Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 1117: Zhou Gong spit feeding

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PS: There is only one big chapter today

"Duke Zhou spit out the breasts, the world returns to the heart!"

These words were loud and clear, like a boulder that fell into a fish pond, causing the sky to be full of waves.

The gold in Uncle Qin's hand was hit crooked and hit his ankle, but he didn't dare to cry out, so he could only whimper.

Uncle Zi Chuan just blew into the Sheng pipe in one breath, and nearly choked to death by his own saliva, blushing and coughing.

Dazai Hikari's tumbling hand also stopped unconsciously, his face showing fear. Liu Gong, who was listening in, was also pale, and he could barely sit on the couch, shaking a little.

Everyone is aristocratic, and since childhood, they have been surrounded by poetry and books, how can they not understand the meaning of "the world returns to the heart"?

Only the warrior of the country of Ba who could not understand the true meaning of the poem still danced and sang before and after. ...

The princes were shocked and frightened, and Zhao Chen was savoring the master's ambition, and forgot to speak for a while, so the hall was surprisingly silent.


After a long silence, there was an applause from the **** seat outside the hall. Some people stood up and tried to come in, but they were scolded by the vigilant Yulin guards and fell to the ground. The noise came one after another, but the order was quickly restored. ...

Only then did the people in the hall wake up. The applause and the flattery were all praises from the hearts of the Zhao ministers, but there was more worry in the eyes of the princes. Only Zigong and Gongxichi looked at each other and greeted him with some worry. Look outside the palace.

That sudden applause sounded so familiar...


It turned out that the reckless man who tried to walk in but was dragged to the ground by someone was Z Zhang.

Just now, Zizhang, who is not far from the place where Zhao Hou wrote poems, has already attracted his attention to this poem. At first, the meaning of the poem was still ambiguous, but when he heard the back, everything came to the fore.

"It turns out that this poem was written for the sake of seeking talents!"

Zi Zhang suddenly realized that after he understood the main idea, the vague metaphors he had used before became clear: Zhao Hou was not worried about anything else, but he was worried about the chaos of the world and the lack of livelihood for the people. Day and night, he does not hope that talented people will take the initiative to vote and help him make achievements. As long as they can return to Zhao State, Zhao Hou will definitely treat them as "guests"!

After that, Zhao Hou continued to use the bright moon as a metaphor for a wise man, and the bright moon as a metaphor for a rare talent. A magpie chooses a tree to perch on as a metaphor for the wandering and astray of talents, and expresses concern for their future. He advised them not to be half-hearted, to be good at choosing branches, and to hurry to the state of Zhao, which is in a good situation.

As for the last two sentences, Zi Zhang is very clear. Back then, Duke Zhou once told his son Lu Hou Bo Qin Er, saying: "I am the son of King Wen, the younger brother of King Wu, and the uncle of King Cheng; It’s not too light either. However, if I wash my hair three times, and I spit it out three times, I’m still afraid of losing the people of the world.”

Duke Zhou, the regent, really worked hard for the sake of Zong Zhou Sheji. He wrote an article "Toast", hoping that Yin Shang and the nobles of the feudal lords could serve him. Interrupted several times.

Today, Zhao Hou, as the Duke of Jiu Ming, has almost the same status and power as Zhou Gongdan, but his pride is only for the princes. For the scholars of various countries, Zhao Wuxi is still willing to follow the example of Zhou Gong, and welcome him with all his heart!

This is equivalent to proclaiming to the world: What I, Zhao Wuxi is most looking forward to, is not the full house of nobles, but the talented scholars. In the heart of Zhao Hou, the princes are not expensive, and the wise are the most valuable!

Through a new poem that is not too long, these complex feelings are expressed in a seemingly intermittent, low and gloomy tune. It is really a poem expressing one's will!

In Zizhang's heart, there was only admiration left. What he admired was not only the elegance and sound of this poem, but also the magnanimity in it.

The deep sorrow at the beginning has been washed away, and it has become a positive, impassioned feeling that inspires and empowers people.

This feeling also infected Zi Zhang.

Snapped! Ignoring the surprised eyes of the people next to him, Zizhang was so excited that he patted the table and stood up a few times.

He had a feeling that this poem was written for him, for the Confucian scholars, and even the poor people in similar situations. Zhao Hou described the situation and mood of their hesitation and hesitation when they were depressed and unsatisfactory. However, as a high-ranking person, Zhao Hou did not accuse him at all, but revealed his concern and sympathy for them in a strong poetic sense...

Moreover, this is not the first time that Zhao Hou has been seeking talents. Before he became a prince, he had vigorously emphasized "only talents", and for this reason, he successively issued "Certificate Seeking Order" and "Scholarship Order", etc. This is also the reason why many Confucian disciples are willing to join forces regardless of the Master and Zhao.

Zhao Hou is completely reasonable to attract and win talents. Such him is different from the rumors and slanders that Zizhang had heard before in Chu!

Even if the things about killing the king, marrying the elder sister, and killing the elder brother were true, Zi Zhang felt that it didn't matter. Wei Linggong is so absurd, the master thinks that he is the best monarch in the world! Qi Huan and the seven sisters did not marry, but kept them for their own use, but the master praised him for his hegemony, saying that he was "right and not deceitful"!

In Zi Zhang's heart, if there is a loss in personal virtue, but no loss in great virtue, both can become a master of enlightenment!

"The sea does not give up water, so it can be great; the mountain does not give up soil, so it can be tall; the master of Ming is not tired of people, so it can be great... I now know why Zhao Hou can achieve today's hegemony."

This Confucian disciple was inexplicably excited, forgot his etiquette for a while, and impulsively wanted to enter the hall to see Zhao Hou, but he accidentally tripped over the case beside his feet and made a great noise. The guard thought he was going to do something wrong, so he rushed over to stop him, held down his arm and pushed him down...

After being dragged away from the hall, Zi Zhang realized that he had lost his temper, and while he was annoyed, he could not help but recall the poem, and said, "Master, Master, you have been searching for Ming Jun for a lifetime, but why did you go the other way and miss Zhao Hou? ?"

Consistent with his views when he was in the state of Chu, the power of the Marquis of Zhao has been established, and the hegemony of the state of Jin has been inherited by him and carried forward. All private schools must survive under this new order in the future, and Confucius is no exception.

When he came to Huangchi this time, Zizhang felt that he had gained a lot. He believed that he had found the future of Confucius...

The Yulin guards suddenly laughed when they found this suspicious guest:

"Six hundred years ago, Duke Zhou restructured the system and established the ritual of Zhou; six hundred years later, the ritual collapsed and the music broke down, and the rise of the prince of Zhao caused chaos in the world, and now it has stabilized again... There must be divine will, the master has been looking forward to the rule of Duke Zhou for half his life, and it may be realized by Zhao Hou in a different way. Zhou, who was once sullen and literate, may be able to regain his vitality with the assistance of Zhao Hou..."


Because of Confucius' respect for Duke Zhou in the teaching process, Zizhang subconsciously thought that what Zhao Wuxi wanted to imitate was Duke Zhou, who was the one who assisted King Cheng with a dignified career and returned to the emperor without any complaints or regrets. However, he thought so. , Liu Gong in the hall didn't think so.

Liu Cheng was the minister of Zhou, and he knew all too well about the secret past of the dynasty.

In the public classics, Zhou Gong was a perfect man. He was filial to his father and respectful to his brother. When his elder brother Zhou Wuwang was seriously ill, he used his own body as a mortgage to pay tribute to the ancestors Taiwang, Wang Ji and Wenwang at the ancestral temple. The prayers indicated that Xiaozidan was versatile, would serve ghosts and gods better, and was willing to serve the ancestors instead of King Wu... After reading the Zhuwen, Duke Zhou put the book in the golden chamber and sealed it, and warned Wu Zhu not to leak it.

After the death of King Wu of Zhou, King Cheng of Zhou succeeded to the throne. King Cheng was still in his infancy at the time. Duke Zhou was afraid that the world would look down on this young master, so he presided over the state power for King Cheng, which was called "the regency of Duke Zhou" in history.

In Zhou's history books, the Duke of Zhou was too good for Bangguo and King Cheng. Once, when King Cheng was very ill, Duke Zhou was very anxious, so he cut his nails and sank into the big river, praying to the river god: "King Cheng is still ignorant, whatever is wrong is mine. If you want to die, let him I'll die." After praying, he hid the prayer book in the golden chamber.

The Duke of Zhou was in power for seven years, he was conferred by the concubines, and the turmoil in the east was pacified. At this time, King Cheng had grown up, so Duke Zhou returned to the government of King Cheng, and returned to the position of minister without any regrets or regrets. At this time, someone said in front of King Cheng that Duke Zhou had intended to usurp the throne. King Cheng suddenly became suspicious and began to alienate Duke Zhou. Duke Zhou fled to Chu to avoid suspicion.

Soon, King Cheng looked through the documents collected in the treasury and found the golden chamber, which contained two prayers from Duke Zhou, so King Cheng was moved to tears, and immediately sent someone to welcome Duke Zhou back. , all ended happily.

However, no one cared. After that, Duke Zhou was still alive. Why did he disappear from the political arena, but Duke Zhao, who was similar in age to him, became more and more active. The old Taigongwang was also in high spirits in the east.

So what are the facts?

During the rebellion of the Prince Dynasty, Zhou's treasury was burned down, and a large number of confidential documents were leaked out and collected and preserved by Liu's family, so Liu Cheng was also fortunate to see part of it.

He was afraid to scare others when he said it, but Liu Cheng still remembers the indescribable horror in his heart when he saw that sentence!

"King Wu collapsed and became a young king. Zhou Gongping became a king and joined King Wu. He belonged to the world and hated the world. Zhou is the same as Zhou. To be the son of the emperor and to listen to the decision of the world is as inherent as it is!"

It turned out that Duke Zhou not only took over the government of the Son of Heaven, but also took the throne of the Son of Heaven and declared himself king outright.

In this way, Guan and Cai Ershu raised the army "King Qin" on the grounds that Zhou Gong usurped the throne, isn't it true?

In this way, Taigongwang and Zhaogong once doubted Zhou Gong's intentions, are they not born out of nothing?

Duke Cheng returned to power under King Cheng, and King Cheng made Zhou Gong's sons as vassals, and let the State of Lu enjoy the ceremonial guards and sacrifices of the emperor. After that, what shady deals were there with you?

Liu Cheng was timid and did not dare to read any further, and threw the confidential record back to the treasury again.

But there are not many similar classics, which have been scattered in the chaos of the prince's dynasty, some of them have arrived in the state of Chu, and some of them have been captured by the Linzhang Academy in the state of Zhao. I heard that Chang Hong also hosted a debate in the academy on whether the Duke of Zhou could be called a king. I must have known about it as well.

So, does Zhao Wuxi really want to be the Duke of Zhou who is upright and regent and returns to the king? Or do you want to be the "Duke of Zhou" who lives on the throne of the emperor, listens to the world's decision, and even occupies the throne?

Liu Cheng didn't dare to think about it any more. Zhao Hou had already won the position of uncle, and his power not only surpassed Qi Huan's Jinwen, but also Zhou Gong's power. Now that the state of Qi has been divided, and the state of Qin and Zheng has been severely damaged, The Han family moved eastward, and Zhou was surrounded by Zhao on three sides, and the army could come in at any time.

It can be said that the existence of the princes and the safety of the Zhou family are only in Zhao Wuxi's thought...

"No matter what, as long as it can give me a good end to Liu's family." A few years ago, Zheng Guo returned the land into Zhoushuyi, and more than half of it was directly handed over to Liu's family at the behest of Zhao Hou. Zhao Hou can guarantee the interests of each clan, Zhou's survival, who really cares about the short-sighted doctor Zhou Shiqing?

Thinking of this, and hiding the hidden worries in his heart, Liu Cheng smiled again and followed the princes to walk over, dutifully admiring the elegance of Zhao Hou's poem, hoping that he can restore the rule of Zhou Gong to the troubled world!

If you give me a drink, Zhao Wuxi is very happy today, and he will not refuse anyone who comes. This banquet will not end until two more nights. By this time, Zhao Hou, is really drunk...


This was the first time that Zhao Wuchen was drunk in this life. Even though the degree of corn wine was not high, drinking one cup after another would have a lot of stamina.

After a hangover, he slept in darkness, and when Zhao Wuxi woke up, it was already the third morning. His last trace of lucidity stayed at the end of the poem, and the princes offered him wine...

"Wine really isn't a good thing." He patted his swollen head and rubbed his hungry stomach, Zhao Wuxi settled down, he could smell the familiar smell of food outside...

All day and night, Ji Ying was taking care of him, handling the filth for him, and keeping his eyes closed to prevent him from choking to death by vomit.

"You are the uncle of the world, you have a lot of money, and you should drink in moderation." While feeding Zhao Wuxi and drinking the hangover soup, Ji Ying ranted about him angrily. After nine years of marriage, the two became more and more like an old couple. .

"If you have a wife like this, what can a husband ask for?" Zhao Wuxi couldn't help being moved. Although Le Lingzi would treat him like this, she and the prince were staying in Yecheng. The identity of the prince was to be released when the monarch was away. Peace of mind in the capital.

If there is a gathering, there will be a dispersal. The alliance has ended successfully. After that, the emperor and the princes left Huangchi one after another. Zhao Wushi sent the king of Zhou and the princes of the great country away and returned. The sons and ministers of the Zhao state.

On the 7th day of the first lunar month, Zhao Wuxi specially invited the chancellor Dong Anyu, Da Sima Youwuzheng, Zhang Mengtan, his two clan brothers Zhao Yi, Zhao Guangde, and his eldest son Zhao Cao to come to the temple. Ying also sits beside him holding the young Zhao Yan.

All of the people present here are old officials of the Zhao family, or blood relatives, and Zhao Wuxi opened the skylight to say something bright~www.wuxiaspot.com~ A few days ago, a widow wrote poems in the hall, comparing himself to Zhou Gong, this is not a casual talk …”

He turned to his eldest son Zhao Cao: "You are the Qing of Lu, and you are in charge of Duke Zhou's country. You should know what was the first thing Duke Zhou did after his expedition?"

Zhao Cao, who is fourteen years old this year, and gradually looks like an adult, quickly replied: "After Zhou Gonggong managed Cai Wugeng's rebellion, he read the second uncle's unhappiness, so he also ruled the world and established seventy-one kingdoms, among which there are five Ji surnames. Thirteen."

"That's right." Zhao Wuxi nodded and said, "The current situation of Zhao State is very similar to that of the early Zhou Dynasty. The lords have been served and many cities and towns have been placed under Zhao State. However, Dongfang, Haidai, and Huaiyi are still a little uneasy. The unrest did not come from the enemy country, but because the various places were too far away from the Zhao country, thousands of miles apart, and prefectures and counties were set up. , the money and food consumption is too much."

He paused after speaking, glanced at everyone in the hall, especially Zhao Yi and Zhao Guangde who were nervous, and said with a smile: "So the widowers intend to follow the example of Duke Zhou, feudal children, and guard the border enclave for Zhao!"

(To be continued.) Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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