Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 820: Do nothing (below)

PS: I'm busy compiling oral history, this is the chapter for today

"What Lao Tzu said about inaction, although the name is inaction, is in fact omnipotent. This article is written by .lwχ520. First issue"

When the canal plan named "Wei Canal" was nearly halfway through and everything was on the right track, Ji Ran also let go of the canal and handed it over to other officials, and came to the Tongjiao Palace to report to Zhao Wuxi this year. half of the situation. Not long after he arrived, he came across Ren Zhang offering the way of Lao Tzu to Zhao Wuxi.

As someone who has studied with Lao Tzu in person, Ji Ran naturally has his own opinions.

"The general can manage the places that have just ended the war and the newly migrated immigrants, and manage them naturally. If they don't manage, they don't care. This is also a kind of inaction, but at the general level, there must be nothing in spite of!"

Compared with Ren Zhang's green and empty plan, Zhao Wuxi was obviously more interested in the plan. This man who had seen through the Zhao clan's road to unifying Jin and Lu must have an economic and cultural foundation. Economist is a plan to help him enrich the country and strengthen the army.

"Sir, please tell me in detail."

Ji Ran said: "The natural cycle is a bumper harvest every six years, a balance every six years, and a famine every twelve years. If you don't handle it well, the people will lose confidence in the ruler's rule and leave you. So The ancient sages were able to predict the changes in the natural world early and prepared in advance. Therefore, during the Shang Dynasty, the world suffered from severe drought for seven consecutive years, but the people did not starve to death; But the common people have not been displaced. The reason for this is that the two monarchs can understand the true nature and development trend of learning things, and then hire talented people to drive cars to and from the four directions to deliver disaster relief materials. If you don’t know this, even if it is a hundred miles away When a disaster occurs, the government is powerless to help the people in the disaster.”

"Is it right to predict, prepare, schedule, and regulate?" Zhao Wuxi pondered, just like the battle between the market economy and the planned economy in the future, the so-called inaction also has such self-contradiction.

But his goal is very clear. At the macro level, Zhao Wuxi's regime should try to extend its tentacles to the places that the ministers of the Jin state could not touch. In the newly conquered land, local grassroots organizations have been established one after another. , Limin's data was put in the top plan and handed over to him. How many households, how many acres, how many mines, how many rivers and ditches in the territory, all have to be spread out on his case.

Then, according to the characteristics of different regions, the shortage and surplus of the people, help and induce them to produce, accumulate wealth, and also transfuse blood, food and soldiers for the treasury.

"But to achieve this, the general must first integrate the various territories of the Zhao family!"

Now the Zhao clan controls the five major areas of Jinyang, Dongyang, Chaoge, Handan, and the eldest son in Jin. There are also Wenxian and Guanshi in southern Hejian, with a total of 500,000 households and a population of more than 250. Ten thousand! In addition to the Lu country, the Zhao clan has controlled nearly 4 million people, accounting for a quarter of the total population of China today...

These are just paper data. How to convert these populations into motivation is what Zhao Wuxi will worry about in the next few years.

Therefore, the now huge Zhao clan needs a center that can take into account the things of Taihang as the main city to coordinate and dispatch. This is also the problem that Zhao Wuxi summoned Ji Ran to solve...


"Wen County was originally the location of the ancestors of the Zhao family temple, but the Zhao family's territory is too small, and the communication between Wen County and the rest of the country is separated by the Han family's territories, and it is easy to be separated from the upper reaches of the river and from Chengzhou, Zhengzhou and Zhengzhou. The enemy of the country raided, so it is not suitable, plus there is no advantage of the terrain, it is not without reason that the Su family died here."

"As for the general's current residence, Chaoge, after the communication with Weiqu, the water transportation will be very convenient, and it will be possible to communicate with Lu State nearby. If the general's ambition is to divide Jin State into three parts, the future development direction will also lie in Hebei and Haidai. Chaoge does have the potential to be the main town. However, this city is comfortable and easy to breed extravagance, and the people of the Fan family do not have enough recognition for the Zhao family. The distance to the west of Taihang is too far away, which is not conducive to the general’s control of the Tongjie and the entire Jin State."

Within the territory of the Zhao clan, the other big cities include Jinyang and Handan, both of which were historically the capitals of the state of Zhao.

They each have their own advantages and their own weaknesses. Jinyang is the frontier of annexing the kingdom, and the two generations of the Zhao family have worked hard to build it. If it is not for the heresy of Zhao Wuxi, Jinyang is destined to become the future of the Zhao family.

It is a pity that the Zhao family has expanded countless territories in the East, and even more than cut off Qi several times in history, and even occupied the land of Jixi during the period of King Huiwen. As a result, the position of Jinyang is a bit embarrassing, not suitable for become the global center.

As for Handan, it is the best location for expansion to Xianyu, Zhongshan and Beiyan, but in Zhao Wuxi's view, it is at most a domineering capital, not a place of kingship, and the historical state of Zhao is also very good. Prove it...

In addition, in the history of Zhao State, there was also Zhongmu, where Zhao Wuxie's borders and vision were at this time, and he did not consider it at all.

After picking a few places that were not suitable, Zhao Wuxi asked, "Which one do you think is the best?"

Ji Ran also smiled: "The general has already made up his mind, why ask the servants again?"

Wu Xie smiled but smiled: "I already have an alternative in my heart. I don't know if I can, I hope Mr. will choose it for me."

Ji Ran said: "It's a coincidence that the servants also have an alternative."

"What are you thinking, sir?"

"General, stop talking, write the name of the place in the palm of your hand with me, and then unfold it together, how about it?"

The two took the pen and ink, looked into each other's eyes, tucked up their sleeves and wrote quickly in their palms, then moved closer to the desk, stretched them out under the lamp, and unfolded them together! Looking at each other, they all laughed.

It turns out that the word in Zhao Wuxi's palm is the word "Ye", and in Ji Ran's palm, there is also the word "Ye"!


Since Duke Huan of Qi built a city here to defend against Rong and Di, the history of Ye is less than two hundred years old, but Zhao Wuxi attached great importance to this Qianshi town.

The first is the strategic location. Yecheng is located in the key position of the eastern foot of Taihang, and it is the necessary place for north-south traffic. The mountains and rivers are dangerous, and the original Xi is flat and wide. According to the throat of Hebei, it is not an exaggeration to call it the waist of Jizhou! It is located in Handan and Chaoge, and it is very convenient to invade Zhongshan and Yan from the north, or enter Qi from the east. Entering the Hukou in the west, you can reach the Tongluo where he controls the Marquis of Jin, and then go north from the Tongjiao to Jinyang.

Those who do not plan for the overall situation are not enough to plan for a corner, and those who do not plan for the general situation are not enough to plan for a while. Zhao Wuxi's perspective on the world is from a global perspective, not from a biased perspective. Different from those cities and towns that only allowed the Zhao clan to dominate, Yecheng may allow the Zhao clan's political and economic centers to slowly converge here, fully develop Hebei, train troops to accumulate grain, and can not only grow the Central Plains, but also slaughter. Rong Di, the two will not delay.

As for the economy, Ji Ran is also optimistic about this new city.

"As early as three years ago, the general asked Cheng Tuan to serve as the commander of Ye, and I felt that the general was very interested in this place, so I also paid attention to it when I was singing. Due to the development, there is a surging river in the south of Yecheng, which forms a natural barrier, and the Huanhe, Fuhe, and Zhanghe rivers all flow near Yecheng, so it is very convenient to irrigate farmland.”

"In the past three years, the general first dispatched soldiers to build embankments to control the flood, and then asked Cheng Tuan to mobilize the people in Yecheng to dig 12 ditches, divert the water from the river to irrigate the people's fields, and then move the people of Handan, Chaoge, and Weiguo. After a thousand households passed, Ye City suddenly changed its appearance, and now it is a large town with 5,000 households. If another 10,000 households of the people of the old Jiang were moved there, the uncultivated wasteland outside Ye City would become a thousand miles of fertile fields! "

Zhao Wuxi also felt a little emotional. Under the control of the government, a barren place can grow into a city of ten thousand households.

During this period, there will naturally be the bitterness of leaving home and the pain of separation of clans, but Zhao Wuxi has gradually believed in Legalism, "the people can be successful, and they can't worry about the beginning." Now the parents and children who have been forcibly displaced are recruited to dig ditches. Although some local people will feel sorrow and pain, they only need to use "rule of inaction" after hard work to let them rest for a few years and be exempted from some taxes and labor. When the economy develops, the new residents of Yedi will naturally feel like the people of Zheng who miss Zichan, and have no sympathy for what they have done today...

"To be honest, sir, I am planning to make Yecheng the new main town of the Zhao family."

This is a fertile land full of hope. It is a city of immigrants. They come from all directions. They can break away from the identity restrictions of Fan, Bank of China, Gongshi, and Rongdi, break away from this border and other boundaries, and gather here to get a new identity. identify.

That is Zhao Ren!

In Wu Xie's eyes, he seems to be able to see a few years, or more than ten years later, the scene of a thousand miles of Yecheng Plain and the Zhanghe River transporting in all directions, the scene in Zuo Si's "Wei Du Fu": "The territory of Erqi, then the other side. Ji Qi, Qin, and Ji Dao; open chest Yin, Wei, cross Jian Yan, Zhao; mountains and forests are shadowed, Chuanze is dazzling..." These gorgeous descriptions may have appeared on the banks of Zhangshui eight hundred years in advance. !


The completion of Ye City did not happen overnight~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Zhao Wuxi asked the official Cheng Tuan to develop it for three years, but it only gave Ye City a foundation for establishing a capital. To develop, it would require long-term immigration, development. In addition, Jinyang, the eldest son, Handan, and Chaoge should continue to be developed into regional centers, either more important than economic or military expansion.

After the questioning was over, Ji Ran reminded Zhao Wuxi again before he left: "Shang died in Qizhou, a hundred miles away, with the sacrifice of six hundred sacrifices. As for occupying the former land of Zongzhou, there is the Weiping River. In the Qin state that is eight hundred miles away, the generals must be guarded. Given time, once Qin has a wise ruler and a worthy minister, and then learns the art of generals governing the country, it will be enough to become the enemy of the Zhao family..."

"I know." Zhao Wuxi nodded. In terms of attaching importance to and being wary of the Qin state, I am afraid that no one in this world can be more vigilant than him. After all, the Qin state in history has brought him too deep a memory. The blood of the descendants is boiling, and it also makes the authorities fearful...

But on this historical line, that black fission that merged vertically and horizontally, annexed Yunei, and swept the world, the black empire may still be the surname Ying, the descendant of the mysterious bird, but it is not necessarily Qin...

He smiled and said, "Don't worry, sir, one day, I will teach the people of Qin country well. Zhao and Qin's family are the ones who let them win the clan. If there is any disrespect, the family will serve them!"

(To be continued.)

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