Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 823: loyalty unto death

PS: This is the chapter today, and there will be two more tomorrow. "Le" Wen "Fiction www.lw

Standing on the bow of the boat, with heavy shackles bound, looking at the land of Chengzhou, Henan, which is getting farther and farther away, Chang Hong has mixed feelings in his heart.

Today's Zhou Shi is like a fragile big river spray, easily broken by Zhao's boat tip, Chang Hong only feels that his efforts over the years have all come to nothing.

He was a native of a small town named "Shu" on the edge of Mount Tai. He was not a high-born man, just a poor man. He was a young man who left home and wandered around, becoming a retainer everywhere. He came to Wangcheng and became Liu Xiangong's retainer. When he just came to Chengzhou, he was facing a situation where the princes were sitting on the throne and disrespecting the emperor. In order to assist King Zhou and Duke Liu, and maintain the dignity of the royal family, Chang Hong skillfully used the "alchemy" he had learned at the seaside of Qi State, and set up shooting "raccoon heads" to find the basis for King Zhou to rule the world.

However, it was also laughed at by Lao Tzu as a "little technique".

"Then what should I do?" Seeing that the Zhou Shijiang was declining, Chang Hong asked Laozi worriedly.

Lao Tzu laughed at that time: "How to do it? There is no need to do anything. If you abandon sage and abandon wisdom, the people will benefit a hundred times; if you abandon benevolence and righteousness, the people will regain filial piety; If you desire, you will have no worries about learning. "

Sure enough, not long after, King Zhou Jing died violently, and the rebellion broke out in the prince's dynasty. The Zhou family was divided into two, and the three princes, Zhou, Zhao, Gan, Mao, Shan, and Liu, lived in this snail corner. Played in the dark. During this period of time, Chang Hong was the key to the victory of Zhou Wanglu and Liu's family in the rebellion of the prince's dynasty. It was he who persuaded the six ministers of Jin to send troops, which made a crucial reversal of the war situation.

The Prince's Dynasty incident lasted for more than ten years, and the comprehensive civil war lasted for five years. It was the biggest and last time in the chaos of the Zhou royal family's struggle for the reserve. He made the last remaining military power of the Zhou royal family completely lost in the internal friction. The Zhou royal family, who had lost their teeth and was considered by the princes to be in the wrong position, was completely reduced to a puppet regime.

Although Wang Zichao fled south, after several years of war, the Zhou family's bones were exposed in the wild, no roosters croaked for a hundred miles, and even most of the books were taken away. Countless doctor cities and towns were destroyed in the war, and post-war construction was impossible. The princes also became more and more disrespectful to the Zhou family.

Chang Hong was a little disappointed and discouraged, but at this time, Lao Tzu, who was about to leave Zhou's room, spoke to him again...

"If the Great Dao is abolished, there is benevolence and righteousness; if the six relatives are not in harmony, there is filial piety; if the country is in chaos, there are loyal ministers. Changzi encourages them, and encourages them."

So Chang Hong got excited again, and he and Liu Gong agreed to expand the city into Zhoucheng near Diquan, east of Lushui. Due to the lack of financial resources of the Zhou royal family, Chang Hong lobbied everywhere to win the support of Wei Xianzi, the ruler of Jin, and other princes. Together with the strength of the princes, the project was finally completed, allowing Cheng Zhou to complete the post-war recovery. After a generation, Hukou grew, merchants revived, and gradually returned to the state before the chaos.

Chang Hong was ambitious, not to mention restoring Zong Zhou's heyday, at least he wanted Cheng Zhou to return to the Ping and Huan periods, and the feudal lords respected Zhou's house. It's a pity that everything is gradually getting on the right track, but they are interrupted by external force. They took the wrong side in the civil war of Jin, so that they were liquidated by the victors, and they also fell into this end...

The sound of footsteps sounded, and Chang Hong turned his head. The Shang Qing of the Jin State, Zhao Wuxi of the Yuan Rong of the Three Armies, had put on his regular clothes and walked towards him slowly.

This son is the biggest accident that Chang Hong has ever seen in his life. From the son of a noble family in exile in other countries, he continued to use the situation to build momentum until he reached his current position. His life experience is even more legendary than Duke Wen Chong'er!

Maybe in the eyes of this murderous Hu Qing, he is just an old locust tree that can be cut down at will...

Chang Hong was unwilling, clenched his fists, his eyes were wide open, and he was furious, like a mantis blocking a car, or a mayfly shaking a tree, staring at Zhao Wuxi.

But Wu Xie walked up to him and let people untangle Chang Hong's shackles, and then bowed solemnly to him: "I have offended you a lot earlier, and I hope Changzi will forgive me."

From being domineering to being polite, Zhao Wuxi's change made Chang Hong not mentally prepared at all, and the unyielding aura of suffocation suddenly vented most of it, and he was even a little overwhelmed.


Zhao Wuxi changed his previous attitude and treated Chang Hong respectfully and politely, which made Chang Hong puzzled.

"What does the marshal mean?"

"Changzi used to be the teacher of Confucius. I also have some ties with Confucius. I barely count as half of Confucius' disciples, and even his son-in-law. When I meet Changzi, I should treat each other with courtesy."

Chang Hong sneered: "With the way the Marshal has done things in recent years, I'm afraid that Confucius will not recognize you, whether it is a disciple or a son-in-law."

Zhao Wuchun smiled and said, "Is that so? In the near future, Confucius is only afraid that there will be another grandson of the Zhao family. Therefore, whether he recognizes it or not, the fait accompli can't be easier, just like the status quo of Chengzhou. The sinking ship, no matter how the people on the ship shout and pull, can't stop the sinking trend, and it will be completely buried by the sand, it is only a matter of time."

Talking about Cheng Zhou's future, Chang Hong involuntarily and habitually exhorted: "When the marshal first ascended to the position of minister, he has the ambition to join the princes, why not respect Zhou and rectify his name? Betrayed the king several times, only the Jin family survived. Zhao Chengzi said that it is better to enter the Zhou Dynasty to seek hegemony. Zhao Xuanzi and Zhao Wenzi have also supported the Zhou family many times, and the marshal can follow suit..."

Zhao Wuxi laughed loudly from the bow of the boat: "Sir, it's hard to protect himself, and he still remembers the safety of Zhou Shi and Duke Liu. It's a real heart, but it's a pity... It's a pity that the bright moon in Mr.'s heart shines in the ditch."

He handed over the things in his hand and handed it to Chang Hong.

"Sir, take a good look at it, how did the Son of Heaven and Duke Liu blame you?"

The emperor's edict was written on fine silk. The silk book praised Zhao's past dynasties for their diligence in the king's orders and was a model of people and ministers. I hope that Zhao Wuxi will continue to make persistent efforts and forget the previous small misunderstandings caused by the confusion of the officials. The content of this silk book is elegant, but it is full of shirking responsibilities. The blame was thrown on Liu Gong, who advocated helping the Fan family, and Liu Gong's retainer, Chang Hong. It is said that Chang Hong has been in the Zhou government for many years, and the reason why the rebellion of the prince dynasty continued for so many years is his responsibility. After the war, it was Chang Hong’s idea to move the capital to Zhou and rebuild the royal city. On the side of the enemy, it was Chang Hong's choice, not the emperor's original intention...

As for Liu Gong's letter, it was even more servile. He used all kinds of exaggerated words to flatter Zhao Wuxi, saying that he was young and promising, no less than Zhao Wuzi, and also claimed that the fields north of the Dahe belonged to Liu's family were not allowed. Please Zhao Wuxi He smiled and accepted that there were still splendid money and silk, 100 male and female slaves, 100 craftsmen and weavers, and 300 rogue households as compensation for Liu's help. He also promised that all the descendants of the Fan family in the Liu family would be expelled from the country, and that the Liu family would definitely stand on the same front as the Zhao family in the future.

"Sir, you have been abandoned by the Emperor and Duke Liu as scapegoats."

After Chang Hong read it, after a while, he looked up at the sky and sighed: "Is it possible that I advocate relocation to show merit? Is it a sin to invite Jin teachers to come to aid? It's really absurd."

Zhao Wuxi said: "Cheng Zhou has long since raised the filth of the dynasty and the master is alone."

"Back then, the doctor of the State of Wei said that the Zhou Dynasty has gone through fourteen generations since King You was in a coma. I, Chang Hong, still want to restore it, but there will be no good results, and it is so now. Even if the emperor and Liu Gongruo Blame me and kill me on the bustling market, I don't feel sad, I just regret that after I go, the decline of Chengzhou will only intensify! Alas, the temples of poor King Wen and King Wu are going to wither even more!"

He turned around, pointed to his chest and said, "I have worked hard for thirty years to get such a result. My heart is dead. If the marshal wants to kill me to intimidate the world, then kill me!"

Zhao Wuxi looked at the 60-year-old elder who was full of grief and anger in front of him, and his mood was a little complicated.

In history, Chang Hong's death was one of the few stains in his father Zhao Yang's life. Chang Hong was loyal to Zhou and Liu. After the civil war of Liuqing, Zhao Yang came to power, just like Zhao Wuxi today. Zhou room to be liquidated.

So Zhou Tianzi blamed Liu Shi, Liu Shi blamed Chang Hong, and Chang Hong was expelled back to his hometown of Shu. He was speechless, full of grief and anger, and with a strong temperament, he opened his stomach and committed suicide on the way to prove his heart. Chang Hong's unjust death aroused the pity and sympathy of the local officials and people. They put Chang Hong's blood in a jade box, buried it and erected a monument. Three years later, when the burial was excavated, he opened the jade box and saw that his blood had turned into a crystal clear jasper, dazzling and illuminating the world...

This is the story of Bi Xue Dan Xin, Chang Hong was loyal, but ended up like this, often making later generations of scholars and writers sigh with embarrassment. On this timeline, the Zhao clan is much stronger than before, not to mention Chang Hong, even Liu clan, as long as he wants to overthrow, he can easily do it. As Zhao, Zheng, and Han surrounded Chengzhou, especially since the Zhao family had already controlled Mengjin Ferry through this threat, the Zhou family had to go back to the past, when only the state of Jin was a slave...

Zhao Wushi will continue to maintain the status of the emperor of Zhou, and the emperor also reciprocates. In order to avoid Zhao clan attacking Zhou, to recognize the legitimacy of Zhao clan as minister, and to clean up the remnants of anti-Zhao forces in Jin State in Wangcheng, Zhao Wushi promised to let Zhou in turn. The king avoided the prince's counterattack against the rest of the party, and guarded against Zheng Guo's harm and appropriation of the Zhou family's territory.

The Zhou family has been decided, but for Chang Hong, the scapegoat, since Zhao Wuxi's ambition is in the world, instead of killing Chang Hong and making his reputation worse, it is better to treat him as a horse's bone, and use it as a market of thousands of gold...

So Zhao Wuci took off his cloak and put it on Changhong's thin body, and said, "A man must die, either lighter than Mount Tai, or heavier than a feather. If the teacher just died here, it would be a pity to be full of knowledge. already."

Chang Hong glanced at Zhao Wuxi and seemed to understand: "The marshal asked me from the Zhou family this time, is it not to kill me to vent his anger, but to want me to do things for the Zhao family?"

"Of course."

Chang Hong laughed and said, "Even though the Emperor and Duke Liu abandoned me, my heart still belongs to Cheng Zhou, and the marshal should not waste time."

Zhao Wuxi was confident: "This is both a plea and an exchange."

"what for?"

"With the strength of the Zhao clan, it is not difficult to force the emperor and the Shan clan to exterminate the Liu clan, but if Mr. Zhao serves the Zhao clan for one day, I can let Cheng Zhou keep the Liu clan for one day."

Chang Hong's face was a little livid: "The marshal is threatening me!"

"It's not a threat, it's a deal, if you want it or not, please, sir."

Chang Hong stared at Zhao Wu Xie fiercely, and after a while, he was discouraged, and said helplessly: "Under the situation, Duke Liu abandoned me like a passerby, but I have served Duke Liu for three generations, but I can't help but remember. Mr. Liu. Marshal, tell me, what do you want me to do with this old bone? The Zhao family has Dong Anyu and Zhang Mengtan in the administration, Deng Xi in the law, and Xin Wenzi in the management of goods. They are all better than me... "

"But when it comes to literature and books, and familiarity with rituals and music, in this world, apart from Lao Tzu, who can't live in seclusion, and Confucius who always avoids me, Mr. is the best."

Chang Hong, who is known as "the spirit of heaven and earth, the journey of the sun and the moon, the changes of wind and rain, the number of calendars and laws, poetry, books, rituals and music, can understand everything." What's the use?"

"It's useless in Chengzhou, but it's useful in Zhao's!"

After landing on the shore, Zhao Wuxi immediately invited Chang Hong to sit in the carriage and told him about his plan.


"Mr. is also half a Lu person. Do you remember how many books you read when you came from Shuyi near Mount Tai?"

Chang Hong sighed: "There is only one scroll of bamboo slips in Luzhong in my hometown. In the hands of the local tyrants, he regards it as a treasure and would not easily lend it to others to read. Because I was more prominent in the village archery ceremony, I was favored by the three old people, and I was enlightened by these four volumes. ", recited 20,000 words. At the age of twenty-nine, he went to the seaside of Qi State, met alchemists, learned the "Book of Changes" and various alchemy techniques, and recited 20,000 words. In Chengzhou, he was originally a small official of Tianguan, and he studied Tianguan. The book has 40,000 words. Finally, relying on the relationship of Liu Xiangong, I was able to enter the storage room and read the thousand volumes of books under the guidance of Lao Tzu. I immediately fell in love with it and spent several years indulging in it. A million words."

Zhao Wuxi nodded, as he expected, the reading volume of one million words is the level of the top scholars of this era, and Lao Tzu, Confucius, Ji Ran and others are just like this, and they will not be better than one of the later generations. Many high school students. Of course, they also have talent and life experience, oral narrative to make up for it.

But those ordinary scholars who can read as much as 80,000 words before the age of 30 Chang Hong are enough to be called "wen people". In other places, it is rare to obtain a large amount of knowledge, and even the students of Confucius can only describe it orally.

So after the war, Zhao Wuxi had an idea in his heart, an idea that made the scholars all over the world rush to...

He said, "If I remember correctly, the Chengzhou Shou Tibetan Chamber was destroyed in the chaos of the prince's dynasty."

Chang Hong said regretfully: "Yes, most of the books were taken away by the prince, and only three or four tenths of the library remained."

Wu Xun smiled and said: "Even three or four tenths of this, the emperor, Liu and Shan Ergong agreed to give it to me. In addition to paying Zhao's compensation for part of the land, money, silk, and population, Liu Gong also kept the king's city in hiding. Many classics in the room are delivered."

Chang Hong was heartbroken: "Only names and tools, not fake people. These books are also artifacts of the entire week. How can they be given as gifts... How does the marshal plan to deal with them?"

Wu Xie said: "These books, plus more than 10,000 volumes from Shangqiu, Qufu, Puyang, Jiangdu, Linzi, Ju, Taoqiu, and Xue, have been purchased, gifted, or copied from the Yin, Zhou, and vassal states. The ancient books and documents will be gathered in Yecheng, and I will build a new storage room there, which can store 20,000 volumes!"

"A collection of 20,000 volumes..." Chang Hong didn't expect it at first, and was stunned by Zhao Wuxi's ambition. The degree of surprise was no less than when he heard that this son had moved the capital to Tongjiao and imprisoned the Marquis of Jin.

"I would like to invite you to serve as a sacrificial wine for the guarding room of Yecheng, together with Jun Boyu from Wei State, Shi Mo and Shi Zhao from Jin State, Zuo Qiu Ming from Lu State, and some Confucian disciples, to compile and compile it. It will be a book on paper, and it will benefit scholars all over the world." Zhao Wuxi had a plan, he did not believe that as a learned person who loved books, Chang Hong, who was a little discouraged about politics, would reject him.

He had no chance of rejecting it at all!

Sure enough, Chang Hong hesitated and re-examined Zhao Wu Xie. Compared with the previous one who was fully armed to press Zhou Wang Qingshi, he is now dressed in regular clothes and has a gentle and refined manner.

When Zhou Gongdan entered the dynasty~www.wuxiaspot.com~ When his brothers and clansmen were busy grabbing gold artifacts and competing for population, he was the first to enter the shaye society of Yinshang, and put the oracle bones and bones that the great witch planned to destroy. The inscriptions and inscriptions of the pan were all intercepted. From this, I deeply studied the rituals of Yin, added profits and losses, and created a perfect ritual of Zhou!

While acquiring outstanding martial arts, one must also focus on culture and education. This is the difference between the great powers of the Central Plains and the Rong Di barbarians, and also the difference between the kingly way and the pure overbearing!

Chang Hong asked curiously, "Marshal, what exactly do you want to do in Yecheng?"

Zhao Wuxi smiled as he looked at the vast river, his confidence and eagle lofty, just like the heroic King Wu of Zhou, the white fish jumped in the boat, and the flowing black crossed the starry sky above him, across the land of Jizhou, and fell to the ground. Yecheng, with all its businesses waiting to be prospered, announced the beginning of an axial era.

"I want to build an academy that can accommodate thousands of people with the Yecheng Keeping Chamber as the center!"

"I want all the free scholars in the world to join me!"

"I want to ask Mr. to help me, to follow the three generations of unique learning, and to create peace in the world!"

(To be continued.)

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