianzi seals Jizi in Korea" is only a fait accompli of the Zhou people. From beginning to end, the Zhou Dynasty never relaxed its vigilance against Jizi Korea. Quality, over time, the formation of the Yan family's family of doctors Kei.

However, with the increasing invasion of the Rong and Di, Yan State's control over western Liaoning was gradually lost, and even the Guzhu Kingdom launched an attack on them.

It was precisely because of the Rong Di invasion two hundred years ago that the connection between Yan State and Jizi Korea was cut off. The Yan people who came to recruit Zhao State never mentioned anything about Korea, if Zhao Wuxi was wrong. History had an impact, they rediscovered each other, and they fought against each other, maybe more than a hundred years later.

In short, the current "Jizi Korea" is still a fog for the Central Plains, separated by the sea, and the people of Qi who are still cruising along the coastline should not know much about it.

Therefore, based on Chen Heng's whereabouts in the Penglai Islands, Zhao Wuxi estimated that he most likely went not to North Korea, but to the Liaodong Peninsula opposite Shandong!


On the map drawn by Zhao Wuxi, the Liaodong Peninsula is exactly in the middle of Yan State and the possible location of Jizi Korea, separating them.

Zhao Wuxi shook his head helplessly. The development of civilization in this era is really not easy. Only East Asia and West Asia, North Africa, and the Mediterranean coast are flickering with a little fire of civilization, but they are surrounded by darkness, and they will be annihilated if they are not careful. Or go backwards.

Liaodong in this era is also a wasteland...

At the time, people generally believed that the northeast was the farthest place in the "Kyushu", because it was far east of the Kyushu, so it was called "Liaodong", which means the far east. According to the atlas and classics presented by the people of the country of Yan, it can be known that since the rise of Shan Rong, their forces have retreated from the Daling River area and retreated into Yanshan, and Jieshi is its eastern border.

Therefore, the power of the state of Yan is only limited to Jieshi, and there are some small cities and towns established by Lone Bamboo, Lingzhi and Shanrong survivors in western Liaoning, which are subordinate to Yan, but their rebellion is uncertain. As for Liaodong, it is still dominated by the foul people and the scumbags. They are part-farming and part-fishing and hunting peoples. They have established a few small fence-like towns in the southern part of the Liaodong Peninsula, and some in the northeastern part of Liaoning have Sushen people.

This is all the information that the people of Yan country can provide. The northeastern edge of the entire China gradually emerges in front of Zhao Wuxi's eyes.

"From the Penglai Islands to the north, there are islands along the way that can provide boats to park and replenish fresh water. After that, you only need to wait for a wind. It only takes a few days to cross the Shaohai Sea and arrive at Dalian and Lushun in the later generations. Most ships reach their destination in good condition..."

At this point, Zhao Wuxi had listed the Liaodong Peninsula as the most likely place for Chen Heng to arrive, as if he had solved a small mystery. He was quite excited to think about how to catch this son, but soon, Zhao Wu Xie was discouraged, and sighed in disappointment.

Because he found that he had been playing here for a long time, and it was completely wasted time. No matter where Chen Heng went, North Korea or Liaodong, Zhao Guo had nothing to do with him.

Zhao Wuxi's boat master was wiped out in Langya three years ago, and now he can't even gather ten large ships in his hands. It is no doubt that he wants to chase Chen Heng from the sea.

Or rebuild a navy? But when Zhao Wuxi thought of Ji Ran, he said to him with a serious face: "Your Majesty needs to be responsible for the grand plans and ambitions, and as a minister of the Taifu, you are also responsible for the expenses that will not make ends meet next year!" He immediately dismissed the idea.

The Langya boat division has been considered a failed investment by Ji Ran, and the income is far less than the expenditure. It is really difficult to convince him to move another sum of money to Zhao Wuxi to build the navy.

Ji Ran also said earnestly to Zhao Wuxi that at present Zhao Guo really needs a navy, but not at sea, but on Sishui and Huai River. Zhao Wuxi cannot be ruined because of Chen Heng's defeat. s plan.

As for the search from the land, it would have to go through the Yan Kingdom and pass through the hostile alien lands in Western Liaoning and Eastern Liaoning, unless the army pushed it all the way. Although Duke Huan of Qi had already walked this road back then, although as long as Zhao Wuxi made a real move, Western Liaoning and Eastern Liaoning could be passed on, but this kind of war is really a huge supply pressure, and there is no oil or water to fish...

Zhao Guo was tired from fighting for years. Zhao Wuxi only wanted to die after conquering Qi, rest for a few years, and integrate the Central Plains, but he didn't want to find himself an endless chase.

"For now... let him go..." In desperation, Zhao Wuxi could only roll his eyes and admit that Chen Heng had escaped from his Wuzhi Mountain this time, so let Yan Guo send a team to Liaodong to investigate. Let's see where he ran to.

Seeing that Zhao Wuxi had finished thinking, Ji Ying, who had been mixing tea for him next to him, brought the hot tea with a smile, and the aroma immediately filled the room. Under the influence of Zhao Hou, the whole Zhao Palace and Yecheng began to drink tea all the time. On this cold day, hiding in the palace room and sipping a pot of hot tea made by a beauty is really a leisure time that cannot be bought by a thousand dollars. .

Xiao Zhao Yan also staggered over and climbed onto the table with the help of Zhao Wuxi, just now his father pointed the country, and he also felt curiously, wanting to take those far overseas, and there is no historical record. Zai's territory was in his hands~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Zhao Wuxi couldn't help laughing, he picked him up again, walked over to the huge map on the other side, and placed him in Xu Di's place.

Zhao Yan raised his head in confusion, tilted his head and looked at his father.

Zhao Wuxi touched his chin lovingly, and said, "Yan'er, your land is here..."

Zhao Yan was still ignorant, he didn't know, in more than a month, a meeting related to his future, the succession of Qi State's territory, the entire East, the entire Central Plains, and the entire China, would be held.

"On the first day of the first day of the first month of next year, the widow will gather the princes in Huangchi, and then establish the order of China..." Zhao Wuxi seemed to say to his son, to Ji Ying, and to himself, he already had a very thick beard The following revealed a determined smile:

"There has been no overlord in this world for too long!"

PS: Chapter 2 is at night

The theory of the origin of the north of the Yin-Shang Dynasty mainly refers to Fu Sinian's "The East and West of Yixia" and "History of the Shang Dynasty. Volume 3. The Origin of the Shang Family and the Changes of the Pre-Shang Dynasty". If you have objections, you can refute them yourself.

Regarding the geographical locations of some ethnic states in Liaodong and North Korea, mainly refer to "The Classic of Mountains and Seas":

"Donghu is in the east of Daze", this "Daze" is obviously Liaoze in the lower reaches of the Liaohe River.

"Baiguo is in the northeast of Hanshui, and it is close to Yan, and it will be destroyed." Hanshui should be Liaoshui, and Lai and Jiren are the ancestors of many peoples in Northeast China and the Korean Peninsula.

"North Korea is in Lieyang East, Haibei and Shannan. Lieyang belongs to Yan."

"In the East China Sea, in the corner of the North Sea, there is a country called Joseon, Tiandu, whose people live in water, cuddle with people and love people."

Taken together, at least at the time of the Warring States Period, North Korea was already in the northern part of the peninsula to the north of the Bohai Sea and south of Changbai Mountain. (To be continued.) Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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