Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 822: Ask Zhou Shi's crime!

In the twenty-sixth year of King Zhou's reign, the first month of spring is the Jiazi day.

Thirty miles north of Chengzhou Wangcheng, Mengjin Ferry.

For the Zhou Dynasty, Mengjin had extraordinary significance: six hundred years ago, King Wen was appointed for nine years, and King Wu of Zhou looked eastward to watch troops and came to Mengjin. He carried the wooden owner of King Wen of Zhou in the car, and called himself "Prince Fa". He summoned eight hundred princes to meet here, and announced the oath of peace to defeat the merchants of Zhou.

The scene at that time was unforgettable. The white beard fluttered but the courageous Master Shangfu issued an order to the lords and chiefdoms: "In total, you will be in a boat, and you will join the boat, and the last one will be killed!" King Wu of Zhou crossed the river from Mengjin, When it was in the middle of the river, a big white fish jumped into the king's boat. King Wu bent down and picked it up to worship Hebo. After crossing the big river, another bolide fell from the sky! It flew all the way to Wangwu Mountain before falling, its flowing color was black, its true color was red, and its sound was shocking!

Two years later, King Wu of Zhou came to Mengjin again, and used 300 chariots, 3,000 tigers and 45,000 soldiers to attack Dayi merchants! It is the year, the year is in the quail fire, the moon is in the sky, the sun is in the wood, the moon is in the beginning of the battle, the star is in the sky

But now more than 600 years have passed, the mighty Ji Zhou royal family has long lost the heroic appearance of their ancestors. Instead, they look sick and shaky when a storm blows. Ferry is particularly evident.

The sky is vast, the ice is melting and the snow is melting, a spring rain has just passed, and the air is full of warm smells, but Mengjin Ferry, the chill from the heart penetrates the whole body. On the edge of the ferry, Liu Cheng, the son of Zhou Wangqing's gentleman Liu Gong, stood in the wild grass at his waist, watching the surging Yellow River rush past, his eyes were frightened and dull.

On the other side of the big river in front of him was a black screen, that was Zhao Bing of Heyang. Looking at the dark formation of the Zhao army on the other side, and the Zhao's Wenxian fleet with white sails slowly approaching, even though the riverbank was several miles away, Liu Cheng felt that he was out of breath, which made him feel pierced to the bone. The cold, and the deep despair.

Liu Guo is the emperor's feudal country in Jin. The first generation ancestor Liu Kanggong is the youngest son of King Qing of Zhou. He is the same mother and brother of King Zhou Kuang and Zhou Ding. Duke Xian and Duke Wen IV until now, have successively served as royal officials for a hundred years. The princes of Liu State, who were in charge of hundreds of officials in the dynasty, could command the princes when they went abroad, and their status was so prominent.

However, today, the Liu family is facing a great crisis!

His family was married to the Fan clan of the Jin state, but now that the Fan clan was defeated, the three families of Zhao, Wei, and Han of the Jin state were divided into the land of Fan and the Zhongxing clan. When the Zhou family saw that the situation was not good, they began to neglect the Liu clan. A few years ago, I thought that the Zhao family would no longer pursue this matter. Who would have thought that Zhao Wuxi, the new minister of the Jin Kingdom, for some reason, suddenly remembered what Liu family had done, and he brazenly sent troops to apologize!

Counting Lu Guo, Zhao's size and strength have already surpassed Qi's, so that Duke Liu was so anxious that he could not stay there. Even today's affairs can only be done by the prince Liu Cheng. The Zhao family, once again brought an unpredictable disaster to the Liu family.

It's all Shan's fault!

Thinking of this, Liu Cheng squinted angrily, and his peer Shan Ping was also standing by the river. He was the son of Shan Mu Gong and the current Shan Gong. Although he was also standing on the bank, he had a complacent look on his face. The humiliation of welcoming the princes of the princes with the prince of the emperor.

Shan Guo, a prince appointed by the son of King Cheng of Zhou, was also a feudal country in Ji, and he came along when King Ping moved eastward. However, his status was not obvious. It was not until the past hundred years that he gradually came to the fore. By pacifying the chaos of the prince and his sons, he became the second highest minister after the Liu family.

A few years ago, Zhou Shi was involved in the civil war in Jin. After the fall of Fan, Zhongxing, and Zhi clan, Liu clan was neglected, and Shan clan, who was close to Zhao, jumped up and became a hot clan around the emperor. Especially when Zhao Wuxi's handsome army was stationed in Heyang on the north bank of Mengjin and threatened the royal family, King Zhou agreed to Shan Ping's suggestion and asked them to set up a battle to welcome Zhao Wuxi to the south bank!

In fact, there are not many Zhao soldiers on the other side, only three or five thousand, but this division of a hundred battles is frightening.

"They're here!" Shan Ping suddenly clenched his fists and looked into the distance. Liu Cheng raised his head quickly, followed his gaze, and saw seven or eight white sails and big wings approaching from the other side. After they landed, the horses on board jumped down in groups and slowly gathered. Although there are only a few hundred horses, if they gather together, they can step on the cloud and thunder! Accompanied by a burst of thunder, it became louder and louder from far to near. Not only Liu Cheng, but even Shan Ping turned pale.

This is the Zhao clan's iron cavalry that moved the Central Plains and stepped on the three thousand miles of mountains and rivers of Zhi, Fan, and Zhongxing?

Surrounded by riders, the tall black bird flag fluttered in the wind, and the black bird holding the sun on it wanted to spread its wings and fly high.

It was Zhao Wuxi who came, and the Jin State Shangqing, who was carrying a murderous aura, brought three hundred Zhao's iron cavalry to cross the river from the other side, so natural danger could not stop his footsteps.

Over the past few months, he has killed Zhiyao, expelled Zhibo, and forced the entire Jin State to swear an oath in Houma, recognizing his unshakable position. He also captured Jin Hou Wu to Tongjiao and placed him under house arrest. What exactly did he want to do when he came to Chengzhou on a whim this time? Do you want to do the Jin Kingdom thing again here? Showing his ruthlessness and cruelty to the world, ruthlessly destroying everything, and completely pushing the already crumbling kingdom of the Son of Heaven into the abyss?

Liu Cheng bit his lip tightly, his face was pale, Shan was pro-Zhao, in this situation, how should Liu handle himself?

He couldn't bear to think too much, and the Yanri Xuanniao on the Xuanniao banner began to jump, jumping from a distance to their vicinity. The iron cavalry was like the wind, and the faint sound of horse hooves quickly turned into a deafening thunder. The earth trembled and the sound was like a tidal wave. Hundreds of Zhao's iron cavalry rushed to the honor guard of Shan Ping, Liu Cheng, and others, surrounded them in the middle, and swirled around them, the horse's hooves almost kicked them in the face. For a time, the sound of horses' hooves, the sound of weapons crashing, and the fierce shouts of the soldiers merged into a huge wave that engulfed and swept them away, causing Shan Ping and Liu Cheng to be at a loss.

Among the stars holding the moon, Zhao Wuxi, in black clothes, black armor and a red cloak, appeared in front of Shan and Liu on a horse that was seven-and-a-half feet high in armor. He sat high, looking down at them, like a mountain, pressing heavily on their hearts. An indescribable fear enveloped Liu Cheng, causing his legs to tremble, his teeth chattering, and a gurgling sound that even the deaf could hear.

Zhao's cavalrymen let out sneering noises, and Zhao Wuxi naturally heard it, glanced at him, and asked, "The Shangqing of Jin is here, where are the emperor's Qing Shidan and Liu Ergong?"

Zhao Wuxi's voice was like thunder, piercing the eardrums. Liu Cheng shuddered with fright, and the jade in his hand almost fell to the ground. Seeing that Shan Ping had already stepped forward to report to his home, he hurriedly stepped forward and replied, "The Prince Liu is here."

"I have seen Shan Gong."

Zhao Wuxi nodded towards Shan Ping, but he didn't even look directly at Liu Cheng, he kicked the war horse, and the tall steed took two steps forward. The bubble almost slammed into Liu Cheng's face, causing Liu Cheng to take a step back involuntarily and almost fell to the ground, his face pale.

The words behind the shirtless copper coat were cold: "Sir Liu? Why didn't Duke Liu come to see me in person, but only sent the heir. Does this look down on my youth?"

As the heir, Liu Cheng's status is indeed not as high as that of the Shangqing in the state of Jin. He hurriedly lowered his head and said, "How dare you, my father is sick at home, so let the boy do it for him."

His heart is desolate and desolate. His family, as the emperor, has participated in and presided over the alliance for many times. Although the royal family is indeed broken, the emperor and the princes are equal to each other, and they are courteous when recruiting each other. Such a desperate situation.

"Really?" Zhao Wuqi looked at Shan Ping inquiringly. Although the Shan Liu family had a dispute in the court, they had worked together to fight against the prince's court, and their lips and teeth were cold. Framed, he nodded and testified for Duke Liu.

However, Zhao Wuxi's face did not improve. After he dismounted from the horse and undressed, he looked at the two of them with eagle-like eyes several times. Without being polite, he asked bluntly: "Where is the person I want? brought him?"

Shan Ping hurriedly said flatteringly: "At Shangqing's request, Chang Hong has been brought here."

At the end of the speech, the ding ding ding sound came from far and near, an old man who was over sixty years old, eight feet tall, and had a handsome appearance came up. After being imprisoned for several days, his gray hair was a little messy, and his hands and feet were shackled and shackled. The fetters are bound.

Liu Chengjian had served the Liu family for decades, and the master who preached and taught him ended up with a sore nose. He almost cried, but he finally held back.

Liu Guo has been passed down for a hundred years, and now it is the fifth generation, so it can't just die, so even if you make sacrifices, you must please Jin Zhao Qing, so that Liu can survive this catastrophe safely~www.wuxiaspot .com~ Liu Cheng could only accept all this silently, lowering his sleeves, not daring to look into the teacher's eyes.

Chang Hong glanced at Liu Cheng's low bun, sighed, and didn't say anything. He just staggered to Zhao Wuxi, his eyes didn't evade, and he just looked straight at him. he.

In the face of the lords of Jin who are angered and fearful, and who live in peace will bring peace to the world, there is no fear in the eyes of the old man, only magnanimity and fearlessness!

Although his hands and feet are bound, his freedom is deprived, and even his dignity and life cannot be guaranteed, he still has a good voice.

It looks like the master who gave orders to the 800 princes back then!

"The south of the river is the territory of the emperor's territory. The princes and ministers who come here are not allowed to carry swords and weapons. They must dismount from their horses, unload their carriages, unload their armors, and bow at the palace of the king's city! So far, it should be the same! How can Marshal Zhao be an exception today?"

(To be continued)

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