Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 807: Han Ce

ps: Chapter 2 is at night

Shangdang is a mesa lying in the hinterland of Jin State. The hills here and there are luxuriant, and it is the only way to lead to the old and the new. 【Read the latest chapter..】

"I heard that Yang Zhi is a virtuous doctor. What is this person like?" When he was passing through Dangyi, Zhao Wuxi invited Cheng Tuan, who was in charge of the affairs of the Jin state doctor, to ask him.

Cheng Tuan's waist bent slightly: "I don't know."

Zhao Wuxi frowned: "I saw that you did a good job in Yecheng, so I promoted you to be a doctor and was in charge of collecting information on various officials and officials in Jin. Why can't I explain it clearly?"

Cheng Tuan said: "Because the sheep farmer is always changing. At the age of fifteen, the sheep farmer first became an official, and he was honest and did not hide his faults; at the age of twenty, he was kind and righteous; at the age of thirty, He served as a lieutenant of the state of Jin. He fought bravely and liked benevolence. When he was forty years old, he began to serve as a border city defender, and the forces that had been alienated from the state of Jin had a blind date with Jin again. I haven't seen him personally, so I dare not speculate. I just heard that he was stationed in Shangdang, restraining his soldiers to do nothing against the local Qiu, Zhiyao's main force was defeated, and the lord's forward soldiers came to Shangdang, but he did not surrender. Instead, he claimed that he came here because of the order of the Marquis of Jin, and as long as there was no edict from Xinjiang, he would defend the country for one day..."

Zhao Wuxi slapped his palms and smiled: "So it turns out, Yang Zhi is indeed a virtuous doctor, and he can get better every time he changes. Not only is he capable, but he is also loyal to the country. If such a person is damaged in the civil war among the officials, he is a member of the Jin country. loss..."

What he thought in his mind was that if the sheep farm was loyal to the country and the people, it would be better to say that if he was loyal to the king, this person would not stay. Now this person is sticking to the party, resolutely not surrendering, and the robber Zhi took eight thousand soldiers to attack for several days with no results.

The next day, after the three heads of the Zhao, Wei and Han families gathered again to discuss, Wei Ju strongly suggested that the city should be removed before moving westward.

"Shangdang City is impartial, just guarding the road to the west. If we don't seize this place, it will be difficult for the army and the cargo to move forward."

Zhao Wuxi disagreed. Shangdang has sheep farms, which is simply a hard bone to chew, and there is no meat on it. After grabbing it, it has to be returned to Han Hu. Why waste time here.

"There are also trails around Shangdang, which can allow the army to advance in batches, which is much faster than the troop here."

Wei Ju let out a haha: "Xinjiang is already in our bag, why should Zitai be in such a hurry?"

"Uncle Zhi is cunning. I'm afraid that there will be too many dreams at night. I can't wait to go to support Uncle Wei immediately. As a parent, Zi Teng is not worried at all?"

The two of them began to go back and forth between you and me. Han Hu, who was neutral, hesitated. After all, Shangdang was a big town in his family, and he felt uneasy if he did not take it back.

Talking about the latter, Zhao Wuxi was also a little impatient. He got up and said bluntly: "If you two are reluctant to join the party, you can stay here and attack. I will bring the main force of Zhao to the capital, how about it?"

Wei Ju suddenly jumped up like a civet cat whose tail had been stepped on: "It is agreed that the three armies will advance and retreat together, so there is no reason to do their own thing. Since Zitai wants to go west, I will naturally follow."

They all looked at Han Hu, but saw Han Hu smiled slightly: "Zitai Ziteng can rest assured to go to Xinjiang, just leave the siege equipment, prisoners, and labor, and hand the Shangdang to me, Han."

Zhao Wuxi was stunned for a moment, and then he knew in his heart that although Han Hu and Wei Ju had a vague intention to cooperate, his ambition was not as big as Wei's, and he was not greedy.

Just as Zhao Wuxi thought, Han Hu knew very well that with the fall of the Zhi clan, and even the loss of the Xinjiang, the time for the three families to divide up the inheritance of the Jin Kingdom was coming. The strength of the Zhao family is there, and they all take the east of Taihang and Jinyang, which naturally occupies the majority, and the Wei family is also tirelessly seeking more territory.

First of all, to take back the old territory, Zhao Wuxi promised to take Pingyang for him, and when Shangdang was taken back, Han Hu planned to take advantage of Zhao Wei's breakup in Jiangdu, and head south to attack Guocheng.

Because of what the advisor Duan Gui said to him a few days ago, Han Hu had a very clear plan for his family's future!

After Wei Ju confided the news that the Wei family had taken action in Xinjiang, and returned to his tent, Duan Gui asserted that soon the three families would want to divide the territory of Zhi, Fan, and Bank of China.

"In addition to taking back the old territory, the lord must also get the land beyond the river!"

Han Hu was very puzzled at the time: "Why don't you go to fight for the east of the river with the Wei clan, and don't go to the Zhao clan to claim the territory of Zhi, Fan, and Zhonghang, but want to be outside the river?"

Duan Gui was shocked, and repeatedly said with his head: "No, Zhi clan is about to be defeated, Jin will enter the three-Qing situation, Zhao clan is the strongest, followed by Wei, Han Ju is the third. The center of gravity is that the strength of the Han family is not good. Forcibly blending in will not get anything, but it will intensify the relationship with Wei. And Hanoi and Hebei are even more unrequited. They have become the forbidden places of the Zhao family, not to mention that the Taihang Mountain Pass has been controlled by the Zhao family. As for Zhi, Fan, and Zhongxing’s territory west of Taihang Mountain, to be honest, if you can get the best, you can’t get it, and you can’t force it, because the three divisions must be based on the principle of occupying first. Yes, those places are beyond the reach of the Han clan, and the only place in Jin that is still empty is beyond the river."

Han Hu was a little unhappy: "Except for Guocheng, the land outside the river is almost deserted, and the Rong of Yiluo is full of them. What's the use of me coming?"

"Otherwise, the places beyond the river such as Guo and Yin give the impression of being desolate, and Zhao Wei has no interest in fighting for it. But in fact, as the poem says, the crane sings in Jiugao, and the voice is heard in the sky. The fish lies in Zhu, or Qianyuan. The garden of Lebi. There is a tree sandalwood under it, and the Weiju below it... The city of Guo was rich and prosperous. Back then, Duke Guo relied on here and once became the enemy of the Jin state. I have been there and saw Tian Pikuan outside the city. Ten miles away, the Yuanxi is fertile, the fish and reeds are plentiful, men are ploughing and women are weaving. As long as the land outside the river is developed a little, there can also be 10,000 mu of fertile land and more than 100,000 households, and there is also an iron ore in Yiyang, north of Luoshui! The Zhao family relied on the iron mountain of the state of Lu to make many sharp weapons, and for those who have a family and a country, iron is no less useful than copper and tin, and this is the benefit of taking the land beyond the river."

Han Hu no longer felt contempt for Hewai, but sat up straight and let Duan Gui continue to talk.

"What's more, I heard that a place the size of one mile can affect the decision to gain or lose a thousand miles because the terrain is favorable; it is because of surprise that thousands of people can defeat the three armies. Carrying the big river on the back, facing the yin land across Yiluo to the outside, to the west to carry the Weihan and to Dai Huashan, to the east to wrap around the Zhou Dynasty and approach the State of Zheng. Also, the first to win is strong, and the last to lose. In the past, Han didn't have a chance, but this time he can't let it go!"

"Now that Zheng State has taken advantage of the Jin civil war, it has captured Yiluo and Yindi, and has also divided up the Barbarian kingdom with Ye Gong of Chu State. If there is a dispute between Jin and Zheng in the future, the Han family can retake these territories from the rear. Then we can move from time to time, whether it is against Qin, Zhou, Zheng, or even Chu, we can attack from three sides and expand our territory! In this way, we can stay away from Zhao's edge, jump out of the internal disputes in Jin, and grow and develop alone. The future envisioned by this minister for the Han family!"

Han Hu agreed with Duan Gui's development strategy of "avoiding Zhao's edge". After four years of civil war, he understood one thing, and that is that nothing else matters, and developing himself first is the kingly choice. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

So he sat and watched Zhao Wei and the two go west to Xinjiang, to fight for Hedong's head and blood, and let himself go to another world.

The next day, Han Hu stood on the high ground outside Shangdang City and watched the Zhao Wei army split into two separate camps and leave. Xinjiang will definitely be fighting openly and secretly. Although the Wei family controls the monarch, the capital and most of the Hedong, but because their strength is not as strong as the Zhao family, they will definitely be suppressed, and they can't sit back and watch.

"The enemy has not yet finished, but I have to wait for the gap, it would be great if there is a strategy for winning the three families..." The cold wind blew, and the young gentleman's long black hair was lifted, and he tightened the fur on his body and couldn't help but let out a sound. Sigh, he is a person who doesn't like fighting, and he has to be forced for the sake of his clan.

In the situation of one strong and two weak, in order to prevent the Zhao clan from swallowing the entire Jin Kingdom, Han Wei became a vassal. When the Wei clan couldn't hold it, Han Hu would definitely pull them. Fortunately, it was already in the middle of winter, and Jin people's life had been withering for a long time. There are also news that foreign enemies Qin, Chu, and Zheng began to send envoys to each other frequently. This traditional anti-Jin alliance may reunite, and no one will faint. Head over to restart the battle at this time. Everyone needs to be restrained and restrained to avoid a new civil war. It is both fighting and cooperation. This is the best strategy for the Han family and the Zhao and Wei families in the struggle in the court... (To be continued.)



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