Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 1115: Slaughter the world, split mountains and rivers (Part 2)

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"Zichuan country, north at least sea, south to Maxingguan, west to Jishui, east to Jishui, with Linzi as the capital (roughly equivalent to the Western Han Dynasty Zichuan, Qi County, Qiancheng County), Gao Wupi as the capital. Sir, Young Master Mao is Uncle Zichuan."

"Jiaoxi State, north to the sea, south to Qi State, west to Gushui, east to Jiaolai River, with Beidian as the capital (roughly equivalent to Beihai County in the Western Han Dynasty), the national book as the minister, and the son Zhang as Jiaoxibo."

"Finally, there is Jiaodong Kingdom, with the sea in the east and north, Jiaolai River in the west, Jimo in the south, Laicheng as the capital, (roughly equivalent to half of Donglai County and Jiaodong County in the Western Han Dynasty), and Han Hu as Jiaodong Bo... "

Zhao Wuxi put down his pen, pointed to Shandong, which was divided into three parts on the map, and said to Zhang Mengtan: "Since then, the name of Qi will no longer exist in the world, but three new counties will be replaced. Zichuan, Although Jiaoxi is the prince of Qi country as the monarch, in fact, Guo and Gao will hold the real power. With the addition of Han's Jiaodong country, it can be said that the three families are divided. Meng Tan, your strategy is really clever to the extreme."

Zhang Mengtan is no longer the white-faced scholar he used to be, but a man with a beautiful beard. His beard is well maintained, and when he speaks, he trembles slightly. He is praised by Zhao Wuxi. , is really the prestige of the emperor, if it is not the nine-men Houbo, how can he arbitrarily divide the territory of other countries."

Now, the state of Qi has divided two counties and two counties to Zhao and Yan, leaving only three-fifths of the territory, which is then divided into three. Hundreds of thousands of people, an army of troops. Moreover, there must be conflicts between the monarch and the minister in Zichuan and Jiaoxi, and the Han family is an outsider, so the local Qi and Laiyi must not accept it, and it is difficult for the two countries of Jiaodong and Jiang to unite. In the next ten years or even twenty years, just rectifying the internal affairs will be enough for the three to work together, and they will no longer pose a threat to Zhao State.

Zhao Wuxi tilted his head and deliberately tested Zixia and said, "Zixia, Meng Tan's strategy is three birds with one stone, and dividing the power of the land is one bird. What are the other two benefits, can you tell me?"

Zixia also admired Zhang Mengtan's ingenious plan, and after thinking for a while, he said, "Second, I made a special trip to let the Marquis of Yan watch on, and use Qi's three points to deter Yan."

"The third is to let the Han family leave Hewai and Yiluo, and they can only bring their clansmen and personal guards to Jiaodong to establish a country, and the emperor can take over its territory and its people."

"Not bad." Zhao Wuxi said: "The widow is planning to set up a new county in Hewai and Yiluo, Sanchuan County! The government is Guocheng, which serves as the southwest barrier of Zhao State, and monitors Qin State from the west. South is approaching Chu State, cutting off the communication between the two countries, you have been with the widow for several years, and it is time to be an official, are you willing to be a county magistrate?"

Zixia knew that this was the only way for Zhao officials to be promoted, and as the so-called "Zaifu was sent to the state", he naturally agreed, saying that he would do his best and would not embarrass Zhao Hou.

Zhang Mengtan also smiled and encouraged Zixia. He was very optimistic about this young man who was eager to learn and motivated. When he saw him, he seemed to see himself back then.

When he was about to leave, Zhao Wuxi still had one more thing to discuss with him.

"Meng Tan, now Qi has three points, so, is the existence of Wei a little redundant!?"

On the second day of the Huangchi meeting, after Qi was divided into three, there were three new counties in the world. The princes were really dumbfounded, but this was not the end. When the alliance entered the third day, what was placed in front of the princes was an even more dazzling demarcation of territory.

Zhao Hou first announced that the kingdoms of Ju and Pi would be stubbornly resisting the Heavenly Soldiers, and the kingdoms would be exterminated! Its lands will also be annexed by Zhao State.

Since these two countries have been occupied by the Zhao army for more than two years, and there is no successor after the death of the monarch, this article passed without hindrance.

The Dazai Bo Xi of Wu State did not miss the opportunity to come up and express that Wu State is willing to formally give up Huaibei and cede Xu, Zhongwu, Zhongli and Shandao to Zhao State.

Although Huaibei has long been controlled by Zhao State, Bo Xi's flattery is not wrong. Zhao Wuxi said that as long as Wu State does not invade Zhongxia, Zhao State will not rashly attack it. As for the Wu-Yue dispute, Zhao State will not either. intervention.

As a result, a large area of ​​​​the southeastern seashore was taken into the pocket of Zhao State, and the lords saw it in the eyes of Zhao Hou's wanton annexation and were anxious in their hearts, but there was nothing they could do. When Duke Wen of Jin became the hegemon, didn't he wantonly divide the land between Lu, Wei, and Cao? Not to mention that the current state of Zhao's military power is several times stronger than that of Qi Huan and Jinwen.

However, the more important news was at the back. In the middle of the alliance, Wei Hou suddenly came up tremblingly, expressing that he had a shallow talent and was unable to govern the people. Today, he would like to dedicate all the land of the 20 cities of the Wei Kingdom. Please don’t despise the hard work. , to govern…

This news is tantamount to throwing a big stone in a quiet pond, causing a thousand waves.

Wei Guo is not a small barbarian state like Ju and Pi, but Uncle Dongfang who was personally appointed by the emperor six hundred years ago! Although the country is now in decline, it has occupied the status of a political power from beginning to end at all the alliance meetings.

Now, Wei Kingdom is also on the verge of extinction?

Duke Liu and Uncle Zheng opened their mouths to stop them, but found themselves powerless. Because Wei Guo had been Zhao's puppet as early as five years ago, and Zhao Yi was in charge of Wei Guo, and he was almost alone in the power of defending. Wei State has always existed as a buffer between Zhao State and Qi State. Since Qi State has three points, Wei State, the buffer puppet, is not necessary.

Under the pressure of the Zhao clan, Weihou was forced to perform this play, and his rhetoric was the same as when the Zhao clan replaced the Jin state. Zhao Wuxi was not humble, and he accepted it after three resignations. As a result, the State of Zhao officially annexed the State of Wei, and the Marquis of Wei left Puyang and retained his status as a vassal to live in Chuqiu, and the officials of the State of Zhao had also prepared their official seals. Just waiting to take office in Weicheng!

At this point, the entire East was almost connected by Zhao State.

"No one dares to openly oppose the swallowing of the guards." Zhang Mengtan observed the expressions of the princes at the banquet. Seeing that no one was up to challenge, he could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, but he had another question in his heart, that was Zhao Hou in the end. How to deal with Weidi, is it Nawei County? Or continue to let Zhao Yi rule as his domain?

In addition to Wei State, Ju State and Huaibei are all enclaves far away from the center of Zhao State's rule. If a county is established directly, even if Zhang Mengtan is allowed to manage it himself, he is not confident that it will be managed well in the short term. If it is handled improperly, These areas may be subject to constant rebellion.

Of course, what he wanted to know most was what Zhao Wuxi's plans for the Lu country, the annexation? Maintain the status? Managed to split it up to the eldest son?

But he didn't make this worry clear. As a minister, he had to worry about everything, but he couldn't cover everything, and he had to leave room for the monarch to play. And Zhang Mengtan knew that Zhao Wuxi had a distribution plan in mind.

Sure enough, Zhao Wuxi saw Zhang Mengtan's hidden worries, and said to him: "This time the alliance is only about the division of territories between countries, as for how to manage localities within the Zhao State, that is a matter for discussion later. ."

Immediately he laughed at himself: "Confucius once commented on the two overlords, saying that Qi Huan was just but not slanderous, and Jin Wengong was slanderous and unrighteous. What about me? In the eyes of the princes, it is probably insatiable greed."

However, this world is no longer a prosperous world of gentle and elegant rituals and music. Only greed for territory can create an unprecedented power and make the Central Plains infinitely closer to unity!

After the territory was almost divided, Zhao Wuxi brought the old and new princes together to hold a blood-shedding ceremony on the altar of the Huangchi Association to establish a new Chinese order, an order that respected Zhao!

Zhou Li stipulates: "As for all the rites of the alliance, kill the animal and take the blood, and swear to the gods. If there is a violation, you want to make the gods blame and make such an animal." Being punished by God, life is so sacrificed.

As the leader of the alliance, Zhao Wuxi was naturally the one who held the bull's ear, and read the oath: "Fanzi alliance, all serve in the royal family, obey the laws of the state of Zhao, and do not attack each other. Those who violate the alliance will be punished by the gods, and the descendants will die. Absolute worship!"

The princes also ascended the throne one after another, dressed in neat clothes and splendid, and listening to the words of the alliance at this moment, Song Gongzi Shang, who is a die-hard ally of Zhao State, bowed down at the signal of his mother Nanzi, and said loudly in a tender voice: "Uncle Lord The life of the boy, dare to disrespect!"

Then came the State of Yan, State of Lu, State of Zhongshan State, State of Chen State, State of Cai State, Jiaodong State, Zichuan State, Jiaoxi State, Tan State, etc.

Uncle Qin, Uncle Zheng, and others felt that this oath was wrong, but at this moment, Zhao Bing would surround the altar. Followed by three shouts: "Uncle's order, we dare to disrespect!" Immediately, each of them sacrificed blood for faith.

Going up and down the steps, the standing Zhao court officials and warriors knelt down together, and shouted: "Uncle's order is as important as Mount Tai, and if you have an order, the ministers will swear to death!"

The entire Yellow Pond reverberated in this echo, Zhao Wuxie's mouth was stained with the red blood of the cow, he stood at the top of the world, raised his hand high, and said loudly: "There is no talent without a shirt, I would like to be with everyone. The princes join hands to destroy the Central Plains, rebuild the order of China, follow the rule of Huan Wen, and create peace for all ages!"

That night, Zhao Wuxi once again feasted the feudal lords, but the emperor was absent again on the grounds that he was unwell. After these few days, the state of Zhao used the name of the uncle and annexed the conquered territories, and the king of Zhou must regret it so easily. Zhao Wuxi won the overlord position.

In the spacious hall, the wine and delicacies made by Zhao Guoyong people are full of tables, dancing and music are played under the hall, and the princes eat one bite after another. Only Zhao Wuxi has a good spirit when it comes to happy events, and he rarely craves cups on weekdays, but he even drinks half a bucket of rice wine...

The degree of rice wine is not high, similar to the beer of later generations, but if you drink too much, you will be drunk one after another.

Zhao Wuxi got drunk. This was the first time in his life that he was so drunk.

His "big ambition" to bring peace to the world has already succeeded in half. Although he has traveled a hundred miles and ninety, it is understandable to relax and rest a little on the way. A man's dream is to wake up and take control of the world, to be drunk on the knees of a beautiful woman. Zhao Wuxie is no exception. After all, he is a mortal. .

The music officer's fingers brushed the strings, and the whole banquet was filled with sweet rhythms, but Zhao Wuxi waved his hand to stop them, and waved again to disperse all the dancing maids.

Immediately, the noisy hall fell silent, and everyone looked at Zhao Hou tremblingly, wondering what he was going to say or do.

Zhao Wuxi held up the rhinoceros horn cup, glanced at the people in the hall, and said: "Today's beautiful night, you can't be without wine, and you can't be without music, but how can ordinary dance music be worthy of this alliance? So few people want to watch the dance of the princes. Happy, huh?"

As soon as these words came out, the whole room of UU reading www.uukanshu.com was shocked.

Dance music is not the patent of dancers. Poetry, music and dance are compulsory courses for all nobles in this era, and it is more normal for overlords to let the princes who come to the court dance and recite poetry for themselves. When Duke Ping of Jin succeeded to the throne, the princes of Jin and the princes feasted in Wendi, and Xun Yan, the ruler of Jin, made the princes dance, and also stipulated: "Songs and poems must be of the same type." , so as to see whether the princes are convinced.

Today, Zhao Wuxi, as the Uncle of Nine Lives, is not too demanding.

But the princes looked at each other, and no one came forward.

Since they didn't take the initiative, Zhao Wuxi, who was in a drunken state, directly named him.

"Uncle Qin!"

I don't know if it was intentional, or just casually, Zhao Wuxi, whose face was slightly red, pointed to Qin Bopan, who was relatively high in the ranking and had not been drinking, and said loudly: "The few people have heard the good news of Qin Bo, but the Qin people's Fou utensils are even more unique, today’s banquet, please strike the fou for the widow!”

PS: The second chapter is in the evening (to be continued.) Mobile phone users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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