Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 811: Minister of the Great Power (Part 1)

ps: there is another chapter in the evening

After the Shangdang Shouchang Yangzhu got the edict of the Marquis of Jin and surrendered without occupying it, Han Hu sent people to go south with 5,000 soldiers to seize the territory outside the river, while he brought some troops to Jiujiang. [..] As one of the only remaining three ministers in the state of Jin, even if he didn't want to mix in, he had to watch this lively event.

"If the name is not correct, the words will not go well. If the words are not correct, things will not succeed. Before discussing the division of the three families, one thing must be determined. Who should belong to the position of the ruling minister of Jin?"

When the peace talks started, Zhao Wuxi raised this question. The Marquis of Jin had already thought about it, and he said: "This matter involves the tradition of the Jin state, so you should ask the Taishi."

So he called Cai Shimo into the tent, and after bowing to Zhao, Wei, Han and others, Shi Mo spoke eloquently: "There are two things, three, five, and two companions. Therefore, Haotian has three stars, the earth has five elements, and the human body is divided into two parts. To the left and right, all things have concubines and couples, so the emperor has three princes, and the princes have officials to assist the monarch in governing the country and the people.”

"The title of Jin State appeared on the eve of the Battle of Chengpu. Duke Wen began to make the three armies and set up six ministers, who served as generals of the three armies respectively. Among them, Zhengqing was called the general of the army and was the head of the six ministers. In terms of inheritance rules, starting from Han Xianzi, the generals of the Jin Dynasty have been promoted successively, and each family takes turns to govern. The next military officer at the end of the Sixth Palace, start a new round of replacement promotion."

"Before Jin was in power, Fan Xianzi was in power, Fan Xianzi died, and Zhibo was the official minister. Now Zhibo is recognized as a bad minister and has been defeated in the west. He has abandoned his family and country, and his position as minister should be abolished. According to the order, it should be the Central Army Zuo Wei Bo was the official, and he was promoted to the general of the army..."

Wei Hao smiled slightly, while Zhao Wuxi raised his eyebrows and asked, "Oh, then dare to ask Taishi, where should Han Zi and I be?"

"Zhao Wuzi was a military commander in his lifetime. After his death, the general should start from the lower military commander. Now there are only three ministers left, who should be the upper commander and Han Qing as the lower commander..."

It was Cai Shimo who dared to speak out so bluntly. Zhao Wuxi didn't take it personally, and smiled: "According to the tradition of Jin, it should be like this, but as far as I know, there are often special circumstances in wartime. As Taishi said about the city On the eve of the Battle of Pu, the generals of the central army were dead, so Duke Wen of Jin immediately promoted Xianzhen, a military assistant, to serve as the generals of the central army, which is an exceptional example."

"That was when the system was created, and it's not the same as today."

"I don't agree with Taishi's words. The honor of Ce-jun is naturally based on merit. In this battle, the Zhao clan defeated Qi in the east, attacked Dai in the north, captured Zhi clan in the west, and forced Zhou and Zheng in the south. Who dares to ask? I am more powerful than me? How much blood do I shed? Since even the monarch thinks that the Zhao clan is the first in meritorious service, in terms of reward for meritorious deeds, I shall be the minister!"

There was silence in the tent, and the Marquis of Jin was sweating coldly in the afternoon. After waiting for a long time, seeing no objection, he could only say with a dry smile: "This matter is a major matter of the military, and it cannot be decided hastily. It is better to put it on hold for a few days..."

Zhao Wuxi's expression changed: "This matter must be settled today! Otherwise, the 30,000 soldiers outside the tent will probably refuse to accept it! The monarch is tired and unwell, and he can't stand the long talk. Please go down and rest. We will get the result and let us know. It's up to you to decide!"

"you you……"

The Marquis of Jin was stunned for a while. He has been the monarch for so many years. Although he has always been a puppet, he has never been threatened by his ministers. For a time, he felt like he was choked in his throat. He was so wronged that he couldn't speak. He looked around, wanting to see if there were loyal ministers and righteous people who stood up to do justice for him.

However, it didn't. Zhao Wuxi's domineering remarks caused everyone in the tent to look at each other in dismay. Wei Lu and his son were afraid of Zhao's troops and dared not speak out. During the review a few days ago, Zhao Junshan's "long live" was indeed to a large extent. Intimidate them, after all, if Zhao's actions are insane, no one can stop them. Han Hu watched his nose and nose and his heart, and he didn't say a word. As long as Zhao Wuxi didn't openly announce that he would replace the Marquis of Jin as the emperor, the rest of the things were within his bottom line, not to mention the four years of rebellion. What does it count?

"Your Majesty, please go back with the old minister to rest..." Cai Shimo came over, stood between Zhao Wuxi and the Marquis of Jin, took the hand of Marquis Jin and pulled him out. While whispering in his ear, he advised: "Your Majesty, the situation is over, the three ministers are fighting, but Your Majesty is like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, so don't have other extravagant hopes, just be wise and protect yourself, and the rest of the things have to be mixed in. Otherwise, I'm afraid they will be swept away together with the 'evil ministers' in the court..."

The Marquis of Jin nodded feebly, followed Cai Shimo out like a walking corpse, looked back at the tent, and suddenly felt the urge to cry.

"Tang Shuyu, Marquis Wen, Duke Wen, Duke Miao, the descendants of Jin Wu are unworthy, and the mountains and rivers of the state of Jin have become a place for tigers and wolves!"


After Zhao Wuxi forced out the Marquis of Jin who wanted to delay the decision, the only three remaining in the tent sat opposite each other in a triangle. Facing Zhao Wuxi's attitude of "I will only be willing to give up if I succeed," Wei Lu and Wei Ju. , Han Hu and the three felt as if they were forced to the edge of a cliff.

"The boy is determined to win the position of Zhengqing. This is my father's tireless pursuit. When he died on the journey, I swore that I would fulfill his wish for him, so I can't wait ten or twenty years... Weibo understands."

Zhao Wuxi stared at Wei Hua with eagle-like eyes, which made him feel chilly. If he was in power, he would probably not live for a decade or two, so he might as well make concessions and act by chance. , the Wei family can't give orders to the Zhao and Han families.

So Wei Lu suddenly laughed and said: "In that case, the old man is willing to let the wise. The state of Jin has a hundred wastes waiting to be done, and only a virtuous and talented person must be in the ruling position to be able to convince the public, but the old man also wants to ask for advice."

"What do you want to ask Wei Bo?"

"After becoming in power, will Zitai govern in the east of Taihang, or in Xinjiang? To the east of Taihang, it is not traditional. If it is in Xinjiang, what I want to ask is that Zitai will bring Xinjiang into the government. Is it in Zhao's hands?"

His voice was low, if Zhao Wuxi's ambition was so big, then he Wei Shi could only fight for the notoriety of foreign countries and find another backing, even if he took all his territory to join Qin, it would be better than continuing. Staying with the Zhao family, the sun and the moon will be exploited!

Zhao Wuxie laughed: "Wei Bo misunderstood, Wuxie hereby guarantees that in Hedong and Jiangdu, Zhao's size will not be taken!"


After discussing in advance, the Wei father and son decided that Zhao Wuxi would invade Jiangdu, definitely wanting to gain a territory in Hedong, as a bridgehead for him to interfere in the government, so they planned to "If you want to defeat, you must help your aunt; if you want to take it, your aunt will help you. , I will be with my aunt", I would rather reluctantly give Zhao a county, but also keep Jiang. The Han family is also wary of this. Although Han Hu is friendly with the Zhao family, he has also thought about it. If Zhao Wuxi asks for the surrounding area of ​​Ji, he will also favor the Wei family and the Jinhou in the future, in order to maintain a balance and let him You can grow and develop yourself.

However, this tripartite meeting had just begun, and Zhao Wuxi's words confused the Han and Wei families.

"The land of Hedong and Jiangdu, the Zhao family does not take the size!"

"The Zhao family doesn't want the land of Hedong?"

Wei Hao looked at Wei Ju in surprise, Wei Ju also shook his head ignorantly, saying that he would never know beforehand.

Wei Hao pondered for a while. As a result, Zhao Wuxi's plans became confusing. He pushed Xinjiang just for the position of Zhengqing? To tell the truth, after the Zhao clan's blatant betrayal of Jin, and the achievement of Jin's first defeat in power, the status of Jin's ruling position is far greater than the actual profit.

If the Zhao Clan wanted nothing more than this, then staying in the Jin State and continuing to wait and see, and Zhao Clan's well water not violating the river water, would be a good recipe for the Wei Clan's long-term development.

At this point, the topic began to jump from the ownership of the throne to the division of territories after the war.

Zhao Wuxi was not polite, and directly asked someone to present a map of Jin State, on which the cities and towns occupied by the Zhao clan were depicted as black dots. The original fief Jinyang and the eldest son naturally remained unchanged, Handan returned to Zhao, and Hanoi of the Fan family became a new territory as a reward for the "Qingjun side". The Zhi clan's territory on both sides of the Taihang Mountains, and the dangerous places such as the mouth of the futon, the shovel, etc., will all be owned by the Zhao clan.

In this way, the Zhao family became the biggest winner of the civil war, but according to Zhao Wuxi, the most prosperous Hedong area, he only wanted to recover the two ancestral lands of Geng and Lou, south of Jieshan and west of the eldest son. , do not take a cent!

The Wei clan is depicted as a red circle. His family now controls more than half of Hedong, and even the Zhi clan's old nest confidant has been captured. Only the Zhi soldiers in the Puban area are still resisting. It will take a few days to get Zhizhi. Shi rushed to the west of the Great River.

The Han family's control area is the green circle, including the state, Yewang and other places in Hanoi, as well as Shangdang, as well as Binh Duong and Sheh. These two places are located in the upper reaches of the Fen River, just in the middle of Jinyang and Hedong. The remaining party of the Zhi clan knew that Shen was occupied, and the Zhao clan promised that after the peace talks, they would send a post without Zheng to capture it and return it to the Han clan.

In the end, the Xinjiang to the old Jiang was a radius of dozens of miles, which was the territory of Jin Gongshi.

Until then, Han Hu, who had been quiet like a supporting role in the tent, got up and said, "Han's requirements are not high, I only need Hewai."

Wei Hao tilted his head to discuss with Wei Ju, the Han family wanted Hewai, which was reasonable, because the Jin Kingdom was almost completely divided up except for this one.

"I support Zi Yin, but..."

After Han Hu and Wei's eyes came over, Zhao Wuxi smiled and said, "It's just too few, and it's not worth the sacrifice of Han's sacrifice in the war at all."

Han Hu breathed a sigh of relief and said half-jokingly: "So~www.wuxiaspot.com~ How does Zitai want to compensate me?"

However, Zhao Wuxi pointed at the map seriously and said, "I really think about Ziyin, because the river is isolated and outside the territory, and it is difficult to support a single tree. Ziyin needs a ferry, so Maojin should be owned by the Han family. The difference between Yang, one is in the south of the big river, the other is in the north of the big river, both Yangs should be handed over to you. As the saying goes, the lips are dead and the teeth are cold, and Guocheng is in hand. If there is no Yu, it will be invaded by foreign enemies at any time, for the safety of the Han family. , Yucheng should also belong to you!"

Han Hu was stunned for a while, ecstatic in his heart.

But on the other side, the Wei family could not sit still, because the places that Zhao Wuxi pointed, Maojin, Xiayang, Yu, without exception, are all located in the hinterland of Hedong. They are within Wei's control!

Especially Yu and Xiayang, how close to Anyi, their hometown of the Wei family!

As you can see, this is Zhao Wushen's real plan. The benefit lies. The "coupling" of two weak enemies and one strong in Wei's vision instantly turned into a "lianheng" in which Zhao Han forced Wei to cut the flesh. . (To be continued.)




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