Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 1112: Meeting of the Yellow Pond

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PS: There are minor revisions to the order of the alliance and participating countries, and the following text shall prevail.

In the thirty-fifth year of King Zhou’s reign, and the fourth year of Zhao Hou Wuxi (485 BC), in spring, the first morning of the first month of the first lunar month, the genius was bright, and the Huangchi Town by the Jishui River, the Huimeng altar dedicated to the alliance has been decorated. . Gong Xichi, who was in charge of the ordering of the seats in the etiquette of this alliance, took a tour and was very satisfied, so he sighed at his subordinates.

"In the past, the meeting of Duke Huan of Qi called the mausoleum, and the participants were eight countries."

"Jin Wen Gong practiced the alliance of soil, and the participants were nine countries."

"The alliance of Shu of Chu State, the participants are twelve nations."

"Even in the Gao Itachi Alliance, which has the most participants, there are only eighteen countries."

He commented on all the previous alliances like a family, and finally said proudly:

"And now, in the Huangchi meeting, there are Duke Song, Duke Qin, Duke Yan, Duke Lu, Duke Zheng, Duke Chen, Duke Cai, Duke Wei, Zhongshanzi, Duke Qi, Duke Teng, Duke Xue, Duke Tan, and Duke Zhu. Zi, Xiao Zhuzi, and Luzi, the princes of the sixteen countries, plus the ruler of the state of Cao, the chief of the state of Wu, the doctor of the state of Yue, and the Ba people who have come from afar, there are as many as twenty states! Since the Zhou family moved eastward, In the prosperity of the feudal alliance, no one can surpass it!"

In such a grand meeting, if the host did not entertain the guests well, he would be ridiculed by the whole world. Fortunately, Gong Xichi was particularly proficient in the etiquette of receiving and treating people and Hajj etiquette. Under his auspices, Huang Chi had already prepared everything.

A Heheming Hall was built in Jishuizhiyang a few months ago. There are three main halls in total, including a temple for sacrifices, a hall for audiences, and thirty-six houses for the princes to live in, seventy-two houses. lattice window. Located under the upper circle of the Huimeng Altar by the Jishui River, it is symmetrical from east to west, north to south, and the world is even and even. In the inner ring of the Huimeng altar, the feudal lords are arranged in a strict order, Zhu Ganyuqi, towering and contrasting, dragon flags and leopard towers, inflections.

Everything is ready and only owed to Dongfeng. The day before yesterday, the princes who participated in the alliance rushed to Huangchi to meet Zhao Wuxi.

The Marquis of Lu and Marquis Wei were originally Zhao's puppets, and they came upon their call. Qin Bo, Yanhou and others arrived in a hurry despite the long journey.

Even the states of Wu and Yue, who were at war, also sent people over. Of course, they hoped to win over the state of Zhao, because the hatred between the two countries was too fierce, and the battle was inexorable. The tiger of the state of Zhao was in Huaibei, and the more it would kill Wu to help Yue. , to help Wu Ze and the state of Wu to govern the whole society.

Only the state of Chu, which is self-sufficient and has always been disdainful of being on the same level as the princes, pretended to be deaf and dumb, and did not send anyone to participate. Because the state of Chu has its own unique system, in the south, Chu is the king, how can the king be on the same level as Hou Bozinan?

However, the fact is that even Chen and Cai, the vassals of the state of Chu, have already surrendered to the state of Zhao, and only one vassal still follows the state of Chu.

Zhao Wuxi didn't care whether Chu State came or not. What he cared more about was whether the Son of Heaven could arrive on time.

Fortunately, Cheng Zhou also had self-knowledge. The day before yesterday, the emperor of Zhou finally came.

Zhao Wuxi did not neglect, he led the princes to greet him thirty miles west of Huangchi, invited the emperor to stay in the palace, and all the princes entered in turn to pay homage. After the living ceremony, Zhao Wuxi presented another gift: hundreds of cars, thousands of slaves, more than ten cars of gold, silver and silk...

King Zhou was overjoyed when he saw so many gifts, and half of his dissatisfaction with Zhao Wuxi immediately disappeared, because the Zhou family was so poor that he had to mint large denomination coins to pay off his debts.

Even for these gifts, he had to play his role well in this alliance, so he personally helped Zhao Wuxi, who was just bowing down, and offered his condolences to let him avoid the bowing ceremony. And let Liu Gong set up Li wine to reward Zhao Hou.

Zhou Tianzi, who is the co-lord of the world, is willing to personally come to condolence Zhao Wuxi, a minister who has only been a prince for a few years, this face is really great: from ancient times to the present, only the lower ministers have seen the emperor, how can there be The Son of Heaven personally came to condolences to his servants. What kind of honor and honor is this? If Duke Huan of Qi had knowledge from the ground, he would probably be jealous and get up from the ground to complain a few words.

After all, this era is the Spring and Autumn Period. Although the emperor has lost his power, he is still the emperor. Gong Xichi and other officials of the Zhao state were also honored, feeling that they were witnessing an epoch-making event, and their tiredness was a little less busy.

Yesterday was New Year's Eve, and Gong Xichi's busiest day. He was going to preside over the grand and solemn recruitment process, read out those eloquent reports, hold tortoise shells in person, do fortune-telling fortune-telling and fortune-telling for the emperor and princes. They offered three sacrifices and worshipped gods and ghosts reverently and devoutly... At the end, elegant and graceful banquets and poems were also indispensable.

So far, the alliance has reached its climax, but Gong Xichi knows that everything before is just foreplay, and the dinner will be held on the first day of the first day.

That was the ceremony when Zhao Wuxi was appointed by the Son of Heaven as Hou Bo!

At noon on the first day of the first month, Zhou Tianzi was already sitting on the main seat of the alliance altar, and the twenty princes and doctors, also crowned and wearing jade, arrived at the main venue neatly.

Their eyes are all focused on one person, that is Zhao Hou Wuxi, who is standing in the center of the alliance altar and listening to the edict!


"Qi and Jin are already humble, there are no uncles in the world, there are many fierce coveted people, and the ancestral temples are lacking in worship. I give one person Su Xing to fall asleep, and worship again in front of the temple of Wen and Wu, saying: 'Only the ancestors are the fathers, and the shoulders are the first, who can support the Zhou family? 'It is to lure Tianzhong, give birth to Zhao Hou Wuxi, re-establish order, shield it into a week, and give it to one person to rely on. Today, the ceremony will be given to you, and he respects the order of one person!"

On the altar of the Huangchi Association, Zhao Wuxiu was in a white coat with Xuan Duan, wearing a jade and a sword, and was being ordered by the Son of Heaven.

The edict in the style of "Shangshu" is very long and difficult to speak.

However, Zhao Hou was in good spirits. He bowed his head respectfully, as if he was listening carefully, and seemed to be thinking about something...

He is now thinking, what happened to the "Huangchi Meeting" in history?

The reason why Zhao Wuxi chose the location of the meeting of the princes in Huangchi is not only because it is located at the hub of Jishui and the transportation is very convenient, but also because in the real history, three years later, there was also a meeting here: Wu Guo An alliance that shares hegemony with Jin.

Of course, that was actually a rivalry between Fu Chai and Zhao Yang.

Historically, the state of Wu became the dominant force in the southeast after defeating Chu in the west and defeating Xu, Qi and Lu in the north. Then he marched to the northwest and met Duke Ding of Jin at Huangchi. Duke Ding of Jin was a puppet, so naturally he couldn't hold up the scene, and Zhao Yang had to come forward in everything.

At that time, the husband was aggressive and said, "Among the clansmen of the Zhou family, the Wu state is the most senior, so I will kill the blood first." He didn't give in either: "Among the surnames Ji, Jin has always been the hegemon. I'll kill blood first!"

The two sides could not argue, and almost resorted to force. Fuchai also ordered 30,000 soldiers to line up outside and held a military parade to demonstrate to Jin.

The Jin people were all afraid, but Zhao Yang, an experienced man, saw that Wu was strong in foreign countries, and learned that the Yue Kingdom had attacked the Wu Kingdom from the rear, and he insisted on not letting it go. The state of Wu could not afford to drag it down, and in the end, the mighty Fu Chai could only lower his arrogant head, remove the king's title and call him "Wu Gong", and let Zhao Yang shed blood first, thus confirming this hegemonic struggle at the end of the Spring and Autumn Period.

When he saw this history in his previous life, Zhao Wuxi didn't have too many feelings, but recalling Zhao Yang's voice and appearance at this time, he immediately felt very kind to this matter and this place.

He said silently in his heart: "Father, I didn't embarrass you, I taught Fuchai a lesson in advance, and let him go back to the south to fall in love with Goujian a few years ago. Today, at the Huangchi meeting, he sent messengers to please him. Zhao Kingdom..."

What's more, that "Huangchi Meeting" was actually very deserted. Only the Lu family came to support Jin and Wu, and the rest of the princes were busy and didn't bother to pay attention. Jin and Wu evenly divided the hegemony, and then one was torn apart.

As for today's Huangchi meeting, Zhao Wuxi's dominance is real, and the countries participating in the meeting are basically subdued. In terms of scale and scene, it has already topped China and shocked ancient and modern times!

Looking up at the sun, Wu Xian thought to himself: If Zhao Yang knew, he would be proud of himself, right?


On the stage, Zhao Wuxi was wandering in the sky, but under the stage, someone was watching him unblinkingly.

Worshiping him, admiring him, and even jealous of him, this is how Nanzi feels at this moment.

It's a pity that her relationship with him can't be on the table after all, and she can't stand by his side and share it together. It's a pity that she is a woman, and she is destined to not have the glory of such a prince.

She can only pin her hopes on the next generation.

Zishang was four years old and could walk and talk. As Duke Song, he was also brought by Nanzi to witness this scene.

Caressing his son's soft hair, Nan Zi pointed at the person on the stage and said to him gently:

"My son, in the future, you will also become a person like your father!"

Zishang nodded blankly, but the gaze in Nanzi's eyes became more and more fiery.

"I'm talking about more than just a mere overlord..."

After arriving at Huangchi the day before yesterday, Nanzi once had a secret meeting with Zhao Wuxi. After making out, she made a bold suggestion to him:

"It's a rare opportunity. It's better to take advantage of the arrival of the princes and capture and kill the King of Zhou. You can replace him and become the new emperor! In order to comply with the prophecy of King Xuan's prosperity!"

In Nanzi's view, Ji Zhou was a traitor of the Yin Shang and the chief culprit who destroyed the Dayi Shang. At that time, Emperor Xin was conquesting the Dongyi, but he did not prevent Xiaobang Zhou from coming from the west, the battle of Muye, bloodshed and drifting, and then the Duke of Zhou's eastward expedition.

Although it has been 600 years since the incident, Nanzi still felt that the incident was vivid in her mind when she read the words on the oracle bones, which made her hate it. Now the Ying surname Zhao Guo is strong and prosperous, sweeping the princes, and the Central Plains has no rivals. Zi and Ying were originally from the line of Emperor Jun, and before the Zhao clan, they were also courtiers of Yin Shang. This is a good opportunity to avenge Yin Shang! Zhao Wuxi should not be afraid of the head and tail, entangled in those details, but should kill the King of Zhou, go to Luoyang, seize the Jiuding, and come to the world with the respect of the Son of Heaven!

However, Zhao Wuxi seemed to be taken aback by her crazy thoughts at the time, shook his head and said, "Don't be impatient, the time has not come, the matter of becoming king should be taken care of."

Xu Xutuzhi? Nanzi is not the kind of person who likes to wait, but she also knows that in the relationship between two people, who is the master and who is the minister. It is not advisable to disobey Zhao Wuxi. Those words were swallowed back in the stomach.

But that doesn't mean she doesn't do anything.

"Nvkui." Beckoning, Nanzi asked his cronie, the witch, Nvkui, to come up.

"Has that nursery rhyme spread out?"

Nukui lowered her eyebrows and said pleasingly, "It was spread last month. At this time, the entire Song Kingdom, and even the neighboring countries, are probably already known by everyone."

Nanzi nodded in satisfaction and let Nukui go down.

She continued to look at the lover on the Huimeng altar~www.wuxiaspot.com~, which seemed to be full of affection, but the corners of her red lips showed a scheming smile.

Although she surrendered to Zhao Wuxi, the secret game between the two never stopped!

Unknowingly, Nanzi's hand stroking his son's hair, also began to play a brisk rhythm.

Zishang looked up suspiciously, just in time to see his mother's mouth slightly curled up, humming a nursery rhyme softly:

"Hou Feihou, Wang Feiwang, take a thousand rides to Beimang!"

PS: History books since the pre-Qin period have different views on the outcome of the Huangchi Alliance. Among them, "Zuo Zhuan" records in detail the process of Jin State's first bloodshed, indicating that Jin State became the leader of the alliance. "Historical Records: The Family of Wu Taibo" also records that "Zhao Yang was angry, and he was about to attack Wu, and he was Duke Ding of Changjin."

However, in the "Mandarin", it is mentioned that Fuchai showed off his force to the Jin State, forcing the Jin State to respect Wu as the leader of the alliance. There are also records of Wu State becoming the leader of the alliance in "Records of the Grand Historian: Zhao Family", "Records of the Grand Historian: Family of Jin Dynasty", and "Records of the Grand Historian: Qin Benji".

This book adopts the former. (To be continued.) Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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