Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 824: the University

PS: There is a chapter in the evening, a little late

Zhao Wuxi's bold words surprised Chang Hong, and he caught a glimpse of the raging ambitions. While worrying about Cheng Zhou and Liu, the word "School" made him full of curiosity.

"Why the Academy?"

"The school palace is the university. The kings of ancient times did not take education as their major task, established a university to teach the country, and set up an order for transformation. The order is also called an elementary school. As for the university, it is a place for adult scholars like Uncle Chang to continue their studies, and students can read books and study under the guidance of everyone.”

To build a brand-new academy in Yecheng, making it the first real "university" in the world of Zhao and Jin, this was Zhao Wuxi's idea a long time ago.

It is not that he has not implemented educational policies, but Zhao Wuxi in his early years was not as mature as he is now. Some of the measures he promulgated in Lu were too ideal, such as stationing magpie doctors in various places to improve medical conditions, such as popularizing Mongolian education in rural areas , and fell into a bottleneck after a period of implementation.

The magpies are too scattered, and the doctors are inexperienced, which leads to the slow diagnosis and treatment speed, the shortage of medicinal materials in various places, and the medical hall has not been able to turn losses into profits. As for Mongolian learning, the financial department also needs to subsidize money in the plan. If it is to be popularized in every township in Lu country, it will not only need a lot of money, but also a lot of literacy teachers. Not to mention the former, the latter is a problem that cannot be solved at all. . Therefore, only one or two schools can be set up in each county and Dayi, and the Xiangluzhong can only return to the Xiangsheli for intermittent teaching.

In the final analysis, production is still too backward, and there are too few basic talents. This is still the case in Lu, where the literacy rate is relatively high, let alone other places. Therefore, after serving as the Minister of Jin State, Zhao Wuxi thought hard about the shortage of talents in Zhao's territory, how to break through the previous shortcomings and find a way of nurturing and selecting talents that is most suitable for this era?

It is not feasible to forcibly promote Mongolian learning when the government treasury is not sufficient and literacy talents are scarce. The previous solicitation of diners was applicable to monarchs and lords, but it was obviously not applicable to Zhao Wuxi, a state-owned family with three or four thousand armors.

Therefore, Zhao Wuxi had an idea. Instead of going around to find sages, it is better to let sages bring them to the door. These thousands of volumes of books collected from all over the world are the bait!

In the pre-Qin era when there was a shortage of books, but the scholars all over the world were eager to learn, wherever there was knowledge, it would become a cultural center!

Zhao Wuxi remembered that Naito Hunan, a later Japanese man, had a discussion about the transfer of the Huaxia cultural center in the pre-Qin period, first in Chengzhou to keep the Tibetan Chamber, then to Qufu Xinglin of Lu State, then to Xihe of Wei State, and then to Jixia of Qi State. The next transfer is something that happened within a hundred years...

The Zhou Shou Collection Room attracted Confucius, Ji Ran, Chang Hong and others to study, because Lao Tzu kept it in good order, and there are a wealth of books available here. Qufu in the State of Lu attracted an endless stream of oriental scholars, Li Shu and even rangers, because Confucius, Shaozhengmao and others were the first to start private schools. Especially Confucius taught without distinction, and there were as many as two or three thousand disciples who had listened to his lectures.

This is what has already happened, and as for what has not happened yet, Zhao Wuxi is also very clear.

In history, after the death of Confucius, his disciple Zixia came to Wei State Xihe (Hexi) to give lectures, spread Confucian classics and culture, and attracted a large number of scholars from the Central Plains, such as Gongyanggao, Gu Liangchi, Duan Ganmu and Zigong Disciple Tian Zifang, even Wu Qi, Li Kui, and Ximen Bao also benefited from it. Many of them became the good officials of Wei State, created the three generations of Wei, Wei, Wu, Wei and Hui, and left Zhao and Han far away...

As for the Jixia School of Duke Huan of Tian Qi a hundred years later, no one knows about it, and there are hundreds of schools of thought gathered here, competing with each other, and the knowledge of Yin and Zhou fermented there, and finally brewed a great The era of: a hundred schools of thought contend!

However, in Zhao Wuxi's view, these two events are probably not going to happen, at least not in Hexi and Linzi, because it will be him, Yecheng, who will take over the mission of Laozi and Confucius to spread culture and education. The new school!

Let Hebei become the new cultural center of China!

"The Xinjiangpan Palace in Jin State was abandoned after the civil war began. Now that Jin has moved the capital, the Tongjiao is too small to build a school. Therefore, I plan to put the school in Yecheng. First, I will build a guard room to store the world's books. , and then invite Uncle Chang, Yun Boyu, Yan He, Shi Zhao and other famous people to sit in the chair, organize books, and at the same time introduce new ones, compile new books, and attract scholars from Jin and princes to come here to study. Uncle Chang felt that this strategy was feasible. no?"

Chang Hong closed his eyes, thought for a moment, and said, "In this way, not only the state of Jin, but all the scholars in the world will return to the Zhao family!"

He grew up step by step from a poor man, so he knows the behavior of these people, their thirst for knowledge is unimaginable by future generations, and this desire is enough to make them travel across thousands of mountains and rivers, travel several countries, just to see A roll of bamboo books…

Mencius and Mozi of later generations could still attract many disciples with a few carts of bamboo slips, not to mention Zhao Wuxi's school.

Don't struggle to find talents, but let talents come to you on your own initiative! This move of Zhao Wuxi is countless times better than the Wei, Han, and Chen clans who imitated Zhao Yang to feed their diners, and the various kings of later generations who searched for hermits in the four fields!

Lao Tzu’s Keeping Room is a place where people love to come and go. Confucius is a purely private school, with the only teacher teaching many students. The Xihe School is a combination of government and private institutions.

As for the new school in Zhaoji, Zhao Wuxi expected that it should be similar to Jixia, an officially funded university with some private schools mixed in.

In terms of thinking, his subordinates of Confucianism, Taoism, and Law are complete. Zhao Wuxi can feel that they are gearing up to fight for the right to speak. All three parties hope that they will become the theory of governance that Zhao Qing values. Except for the Mohists whose founder was not yet born, the Warring States period was almost complete.

Zhao Wuxi personally intervened in the science subjects, such as Ji Qiao's number, Fan Chi's farmer, and Gongxu's worker, all gradually taking shape. As long as he gave enough encouragement and guidance, he could continue to bring forth new ideas.

This university should be inclusive, and should actively join the WTO. It will not only enable academic revitalization, but also allow the government to consult at any time, and it will continue to supply high-level talents for the Zhao family!

Wu Xie thought too much and too far to tell Chang Hongming one by one, but just collecting the books of the world and sorting out new ones was enough to make the old man's heart move.

Therefore, under the threat and temptation, Chang Hong agreed. He will go to Yecheng with Zhao Wuxi and become the first batch of celebrities to settle in the Academy, and it is also a sign that attracts scholars from all over the world.

This time, when he went south to the Union and Tianjin, Zhao Wuxi successfully forced the Zhou family's pro-Zhao faction to come to power, and Shan Gong replaced Liu Gong as the ruling party.

When I returned to Wenxian with Chang Hong and a boatload of ancient bamboo books, the preparations for the relocation here were basically ready. As a temporary main town, Wenxian's historical mission was basically completed, and only the role of the ancestors and temples remained.

After the Hou-Ma alliance, Zhao Wuxi and Han Hu signed a secret agreement for land exchange. The Yong, Ning, etc. in Hanoi that originally belonged to the Han family were allocated to the Zhao family, and the Zhao family's several small towns west of Heyang Miao , Fan and others are assigned to the Han family, so that the Zhao family's Hanoi can expand to the south, and the Han family can finally reach the territory outside the river from Nanyang.

Therefore, the Zhao Bing in Wendi has basically been deployed. Zhao's strategy for the next few years is not to be confined to the center of the world, but to look at the vast frontier: the generation north of Xiawu Mountain, and the ridge on the shoulder of Hebei. In Zhongshan, you can get ten times the profit, and it will not frighten the lords of the Central Plains, and come to five countries to attack Zhao.

This is also an important reason why Zhao Wuxi moved north to Yecheng!

Among the first group of people who went to Yecheng, there were two mothers who were four months pregnant and had a slightly bulging lower abdomen. It’s really three joys to come. Zhao Wuxi’s wife Le Lingzi and his concubine Kong Jiao were both conceived before Zhao Wuxi’s western expedition. After returning, they were told that they had won two yuan, which made Zhao Wuxi overjoyed. The number of children has always been rare. his heart disease. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Wu Xie was going to send them to Yecheng to give birth, where they gave birth to the first batch of newborn babies after moving the capital. Zhao Wu Xie decided to choose their names by himself.

And his elder sister, Ji Ying, is still in the mourning hall to keep filial piety for Zhao Yang. She will stay until Xia Qiyue, and Zhao Yang will leave after the three-year mourning period. And Zhao Wuxi will come back again after arranging the affairs of Yecheng. Together with Ji Ying, he will accompany his father on the last journey. He has many, many things to say to Zhao Yang, including his origins, his own regrets and helplessness, and his own dreams...

When his father's filial piety ends in July, Zhao Wuxi will also announce a little-known past to the world and marry a new wife. He has been waiting for this day for too long, too long...

In the eyes of orthodox etiquette, what Zhao Wuxi has done and will do in the eyes of orthodox etiquette, he can't help but think, the moral gentleman Confucius. What kind of evaluation will the master give to himself?

"It's probably 'yes can be tolerated, but what can't be tolerated'!" On the way north to Yecheng with most of his belongings, Zhao Wuxi rode on his horse and laughed at himself...

(To be continued.)

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