Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 1114: Slaughter the world, split mountains and rivers (Part 1)

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"If you look closely, you will find that wolves in the wild are always dispatched in groups. This group of beasts chases their prey in the wind and rain, constantly blocking their retreat, and finally swarming up and tearing them to pieces. But when the prey falls, The hungry wolves just sniffed and didn't dare to get close to eating the fresh flesh. Because the alpha wolf has not spoken yet, the wolf king has the right to take the first bite of all prey, only after eating and drinking, It will divide the remaining prey..."

"The same is true of the princes in this world. The uncle is the chief wolf. He has the power to decide right and wrong and divide the territory. The wolf that is close to it can lick the leftovers, but the wolf that is distant from it can't even share the root hair!"

Today is the second day of the first lunar month, the second day of the Huangchi meeting, Zhao Wuxi allowed Ji Ying to help him put on his uniform, wearing Wei Bian on his head, smiled at the spirited uncle in the mirror, and said: " My knife has been sharpened, and I'm just waiting to divide the meat for the New Year's sacrifice, this first piece of meat is called Qi Kingdom!"

Ji Ying knew that Wu Xie didn't talk so much on weekdays, but he was a little too excited to become the uncle in the past few days.

Under the **** of Yulin's guards, Zhao Wuxi left the dormitory, walked through the courtyard, and stepped into the Ming Hall for discussion. Outside the door, he met Yan Houke.

The two met once in Daibei. At that time, he was still Crown Prince Ke. With the death of Duke Yan Jian, Crown Prince Ke succeeded to the throne, and the State of Yan completely cut off the relationship with the State of Qi. In the past few years, the State of Zhao has always been asked to follow. , a hard-core ally.

After chatting for a while, Zhao Wuxi and Marquis Yan walked into the brightly lit hall one after the other. The four people inside had been waiting for a long time.

Zhao Wuxi's gaze swept across their faces one by one, Guoshu, Gao Wupi, Bao Xi, Yan Yu, they were all enemies of the Chen Clan, they should have perished, but they were accepted by Zhao State, lingering on, and finally brought him. As the Zhao army counterattacked Qi, they drove Chen Heng into the sea.

"I have seen Uncle! I have seen Yanhou!"

Seeing that Zhao Wuxi had come recently, the four of them hurriedly bowed down, their words were obedient, and they did not dare to be slighted in the slightest. However, when Marquis Yan and Marquis Zhao arrived hand in hand, I couldn't help being surprised. Today's discussion is about the monarchy of Qi State. What does this have to do with the State of Yan?

"Marquis Yan came here to be a witness."

Zhao Wuxi was not in a hurry. After inviting Marquis Yan to be seated, he went straight to the main seat and sat down. The attendant offered him the hot tea he liked to drink. Marquis Zhao just sipped the tea on the couch while closing his eyes and resting. .

Yan Hou watched his nose and his heart, and the four of Qi didn't dare to go out and wait. Finally, Zhao Wuxi seemed to have had enough rest, so he slowly said: "I invited the four sons to come here today to discuss a discussion. Discuss the affairs of the state of Qi."

The four of them said in unison, "Young son Tu is the youngest son of the first monarch. He was originally supported by the Chen clan, and his succession was unreasonable. Today, he was deposed. No one from the minister of the state of Qi dared to object. As for the new monarch... The Lord has spoken!"

Zhao Wuxi was very pleased that they had self-knowledge, but shook his head and said, "Although a country cannot live without a ruler for a day, I will put it on hold for a while, first delineate the border between Qi and its neighbors, and then discuss whether to do so. Late."

The four of them groaned, but Zhao Wuxi refused to allow them to protest, and asked Zixia to spread out a map of Qi in the hall, pointing to the mountains and rivers above and saying:

"The State of Zhao and State of Yan, in order to help your four clans to quell the rebellion of the Chen clan and restore the State of Qi, have been recruiting troops for years and months, and the thousands of troops and horses have spent an unknown amount of food and grass, and must be compensated."

He waved his hand: "First of all, Shuzhou, which was forcibly occupied by Qi State 30 years ago, must be returned to Yan State!"

Shuzhou, also known as Tianjin and Cangzhou in later generations. Don't look at the prosperous land of Jingmen in later generations. At this time, it was still a barren saline-alkali land, with only one small city. This place was originally given to Yan by Duke Huan of Qi. Thirty years ago, Qi interfered in Yan's internal affairs and occupied it by the way. A few years ago, Zhao Wuxi captured Hejian, but because the road was too long, he didn't even send troops to take this town. Today's return to Yan is a reward to Yan.

The mere town of Beibei in Shuzhou has nothing to do with the interests of the four families. Guo, Gao, Bao, and Yan didn't care, and they didn't dare to care, and they hurriedly agreed. Yan Houke was overjoyed. He secretly thought that he had not followed Zhao for nothing. He had only succeeded the throne for a few years. Many powers were controlled by the public clan. If he could get a share of Shuzhou, his prestige in the country would be greatly increased. .

But compared to what Zhao Guo got, Shuzhou was only a small shrimp.

"Secondly, Jibei, Jinan, Jimo, these three places must be placed under Zhao State! As Zhao's counties."

Zhao Wuxi's voice fell, and the four of them looked at each other, with a wry smile of "as expected" on their faces.

After the attack on Linzi in July last year, Zhao Wuxi let the four families go deep into Donglai to pursue Chen Heng, but he himself withdrew the main force to Jibei and Jinan, moved the people of Linzi to Lixia, and arranged for officials to settle the fields and resume production. , a stance of resignation. Today, Zhao Hou mentioned that the two places should be assigned to Zhao, which confirmed the speculation of the four.

Jibei and Jinan are the most important places in Qingzhou, accounting for about two-fifths of the land of Qi. Coupled with Jimo, Dayi, Jiaodong, Zhao Hou's appetite is too big...

The credentials were a little resentful. He wanted to stand up and argue, but before he could speak, he was held back by Gao Wupi.

The entire territory of Qi is still occupied by the Zhao army, and Zhao Wuxi has obtained the power of the emperor, "Marquis of Zhao, who has to specialize in expeditions to rectify the king", so he dares to arbitrarily divide the kingdom of Qi. Guo and Gao alone can't stop him at all. Protesting at this time will only cost his life in vain and harm the family!

Gao Wupi now has nothing else to ask for. He only hopes that Zhao Hou can raise his hand and let Jiang Qi's society continue. In this way, he can be considered worthy of his surname.

The national book is also known to be powerful, he sighed, and sat down with a pale face. What can they do?

It's just that Bao Xi and Yan Yu are a little embarrassed. You know, their territory is still in Jibei and Jinan!

But he heard Zhao Wuxi say: "Bao and Yan, two sons, are you willing to leave the state of Qi and become a doctor of the state of Zhao? The territories of Baoyi and Yanyi of the two families will be retained, and the widow also hopes that you will be the county of Jibei and Jinan of the state of Zhao. The county chief!"


"The doctor of the state of Zhao, the county chief?"

Bao Xi and Yan Yu stared wide-eyed, reluctant in their hearts, but did not dare to refuse. They felt that if they did not obey, the territory would probably be taken away by Zhao Wuxi, so they could only agree.

Zhao Wuxi divided the state of Qi in this way, and also included Bao and Yan. Of course, there was a reason: Jibei was the old nest of the Chen family, Jinan's big clans were popular, and many Linzi people moved in. Zhao Jun arrived for the first time, and it was not easy to gain a foothold. He had to rely on local forces like he controlled Hexi and Feng Yi in the Qin country. Bao and Yan were the best helpers. They will help Zhao's county governor go deep into the village as their deputy, and after the five-year term, they can either resign or be transferred elsewhere.

However, Jimo connects Huai and Yi, and shields Qi and Lu. It was originally a small state of Dongyi, but it was conquered by Qi a few decades ago, and it has gradually become an important town in the southeast of Qi. In history, Leyi of the State of Yan broke through the seventy-two cities of Qi, and only Jimo and Jugu guarded them, which shows the danger of their situation.

Furthermore, the southeast coast of Jimo is the Jiaozhou Bay in later generations, which controls the throat of the Yellow Sea and is the key to Donglai. This is a better seaport than Langya. Although Zhao Wuxi has no money to build a navy for the time being, it does not mean that he will not want it in the future. He plans to set up a county in Jimo directly under the jurisdiction of Zhao.

With a stroke of his pen, Zhao Wuxi cut off two-fifths of Qi's territory, and the hall became quiet. Bao and Yan were vaguely worried about their future careers in Zhao, and the national book had not yet been released. In this upheaval, I came back to my senses.

The former hegemonic country, the great state of Haidai, was torn apart so easily?

Still, Gao Wupi remembered the purpose of coming here today, he coughed lightly, and asked again: "Uncle, since the territory has been divided, should we discuss, who should succeed the Qi Kingdom?"

Zhao Wuxi nodded: "The widow remembers that in addition to Yang Sheng and Gongzi Tu, Duke Pinggong (Qi Jinggong) has two other sons in exile in Zhao State, one is Gongzi Mao and the other is Gongzizhang..."

Gao Wupi hurriedly said: "That's right, among them, Young Master Mao is older, should you establish Young Master Mao?"

Zhao Wuxi said meaningfully: "But the widow heard that the son is immoral, and the son Zhang is more wise!"

Gao Wupi swallowed his saliva and said, "Then establish a son-in-law chapter?"

Zhao Wuxi still shook his head, as if he was in a dilemma in choosing between the two candidates.

Just when Gao Wupi was burning with anxiety, he saw Zhao Hou slapped his palms and said, "It's better, let's make both sons the monarchs!"

"Ah!" Gao Wupi almost stumbled to the ground, Guoshu, Bao Xi, Yan Yu, and even Yu Yan Houke all widened their eyes, not knowing what medicine Zhao Hou's gourd was selling.

Or was Bao Xi the first to react and asked tentatively, "Uncle, do you mean to divide the remaining territory of Qi into two?"

"No~www.wuxiaspot.com~Zhao Wuqi smiled, and the picture is poor.

"It's divided into three!"

While the five people in the hall were stunned, he clapped his hands and shouted to the looming curtain on the side of the hall: "Han Qing, come out!"

"The minister is here."

The gentle middle-aged gentleman Han Hu, dressed in deep clothes and wearing jade, agreed to go out. After coming out, he bowed his head to Zhao Wuxi first, and then bowed his head to the other five people.

After several in-depth discussions with Huangchi in Yecheng, he seems to have regained a close relationship with Zhao Wuxi.

Zhao Wuxi also patted Han Hu on the shoulder affectionately, as if he had written off the grievances and grievances of the Zhao family before and after Jin Dynasty, and then announced to the five people in the house: "Zi Yin is the righteous brother of the widow, and Zhao Guo's in-law. For several years in Hewai as a barrier for Chengzhou, chasing down the Rong people and defending the Chu Man, I really wronged him. Because of his achievements in shielding the royal family and providing continuous service, the emperor has decided to let the Han family also Listed as a prince! Its fief is in Donglai!"

(To be continued.) Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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