Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 806: Cover your hands for rain

On the third day after Zhibo ate a closed door at the gate of Xiqi Palace, Xinjiang was already full of rumors and fears. Five thousand Zhi clan soldiers were struggling to maintain order in the city, and at the same time, they had to cooperate with the two thousand princes and Wei clan in the palace. Soldiers confrontation.

As the news continued to come, the original appearance of the battle of Danshui and Changping gradually appeared in front of the ancestors and grandsons of the Zhi clan. Wei Ju's "righteousness is in the East Army", Zhiyao was trapped in Guanglang City, and Zhao Jun's vanguard advanced to Shangdang...

Turning over the hand is the cloud, and covering the hand is the rain. This word is very suitable to describe Wei's actions.

These news almost knocked down the aged Zhisong, he realized that his forbearance was used by the Wei family, they betrayed their oath in the most crucial decisive battle, and stabbed their grandson with a sword!

There was another thing that made him sad. Because of his close relationship with the Marquis of Jin, the monarch would still call him "Zhongfu" when he was absent, so Zhisong always regarded Xiqi Palace as his own backyard and the monarch as his nephew. generation, and at the same time made this place dark under his light, and was pinpointed by Wei Shi and became the place to give him a fatal blow.

"Forty years of forbearance, in exchange for the current betrayal and separation of relatives, four years of painstaking management, in exchange for today's success and failure... Haha, haha, as expected, the world is not benevolent, and all things are regarded as dogs. I thought Zhishi was special, Whoever is favored by Haotian is no different from Fan and Bank of China."

After all, Zhisong was an old man in his sixties. After many blows, he fell ill at once.

He was gasping for breath on the bed, but the situation could not wait for him. On the third day, Zhi Xiao, fully clothed in armor, came in and asked for orders: "The Zhao army has already arrived at Shangdang, and there are also thousands of soldiers from Anyi and Wei in the south, so we can't delay it any longer. Grandfather, order the attack on Miyagi!"

Zhisong weakly opened his old eyes: "If I attack Miyagi, the name of betraying Jin will be fulfilled..."

"At this time, where can I care about the name..."

"The reason why I can persevere in the next two years is that I have not been easily eliminated by the Zhao clan, and I have not been easily replaced by Wei Hao. I have relied on a ruling position recognized by the monarch and the righteous name of conquering rebellious ministers. If there is no such thing, The Chinese will not follow me, attacking the Xiqi Palace will only speed up the demise of the Zhi clan, absolutely!"

"Then what should I do?" Zhi Xiao was so anxious that he almost jumped, but his grandfather, who used to be resourceful in the past, seemed helpless now.

"Leave." Zhisong asked his grandson to help him up, took a sip of the medicinal soup and said, "Ayao was in Guanglang City and could hold back Zhao Wuxi's army for a while, but Wei's Anyi soldiers were few in number and could not stop him. We, you immediately go down to prepare, and the day after tomorrow, you will evacuate with all your clan and 5,000 soldiers..."

"Evacuate Xinjiang? But grandfather, where can we go? The barrier of Taihang Mountain is gone, Shangdang and Huo Taishan may not be able to hold on for long, and with the Wei family involved, I'm afraid that even the city is not safe. Where can I go?"

Zhisong pointed feebly at the west-facing window, and whispered, "Go to Hexi, go to Fushi Town, where your uncle Zhiguo manages the backroad for the clan, and now it's useful...even if the situation in Jin is over. , we can lose the battle, the throne can be lost, and Zhao Weihan can also use the excuse of the Qingjun to push all the faults of the civil war on me, but the Zhi clan will never perish!"


The gate of the Xiqi Palace has been closed for four days, but it has not been attacked. The Wei soldiers and the palace guards inside the palace wall are also very knowledgeable and quiet, just waiting for the end of the confrontation.

Facing such a situation, Wei Lu, who would inspect the city every day, could not help but admire: "Zhibo is a smart man, he knows that attacking the Xiqi Palace will make the people of the country firmly stand against him. , that would lead to a faster fall.”

Dai Ziyong, who had just been appointed as the guardian of Xiqi Palace, squinted at the temporary "governing minister". Although he did not approve of Wei's methods, he had to admire Wei Hua's forbearance and boldness.

Originally, as early as two and a half years ago, when the Zhao clan defeated Qi and returned, the Wei clan could betray, but if there was an attack at that time, it would inevitably form a group with the Zhi clan in Hedong, and in the end, it would be cheaper for the Zhao and Han families. So for the past two years, Wei Lu and his son Wei Ju could not bear it. The father and son took turns in Xinjiang as the hostage, allowing the Zhi clan to join forces with them at ease. As a result, there was the battle of Danshui Changping. Under the loss, the conversion of the camp has been completed, and it has made great contributions to the three families.

And Wei Hao, who stayed in Xinjiang, was not idle. He took the opportunity of entering the Xiqi Palace to get on the line with the Marquis of Jin. In the face of Zhao's step-by-step pressing and Zhi's repeated defeats, The Marquis of Jin was deeply worried and fearful. After the battle of Danshui was settled, he also understood that he had to make a choice, otherwise, he would either have to flee or wait for the three families of Zhao, Wei and Han to decide his fate.

The Marquis of Jin let go of his personal friendship with the Zhi clan and jumped abruptly onto Wei Lu's boat. He closed the Xiqi Palace and appointed Wei Lu to act as the deputy governor. The slogan of "Qingjun's side".

Rather than blaming themselves, monarchs are more willing to choose to blame others. Wasn't the original rule of power just used to take the blame?

However, Wei Hua was considered bold. He headed into the Xiuqi Palace to seek shelter. Ruozhi's family stormed the palace city with the idea of ​​burning all the jade and stones, and I was afraid that everyone would die together...

Fortunately, there was a sensible zhibo in the Zhi clan. As Wei Lu had already prepared the Anyi Wei soldiers to Xinjiang, they began to attack the south gate.

In the evening of the fifth day, the Xinjiangnan Gate was declared to be lost, and the Wei soldiers entered the city. Some sporadic battles broke out in the city, and the scale gradually increased. . With the offensive of the Wei soldiers, the Zhi family's mansion in the west of Liancheng was reduced to ashes at night, and some surrounding houses were also affected by flames.

In the early morning of the next day, under the cover of fire and thick smoke, all the soldiers withdrew from Xinjiang, leaving the mess to the Wei family. Wei Hua guessed that the direction of their retreat was Pubanjin, which is more than a hundred miles to the west, and crossed Puban. , you can reach the Zhi family's base in Hexi, Fu's city...

It was only then that Dai Ziyong, who saw safety, dared to open the gate of Xiqi Palace.

When Wei's retainers came to ask Wei Lu whether to pursue the soldiers, Wei Lu ordered: "Since the wicked ministers are gone, don't chase after the poor bandits, just send a team of scouts to investigate their whereabouts from a distance, and the rest will spread out. Take over the defense of the entire Xinjiang, protect the Xiqi Palace, the government office, and the treasury, appease the people, and punish those who misbehave."

After issuing this series of orders, Wei Huacai breathed a sigh of relief, and finally had a feeling of holding Xinjiang in the palm of his hand...

He ascended the tower again, and looked out over the whole city,

At the beginning of the sunrise, the red light filled the city. Although there were no pedestrians on the straight and arrow-like central axis, except for the chariots, the cool breeze brought blood and the smell of fireworks to the nose. The wide city gate is still smoking, and it is a bit bleak and dilapidated compared to the past. "But it will come back, as it has done countless times in the past...under my command!"

Next, we must quickly stabilize the hearts of Xinjiang, take advantage of Jinhouwu's status, control the surrounding fertile fields in Kinki, and then capture the zhiyi and other places, so that the south of Huo Tai and the west of Shangdang can be Returning to the Wei family, Xinjiang and Xiqigong will also become the bans of their family...

Just when Wei Hao's ambitions were growing like creeping grass~www.wuxiaspot.com~ a scout rushed to report: "My lord, the prince sent someone to send new news that the remnants of the Zhi clan broke through and were completely wiped out, and the generals of the three armies of Zhao, Wei and Han are coming soon. Dang." "Got it." Although it was faster than expected, but still in Wei Hao's expectation, the guard of the Shangdang, named Yang Zhi, was a relatively neutral doctor among the generals and officials of this generation of Jin, and he was also in the defensive battle. The most tenacious veteran among them, if there is no order from the Marquis of Jin, even if he has only one or two thousand remaining soldiers, he will stick to the end. If Zhao Wuxi and others want to pass the party, I am afraid that they will still have to work hard, and they will wait until more than ten days later. Upon arrival, the overall situation of Hedong has been decided, and Zhao Han has no room to intervene...

Now the north of Zhaoyu Qi and the east of Shangdang are all in the hands of Zhao and Han. In those places, the Wei clan has no size. Therefore, Wei Hua wants to come here, if he wants to make his family have power under the future pattern of the three ministers of the Jin state. If you have a place, you can only rely on the land of Hedong. Although it is not big, it is the most prosperous, and it contains one third of the population of Jin! It is also enough to unite with the Han family, and the two weakers will compete with the Zhao family in court...

Then, before he could finish thinking, another messenger climbed the top of the city out of breath and reported to Wei Hao, this time, the news came from the north. "My lord, Zhao Bing from Jinyang in the north, led by You Wuzheng, has already defeated the Zhishen Department, crossed the Huotai Mountain, and regardless of Pingyang and other cities and towns, followed the Fen River and headed straight for Xinjiang!" "What!? "It was like a sunny day and a shower, and Wei Hua's expression changed immediately.

(To be continued.)



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