Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 1108: Qi Huan's Jinwen

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"On the first day of the first day of the first month of next year, Zhaohou will bring the princes to Huangchi, and then build the Chinese order, and invite me to join him..."

In the first ten days of December, in Guocheng of Zhao State, the territory of the Han family, heavy snow fell continuously, almost freezing the Yellow River. In the silver-clad Han family mansion, Han Hu handed a carefully packaged invitation to Duan Gui and asked: " What do you think, Ziju?"

"In the name of honoring the king and repelling the barbarians, the Duke of Zhao gained a great reputation. Now that he has broken the state of Qi, the last opponents in Zhu Xia are gone. The Duke of Zhao has already dominated the princes, and now the only bad thing is A name, this Huangchi meeting must be to follow the example of Qi Huan and Jinwen, and the King of Zhou had already sent a minister to Xun two years ago, and this time, Zhao Hou will definitely be fulfilled... In this world, I am afraid There will be another overlord."

Han Hu said unpleasantly: "I naturally know this. What I want to ask is, what is the purpose of Zhao Hou's special invitation to go with me?"

Duan Gui hurriedly said: "The lord is now nominally a minister of the State of Zhao, and is ranked as a minister. This time it was supposed to be an alliance of the princes, but he asked the lord to go with him. Originally, he only needed an edict, but he specially sent an invitation... "

After thinking about it, his face changed, and he quickly bowed down and said: "As long as any big alliance will involve the division of territories and the preservation of the lords, congratulations to the lord, it must be that the Zhaohou must make the Han Dynasty to fulfill the Jin Dynasty. Listed as the prince's promise!"


Han Hu was also inexplicably excited for a while. It has been almost four years since Zhao Guo replaced Jin, and his resentment towards Zhao Wuxi has also faded a lot. Since Zhao Hou can defeat Qin and Zheng, he will force him to do so. Son of Heaven, sweeping Wu and Qi, wouldn't it be easy to destroy the little Han clan? But Zhao Wuxi didn't do anything to Han Hu after all, he just let him live in a secluded place in Yiluo outside the river, and gave him the highest title and the most independent status in Zhao country.

But deep in Han Hu's heart, there was still some awkwardness about making a minister to Zhao Wuxi. The two were originally good friends when they were young, but they were also righteous brothers, and they became in-laws with children, so they should match each other.

Therefore, in the past four years, Han Hu has rarely seen Zhao Hou, to avoid the embarrassment of meeting.

Moreover, although the land of Hewai and Yiluo is not small, it is too desolate and remote. Many places are mountainous and the roads are tortuous. For example, going to Shangluo is more troublesome than going to Yecheng, and the throat here is peach forest. Sai and Hangu Pass were also garrisoned by Zhao troops, monitoring Han's every move.

What makes Han Hu even more angry is that the people of the Han family who he promised to return to him have not given it so far, so there are not even 200,000 people under his rule.

People are poor and exhausted. If they are so aggrieved in the mountains, the Han family basically has no way out. It is impossible to expand to the Zhou family, and Zhao Hou will not allow it. Zhao Wuxi was the **** of the horse.

Now that there is a sudden turn of events, Zhao Wuxi finally remembered him after defeating Qi, and Han Hu couldn't help but worry about gains and losses, for fear that it would be an empty joy again.

"Has Zhao Houxin mentioned this, or hinted at it?"

Han Hu shook the envelope again and said disappointedly, "No..."

"Even if Zhao Hou didn't say it clearly, the lord should still reply in the tone of a minister, and go to Yecheng to see him in person, expressing his willingness to accompany Zhao Hou to the Huangchi Alliance..."

Han Hu sighed: "Is this really going to be the case?"

Duan Gui is serious: "It must be so."

Although the Han family is now on the safe side, Duan Gui is very clear that this situation will not last forever, because Hewai is too close to the Hedong of Zhao State. If one day Zhao Wuxi feels that Han Hu is an eyesore, he will wipe it lightly and Can wipe the Han family off the map...

Since Zhao State can't compete with it, it can only be submissive, but if possible, it is better to find a way to get out of here. Now the world is in a state of chaos, just like the Duke of Zhou's eastward expedition, it was Han who waited for the opportunity to obtain a site. A chance to settle down.

Duan Gui said firmly: "Since the state of Qi has been breached, even if the Sheji can be kept, it will be divided. If the Duke of Zhao is willing to fulfill his promise and let the Han family be listed as a prince, it is very likely that the lord will be placed in Qi. somewhere in the country."

"Linzi? Jinan?" Before Duan Gui could speak, Han Hu shook his head in denial: "With Zhaohou's small tools, it is impossible to give me these two places, most of which are Donglai's vast land and sparsely populated. A place that poses no threat to him."

"Being a prince on the seashore is worse than being a courtier within the state of Zhao... Instead of always staying on the side of the fierce tiger, it is better to take advantage of the fact that the prince of Zhao has not hurt Han's heart and leave far away." Duan Gui persuaded hard, and Han Hu finally made up his mind , bowed his waist again, and went to see Zhao Wuxi, so that the Han family could escape from the cage outside the river...

At the beginning of December, Han Hu had already set off on the road, and the news of the Huangchi meeting also reached Chen Guo...


"Hu Gong and Da Ji are on top, the unworthy descendants are here today to tell the ancestors a bad news. The descendant of Chen Gongziwan, that is, the Chen family of Qi has perished..."

The vast Huanghuai Plain is also covered in white snow. The capital city of the Chen State, Wanqiu, only snowed last night, and there were few pedestrians in the city, but in the ancestral temple, Chen Houyue was not afraid of the cold winter. In front of the mourning hall, I felt sad.

Although the Chen family in the state of Qi has nothing to do with the state of Chen, they are descendants of the same surname as Gui. In those days, Taishi of Zhou predicted that "after there is a concubine, it will be bred in Jiang", and the descendants of Chen Wan will grow up in the state of Qi. However, they were suddenly destroyed, the rabbit died and the fox was sad, and things hurt their species. Chen Hou couldn't help but think, the public office will be humble, the branches and leaves of the clan will fall first, and how long can the Chen Kingdom last?

Since Chen Houyue came to the throne, Chen Guo's national fortunes have been extremely unsmooth, sandwiched between Wu and Chu, following Chu State and Wu State attacking, surrendering Wu State and Chu State attacking.

In the sixth year of Chen Houyue (496 BC), Chen stood on the side of Chu State and united with Chu to destroy Dunton. In retaliation, Wu Wang Helu attacked Chen, took three cities and returned, but Chen Guo could only suffer a loss and smash his teeth into his stomach. In the thirteenth year (489 BC), Wu attacked Chen again. At this time, the difference between husband and wife was great, with Huaitu in the north and Yueyue in the south, a posture that was about to sweep the Jianghuai. Chu was also beaten and retreated. Frightened, he betrayed Chu and surrendered to Wu.

Unexpectedly, this time, Chen Guo, who was on the wall, looked away, and the husband went north aggressively, but he was beaten by Zhao Wuxi and returned the following year, and the entire Huaibei was lost. Yue Guo took the opportunity to restore the country, Chu The country also invaded Huainan, and Chen Guo naturally had to be avenged for his betrayal.

Last year, Sima Ziqi once again attacked Chen, disregarding Chen Hou's pleas for mercy, and forcefully occupying half of the land south of Chen Guosha River! Now the soldiers of Chu State are stationed opposite Wanqiu, and they can drive into the city at any time.

Chen Hou and Chen Guo's doctors have already sensed a hint of danger, and the Chu country already has the intention to destroy Chen!

Speaking of which, the state of Chen has already been destroyed by the state of Chu once, and that was forty years ago, when the King of Chu Ling sent the son of Chu to abandon the disease to destroy Chen. It was a fluke to be able to return to the country.

But this time, they may not be so lucky. Now the entire Chen country is in a panic, and Chen Hou himself has to live by it. He is ready to be the king of the subjugated country next spring and be exiled by the Chu country to the land of Yunmeng in the south of the Yangtze River.

When Chen Hou came out of the ancestral temple in a loss, the doctor Gongsun Zhen and Chen Hou's henchman Yu Yin Gai were waiting outside.

"Your Majesty, rejoice!" As soon as they saw Marquis Chen come out, the two of them congratulated him with joy.

"The country of Chen is about to perish, where does the joy come from?" Chen Hou didn't get angry, and he was worried about the fate of the country all day, but no one could share his worries.

The two hurriedly bowed down and reported to him: "We have just learned the news that Zhao Hou will meet the princes in Huangchi on January 1 next year..."

"The princes of the Zhaohou alliance, what are you doing to the widow..." Chen Hou didn't hear it clearly at first, but he was accustomed to think that the Central Plains alliance had nothing to do with their Chen country. Because Chen State was taken back from the Zhuxia system by Chu State more than a hundred years ago, and it was included in the Chu monarch system. As a vassal, the Northern Hegemons League, Chen Guo can't participate without the permission of Chu Guo~www.wuxiaspot.com~.

But Chen Hou quickly reacted. He stared at Young Master Zhen with wide eyes, and Yu Yingai said, "What do you mean, Chen Guo also sent someone over there?"

Gongzizhen said: "Of course, three years ago, the state of Wu was defeated, and the state of Chu took the opportunity to enter Huainan. Wang Sunsheng planned to destroy the state of Cai, and it was the Zhao army who sheltered the Cai people. When the Gao Weas Alliance was in the alliance, the first monarch also attended the meeting. On the altar of the alliance, he fought with the Marquis of Zhao Wu. Now that the State of Zhao has broken through the State of Qi, he seems to be the overlord of the Xia Kingdom. If he can protect the State of Cai, he will definitely be able to protect the State of Chen! For Chen Guo to block Chu Guo's coveted!"

"This..." Chen Houyue was still a little hesitant, but now Chen Guo can survive anyhow, if Chu Guo knew about him going north to participate in the Zhao Guomeng Association in person, he might be wiped out immediately. Huangchi is only ten days away from Chen Guo, and it is not troublesome to go back and forth, but he must consider the pros and cons.

Seeing this, Yu Yingai hurriedly went a step further and advised: "Your Majesty, don't hesitate! I heard that the specifications of the Huangchi Alliance this time are directly catching up with Kuiqiu and Jiantu, and Zhaohou will inherit Duke Huan of Qi and Duke Wen of Jin. The hegemony, it is said that even Zhou Tianzi will personally go to him to send his uncle!"

(To be continued.) Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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