Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 819: Inaction and Action (Part 1)

A Taoist academic seminar quickly turned into an application meeting. The next day, the students of Gubu Ziqing met Zhao Wuxi for the first time in the Tongjia Pian Palace. He was too young, but he was only in his twenties. The air is elegant, and there is no mature cultivation base. Standing in front of the Jin State Shangqing who is famous for moving the princes, he is quite nervous. Lewen Fiction|

After Gubu Ziqing was introduced, he left and let the apprentice perform to the fullest. Zhao Wuxi also took off his favoritism towards Gubu Ziqing and looked at Ren Zhang up and down from the interviewer's point of view, but did not see anything special about him. , but a person can't look at the face, so let's ask him a few words first.

"Ren Zhang?"

Ren Zhang saluted: "Wei, the villain has seen the general."

"Are you Mr. Gubu's disciple? Also equivalent to Laozi's second disciple?"

"Wei, the villain learns Taoism with Mr. Tao, and uses Taoism to govern."

Governing with Tao? The tone is not small, Zhao Wuxi smiled and said: "It's not easy to be like this at a young age. Do you want to do things for the Shangqing Mansion?"

Only then did Ren Zhang get a little bit of energy: "The Zhao family crosses the east and west of Taihang, and is the most powerful minister in the world. The general is the upper minister of the Jin State, who holds the power of Jin, and the son of the general is the Zhengqing of the Lu State. From Haidai to Dahe, the number of Millions of people rely on the father and son of the general. The villain is not talented, and I am willing to do my best to assist the general with Tao, so that the people can live in peace.”

Not only for the king, but also for the people? Interestingly, Zhao Wuxi smiled: "Tell me, how are you going to assist me?"

"There are thorns in the place where the teacher is. After the army, there must be a fierce year. Therefore, those who rely on the Dao to assist the master of the people do not use the army to strengthen the world."

Zhao Wuxi laughed a little: "The lords of the world are all busy with military battles, especially the lack of military armor. I am the minister of Jin State, and I am tasked with strong troops and enemies. Why should I abandon my military armor?"

"The husband does not compete, so the world cannot compete with him." Ren Zhang had sweat on his forehead, he said: "The Jin country has been in civil war for four years, the people have stopped their crimes, and all industries have withered. I can't find them all. Therefore, what the generals need most right now is not to expand the army both inside and outside of the country, but to rest with the people! Soldiers are ominous weapons, not gentlemen's tools, so they must be used as a last resort, and tranquility is the best."

Zhao Wuxi nodded and said, "It makes sense." But these big truths are big nonsense, and he himself knows very well that this is not something that is urgently needed at present, and this person is not a tyrant.

Zhao Wuxi lowered the standard: "If you were asked to govern the place, what would you do?"

"Do nothing, and there is no cure."

Ren Zhang made a eloquent discussion, talking about the benefits of inaction, which can make the people free from contention and rest with the people. After speaking, he looked at Zhao Wuxi with an expectant expression, but Zhao Wuxi did not respond, and rubbed it. The temple looked a little tired.

"Let's do this for today. You live in the Tong Zhuang mansion and treat him as a guest."

After Ren Zhang retired, he met Gubu Ziqing outside with a look of frustration. After all, he was young, and he had not yet grown into a wily Taoist advisor in history. He might be valued in Wei Han, but he would be like a cloud in the wise counselor. The Zhao family is not conspicuous.

"How?" Gu Bu Ziqing asked with her sleeves wrapped around her sleeves.

The young Ren Zhang was a little confused, "Master, I used Lao Tzu's words to persuade Shang Qing to govern the country, but Shang Qing didn't seem to understand, so he was very friendly to me, but he didn't give me a position."

"Shangqing is a man like heaven and man. He has been smart since he was a child. He can know what people don't know, how can he not understand the truth?"

After Ren Zhang explained the process of meeting Zhao Wuxi again, Gu Bu Ziqing laughed: "It's no wonder that you say these empty and big things don't suit Qing's heart."

Ren Zhang wondered, "Isn't this what the Master taught me?"

"It's true that I taught you, but Shangqing doesn't like the empty and grand way of governing the country, but prefers detailed details. The Zhao family is migrating the people of Xinjiang and Gujiang to Jinyang and Ye under the operation of Shangqing. To open up wasteland, in various counties and towns, the Shiwu system and the Daitian method are also being implemented, and I can't wait to teach the Taihang people who are ignorant of cattle farming to farm. The Shangqing acted indifferently, and the cold reception was his own."

"Besides, even if you don't tell me, there are not a few Zhao clan officials who understand this truth. For example, Xin Wenzi, who is known as Ji Ran, once asked Laozi's way in Chengzhou. While intervening in the private economy, he also Advocate the government and the provincial government, encourage farmers and mulberry, ask people to famine, and govern according to the seasons. Lao Tzu's way of inaction is naturally integrated. What you provide, Zhao Shangqing can get it from Ji Ran and others, and your inaction There is no result in his heart, how can he value you?"

In the words of later generations, Zhao Wuxi was trying to implement the strategy of "big government". The government's tentacles reached into every part of the county to maximize the efficiency of mobilizing Qimin, but what Ren Zhang proposed was a kind of "small government". "The idea is naturally not taken seriously.

"So it's not time to talk about inaction."

"Then what should we talk about?" Ren Zhang was a little puzzled. In his opinion, the most essential part of Lao Tzu's way is to govern by inaction.

Gubu Ziqing smiled mysteriously: "I taught you what I taught you. If you understand it carefully, it is Taoism and Taoism. When the Dao is not enough, why not try it?"


A few days later, Gubu Ziqing entered the palace again and asked Zhao Wuxi to give Ren Zhang another chance. This time Zhao Wuxi listened with relish, and unknowingly moved his knees forward on the mat, and talked a few times. Shi Chen didn't find it boring, and later said to Gubu Ziqing, "Your disciple Ren Zhang is indeed a rare talent, and I can use him as my assistant."

Afterwards, Aunt Bu Ziqing asked Ren Zhang, "What did you talk about with Shang Qing this time?"

"I didn't talk about the avenue this time, it's just a small way."

"What technique?"

"We talked about how to defend the male with the female, how to balance the strength and softness, how to keep the emptiness and defend yourself, and how to defend yourself with the weak." Ren Zhang whispered: "These are the techniques of the king's south."

Gubu Ziqing sighed: "Sure enough, if we do nothing, we can make the Zhao family establish three generations of prosperity like Xia, Shang, and Zhou, but unfortunately it takes too long, Shangqing can't wait that long, and it is difficult to continue to develop. Enterprising. A wise lord, who doesn't want to be famous in the world when he is on the throne, how can he make him wait for decades or hundreds of years to achieve the great cause of kingship? Therefore, we can only use the method of enriching the country and strengthening the army. Persuade him, he will be very happy, however, this will not be comparable to the virtues of Yin and Zhou."

"Of course, Zhao Shangqing has a plan here. He does not lack the way to enrich the country and strengthen the army, but he lacks the skills to control the ministers, so as to achieve harmony inside and outside. In the end, my Taoism has to rely on small skills. It's really sad, but it's helpless. Don't be in a hurry, and serve as a staff advisor by Shangqing's side, wait for the Zhao clan to dominate the three ministers of Jin, and then come to the Central Plains to eliminate foreign enemies, and Shangqing will take the initiative to talk to you about the rule of inaction!"


Zhao Wuxi really did not intend to implement any "inaction" at this juncture where the princes were striving for, even if inaction, it was only to a limited extent.

Because both externally and internally, the Zhao clan is facing various challenges. The state of Qi still has the potential for war, the state of Chu is also undergoing a revival, and the state of Wu even attacked Vietnam at the beginning of this year. If it is the same as in history, King Wu may go north at any time, wanting to shake Zhao Wuxi's hegemony in Sishang.

Of course, the more imminent threats~www.wuxiaspot.com~ are the Han clan and the Wei clan, who are part of the separatist side, and the Qin country, which is entrenched in Yongzhou and has already occupied Hexi.

Facing the news of the Zhi clan's surrender to Qin, as the minister of Jin State, Zhao Wuxi had to react.

"In the past, my ancestor Kao Zhifu and Quanqiu Daluo were both descendants of the surname Ying. Although they were beheaded in three generations, the two families worked together as one. shi..."

"However, the Nazhi clan in the Qin state has betrayed the party and seized the land in the west of the Hexi. It is absolutely unmatched by the Jin state and the Zhao clan. I have no sympathy to hear this, and I am heartbroken..."

An open letter was sent to Yongcheng by courier. The letter contained more than a thousand words. Zhao Wuxi righteously condemned the injustice of the Qin state, and even accepted the traitorous minister of the Jin state. Then, behind the scenes, a private letter with the great concubine of Qin was also sent to the past. Although there will be a war between Zhao and Qin in the future, they have not yet reached the point of mutual hatred. There is a lot of room for cooperation under the shadows. big.

Although Zhao Wuxi was a minister of Jin, he didn't plan to fight with the people of Qin for Hexi, which is not bordering him. It is best that the Han family can also join in. When he settles down to develop his territory and accumulate strength, the three parties will kill you for the two lambs in Hexi and Taolin, and you will be able to imitate Bian Zhuangzi. Tiger! (To be continued.)

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