Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 812: Minister of the Great Power (middle)

ps: There will be another chapter in a while. ?

Wei Ju was young after all and did not realize that there was a trap in it, so he stood up and questioned: "Zitai, this is not right, the three families agreed in advance that the Fan Clan Yu, Xiayang, etc. acquired by the Wei Clan belong to the Wei Clan, and are not within the scope of division. Inside, why do you go back on your word now!"

As soon as the words came out, Zhao Wuxi hadn't answered yet. His father Wei Hao first pulled him from behind. Wei Ju reacted immediately and looked at Han Hu's expression. The head of the Han family was very interested in Zhao Wuxi's suggestion. After Wei Ju stood up and questioned, he quickly restrained his eager gaze.

But once the thorn called greed is stabbed, it can't be pulled out again

"Damn it! I've been fooled!"

Wei Ju shouted wildly in his heart, Han's advance outside the river was within the expectations of the Zhao and Wei families, and Wei's request was from Han, so he did not stop it, and secretly expressed his support.

But verbal support alone is not enough.

Zhao Wuxi also saw this. He bluntly said that he did not want a land of the size of Hedong. He relaxed Han's vigilance. Then he pushed the boat along the river and proposed to compensate Han Hu in Hedong. This plan to cut Wei and feed Han was really cruel. !

The Han family, who was originally neutral, was suddenly pushed by Zhao Wuxi to be opposite to the Wei family. There must be a conflict between Hewai and Hedong! The Han family will not let the story of the fake Yu and Guo be born again, and the Wei family will not allow more banners from other homes in his backyard.

Wei's father and son deeply felt that they really made a mistake, but they would never accept this kind of proposal for Wei's to give up the important ground for no reason and put Anyi and Yanchi under threat!

As if knowing that the Wei family would not give in easily, Zhao Wuxi threw out another proposal as if he was conjuring a trick.

"The Han family contributed a lot in the war, and Pingyang and Shangdang continued to fall. In terms of losses, it was the most of the three families. It must be compensated, otherwise it will not be enough to convince people. Of course, Wei Boruo is willing to give up Yu, Xiayang, and Maojin. For these points, I will naturally compensate Wei from other places." He seems to have changed from a participant in the division to an arbiter of Han and Wei's land contention!

Wei Ju and Wei Lu didn't want to completely push the Han family to the opposite side, so it was inconvenient for them to come forward in person. They are all fertile fields that the Fan family has been running for a hundred years, and they are very close to Anyi, Yanchi, and Weicheng, and can be reached in one day by fast horses. If the two families are so adjacent, it is inevitable that it will be inconvenient to divide the management boundary and arrest fugitive slaves. I also I don't know where the compensation can match these two places."

Zhao Wuxi smiled and said, "Wei Bo and Ziteng must be interested in the piece of land I propose."

"Where?" Is it the bitter cold Jinyang, or the remote Taihang Mountains? No matter where it was, Wei's father and son were unwilling to do so.

"I mean Jiangdu!"

The tent fell silent again, and there was only the sound of people refilling wine. The high-quality liquor that had been stored in the old Jiang noble family for several years fell from the bamboo bucket, poured into the bronze wine cup, and sprinkled a piece of silver hops, which made people's throats laugh. Move straight.

"Jiang" sounded for a while, Wei Ju finally said, "Could it be that Zitai forgot, the area between the new and the old one for dozens of miles is the territory of the monarch, and the ministers must not act rashly."

"Naturally remember, but the times have changed, and some rules can only be surpassed by one or two. Moreover, long before the civil war, the ministers had set up cities and towns all over the country, as their own palaces, and they were all sandwiched within them, and the monarchs were like This is one of the caged birds that are imprisoned."

"Secondly, with all due respect, both the former monarch and the monarch trusted the Zhi clan. When there was no one, the emperor even called Zhi Bo Zhong Fu, and together with Wei Bo expel the Zhi clan. It was really a last resort. In case one day he guides the Qin people to kill the Dahe River and the army reaches Xinjiang, maybe the monarch will recite his old friendship with the Zhi clan and stab Wei Bo again in the back! Wei Bo dares to let the monarch continue to rule over the people of Xinjiang. , Do you have a tiger in the palm of your hand?"

He explained: "It is because I intend to talk about this that I asked the monarch to avoid it."

Han Hu nodded, having been a traitor to the Jin Kingdom for four years, he has long lost respect for the Marquis of Jin, and it is even awkward and embarrassing to call him a minister. Wei Shi was also thoughtful. Betrayers were most afraid of betrayal by others. Wei Hao was very suspicious. His family and Jin Houwu were only mutually exploiting each other, so how could they dare to trust 100%? verb: move.

"It's better to go to the government's territory instead of this. The Wei family will get the new one and the old one, while Yu Hexia and Maojin will belong to the Han family. How about this? Does the Wei family still feel that they are at a disadvantage in this transaction?"

Han Hu also said: "Old Jiang was built by Shimei. Although it is already the old capital, its population is no less than that of a county. As for Xinjiang, it is a treasure in Hedong. When Han Xianzi persuaded Jinjing to move the capital, he said: The fields, the soil is thick and the water is deep, it is not easy to live in, and there are fenhui to flow its dirt, this place is the foundation of the Jin Dynasty for a hundred years, and it is fat and fat.

Han Hu's tone has changed, from a bystander to an active participant, because he wants too much because of the barriers outside Xiayang and Yunaihe. With these two points, Duan Gui's plan is a little more perfect, how can Han Hu not be moved?

Although he also had doubts in his heart: In this way, Zhao shi seems to have nothing to gain! Could it be that this entry into Jiangdu is really only for Han's greater interests? For a time, Han Hu was even a little ashamed. He was ashamed that he originally planned to combine the weak with the Wei family and balance the strong. Could it be that he used the heart of a villain to control the belly of a gentleman. If he can be as strong as the Zhao family, why would he not want it?

Not only Han Hu, Wei Ju was also agitated by this suggestion. Although his Wei family was greedy for a time and wanted to get the whole of Hedong, only Xinjiang and Gujiang were too sensitive and dared not give birth to the idea of ​​annexation. I just want to rely on Wei's closest advantage to control it.

Now, Zhao Wuxi has bluntly put forward that Wei's own collection of new red and old red, how could he not be overjoyed? Originally, I participated in this peace negotiation with the thought of losing a big county and admitting that I was unlucky, but now I have the opportunity to earn a lot of money, even if I lose Yu and Xiayang!

However, the suspicious Wei Hao was still hesitating, because he always felt that there was a conspiracy by the Zhao family.

"Let the Han family get a part of Hedong and create a gap between my two families. This is a conspiracy, but what does it mean to put the new and old ones on me? This is unreasonable."

He couldn't understand, so he asked bluntly: "Zhao Shi, do you really want nothing from Hedong?"

Naturally, Zhao Wuxi couldn't work on Lei Feng, and it was enough for him to digest the Zhi clan's Taihang Yanyu, Lu clan, Li and other territories. Although Hedong is rich and has a large population, the center of the Zhao family has moved to the east of Taihang. Even if there is Jinyang, it is quite inconvenient to manage it across the Lu of the Wei family and the Shangdang of the Han family. Be careful, it is the situation where the Yi doctor sits on the big side and communicates with the enemy from inside and outside.

So it's better to put the Han family in and let Han and Wei have a gap. When the borders are intertwined, even if the two families are close as brothers, it is inevitable that there will be disputes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Even if the two family owners tolerate it, the people can't bear it. , an acre of land, a mulberry tree, maybe it will evolve into a fight between two families. When they come together to find their own arbitration, there will be a good show.

So, let's add another fire to it.

So faced with Wei Lu's question, he smiled and said, "Of course not. The Zhao family actually has two territories in Hedong, one is Geng and the other is the lower palace."

When the word Xia Gong was mentioned, pictures appeared in Zhao Wuxi's mind for a while, the stables of the Xia Palace, the tower where he stayed with Ji Ying, the garden of Yoyo Luming, and the village in Xiaoxiaocheng. In the past year, the canopy-like mulberry tree was the most unforgettable experience of his time, and it was also an important stage for him to grow from a boy to a man.

Wu Xie lost his mind for a moment, but in the next moment, these pictures were all shattered by his sword. Fetters are sometimes obstacles that prevent people from moving forward. This is a chain plan. He has a big plan. For the sake of a bigger goal, it is worthwhile to temporarily give up these memories, he persuaded himself.

"The Wei family also has a county near Jinyang, which is Gengyang. Wei Xu of the Wei family is Doctor Gengyang. This place is close to Jinyang, but far away from the Wei family. Therefore, I want to use Geng and the lower palace, which is closer to Anyi. How about exchanging land with the Wei family at the two places?" (To be continued.) 8

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