Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 818: Road and Road

This winter, Zhao Wuxi spent with Ji Ying, his wife and children in Wenxian County. They offered sacrifices to Zhao Yang, telling him that the Zhao family had once again become the ruler of Jin. ww.しws520.om

"Zhao Yi Yiyi, the extremity of the Quartet. The splendid voice, the smoldering spirit. The longevity test is peaceful, so as to protect my future life!"

In the early January of the following year (494 BC), when the spring flowers bloomed, he went to Tongjiao to the new "capital city" of Jin to perform his duties as a minister, and waited for the first batch of Jiangdi immigrants to go to Yecheng. I didn't want to hang around here, but I met a visitor, an old acquaintance.

"Zhibo is dead."

The letter was handed from Zhao Wuxi's hand to an old man dressed in dark grey clothes and immortal. He was Gu Bu Ziqing, who had disappeared for nearly ten years. Ten days ago, he suddenly came to visit Tongjiao, which made Zhao Wuxi overjoyed. He ran out to meet him without shoes and only in full clothes. He went straight to the world, but couldn't find Gubu Ziqing's place. This person was very important when he was young. To a large extent, his sentence "This son is a real general" influenced Zhao Yang's choice of heirs, and he began to pay attention to Zhao Wuxi.

Now that the prophecy has come true, Zhao Wuxi, as the minister of Jin State, has made Gubu Ziqing famous, but he has changed his career, and regards face to face as a small road, and will no longer accept jobs.

So Zhao Wuxi invited Gubu Ziqing as a guest and entertained him every day, but the banquet was declined by Gubu Ziqing on the grounds of pure cultivation.

However, Zhao Wuxi still came here from time to time. Instead of chatting, people who reached his position needed some opportunities to make a leap forward in spiritual and philosophical levels, instead of staying at the original level forever.

In this regard, Gubu Ziqing is a good person to talk to.

After handing over the letter, Zhao Wuxi sighed: "Although I have thought about it countless times, today, after Zhibo finally died, I have no sorrow or joy in my heart. What will Zhibo think before his death? Regret for his choice. What a pity for the failure? Or curse me for not ending well? After all, he is my predecessor, and he was once under ten thousand people, and he also forced Zhao into a corner, but now he is just like this in Shaoliang It is really thought-provoking to die tragically. Human nature and life are really incomprehensible, can you, sir, explain Wu Xian's confusion?"

"Knowing the Kai style often is called Xuande. Xuande is deep, far away, and opposite to things... The two of nature and life are Kaishi, and the changes of the two are countless, with their profound and unfathomable nature, It's not something that a gentleman like me who sets up a stall to make a living can understand."

Gubu Ziqing's words were mysterious, but they made people not aware of them. Zhao Wuxi smiled and said, "Sir can't understand it, so who can?"

The face-to-face person with white hair covering his temples bowed slightly: "I can solve it."

"Lao Tzu?" Zhao Wuqi restrained his smile and asked, "I heard that before Zhibo died, Lao Tzu appeared in Shaoliang and met him for the last time. Everyone knew that Bo was Lao Tzu's disciple, and he learned the way of goodness like water. , I don't know if it's true or not?"

"At that time, Lao Tzu was still the Taishi in charge of the Tibetan room in the Zhou Dynasty. He entered the Zhou Dynasty Taixue from Chen State. He learned everything from astronomy, geography, and human relations. "Rituals" and "Music" are omnipresent, and cultural relics, regulations, and historical books are all familiar. During the period of Taishi, the world's literature was collected and the world's books were collected. Those in the past are like the crucian carp crossing the river. Confucius in Lu, Xin Wenzi in Song, and Changhong in Zhou all studied with him. Although they did not learn from teachers, they were like teachers and apprentices. Zhibo was also among them, but it was only what they learned... "

Gu Bu Ziqing showed a hint of disapproval on her face, raised her little finger and said, "It's just the fur of Lao Tzu's learning."

"Appreciate further details."

"Zhibo understands Laozi's Tao simply as a technique of vying for power and profit. To fight for power and ruthlessness with utilitarianism, and to pretend not to fight, this is the path to defeat."

According to Gu Bu Ziqing, he visited Lao Tzu in Taihua Mountain and learned "Tao" from him. After a few years, he has made a lot of money.

This is also one of the reasons why Zhao Wuxi respects him as a guest and often comes here. Although he has not yet had the opportunity to see Lao Tzu, who sees the dragon but does not see the end, Gu Bu Ziqing is a window through which he understands Lao Tzu and Taoism.

So Zhao Wuxi showed great interest: "Dare to ask Laozi's true knowledge."

Gubu Ziqing was waiting for this moment, and immediately said, "The teaching of Lao Tzu is Tao."


"Of course. Dao can be Dao, not constant Dao; name can be named, but not constant name."

Although there are some discrepancies with the Tao Te Ching of later generations, they are basically the same. Zhao Wuxi snickered in his heart. This passage is familiar to all ears, and he can recite it.

"I heard that a witch in the Song Dynasty founded the Tao of Heaven, saying that thousands of ghosts and gods are transformed by the Tao of Heaven. I wonder if it is consistent with the Tao of Lao Tzu?"

Gubu Ziqing said solemnly: "It's different, there is one thing that is chaotic, boundless, without image, soundless, and integrated. It has existed long before the world was created. It is unique, unparalleled, and it follows its own laws and never fails. It will change, and it will never stop. It can be used as the root of all things in the world and even the source of heaven and earth. I cannot accurately describe its true face, and can only use Tao to call it in general terms. Heaven, the way of heaven, and the way of nature, so the way is not the way of ghosts and gods, but the way of law and nature.”

Zhao Wuxi slapped his palms and smiled: "Although there are differences, there are also similarities, and they can complement each other. If you have the opportunity, why don't you have a conversation with the great witch of the Song Kingdom."

The Tiandaoism spread in the Song state was originally a pantheistic religion created by Zhao Wuxi with Taoism as the core and combined with the local ghosts and gods in the Song state. The more advanced cities and towns in the Central Plains need to be emphasized on the philosophical side. However, because of the intellectuals and rationality of the Central Plains, and the utilitarianism of the common people, it has always been difficult for this religion to flow out of the Song State, only to the borders of the Song State and Chu and Wu. There is a certain spread, and the impact is limited.

Just looking at Gubu Ziqing's face, he probably thinks that the Tao of Heaven is just a heresy of Tao, and I don't know what Lao Tzu's expression will be after hearing about it...

As soon as he thought of this, Zhao Wuxi asked earnestly, "Dare to ask, what kind of person is Lao Tzu?"

Gubu Ziqing stroked his beard and said yearningly: "You don't know the world without going out, and you don't see the way of heaven. It's far away, but it's less known. This is Lao Tzu, like a god, like a dragon, staying by his side. Years later, I still haven't been able to penetrate one percent of it."

He is the most mysterious figure in China for thousands of years... Zhao Wuxi was curious.

"As the saying goes, I always want to listen to Lao Tzu's teachings, but I don't know where he is and whether he is still alive. Now that he has appeared in Hexi, I don't know if he will come to Jin. Sir can contact Lao Tzu and ask Did he tell the merciless one who is thirsty to see the wise?"

Gubu Ziqing's face was embarrassed: "Lao Tzu's learning is based on self-confidence and no name. Before that, he lived in seclusion in Taihua Mountain for several years. After rumors of him being there, there were endless inquiries, so Lao Tzu wandered again. , He is over eighty years old, and there is no trace of coming and going, and even I may not be able to find it again, whether we can meet or not depends on whether he wants to see it or not."

Zhao Wuxi was a little disappointed: "Since I can go to Shaoliang to see the dying Zhibo, but he is shy about seeing him?"

"Tao gives birth to one, one gives birth to two, two gives birth to three, and three gives rise to all things. All things are transformed by Tao, and all things are connected. When the time comes, Lao Tzu will definitely come to see the general."

Gubu Ziqing paused and said sincerely: "After all, the general is a rare figure in hundreds of years. Besides the general's interest in Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu will also be curious about the general. I believe that we will meet in the near future. !"

Zhao Wuxi nodded: "I hope so..."

Gubu Ziqing waited for a while~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and felt that this was a rare opportunity, so he asked again, "I dare to ask the general what he would ask him if he saw Lao Tzu?"

Zhao Wushen thought about everything: "I'm afraid I can't understand the avenues of heaven and earth. What I want to ask should be the way of being a king and the way of running a country."

Gubu Ziqing's eyes lit up, and she stepped forward and said, "There is someone I can recommend to the general."

Is this what Gubu Ziqing came here for? Zhao Wuxixiao asked with interest, "I don't know who can be recommended by your husband. With the knowledge of your husband, he must be a rare talent?"

"How dare you, Lao Xiu's apprentice in Zheng Guo, follow me to learn Laozi's education, called Ren Zhang! Although he is young, but given time, he can also serve the monarch and An Lishu in Laozi's way!"

PS: After I started writing, I found that Lao Tzu was like a fog. I didn’t know its shape, indescribable, and I couldn’t write at all. I read Lao Tzu’s five thousand words and Xie Lao several times, but Shi Lao still couldn’t understand it. After scraping a few drafts, I gave up. For the time being, let's understand Lao Tzu from the side, so as not to destroy this hazy mystery, and try again after you have a deeper understanding of him. The second chapter is in the evening (to be continued.)

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