Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 821: Xingyue 3 must

: Chapter 2 is at night, ahem, it's Sanji, the title is wrong, please ignore

Jinhouwu was forcibly brought to Tongjia from Houma more than a month ago. When the spring flowers were blooming, the palace maids and temple people also arrived here one after another. Before re-entering the palace, most of them were eliminated. The palace maids and vertical people of the right age were directly assigned to the households. Many new faces were added to the remaining people. I don’t know how many people were bought by Zhao and became eyeliners. Internal response.

The Marquis of Jin was trapped in the palace like a bird in a cage. After entering, he never showed up again. In fact, his life was not as good as that of the Marquis of Lu in the east. At least the new Marquis of Lu was just a teenager and didn't have so many ideas. The Zhao clan's shogunate in the state of Lu was held by a four-year-old eldest son of Zhao Wuxi, and he would not put pressure on the palace for no reason.

But in the Tongjiao Palace, the fear of being suppressed to the point of suffocation has been haunting the Marquis of Jin. He can only sigh while looking at the high wall in the inner palace under house arrest.

The world outside the wall is full of hustle and bustle. The forcible division of the three families of Zhao, Wei and Han has divided the entire Jiangdu and Inner Kingdom. After six or seven days of trekking, the first batch of immigrants arrived here one after another.

In addition to the Tongluo Palace with a circumference of more than ten miles, the county was originally small, but now, it is filled with officials, doctors, scholars, and more people who have moved from Xinjiang.

Originally, they thought that the migration would come to an end after they reached Tongqiang, but they learned after the break that they had to continue to go east for ten days and a half months, via Fukou Road, to the east of Taihang and the south of Handan. For the "Ye" place to live.

For a time, the migrating people complained, but there was nothing they could do. Zhao Bing's sword and halberd stood brightly behind them, and they could only rest enough to continue on the road. Fortunately, food and lodging along the way are still guaranteed, and most of those who have been migrated have lost their land, and they have almost been reduced to rogue slaves and farm laborers, and they have suffered hardships.

But they didn't realize that from the moment they left Tongjiao, they were no longer the people of the former public office, but the people of the Zhao family.

Zhao Wuxi attaches great importance to this big migration. Ten thousand families are small families. The previous clan ties have been cut off. They will be divided into five groups to go to Yecheng. Each group will be escorted by the army and monitored by officials. Among the officials of the Zhao clan, there is Ren Zhang.

Although this person is a little immature, but in his twenties, he can say so much in Zhao Wuxi without being nervous.

Therefore, when Zhao Wuxi asked Ji Ran to be Ye Ling and responsible for the development of Yedi, he also asked Ren Zhang to follow him. Wuxi wanted to see what kind of achievements he could make.

"After all, I have also studied with Lao Tzu, and I have something to do with Ren Zhang, but Shangqing handed over Gubu Ziqing's disciples to me for polishing, he won't have any opinion?"

"Gubu Ziqing just wants to find a job for his disciples, and he himself continues to travel around the world, let loose, and be a happy seeker. These external affairs should not be bothered."

"I'm really envious." Ji Ran said with envy on his face: "The house is full of gold and jade, and Mo Zhi can keep the wealth and honor and be proud, but he has left his own fault and retired, and the way of heaven is also in this point, I am not as good as Laozi or aunt. Bu Ziqing."

"Lao Tzu and Gu Bu Ziqing chose to hide from the world, because they have nothing to ask for. The husband chose to be born, to retreat is to be old, and to advance to Yao and Shun. This is probably the ambition of the teacher?"

Ji Ran laughed loudly: "Shangqing knows me, and will make Zhao's state rich and strong but not decline. Only after a hundred years of peace can the old retire."

Speaking of the teachers and disciples, Zhao Wuxi moved in his heart and asked again, "I heard Zigong once said that there is a disciple named Fan Li."

Zhao Wuxi originally wanted Zigong to go to Chu State to find Fan Li and Wenzhong, but unfortunately they both went to Yue State as envoys of the King of Chu at that time. After that, Zhao Wuxi sent people to visit Chu twice again, but they came back with no results, and even the Wenzhong who went with him could not be found. Unwilling to be reconciled, he spent a lot of money to let the messenger enter the country of Vietnam to find out the root cause.

Zhao Shi took the translator all the way to Kuaiji, only to learn that after Fan Li entered Vietnam, he was appreciated by the Yuejun Goujian and stayed as a doctor of the Yue Kingdom. After Wen Zhong completed the marriage between Chu and Yue, he also served the king of Chu Ordered to stay in the country of Yue to assist the king of Yue

From Hebei to Yingcheng, the capital of Chu, it takes two or three months to walk slowly, and then from Ying to Yue, even if it is faster to go down the river by boat, it will take ten days and a half to enter Kuaiji, so these times One by one, two years passed by in a hurry, and Zhao Wuxi could only pass by Wen Zhong and Fan Li regretfully.

Ji Ran nodded after listening to it: "At that time, Shangqing asked me to write a letter and send it as a gift, so I don't know how my disciple responded."

Zhao Wuxi felt a little unhappy in his heart. After reaching his position, he was rarely rejected. When people from all over the world heard that Zhao Qing loved talents, they took the initiative to apply for a job like Ren Zhang: "He said that Mr. My husband assisted me, worth a hundred Fan Li, and declined my offer."

Ji Ran laughed and said: "Fan Shaobo lied, he spent two years learning my strategy thoroughly, although he may not be able to surpass me, but if he can meet the master of Ming and manage the country of a thousand vehicles, only Afraid no less than me."

Hearing what Ji Ran said, Zhao Wuxi became more curious about Fan Li, and hoped to get this person even more. If the "Three Heroes of Xingyue" can get the second, or even the third, all three of them can serve as the top officials of the frontier.

"Sir, can you write another letter to persuade Fan Li and Wen Zhong? Although Yu Yue once defeated Wu State with Li, and King Helu of Wu died in this battle, he was considered famous all over the world. He even married Chu State three years ago and practiced it. The daughter married Xiong Zhen, the king of Chu, and Chu and Yue had a tendency to unite against Wu. However, in the wild land of Yue since ancient times, the river was forced to the west and the sea was thin in the east. There is no accumulation of fish in the wild, let alone horses and chariots. With the momentum of the Yue Kingdom, even if a great talent goes there, it will only make the country cheer up for a while. In a short time, I don’t believe that the Yue Kingdom can break through the Wu Kingdom and achieve success great cause."

Ji Ran stroked his beard and said helplessly: "The Zhao family is full of talented people, but Yue Guo has only two civil servants. It may be easier to come here and the situation will be better, but in Yue country, once Yue Zi starts to pay attention to them, he will definitely I will use it as a confidant. Although my disciple is cautious in his words and deeds in the letter, he is actually arrogant and arrogant. Like Wen Zhong, he is a person who would rather be a chicken’s head than a cow’s queen. Since he has declined Shang Qing, I am afraid that I have made up my mind and plan to do something in the country of Vietnam. What's more."

Ji Ran smiled: "What's more, Wu State and Yue State belong to the same state, with the same language and similar customs, and the unity of the two countries can achieve the hegemony of the Southern Kingdom. Cai Shimo predicted more than ten years ago that Wu would die thirty years later, and perhaps the one who would eventually die would be the Yue Kingdom assisted by Wen Zhong and Fan Li.”

Zhao Wuxi secretly praised Ji Ran's guess as being extremely accurate. Historically, the rivalry with Liu Qing and the Chen family's generation of Qi happened at the same time. It was Wu Yue's spring and autumn. However, the repetitions, twists and turns, the contest of kings, the intrigue of famous officials, and the stunning glimpses of beauties in the night sky like fireworks are completely unimaginable for those who have not heard those legendary stories.

He cares about it in his heart. A few days ago, he heard that Wu Wangfuchai began to motivate his soldiers, and he was angry and attacked Yue. He planned to avenge the battle with Li three years ago. Historically, this war ended with the fiasco of the Yue Kingdom and Goujian became a servant of Fuchai, and the 20 years of love and murder between the two began. Now that Goujian's career is about to fall into a trough, it's time to send his new traveler, Chu Longjin, for a trip~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Fan Li and Wen Zhong will come to the north soon.

As soon as he thought of this, he temporarily let go of the matter. Now he has Dong Anyu sitting in Jinyang, Zhang Mengtan in charge of the state of Lu, Duanmuci in control of Taoqiu, Yin Duo moved to Handan, Buddha Gian changed to the eldest son Ling, Chaoge Cheng Tuan was stationed there, and Yang Hu defended Rong Di Xianyu at the Bai people. Finally, let Ji Ran accompany him to sit in Yecheng, and Zhao's key economic, administrative, and military centers will be alive.

But Zhao Wuxi never thought too much about talent. Since Fan Li and Wen Zhong who were far away could not be fooled for the time being, he set his sights on Zhou Shi, who was closer. There was also a good talent there.

In mid-January, Zhao Wuxi went to Wenxian County to prepare to complete the relocation of the Zhao family to Yecheng. The movement of the people in Jiangdu was extremely loud. This incident had spread throughout the Central Plains, just across the river. When the Zhou royal family was secretly relieved for the Zhao family to move the main town away from itself, there was an urgent report from Mengjin.

"Shangqing's commander-in-chief of Jin's army is approaching Mengjin, with flags covering ten li, ships occupying the ferry on the south bank, and he threatens to ask Zhou Shi Gongqing to deceive the emperor and help Zhi, Fan and Zhongxing!"

To be continued

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