Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 1116: sing to wine

PS: This chapter is recommended to read by listening to Yang Hongji's "Dan Ge Xing"

Fu, which is a percussion instrument similar to tiles, although it looks simple, it is the favorite of the Qin people. Qin Bopan was no exception. He would play with it on weekdays when he had nothing to do, but tonight, he really didn't want to pick up the golden punch at hand.

"Please Qin Bo strike the feu for the widow!"

Zhao Wuxi's voice came again, and it was a little heavier than before. This was not a discussion, not a request, but a naked order! It is not only the order of the lord of the large sect to the small sect, but also the order of the uncle to the allies.

Uncle Qin's face showed embarrassment.

In Qin Bo's opinion, as a prince of a big country, he openly attacked Zhao Wuxi in front of everyone's eyes, just like his servants and music officials. It is too dignified to spread it out. He has suffered from this kind of anger since he was a child. ? He wanted to refuse, but when the words came to his lips, he hesitated.

Uncle Zhu ordered the princes to sing, dance and play music. In fact, there is a precedent. When Duke Ping of Jin succeeded to the throne, the princes hired Jin, and everyone performed songs and dances for Duke Jin in the hall. The country's ruling Zhong Xingyan thought it was "different intentions", and the prince of Qi fled to the state of Qi in a hurry, which almost triggered the war between Jin and Qi.

Because no matter how noble the princes are in their own country, when they are in the alliance, they all bow their heads to their uncles. Now that Zhao Wuxi is the hegemon at the beginning, his power is prosperous, his heart is proud, and Huangchi has more than ten thousand Zhao troops stationed, and the spears are all behind the lords. Who dares to make him feel that he is in the territory of Zhao State What about "disliked"?

Thinking of waiting for his wife with tears every day in Yongdu, and thinking of his son who is still in Zhao State as a hostage, Qin Bopan finally became timid and did not dare to turn his face in public. , waiting for Zhao Hou's order with one hand, wanting to knock on it a few times and havetily.

However, the sky did not fulfill his wishes, Zhao Wuxi didn't want to let him go easily, and his eyes swept over the princes again: "There is only one sound of a can, isn't it a bit monotonous?"

This time, everyone knew that Zhao Hou was serious, not talking casually. There are too many people who want to please Zhao Wuxi on this occasion. Qi Gongzimao, who has just been promoted as Zichuan Bo, volunteered to play for Zhao Hou. Bo Xi, the Dazai of Wu State, has always been known as versatile, and he is also willing to serve Zhao Wuxi. Gu Se, coupled with Qin Bopan's fou, a temporary band was formed.

There is no need to dance if there is music, and the ambassador of Ba volunteered to stand up, willing to dance for Zhao Hou.

The country of Ba has a long history: "There is a country of Ba in the southwest. Taihu gives birth to salty birds, salty birds give birth to Chengli, Chengli gives birth to Houzhao, and Houzhao is the beginning of the Ba people." Taihu is Fuxi in ancient times, and the Houzhao is Ba. The first ancestor of people, the country of Ba lived in the southwest, but not far from the Central Plains, at most in the Han River Basin. They were "Bafang" in the Xia Dynasty and "Badian" in the Yin and Shang dynasties, paying tribute to the Yin and Shang. The history of the country of Ji surnamed Ba. When Yin and Shang fell, Ba joined the alliance of the Zhou people and acted as the vanguard in the Battle of Muye. He fought heroically and helped King Wu of Zhou defeat Shang Zhou by "singing and dancing before".

This is a nation that can sing and dance well, but after King Ping moved eastward, the country of Ba has cut off contact with the Central Plains, and the few remaining Zhou people have also been assimilated by the Ba people, worshiping white tigers and using willow leaf swords. For the past five hundred years, they have only had some contacts with the Qin and Chu countries, and have never participated in the feudal alliance.

However, after Zhao State surrendered Qin State and controlled the Shangluo area, the seamless Zhao State merchants found this country again. At the end of the Spring and Autumn Period, the main body of the Ba State was still in the middle reaches of the Han River, that is, the Ankang area of ​​Hanzhong in later generations.

This is the first time that Ba has been invited to participate in the Central Plains Alliance in the past five hundred years. After they discussed it, they sent a warrior who could speak the dialect of Qin. The simple warrior of Ba was very excited on this occasion. See you Zhao Hou had Yaxing, so he took the initiative to dance.

Zhao Wuxi was very happy: "Southeast and northwest, the four barbarians of China and Xia come together, this is an unprecedented grand occasion."

This time, the music and dance are all together, and only a good poem is missing to draw a successful end to this mighty alliance.

The courtiers of the state of Zhao knew that their lord had great martial arts and excellent writing skills. Not only were they familiar with traditional poetry, but they were also good at writing new poems, which were collected by interested people and became the novel "Zhao Feng".

So they did not miss the opportunity to say: "The bright and bright moon, you can't do without poetry, please compose a poem."

The princes also asked duplicitously: "Please write a poem, Uncle!"

Zhao Wuxi followed his good deeds and said: "Today, the gathering of princes here is an unprecedented grand occasion, but there are still some people who are not qualified to sit here. This generation is more worthy of admiration than our meat eaters, and today, I will write a poem for those who were not able to be present!"

After such a confusing opening remark, Zhao Wuxi paced from the front of the hall to the back of the hall, looked up at the night sky where the moon and stars were sparse, seemed to have an idea, and suddenly burst into laughter, he held high. Picking up the rhino horn cup full of wine, facing the bright moon in the sky, he recited: "Singing to wine, what is life like?"


"Wine and song, life geometry!

For example, in the morning dew, in the past, there is much suffering.

Generosity should be generous, worry unforgettable.

Why worry? Only Du Kang..."

Zizhang stood outside the hall and listened to these few poems, feeling somewhat inexplicable.

He went north from Yedi last month and came straight to Huangchi. In Zizhang's view, no matter how his brothers who are called "gentlemen and Confucians" abuse Zhao Hou for being rude, this is a meeting comparable to Kuiqiu. , The major event of the Alliance of Practice Earth will profoundly affect the current situation of the whole world, as well as the future of Confucius.

It's a pity that he didn't catch up with the General Assembly a few days ago, so he could only settle for the next best thing, hoping to come and witness today's banquet.

Gong Xichi, Duanmuci and other Confucian disciples who have "betrayed" all occupy an important position in this alliance. When the younger brothers come to defect, they will also provide convenience. The main hall cannot be entered, but the princes outside the hall are waiting. However, there is a place for Zi Zhang.

Next to Zizhang is the case of Chen Hou's attendant. He is also a native of Chen country, so he chatted with Chen Hou's imperial army Chen Qiji sentence by sentence. When he was bored, the hall became lively. First, Zhao Wuxi forced the princes to dance, and now he went to the door of the hall in person and wrote poems to the moon.

The fu is still a new poem, the specifications are the same as the poem three hundred, and the dictionary is elegant and charming, which makes people shine.

But the Master taught Zi Zhang that any gentleman who writes poetry must have a target, and that poetry must express his will, but Zhao Hou's first four lines are beautiful, but the meaning expressed in them, Zi Zhang did not dare to compliment.

In these four sentences, Zhao Hou emphasized that he was very worried, very worried. It was originally a banquet for the establishment of hegemony, and it was full of joy, but when Zhao Hou was drinking and singing, he suddenly sighed: How long can life be? Life is like the morning dew, it dries up in a while...

Singing such a negative tune on this good day of domination, and even worrying that he needs to drink alcohol to dispel it, Zizhang really doesn't know what to say, he's just moaning for nothing! Perhaps this Zhaohou, like Duke Huan of Qi, was originally a mediocre person, and he was satisfied with the peace of the little tyrant...

"First, he publicly humiliated the princes and regarded them as musicians and dancers, and now he is lamenting and worrying here. Could it be that Zhao Hou was drunk and started to get drunk and crazy?"

"Meat eaters are contemptible..."

However, before Zi Zhang secretly said this, he saw Zhao Hou drank the wine in his hand and recited in a louder voice:

"Green Zijin, Youyouwoxin.

But for your sake, I have been pondering until now.

Yo Yo Lu Ming, eat the apple of the wild.

I have guests, harp blowing Sheng……"

Zi Zhang was startled, he was a disciple of Confucius, and he was proficient in three hundred poems. He naturally knew that "Qingqing Zijin, leisurely my heart" is a quote from "Zheng Feng. Zijin". And "Qing Jin" is the traditional clothing of scholars...

He also heard a deeper meaning, which was the hidden sentence behind Qingqing Zijin: "Even if I don't go, Zining won't continue?" It means: Although I can't find you, why don't you take the initiative to find you I?

Zhao Hou is revealing, is he missing someone? And the person who cares about him is the reason why he is so sad in the first four sentences? Fu this new poem, in the hope that those who miss it will find it by themselves? If I can come, it means "I have guests, and I will encourage you to play Sheng!"

Who is it, who deserves Zhao Hou's attention? And when you come, you will be welcomed by him as a guest?

These few sentences made the previous "moaning without a problem" suddenly changed, and the poetic mood turned into a lingering depth. A series of questions emerged from Zizhang's heart. He was a little confused, but he put aside his contempt and listened intently...


"It's as bright as the moon, when will it be possible?

Worry comes from it and cannot be cut off.

The more unfamiliar and the cross, the use of each other in vain.

Qi Guang talks about you, and thinks about the old kindness. "

In response to Qin Bo playing the fou, Zichuan Bo blowing the sheng, and Dazai Bo Xi drumming in response, another four lines of poems were recited from Zhao Wuxi's mouth, accompanied by a burst of applause.

Until now, very few people can really understand the meaning of this poem.

Looking at the inexplicable feudal lords, the historian who wrote and wrote quickly, and the scholars and officials of various countries who sat with him at the end of the hall, Zhao Wuxi couldn't help but let out a secret smile.

He was a little drunk today, but he wasn't unconscious, so drunk that he couldn't say anything.

To openly let the princes perform music and dance, even if his true feelings are revealed, it can be regarded as deliberate.

In addition to his prestige, he wants to use today's banquet to convey two things to the world:

The first is that the Duke of Zhao has become the uncle, who dominates the order of China, and the princes are all obedient!

The second is his thirst for talent...

Wubo Jiuhou, what kind of **** is that? He Zhao Wuxi said that if he stood up, he would stand up, and if he said that, he would be destroyed! Those who obey me prosper and those who oppose me perish!

But from the beginning to the end, Zhao Wuxi did not forget that he relied on some people to achieve today's achievements.

That's a taxi! Bachelor, warrior, samurai, strategist! They may start a sect, or die for a confidant, or fight a hundred battles on the battlefield, or they have a lot of ingenious plans, vertical and horizontal. Development to this day, Zhao State can have no allies of princes, but not without scholars~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In a world of great competition, scholars are expensive, and princes are not expensive. The future of this world belongs to scholars!

"The moon stars are rare, and the magpies fly south.

Three times around the tree, what branch can I lean on? "

Now, those scholars from all countries who have not had time to join Zhao State before, or who still have hesitation in their hearts, do you understand?

He just wanted to use this meaningful poem to let the unhappy scholars know that the overlord cares about them, and hopes that they can abandon their country and take the initiative to serve.

No matter how many people were present, Wu Xie walked around the hall leisurely, and then raised the lamp again, and said the finishing touch of this poem, which is also the next stage of his Zhao Wu Xie. ambition!

At this moment, although Yoyo Mingyue came to Kyushu, it seemed as if he was the only one in his sight!

"Mountains never tire of being high, and seas never tire of being deep.

Duke Zhou vomits and feeds, the world returns to heart! "

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