Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 1113: Hou Fei Hou, Wang Fei Wang

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Not to mention Nanzi's secret tricks, Zhou Tianzi's letter is still going on on the altar of the Huangchi Association.

"I have heard that the former kings built Mingde together, with Baikui and the four mountains inside, and the overlord Houbo outside. When King Hui, Nanman and Beidi invaded, Qi Huan was registered as a Houbo, with the sea in the east and the river in the west. As far as Muling in the south and Wudi in the north, the five lords and nine uncles can be conquered. In Yuan and Xiang, there are also people from Chu who did not serve as kings, and ordered Jin Wendeng to be the lord of the alliance, Daqi Nanyang, and the world to be the leader of the alliance.”

When Liu Gongnian arrived here, Zhou Wang suddenly lost his face.

It sounds nice in the book, but if it wasn't for being forced to be helpless, which Emperor Zhou would be willing to order an overlord to issue orders for him!

Confucius once said a very incisive sentence: If there is a way in the world, then ritual and music conquest will come from the Son of Heaven; if there is no way in the world, then ritual and music conquest will come from princes.

The branches grow thicker than the trunk, and sooner or later something will happen. After the Zhou family declined, the tails of the princes who were used to shield the royal family could not be lost, but no matter what, they were still members of the Huaxia circle, and the blood between them was thicker than water.

When the Southern Barbarians and the Northern Di were invading and China was on the line, the Xia had to stop fighting within and unite with the outside world. Since the Son of Heaven is no longer able to lead the feudal lords, then only an "uncle" can stand up as a leader. Therefore, the essence of hegemony in the Spring and Autumn Period was actually to fill the empty state of the political arena formed by the fall of the Zhou Dynasty's kingship, and the hegemony of Duke Huan of Qi and Duke Wen of Jin came into being.

Since then, the princes, you have finished singing and I will appear, forming a situation of "everywhere, more uncles".

Although Qi, Huan, Jinwen, and even all the princes who wanted to fight for hegemony later, all advertised their honor as a king. However, the status of the emperor of Zhou did not become noble due to the call of the overlords to respect the king and reject the barbarians. On the contrary, with the alternation of hegemony, the royal power became more and more sinking like a sun, and the Zhou royal family gradually withered like autumn leaves in the cold wind. By the time King Zhou of Zhou ascended the throne, it had developed to the point that the princes only met the overlord and ignored the emperor.

Therefore, in the deepest part of Zhou's heart, he hated the canonized overlord.

But what can he do? Judging from the power at his disposal, the Hou is no longer a Hou, and the King is no longer a King. Therefore, like King Hui of Zhou and King Xiang of Zhou in previous generations, King Zhou could only hold his nose even if he didn’t want to. Support Zhao Wuxi...

At least, Zhao Wuxi's acceptance of the order means that he is still willing to regard Zhou Tianzi as a king? It will not suddenly imprison King Zhou and overturn Cheng Zhou's mess.

Duke Liu's reading continued: "In this time of the season, the rituals are broken, the music is broken, and the Zhou family's survival depends on the power of Zhao Hou, slowing down the Kyushu, and all of them are obedient. Their merit is higher than that of Yi and Zhou, and they are inferior to Huan. , Wen, I am very embarrassed for one person. Therefore, I will now give him the clothes of the Great Ward, the Gon Mian; the clothes of the Rong Ward, the clothes of Wei Bian; the Tong Gong Yi, the Tong Ya Bai, the Lu Gong Ten, the Ya Qian!"

The ceremonial costumes such as the robes of the big robe represent status. After obtaining them, it means that Zhao Wuxi is no longer an ordinary prince; as for Tonggong and Lugong, they represent the right to conquer.

The long book of letters finally read to the end, and Duke Liu used all his strength and said loudly, "The Son of Heaven has ordered the Duke of Zhao to be the uncle of Jiu Ming!"

"Uncle Nine Lives!"

Everyone was shocked. According to the rules of Zhou Li, officials and nobles had nine lives. Nine lives were the highest and one life was the lowest. Generally speaking, there are five orders in the kingdom of sons and males, seven in the kingdoms of Hou and Bo, and only eight in the three princes of the Son of Heaven. Duke Huan of Qi and Duke Wen of Jin are also of this level. Only in the distant Zong and Zhou eras, Duke Zhou, Duke Zhao and other founding regents, Shang Dukes, had nine lives!

Now Zhao Wuxi takes the princes as the uncle of Jiu Ming, which is really unprecedented.

"Finally, let him succeed..." Qin Bo, Zheng Bo and other princes had bitter faces, but they could only accept this fact silently.

The courtiers of Zhao State were excited.

However, Zhao Wuxi didn't have much joy. He just resigned three times according to the rules, and then accepted the order and slowly walked towards the emperor.

Zhou Wanglu showed an ugly smile, got up and walked down, and helped Zhao Hou who was about to bow down.

However, when Wu Xie got up, the emperor was surprised to find that this tall and majestic prince was a full half a head taller than him, and he was imposing.

He couldn't help shivering, thinking of a nursery rhyme he heard on the way to Huangchi in the past few days.

Hou Fei Hou, Wang Fei Wang...

Zhou Wanglu's face turned pale, but the ceremony had to be completed. He could only hold up Zhao Hou's hand and announced to the twenty princes and doctors on the Huimeng stage: "Bil Zhaohou, you have to specialize in expeditions. , to correct Wang Yu!"


After the ceremony, Zhou Wangluo was helped down with a pale face on the pretext of being unwell.

By this time, no one cared whether the emperor was present or not. Zhao Wuxi summoned him to Huangchi, just to let the emperor personally appoint himself as Hou Bo (overlord).

A noble man, saves troubles, divides disasters, and punishes guilt. The reason why Zhao Wuxi values ​​this title is that being a hegemon means that he has the power to replace the emperor to command the world's ritual and music conquests!

At this moment, Zhao Wuxi truly stood at the center of the times.

But he is different from the overlords of the previous generation.

The hegemony in the Spring and Autumn Period is like the waves of a river, the waves behind push the waves ahead. To say that the hegemon has the power to command the world's ritual and music conquests is only in general terms. In fact, the hegemony of the hegemon will also be limited, most of which are from other major powers in the Central Plains. For example, although Duke Huan of Qi was hegemonic, he was unable to subdue Jin, and Qin never paid any attention to him. Although Duke Wen of Jin was dominant, he could not issue orders for Qin and Qi. When Qi and Jin were at their strongest, they could not even dominate the Central Plains, let alone Wu Chu in the south.

In addition, although the overlord has a desire from domineering to kingship deep in his heart, no matter which one has the highest prestige, he has never achieved the situation of unifying all the summers.

Regarding the emperor of Zhou, he did not even dare to have the idea of ​​replacing him. Duke Huan of Qi had always been respectful to the king of Zhou. Duke Wen of Jin once wanted to obtain the funeral specifications of the emperor, but was rejected, and he did not dare to forcibly overstep; When the army went north and asked about the importance of the ding, it was also said by the people of Zhou that "in virtue is not the ding, the importance of the ding is unquestionable" and persuaded to retreat, and returned in anger.

In short, in the previous generations, although the clouds were dense, the majesty of Zhou Tianzi still hung above the heads of the hegemons like the sun.

In contrast, Zhou Wangyu was just a palace lantern in his hand to Zhao Hou...

Compared with his predecessors, Zhao Wuxi was in the best situation. He was able to get to where he is today, not because of benevolence, righteousness, courtesy and music, not because of the grace of the emperor, but because of the sword in his hand and the horse under his crotch! Rely on iron and blood!

After ten years, the state of Jin was replaced by him, and all the political heritage was inherited; the two traditional political powers of Lu and Wei became puppets; the states of Song and Yan were allies; Remnant, the state of Qi has been broken, and the state of Zheng has surrendered. Looking at the Central Plains, Zhao Wuxi has no match!

Wu and Yue in the south are fighting together, how dare they be enemies with Zhao? As for the state of Chu, although it is a behemoth, the burden of history is too heavy, self-preservation is more than enough, and progress is not enough, and it does not pose a threat to Zhao Wuxi's hegemony.

The strength of Zhao's army is unmatched, and now Zhao Wuxi has obtained the status of "overlord" again, and both the name and the reality are in his hands!

"Hou Feihou, Wang Feiwang... This sentence makes some sense." Standing in the center of the world, Zhao Wuxi glanced at Nanzi, she still smiled sweetly, thinking she had a plan.

It's not that Zhao Wuxi didn't know about this little girl's methods, and it wasn't a big deal, but she wanted to spread rumors to form public opinion, and finally form a situation where the yellow robe added her body, so that Zhao Wuxi could be called the king ahead of time and became the Shang Dynasty. To take revenge, and at the same time to improve the status of Song State.

But Zhao Wuxi was not the kind of person who would be manipulated by others. Anyone who dared to destroy his plan would have to pay the price. From the current point of view, it is far better to be the overlord for a few years, and rely on the emperor to make the princes.

The punishment and warning to Nanzi was a matter after the alliance. Today, Zhao Wuxi became the overlord for the first time. First of all, he had to try the fun of wielding the power of ritual and music to conquer.

Wu Xie said slowly: "Since the emperor asked Yu Dai to preside over the alliance, it is not too late. This will need to be discussed and resolved one by one!"

He waved his hand and said, "Bring Qi Houtu to the altar!"


"Bring Qi Hou Tu!"

"Bring Qi Hou Tu!"

The Hu Bens passed on the overlord's orders one after another, and after a while, the young Qi Hou Tu was brought up tremblingly.

Yan Ruzi's appearance is somewhat similar to that of his mother Rui Zi, especially the tearful and pitiful eyes, his princely crown has been removed, he is shivering while wearing a thin dark coat, and his body has not yet grown. , very thin, and the princes could not help feeling pity when they saw it.

His mother had warned him that today people are the knife and I am the fish, don't talk nonsense, just crawl on the ground begging for forgiveness, and the rest of the things, naturally, his mother will take care of him...

Yan Ruzi is also thirteen or fourteen years old. Knowing the relationship between men and women, can you still not know how her mother "managed"? Whenever he thinks of this, his heart is full of humiliation and resentment.

After that night on the platform for sleeping on the road, Hou Zhao had already used Ruizi as a plaything, and after taking their mother and son to Jinan, he called Ruizi to sleep several times. Rui Zi took this opportunity and tried his best to please Zhao Wuxi, and put all the blame for Qi and Zhao as enemies on Chen Heng and his son, hoping that Zhao Hou would forgive Yan Ruzi and keep his throne.

Zhao Wuxi didn't let go at first, but he couldn't stand Ruizi's offensive and promised to give Yan Ruzi a "good result".

His mother was grateful to Dade, and even put down her dignity and worked hard to please her, but Yan Ruzi didn't appreciate it at all!

This will lie on the cold altar of the alliance, he gritted his teeth and thought: "I heard that Yuejun Goujian was once defeated by the Wu State and was imprisoned in the Taiwan of Suzhou, but after three years of life and three years of lessons learned , now that I have regained my kingdom again, and I have beaten Wu State to retreat, which is considered a great revenge... Although Qi State has been broken, as long as I have a chance to keep the throne, I will definitely learn Goujian to endure humiliation and bear heavy burdens, and sooner or later I will revive again. Qi State, attack Ye City, and return all the humiliation my mother suffered to Zhao Wuxi!"

Yan Ruzi, and everyone else, were quietly waiting for Zhao Wuxi's ruling.

Zhao Wuxi stared at Yan Ruzi's cheap son for a long time and smiled, "Chen's name is Qi Qing, and he is really dedicated to Qi Quan. Qi rebelled against the emperor and colluded with barbarians. …”

The princes looked at each other and felt that Zhao Hou probably wanted to exonerate Qi Hou, let him continue to be the monarch and keep the Jiang surname Sheji, and even Guoshu, Gao Wupi, Bao Xi, and Yan Yu thought so.

Yan Ruzi's clenched fist loosened a little, and he began to plan how he would try his hardest after returning to the country.

However, the next moment, Zhao Wuxi accelerated his tone in vain:

"Nevertheless, Tu is a concubine of the state of Qi, and he still has several elder brothers. His succession to the throne is not in line with the system of the state of Qi. As a marquis of Qi, he allows the Chen clan to do evil things~www.wuxiaspot.com~ His crime can be forgiven. , there is no escape from the blame!"

Yan Ruzi raised his head in shock, only to see Zhao Wuxi pointing at him and saying, "I declare to the world as the uncle, depose the son Tu, and find another good son to be the king!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone in the hall was shocked, but no one dared to speak out against it.

Zhao Wuxi looked down at Yan Ruzi and the princes who didn't expect the plot. Wherever his eyes swept, the princes would avoid them and dare not look directly. The power of the overlord is so great!

The shirtless smiled with satisfaction, their fear and trembling came too early because the show had just begun.

He has exhausted his organs, spent more than ten years as a prince, and obtained the position of overlord. What is the purpose?

Persistence and extinction? Spread benevolence? What a joke!

His purpose, of course, is to rely on this hegemony position, take advantage of the convenience, slaughter the world, and split mountains and rivers!

PS: The second chapter is in the evening (to be continued.) Mobile phone users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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