Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 1180: far away

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PS: The dialogue between Zhao Wuxi and Zhang Mengtan in the chapter yesterday has been changed, which does not affect the plot. The second chapter is in the afternoon.


"Soldiers are tricky, so they can show what they can't, use them and show they don't use them, show them far when they are near, show them when they are far away, and show them not to attack when they attack. Be prepared for it, avoid it when you are strong, slap it when you are angry, be arrogant when you are humble, work hard when you are lost, and leave it when you are close..."

"This is the way for strategists to win when great powers confront each other!"

At midnight, at Ji Ran's house, Zhao Wuxi's conversation with Ji Ran and Sun Wu was also coming to an end.

For Zhao Wuxi, what are the plans to deceive those who have achieved great things? You must know that in history, the reason why Qin was strong and why Han merged into the world was that they gradually became bigger under the strategic deception of a series of military strategists. King Huiwen of Qin deceived Chu State and then attacked Hanzhong, King Zhaoxiang of Qin deceived King Huai of Chu to enter Wuguan and robbed the alliance, Qin Shihuang deceived State of Qi and watched the five kingdoms perish in the end. Raising soldiers... These methods are not dignified, but winning the king and defeating the bandit is the same principle in the world.

Between the world and fame, Zhao Wuxi took the former, and if he took the world, he would naturally have fame.

After Sun Wu summed up the intention of this strategy, Zhao Wuxi also said: "Yes, it is not feasible to cross the sea to conquer Korea according to Dong Guolao and the Taifu Order. You can let him stay in the corner of the North Sea, and you don't have to worry about him for 20 to 30 years. When the world is unified, a piece of paper can make North Korea surrender. If Chen Heng dares to jump, it will not be too late to destroy it slowly. The north expedition to North Korea is to let Qin, Chu, Yue and other countries relax their internal struggles, and when the time is right, they will go south in one fell swoop. This is the 'hide the sky and cross the sea' plan discussed by the widow and the old man! It is a matter of urgency to follow the power, I am really wronged today, Mr. …”

After Zhao Wuxi and Sun Wu explained in detail, Ji Ran understood the reason why Zhao Hou asked him to accompany him in a drama of discord between the ruler and the minister today, and laughed:

"The Ming attack on Korea and the secret plan for the state of Chu is a good strategy... Since the emperor has made up his mind, let's do it boldly! The old minister is already old, and he submitted his resignation letter a few years ago. I hope to give this son to him. The young man was retained by the emperor, and now he is just helping the emperor to make this strategy more real, and the old minister can earn the reputation of being a straight-talking official and retire. Isn’t it beautiful? Zi Gong’s skills are old and clear, and he will definitely be able to do a good job. government decree."

But Ji Ran couldn't help but persuaded: "But what the old minister said today is true, Zhao needs to rest, the south can take it slowly, and don't act too hastily..."

"You can save it. As long as the feudal lords do not become turbulent, they will accumulate strength, recuperate, and will not take the initiative to attack for the time being. However, ships are needed for the Jianghuai battle, and shipbuilding should be done sooner rather than later. Qi, Langya, Jimo, and Donghai are building ships at the same time, and when the time is right, they will go south into the Huaihe River."

After saying that, Zhao Wuxi laughed at himself: "This time, the widow has worked hard, and I just hope that the Northern Expedition can be made more real, but I don't know if there are any smart people among the princes who can see through it."

"Except for Uncle Qin and the eldest son of the great concubine Pu, the Dukes of Qin are all dead bones in the grave that do not want to make progress, while Bai Gongsheng of Chu is eager for quick success, and there are even a group of diners who hope to go further. In order to threaten Chu, there will inevitably be no doubts about him, and the reform will be intensified."

As he was talking, Ji Ran suddenly smiled: "If the old disciple Fan Li is still in Yue, I'm afraid this plan can't hide him... But he has left Goujian and disappeared now."

"If the young uncle can come to Zhao State, there will be empty seats in the hall of the few people." Zhao Wuxi promised Ji Ran again: "Sir, let's rest at home for a while, and when the plan is completed, The widow should ask the gentleman to take the post of Taifu among the three elders of the auxiliary prime minister!"

The Taishi, Taifu, and Taibao of Zhao State are different from the real power of the early Zhou Dynasty. They are already high positions for old-age care, so they are called the three elders of the auxiliary prime minister. , Zhao Wuxi left the last Taifu seat to Ji Ran in exchange for his cooperation.

Ji Ran repeatedly declined and agreed. At this age, it is impossible for him to turn into a fisherman and swim in three mountains and five lakes like he did in the past...

However, after Zhao Wuxi boarded the carriage and returned to the Changle Palace, Ji Ran said to Sun Wu next to him: "Old State Elder, your majesty's strategy has almost deceived all the ministers and officials in the court. Believe it, you know why?"

Sun Wu shook his head: "How could the old man, Xianyun Yehe, know the prince like a gentleman?"

Ji Ran sighed, looked at the lanterns that were gradually fading away, and said, "That's because, in the past few years, your lord's joys and anger have become invisible, and your mind has become more and more elusive for your servants. The blood is cold, and what he said is false, who knows what he was thinking?"

He took this opportunity to sue the old man and hand over his real power, which is not only a smooth sailing boat, but also a wise and sensible way to save his life after taking advantage of his merits... Accompanying the king is like accompanying a tiger. On this point, Ji Ran and his disciple Fan Li have the same thoughts. , In his opinion, the difference between Zhao Wuxi and Goujian is just a little more human, and he will not kill the hero and the lackey.

But the heart of a prince who is as cold as iron is exactly the same!


On the warm and spacious four-wheeled carriage, Zhao Wuxi sat with his eyes closed, but the leader in black knelt in front of him with red eyebrows.

"The important officials were in an uproar, and most of them tried to remonstrate when they went home. After the emperor strictly ordered the remonstrators to take their places, most of them dared not speak again, but there were still a few people who still refused to accept it. I am afraid that tomorrow's court meeting will still fight according to reason. ."

"Write down the names of these strong counselors. They are all loyal ministers. After this incident, the widowers can make great use of them."

Chi Chi said again: "After the ministers and others deliberately spread this news, the people in the streets are also talking about it, but many people don't know where North Korea is. Although there are some complaints, the people regard the king as the sky. I don’t dare to disagree with your Majesty’s decision, it’s just…”

Zhao Wuxi opened his eyes: "Just what?"

"It's just that the scholars in the academy who know the location of North Korea will probably have some discussions."

"Before the plan is completed, let the sacrificial wine of the academy control the public opinion of the students. The previous dispute over the rituals and rituals can let them express their opinions. In extraordinary times, they can also keep their mouths shut and not talk about state affairs!"


"You still have to investigate the movements in the counties and counties. The widowers annex the princes and destroy the families of the officials. There are so many clans in the counties and counties that are dissatisfied with the widowers. This time, there will inevitably be some people who can't help inciting public sentiment and confrontation in the countryside. Officials, as soon as they find out, they will immediately send troops from the county and county to suppress them, the leader will be killed, and the followers will be demoted to prisoners, and there will be no tolerance!"

"Wei!" Chi Chi Mei is already gearing up for a big fight. Their black clothes exist for this purpose. The Yulin guards are the swords on the waist of the prince, and the black clothes are the princes holding in the dark. dagger!

"In addition, Heiyi's vision cannot be limited to the country. Yan Kingdom, Sanqi, and even Song and Taoqiu. This time the stubbornness of the widow is a great opportunity for the vassal of Zhao Kingdom to become independent..."

Zhao Wuxi showed a smile: "I really hope someone can't help but jump out, just in case, if the other is the opposite, the widow will destroy one!"

Is this plan to attack Korea just for the strategic purpose of "showing the north to the south"?

Zhao Wuxi's deeper plan was to set a fire in the country and set a low-intensity arson. Ten years after the establishment of the Zhao Kingdom, the powers that were divided up would be gathered in the center again. The contradictions and dissatisfaction that were hidden in the past will also be revealed one by one. When exposed to the broad daylight, the traitor will not be far from the end...

How can you not clean the house first before fulfilling the supreme honor and making Liuhe?


Zhao Wuxi's strategy for the Northern Expedition to Korea did not stay on paper, but was put into action in the next few months. First of all, Ji Ran was dismissed from the post of Taifu Ling because of his opposition to the Northern Expedition, and Tao Qiuzi was appointed by Tao Qiuzi. Gong takes office. Taoqiu also completely lost its independent status and became a free city in Zhao State.

Subsequently, Zhao Guo tightened the domestic trade of strategic materials such as grain, copper and iron, salt, leather, tendons, lacquer, and wood. rise slowly.

At the same time, while building ships in Jimo, Langya, and Donghai, Zhao Wuxi also ordered Zichuan, Jiaoxi, and Jiaodong to start building ships. Each country should deliver ten large ships and 30 Chinese ships within two years. Boat fifty. Although there were some complaints from various countries, they had to do so due to the pressure of Zhao Hou, not to mention that Sanqi hated Chen Heng deeply.

As for the State of Yan, after much thought, Zhao Wucai agreed that they did not need to build ships, but the Yan army would start to move eastward to the Daling River basin to establish a stronghold and prepare for future land attacks. Marquis Yan was happy to do so. Since the remnants of Donghu, north of Yanshan Mountain, were no longer a threat to the territory they once ruled a few years ago, with the support of Zhao State, it was not a problem to annex the mere tribal tribes.

In July and August ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ there were large-scale military deployments in Guangling County and Xu County in the south. Zhao Chuan, who was cruising on the Dajiang and Huai River, suddenly disappeared, and the soldiers also made a northward transfer. The situation, these news were soon discovered by the old department of Baigong in Huainan, and hurriedly reported to Yingdu...

One morning in August, Gao She, the advisor to the left Yin Bai Gongsheng of the Chu State, happily informed him of the matter.

"Could it be Zhao Wuxi's trick?"

However, Bai Gongsheng had doubts in his heart. In his impression, Zhao Wuxi had always been a relatively calm monarch who took the unification of the Xia as his own responsibility. How could he have done such a mess?

However, Gao She said: "My lord, no matter how ferocious a tiger is, there are times when it takes a nap. After he succeeded in conquering the state of Qi, Zhao Wuxi became a little complacent. He took the old Qi Hou's widow's concubine as his own and called him. Come, I heard that a daughter was born. After hosting Huang Chizhi's meeting and becoming the uncle, it was even more out of control. Zhao Wuxi humiliated Uncle Qin in public and asked him to play music for himself. Then he started to expand northwards, and died first. Zhongshan, went to attack Donghu again, took some useless grasslands and deserts to show his martial arts, and was satisfied with his status as the Lord outside the Great Wall. From this point of view, Zhao Wuxi, who had forgotten his original intention, would be punished because Chen Heng stole North Korea. It is also reasonable to be angry."

"It makes some sense."

Seeing that Bai Gong's victory was moved, Gao She persuaded again: "Today, the Marquis of Zhao, despite the obstacles of his ministers, wants to expedition overseas countries, and has lost his heart. North Korea is thousands of miles away, and there are oceans, mountains and rivers separated by two or three times. There will be no results in the new year, Zhao will definitely make the people tired, the treasury will be empty, and even if it is not defeated, it will not be able to go south.

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