Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 1111: Zhang Zhiru

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PS: It is lacquer carving instead of lacquer carving. The mistakes have been corrected. In addition, some characters and behaviors in the novel are fictional, so there is no need to study them carefully.

Zizhang Zhiyan stunned the whole room, even Yuan Xian and Qi Diaokai pointed at him, unable to speak for a while.

But for Zizhang himself, it is not a day or two for him to have such extreme thoughts.

Generally speaking, the disciples Confucius accepted before leaving the State of Lu were called "advanced" disciples, and the disciples he accepted in other places after leaving the State of Lu were called "late-advanced" disciples. 's leader. Although he is young, he is eager to learn and think deeply. He likes to discuss issues with Confucius.

Although Confucius was very optimistic about Zizhang, when evaluating his character, he shook his head and said, "Chai is also ignorant, Shen is also Lu, the teacher is also Pi, and You is also good."

Gao Chai was stupid, Zeng Shen was slow, Zhong You was reckless, and Zi Zhang was extreme.

Zi Zhang's extremeness is reflected in his unique understanding of Confucius' thought. Unlike the "gentlemen and Confucians" who rest on their laurels and like to engage in red tape, he likes to make friends, and he is informal in life and does not pay attention to appearance and etiquette.

He also said frankly: "The country will be prosperous if it is useless below, the country will be governed if it is righteous above, the people will not fight if the people are courteous, the country will respect if there is a god, and the people will have no resentment if they are both loved. If there is no life, the people will not steal."

These viewpoints have already departed from some of Confucius' thoughts, but are somewhat similar to Mozi of later generations. The one who loves is the same as the Mo family, who thinks that the lifeless is the same as the Mo family.

This kind of deviant thinking will naturally be rejected by other Confucian disciples, so Zizhang suddenly came to "spell nonsense", and was immediately attacked by them. When the lacquer carving opened, You Ruo and the others used their qualifications to pressure Zi Zhang, asking him to bow down and apologize and take back these words.

"Otherwise, I will expel you from the division!" Yuan Xian, who always likes to impose his moral values ​​on others, is even more aggressive.

At this moment, an old but still powerful voice came from the back room: "Xian! A gentleman is different from one another, don't be embarrassed, let him in!"

It was Confucius, and all the people waited until they died down. They looked at Zi Zhang with hatred and took off his shoes and walked in with only his clothes on.

Although he was Ye Gong's "guest", the Confucius House was very simple, with nothing else except a few straw-woven seats, a low table, and copper-cubit pottery beans on the table. Zi Zhang saw that the Master was kneeling on the seat by the window in the east. He was staring at the early morning sun, and he was concentrating on writing the slips in his hand.

After the political ideas were ignored, Confucius's life gradually shifted to academics. He was compiling and usurping the classics that were brought to Chu by the prince's dynasty.

"Master, it's time for the sacrificial offering, and this disciple brought some jerky..." Zi Zhang took the things out of the robe and put them beside the mat. He also has his own livelihood outside. Every month, he brings some food, dried meat and dried vegetables. Although it is not much, he can show his heart. It's just that every time he thinks that the Master eats very little of these things, and most of them are helping the group of people outside, he feels sick for a while.

Confucius hummed, and did not turn his head. Zi Zhang sat quietly on his knees. He found that the Master's hair seemed to be a little whiter than the last time he came, and his tall figure was also hunched a lot... …

For a time, after the ten years of Chen Guo's apprenticeship, Zi Zhang is vividly remembered...


When Chen Guowanqiu worshipped Confucius, Zizhang was the weakest year. After Chen Caizhi came to Chu, he slowly began to study rituals, music, poetry, and calligraphy. However, what he was most interested in was the The way of faithfulness.

Compared with the embarrassment in the state of Chen and Cai, life in Yexian is more comfortable, at least there is no need to run around.

This is due to Ye Gong's orderly management of the place. When Confucius first arrived, he was full of praise for Ye Gong's governance philosophy.

In the Spring and Autumn Period, one of the major difficulties of Chu State was that the population was sparse and sparse, and the land was vast, so it needed people to fill it. While building cities in Wan and Ye to consolidate borders and expand land, Ye Gong also mobilized the people to excavate the eastern and western peripheries, and store water from the city and mountains to irrigate farmland. Ye people benefited greatly from it. The increasingly prosperous economy and The lower tax attracted the neighboring Lu Hunrong and Zheng people to defect. To be able to "please those who are near, and those who are far away" is already a great success in the eyes of Confucius, and the disciples are also gearing up to sell their ideas to Lord Ye, and enter office in the land of Wanye. Confucius was also moved, and he specifically asked Zilu to tell Ye Gong that Confucius was a person who "forgets food when he is angry, forgets his worries when he is happy, and doesn't know the approach of old age", which means that Zhongni is still young and still able to do things.

He very much hopes to create an "Eastern Zhou" in the land of Zhounan.

However, although Duke Ye respected and raised Confucius, and appointed Zi Lu and others as officials, he was far from Confucius himself.

Last year, because of one incident, Confucius completely despaired of Ye Gong.

Zi Zhang still remembered that it was a daily meeting between the two, with Zi Zhang as his company.

At that time, Duke Ye talked about a case: "There was an upright man in Yexian County. His father stole his sheep. He reported his father. I punished his father and praised him."

Confucius said in disapproval: "In the eyes of the old man, upright people are different from the kind of people that Ye Gong said. In the country of Lu, when a similar thing happens, the father hides it for the son, and the son hides it for the father. This is integrity. As for reporting on my father, although it is in line with the law, it is still unfilial. Ye Gong should not praise this person, but should punish him!"

Ye Gong was a law-abiding person who advocated righteousness to kill relatives; Confucius paid attention to family ethics and opposed righteousness to kill relatives. The conversation between the two suddenly fell into a deadlock.

In the end, Duke Ye said lightly that when the Chu State ordered Yin Ziwen's nephew to break the law, the court officials of the Chu State released him as a member of the Lingyin family. Back, let the judge punish according to the rules of the state of Chu.

"After this incident, the people of Yingdu all sang that Ziwen's clan violated the country's legal process. After extending the explanation, Ziwen did not listen. I am sorry for Gu Yumeng, Fangzheng is fair..."

Ye Gong smiled and said: "Shen Zhuliang is not talented, I hope that like Ziwen, he can uphold the laws of the country, and Master, the current state of Lu, I am afraid that there will be no more sons to be fathers and to be praised. "

Confucius was silent for a moment. Indeed, now that the State of Lu was ruled by the Zhao clan, the clan of Zhao respected the law and moved the whole set of Zhao State to the State of Lu. The old moral standards among the township parties had been replaced by the new criminal law.

This conversation was also the last time Lord Ye summoned Confucius. Since then, although offerings have been continuous, he has never met with him again...

After the incident, Yuan Xian, Youruo and others were not angry, so they added fuel to the "Ye Gong good dragon" that Ji Ran had said before in Yexian, and spread it out to express their dissatisfaction.

Confucius didn't say anything. Maybe he was used to being treated coldly, but when he was alone, he sighed and said to Zizhang, "Ye Gong, is a person who is very similar to Zhao Hou Wuxi.

"His nature is not bad, he is also talented and intelligent, and he has a love for the people, but he is too eager for quick success. In order to consolidate his position and expand his territory, he has abandoned benevolence, righteousness and shame, and purely used severe punishment as the criterion for the people. However, they But I don't know the truth that haste will not be achieved, and small profits will make great things impossible. Now Zhao State has abandoned etiquette and made great achievements, and has power over its land and captives to make its people, only to annex the princes and establish a hegemony. However, the princes of Zhao The day he succeeded was also the time when the rituals of the Central Plains collapsed; Duke Ye also had this tendency, fortunately, he still has the righteousness of monarch and minister in his heart, so he should be able to start and end well with the lord of Chu..."

Zi Zhang heard it in his ears and remembered it in his heart. Indeed, Duke Ye had always given the impression of being modest and conservative, but in fact, he had been secretly imitating some things from the northern state of Zhao, such as developing the iron industry in Wandi and Chu. The country originally needed some iron smelting foundation. After several years of development, Wandi has become the largest iron smelting center in Chu. Also imitated is Zhao's spirit of respecting the law, but Ye Gong's is still the old law of Chu, "The Code of Chicken Times", and he has not copied Zhao's military merits and other systems.

However, Zi Zhang has another question: Master has spent his whole life looking for a wise ruler, but now the most wise rulers in the world are Zhao Hou and Ye Gong, but both of them respect the Master's benevolence and righteousness. , on the contrary, it has a lot of green eyes on the famous law, and the results are good. The Zhao state dominates the north, and Wan Yefu calls the southern state. However, the disadvantages that the master keeps saying are only fulfilled by the princes and nobles, and most of the people are happy to see it. completed.

So it seems that Zhao Hou and Ye Gong are blind and don't know the real dragon? Or is there something wrong with the ideas of the Master and the brothers, and they are no longer suitable for this era?

This question became more and more intense when his home state, Chen Guo, was in danger of subjugation, and doubts arose in his heart, destroying almost everything Zi Zhang had learned in the past ten years. After the labor pain came deeper thinking. Thinking without learning would be perilous. He decided not to ask for troubles himself, but to leave Wan and Ye and go to the wider Central Plains to have a look.

"This time the disciple is here to bid farewell to the master..."

Confucius stopped for a while, and he didn't say anything for a long time. After a long time, he sighed: "Let's go."

Zi Zhang got up and was about to leave, but he heard Confucius say again: "The world is difficult, the army is in chaos, bring more clothes and dry food, if you run out of silk coins, or if you have traveled enough and want to read books, you can go to Taoqiu to visit Zigong. He always Brilliant, I will definitely support you..."

Zi Zhang almost didn't cry, but he still held it back, and then bowed out, and only then did the tears fall on the front of his shirt.

For ten years, the master has been like his father, but the chicks will eventually grow up, leave their wings and spread their wings. Moreover, Zi Zhang faintly felt that the Master understood that everything he tried to maintain, be it ritual and music, or the order of ruler and minister, was collapsing at an accelerated rate.

But the Master is too stubborn. After all, this is something he has spent his entire life maintaining. Even if he escapes to Jiuyi, he must persevere to the end!

Master can go to the end with obsession, although he will die without regrets, but Zi Zhang does not want the entire Confucian sect to die out and be eliminated by the times...

Zi Zhang did not want to be like Youruo, Yuan Xian and others~www.wuxiaspot.com~ hiding in the south to deceive himself, he had to go out and visit Zi Gong, Zai Yu and other Confucian disciples who had split off and learn from their experience , open your eyes to face this era, and find a new way out for the Master and Confucius!


Confucius is still turning his back to the tide of the times, doing a mantra with his arms as a car; Zizhang wiped away his tears and embarked on a reverse journey with his luggage on his back; and in the spring of the fourth year of Zhaohou, on the first day of the first day of the first lunar month, the Huangchi meeting is also preparing to be held by the Jishui River. ...

"Zuo Shi" said: "In the spring of the fourth year of the Duke, Wang Zhengyue, the Duke has captured Qi Hou Tu, so he summoned the Son of Heaven, and gathered five together and six together to approach Daliang. On the day of Zhengdan, he also brought the King of Heaven and Song Duke, Qin Bo, Yan Hou, Lu Hou, Zheng Bo, Chen Hou, Cai Hou, Wei Hou, Zhongshan Zi, Qi Hou, Teng Hou, Xue Bo, Tan Zi, Zhu Zi, Xiao Zhu Zi, Lai Zi, Cao Gongzhi, Wu Dazai Xi, Yue Fuzhong , The Ba people will meet in Huangchi! Since the Zhou family moved eastward, the feudal alliance has flourished, and no one has been able to surpass it!"

PS: The setting of "History of the Left" in the book is the record written by Zuo Qiuming, not a usurped history book in later generations

(To be continued.) Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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