Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 808: Zhao Ce

The person standing in front of Zhao Wushi was the Taishi Cai Shimo in the Xiqi Palace, and he was also the Taishi of Jin Houwu. 【Read the latest chapter..】

This person is well-known and well-known among the princes. He is good at astronomical astrology, the five elements, and the zodiac. He is familiar with the past events of the ancient books of the princes and countries, especially his first-hand predictions are very accurate. Twenty years ago, Shi Mo accurately predicted the demise of Fan and Bank of China. He also believed that the Wu Kingdom would have a great disaster in twenty years. His accuracy made Zhao Wuxi, who knew about the future, stunned. The unsmiling Taishi did not dare to take it lightly.

Shi Mo met Zhao Jun outside Jiangcheng, the old capital of Jin. This is the century-old capital of Jin. At first, Tang Shuyu was enfeoffed in Yiyi. When the capital was moved to Jiang, the capital was moved to Xintian when the Duke of Jingjing came, also known as Xinjiang, so the old capital became the "old Jiang" in people's mouths.

This place is indeed as its name suggests, and there is an "old" character everywhere: the old palace painted roads, the old Jin State made a statement, the old Gongzu branch gathered here, maintaining the old way of life, and the prosperity and prosperity of Xinjiang. Every day makes a big difference. But now, the loneliness of this old city has been completely broken. A large army came from the east and camped outside the city involuntarily, surrounded the city, and made the Chinese people in the city nervous.

Looking around, the Zhao army is densely packed, with as many as 30,000 people. This is still the number of people who have left many people stationed and guarded the prisoners in the cities along the way, which shows the horror of Zhao's strength.

But among them, it is full of black bird flags, bee flags, and flags of various arms, but there is no single "Jin" flag.

The Jin State's office has become a plaything of the Qing family. This four-year civil war has made the Jin family face disgrace. As the Zhao army entered Hedong, the last fig leaf was also torn off, but there are still paper craftsmen. Do your best to maintain the last shreds of dignity in the office.

So when Shi Mo saw Zhao Wuxi, his first words were: "Since the general is under the banner of the Qingjun, he must have the appearance of the Qingjun!"

Zhao Wuxi glanced back at the disapproving expressions of his generals and said with a smile, "Tai Shi taught me a lesson, I'm ashamed to say it, until last month, I was considered a traitor to the state of Jin. I don't know how to do it, and I don't dare to call the Jin national flag rashly. So, does the monarch really recognize my Zhao's loyalty?"

Shi Mo's face was sinking like water, "The monarch asked the old minister to pass the edict, the evil minister Zhibo on the monarch's side has fled, and Fan Gaoyi, Liang Yingfu and others have also been captured by the general, and the general's army is exhausted. After the renovation of the burnt down market office in Xintian is completed, I will invite the general to enter the Xiqi Palace to serve as an honoree, and discuss the candidates for the minister of the Jin State..."

"The candidate for the official secretary? Why did I hear that Wei Bo has been appointed as the ruling secretary."

"That's a rumor, Wei Bo is only temporarily taking the place, and the official ruling is still up for debate."

It seems that my army's westward advance, and the rapid southward travel of You Wuzheng scared Wei Shi, and wanted to throw the ruling position to catch me... Zhao Wuxi narrowed his eyes slightly: "It stands to reason that Wei Bo is the military commander in the middle. , In terms of seniority, naturally he is Zhengqing. But I am more concerned that, according to this statement, the monarch and Wei Bo... do not want me to enter Xinjiang?"

"This is also temporary. The monarch wants Xinjiang to recover as soon as possible, and then welcome the general. Otherwise, how can a tattered palace receive reception?"

Zhao Wuxi didn't believe this, he looked embarrassed, turned his head and pointed at the 30,000 army behind him: "I don't want to enter Xinjiang, but my soldiers and retainers have been fighting for today for four years, and they really want to enter the country to meet the monarch. , I can't stop the turbulent public opinion, since I can't enter the city, it's okay to go to the suburbs to worship."

Zhao Wuxi's words contained a secret threat. Following his words, all the generals and officials shouted together. The sound resounded through the old rubble, and the rubble seemed to tremble. Even the well-informed Shi Mo couldn't help it.

He was born late and did not catch up with the era of Zhao Xuanzi, but the Zhao Wuxi in front of him was the reincarnation of a living Zhao Dun! Even the fact that his mother's family is from Di is exactly the same. If he is allowed to enter Xinjiang to take charge of the power, I am afraid that he will be called Jin Qing like Zhao Dun, and he is actually Jinquan...

It's no wonder that the monarch and Wei Lu tried so hard to make this person stop outside Hedong, but now that Zhao's family is full of wings, even if Zhao Wuxi forcibly does something wicked, others can only do nothing and rely on Jin's old etiquette. Cage him? almost impossible.

But up to now, Shi Mo and others can rely only on that little bit of morality and etiquette, and he said earnestly: "Those who have a family want to inherit and continue from generation to generation, it lies in virtue, not in the number of soldiers and generals, the mountains and rivers are dangerous, and the General Wang is cautious, not everything can be solved by force."

"The Taishi is right. Today's military and political affairs in Jin do not require swords and soldiers, but feasts. Since the monarch does not want me to go to Xinjiang for various reasons, then Taishi will go back and tell Wei Bo, saying that I am in the old. Jiang rested the soldiers, and set up a banquet for him to come together. It is related to the future of Jin, and the Zhao and Wei families need to have a good talk!"

Zhao Wuxi seemed to take a step back, but then he showed a winning smile: "If Wei Boken is unwilling to come, then as a junior, I can find it by myself."


In the evening, after it was agreed that Zhao Jun's consumption during Jiujiang would be provided by Jiujian, Taishi Mo hurried westward and went to Xintian, two days away from the west, to report the situation. Zhao Jun, on the other hand, set up a camp outside the city to rest under the fearful and suspicious eyes of the people of the old Jiang country. Zhao Wuxi took off the suffocation for the whole day, and someone came from outside the tent, and there was a group of them. Wang Sunsheng, Shi Qi, Tian Ben and others.

As soon as Shi Qi and Tian Ben entered the door, they all bowed down and said: "My lord, my 30,000-strong army has already arrived at Jiujiang, and we will march westward to the capital of Jin for one day, and the postmaster Sima has also bypassed Gudao. Huo Taishan, regardless of being blocked by Lu Yi who belonged to the Wei clan along the way, went straight to Xinjiang, and now he has reached the vicinity of Pingyang. The Wei clan's forces around Jiangdu are full of plans, plus the Weiju group who first stationed Zhouyang to defend our army, but If there are more than 20,000 people, if they are attacked urgently, the Zhao clan will definitely break the Wei army, and then the state of Jin can all belong to the general!"

After pondering for a moment, Zhao Wuxi said he knew, and let them all go out, leaving only Wang Sunsheng who didn't speak just now, and asked him what he thought of this?

"If the general is determined to destroy Wei, he will continue to recruit soldiers this winter without rest, endure the exhaustion of the warehouse he has finally accumulated, and forcibly attack, he should be able to take all of Hedong by next year. If the Han family is involved, the war will be It may be extended to the next year. If Qin, Chu, and Zheng are involved, then this battle will last forever. Even if the Zhao clan is strong and fights continuously for five or six years, the people's livelihood will be ruined, and there will be complaints... Even if the final victory, only I am afraid that it will also lose people's hearts. In addition, the center of Zhao's family is in Hanoi and Jinyang, and it is too far away from Hedong. In the end, it will be cheaper for others. It is easy to get, but difficult to defend, just like when Wu Shi entered Ying, looking at the majestic eight In the end, there are not many benefits."

"Well said! Not only must we win ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, but also must defend." Zhao Wuxi always believed that Wang Sunsheng was also a tyrant, and he didn't have to rely on others. Even if he established his own business, he might become a tyrant. the princes, even his own opponents...

But at least for now, this young man still has a long way to go.

"That's why I plan to use the army to suppress the capital, create a sense of crisis for the monarch and the Wei clan, force them to bow to me, and rebuild the pattern and future of Jin according to my ideas." Shi thinks that I am too domineering, I stay away because of fear, and I can't let Jin's majesty completely shattered and sweep the ground, causing Sanqing to completely split, so that three points of Jin will be staged ahead of schedule, that's not Zhao Wuxi's original intention...

He has only one goal, the Zhao clan to replace Jin and be listed as a prince! This is Zhao's only strategy, even if it takes a lot of steps to achieve this goal, breaking through the material foundation, breaking through the restrictions of the times, and many obstacles buried deep in people's spirit called "ritual law". But he can wait, he is still young, less than 30 years old, and has sufficient capital and time.

"Wei Lu's father and son should not want me to come to Xinjiang and make Wei's family completely passive, so he must come, sign his name on the covenant, and accept the new order of Jin led by me and Zhao's family. !" (To be continued.)



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