Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 1151: The emperor outside the Great Wall

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From a certain level, during the Spring and Autumn Period, the people of the cities in the Central Plains and the herdsmen on the grasslands had many similarities in their religious beliefs. For example, they both believed in the immortality of the soul and ancestor worship, superstitious ghosts and gods, idol worship and worship. Brave, accustomed to vows, and practice witchcraft in daily life and military life, witches perform religious acts and also serve as doctors.

It's just that the Central Plains has gradually changed from savage and barbaric to full of humanistic care and rationality, but the grassland will still be like a bird after two thousand years.

The most similar place between the two is the nature worship system with "heaven" as the core.

The tribes on the grassland are full of reverence for the sky, and there are many gatherings and festivals every year to worship the gods. All tribes believe that their ancestors were "established by the sky", and if any tribe makes the gods unhappy, they will be punished. The punishment of frost, snow and hail, cattle and sheep died.

Correspondingly, there is also a legend among them that "the Son of Heaven came to the world, making the people who draw bows together as one family".

Now, this legend has become a reality, but the conqueror of the grassland is the King of the Golden Horde from the Central Plains.

Although he was a conqueror of an alien race, this did not prevent the tribes in the grasslands from considering Zhao Wuxi as their "supporting plow and Gu Tu", that is, the emperor, under the threat of Zhao Jun's powerful force.

Their five bodies fell to the ground and the cheers came suddenly, but it was just right. This was exactly the effect that Zhao Wuxi was here to inspect the three armies and kill the prisoners Liwei hoped to achieve. He pushed the boat smoothly and accepted the title with pleasure. Since then, he has not only been the uncle of the Central Plains, but also the "Gu Tu Shan Yu" of the grassland tribes, and the emperor outside the Great Wall!

After the captive offering ended, Zhao Wuxi met the leaders of the various ministries in the spacious golden tent. When these leaders entered the Yuanmen, none of them walked forward on their knees, and no one dared to look up.

On the other hand, the prairie girl brought by the leader of the Kong Tong clan was not afraid of tigers, and boldly raised his head to take a closer look at the interior and exterior decorations of the golden tent.

On both sides of the entrance to the tent, several Yulin guards that Zhao Wuxi trusted the most stood. They wore iron armor dyed red and black, with a gilded sun logo on their helmets. These metal armors were polished so brightly that Kong Tongmingzhu could clearly see his pretty face from the goggles. She already knew the mission she was going to take on this trip from her father's ear, and the rise and fall of the Kongtong clan was pressing on her chest.

So, how could she have time to take care of herself? You must enter the account in the most glorious image and win the favor of the king of the golden account.

After entering the golden tent, she looked around, Kong Tong Mingzhu had nothing to say. This was the largest and most luxurious tent she had ever stayed in in her life. The space inside was bigger than the most spacious hall in Hezong City. Preparing luxuries to show off their wealth abound: more than a dozen carpets linked by tiger skins, long desks lined up on the blankets, gilded wine jugs, horn cups, copper bottles, delicate silver plates, platters The upper is the fruit of the Central Plains, and the fragrant dessert.

Besides, there is a longbow and a bag of feather arrows hanging on the wall of the tent. Any weapon on the weapon rack is a magical weapon for Kong Tongren, and the eagle falcon resting next to the rack is Zhao Houcong. A gift from the Donghu tribe.

She followed her father and the tribal leaders to bow down to the head, and her whole body was attached to the carpet. When she raised her head, she saw the true face of the King of the Golden Horde.

This is a very spiritual middle-aged man. The gorgeous armor that he wore at the previous military parade has been removed and placed on the shelf, and he has turned to wear the dress of the Central Plains. He is grand-sounding and majestic. His eyes were as sharp as his falcon.

It is not the image of Kong Tongmingzhu's ideal husband, but it is not bad. It is said that he has a part of Di people's blood, but Kongtongmingzhu did not see it, only saw his pride as the monarch of the Central Plains.

After the leader of the Kongtong clan took his seat, he timidly said that he wished Zhao Wushe's health and martial arts, and asked the translator to repeat them one by one, and then began to introduce his precious daughter.

"Mingzhu is the most beautiful **** the prairie. She is willing to dance for Gu Tu Shan Yu..."

Zhao Wuxi nodded slightly, that's right.

Accompanied by the bright huqin and the deep hujia sound, Kong Tong Mingzhu began to dance in the tent. She holds a small bowl on her head and holds a double cup. With the accompaniment of music, she stretches and bends her arms continuously according to the rhythm of the cups hitting her.

After the dance, he obediently performed the Wanfu ceremony of a Central Plains woman to the crowd, causing bursts of applause.

"Good, bounty."

Zhao Hou seems to appreciate her very much, not only rewarding her, but also asking the music official to remember the dance music he just played, and after returning to Yecheng, he added it to the court music score as "Empty Music".

"Why is it so troublesome, just dedicate all the servants who play the huqin and the huja to support the plow and Gu Tu Shan Yubu."

The space clan chief flattered him, and pointed to Kong Tong Mingzhu, who was maintaining a salute gesture: "If the plow is alone, I will bring the little girl back with me. Besides enjoying the dance, I can also warm the bed..."

"This..." Zhao Wuxi was a little contemptuous and contemptuous for such an obvious act of consecrating a woman, but there was no emotion on his face. After a while, after weighing the pros and cons, he nodded and said, "Then the widow will thank Kong Tong for the generous gift."

The Kongtong clan occupies the largest city on the grassland, Hezongcheng, and has an extraordinary position in the Hetao area. Since they took the initiative to show their love, Zhao Wuxi couldn't save face. What's more, he vaguely remembered that it was recorded in the history books that the wife of Zhao Xiangzi's wife was Kongtong's wife. Could it be that she was the little girl in front of her? If so, he must accept it.

However, one thing that was originally going to be smooth sailing has turned out to be a mess.

Kong Tong Mingzhu had always been smiling until she saw the man behind Zhao Wuxi.

Zhao Wuxi was sitting beside Zhao Jia. Among the people in the tent, she was the closest to Zhao Hou. At this time, she was also admiring Kong Tong Mingzhu dancing. Her eyes were a little surprised, but she was not guilty at all, and even dared to face it. she laughs!

It is still Yan's eyebrows, wide forehead, white teeth and red lips, but now in Kong Tongmingzhu's eyes, how can this pretty face be so abhorrent! The face of the prairie girl who was easily aroused by emotions suddenly turned black.

"Why is this woman unhappy?"

Zhao Wuxi noticed this, put down the wine glass, and said with a sullen face: "Could it be that the patriarch Kongtong forced you to enter the tent to dance? Or, you are dissatisfied with the widow and are unwilling to enter Zhao!?"

When the official who translated this sentence was recited, he was so frightened that the head of the Kongtong clan almost flew away, and hurriedly ran to the center of the five bodies, pressed the Kongtong Pearl, and asked her to make amends to Zhao Wuxi.

Although Kong Tong Mingzhu lowered her head, she was extremely aggrieved, and tears kept running in her eyes.

The atmosphere in the tent was a little subtle, but Zhao Jia was a little unbearable, turned to his side, leaned into Zhao Wuxi's ear, and said something like this to him.

"I see."

Zhao Wuqi suddenly realized, Zhao Jia is still begging for Kongtong Mingzhu: "This is Jia's fault, he played too much on this noble girl of Kongtong, and I didn't know at the time that she was a gift from Kongtong to my brother, and my brother will punish him. , then punish me."

Wu Xie waved his hand and said: "It's not a big deal. King Zhuang of Chu had an extraordinary move. Is the widow such a careful person? Besides, you are still a daughter..."

Speaking of this, what did he think of, and he glanced at Zhao Jia in surprise. She grew up like a boy, stubborn and stubborn. When has she been so reasonable? Is it possible...

The mood is a bit complicated, but since childhood, Zhao Wuyi will be satisfied with whatever she likes, except for the stars and the moon, almost all of them are given to her, of course, there is an exception for the impossible event.

Now she has made great achievements for Zhao Guo to open up the territory and expand the soil, but her face is full of frost and frost, and it is even difficult to distinguish male and female. A good little girl has become like this. Zhao Wuxi sees it in his eyes, hurts in his heart, and knows that she is right Gold and silver property has always been of little interest, so he pointed at Kongtong Mingzhu and asked tentatively:

"This Hu girl, like clothes, was given to me by her father and brother. But you, my compatriot and sister, fought for me in Daibei, like a confidant. I will punish my siblings for a piece of clothing. Confidant? If you like her and are willing to stay by your side as a maid, I can give it to you!"

As soon as these words came out, the generals of the Zhao State who could understand looked at each other in dismay, and the leaders of the Hu people who couldn't understand them stared wide-eyed.

"Brother..." While moved, Zhao Jia was a little speechless, blushing suddenly, and said softly, "What kind of person does your brother take Jia for? I was just joking on a whim."

She lowered her voice and said, "Also, my elder brother is smart and confused for a while. If you handed her over to me, Kong Tong's clan would feel it was a humiliation, but he would resent Zhao Guo; if your elder brother accepts Mingzhu, he will take her back to Yecheng and place her in Changle In the palace, if you give your name, the Kong Tong clan will regard it as an honor!"

Zhao Jia glanced at Kongtong Mingzhu and was very envious of her good luck. Her heart was sour, but she was no longer the innocent girl who didn't care about anything and spoke her heart out loud. Daibei's wind and frost shaped her. His character still looks angular and self-willed. But in fact, in dealing with that matter, he has been a lot more tactful and bearish a lot. Not to mention that there are insurmountable human relationships in the middle, zooming in on it, compared to using your own strength to help your brother achieve the king's career, that little bit of love between children is really nothing...

In the end, she could only try her best to restrain her jealousy, squeeze out a smile and say, "It would be even better if she could have one or two children. In this way, the northern border will be stable, and the Hetao will definitely be attached!"


Zhao Wuxi couldn't guess what Zhao Jia was thinking, but he still listened to her suggestion and put Kongtong Mingzhu into the account.

A few days later, I felt that I had offended Zhao Hou's prairie leaders that day, and was encouraged by Yi Dun to present a golden crown that was said to have existed in the era of Hezong, and sent it to Zhao Wuxi's case a few days ago.

The main shape of the crown is an eagle with outstretched wings, standing on a gold bar tenon rivet ring engraved with a crouching tiger pattern in relief. The shape is simple, but it has a prairie style.

"This is the golden crown made by the craftsmen on the grassland to support the plow and Gu Tu Shanyu!"

Under the ardent eyes of the various ministries, Zhao Wuxi smiled and tried it on the top of his head~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But as soon as they left, he took it down, put it aside and put it away, and continued to wear the Central Plains crown.

He said to the generals of the State of Zhao gathered here: "Although the tribes of the grassland call the widow 'supporting the plow and smearing the loneliness', and respect me as the emperor outside the Great Wall. But the widow is very clear that the foundation of the State of Zhao is still in the Central Plains, in the final analysis, This vast grassland is just a turquoise stone on the crown of the widow uncle."

"Your Majesty's words are very true!" Youcheng, Xuqu, and Yidun were very happy and repeatedly said yes.

"The reason why you are summoned here today is because the few people will go south to Ye in a few days. Before that, we will have a good discussion here on how to manage the grassland tribes that have just joined us."

With a wave of his hand, Zhao Wuxi asked the attendant to present a silk book with some handwriting densely written on it, and he said: "This is a widow who has been working with the county governor and Xidu leveling officer (Yuton) in the past few days. ) After the discussion with the others, the drafted "Border Governance Policy", you should take a look first..."

As soon as everyone opened it, they saw that the opening theme was clearly written: "Not my race, their hearts will be different; Hu people are weak, and China's interests are also..."

PS: Please browse and read the second chapter in the evening for mobile phone users, for a better reading experience.

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