Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 825: Is it tolerable, what is unbearable?

"It's tolerable, but it's unbearable!"

Zhao Wuxi was not bad. When Confucius heard what he had done, he got up from the couch angrily and said what Ji Shiba had said when he was dancing in the court.

For more than half a year, Confucius, who lived in Zheng State as a guest, was extremely disappointed with Zhao Wuxi. The first thing he heard was the news that Wu Xie had defeated Zhiyao in the battle of Danshui Changping. At first, he was relieved, after all, he did not want his daughter to be a young widow.

Although Zhao Wuxi had the evil deed of "rebeling Jin", he also let the people of Lu State defeat Qi State. Boyu and others wrote a letter inviting Confucius to cross the river into Zhao. At that time, Wu Tie had already established a school in Yecheng. If Confucius could come to sit in town, it would be good to be the mascot of the school.

Confucius was indeed a little moved at first, but then, everything Zhao Shangqing did was contrary to Confucius' wishes.

The alliance between Hou and Ma, the land of Zhao, Wei and Han, Jinhou, is like the reappearance of the history of Lu State's three-Huan three-part office, which made Confucius very unhappy. That's all, Zhao Wuxi resolutely forced to death his brothers Zhao Zhongxin and Shu Qi who had betrayed Zhao Touzhi after the alliance meeting, as well as Louxian doctor Dou Mingdu and Geng Di doctor Shunhua were also beheaded. In Jiangzhi City, such an iron-blooded attitude shocked all the doctors of Jin State, and for a time they all respected Zhao Wuxi like a god.

That Dou Ji (word Mingdu) happened to be an old friend of Confucius. After hearing about this, he stepped into the river and sighed: "The water is so beautiful! It's so good! Qiu Zhi can't help this, and his life is too much!"

He said to his disciples: "The two sons of the Zhao clan are the blood brothers of Zhao Wuxi, one was forced to hang himself, the other was forced to die by drinking a sword. Even a wolf, tiger and leopard can't do it. Dou Mingdu, Shunhua and Shunhua, the worthy doctors of the Jin state, deviated from the Zhao clan during the civil war from the orders of the marquis of Jin and the ruling party. If the young beast is dead, the unicorn will not come to the countryside; if the water is exhausted and the fish is caught, the dragon will not come to reconcile the yin and yang; if the nest is destroyed, and the bird's eggs are broken, the phoenix will not fly. His kind! Birds and beasts know how to avoid injustice, let alone me, Confucius!”

So Confucius sent back the winter solstice and sacrificial ceremonies that Zhao Wuxi and Kong Jiao sent last year as they were, and replied to the letter, refusing to cross the river to Zhao, and composed the qin song "Zheng Cao" to mourn the murdered state of Jin. Doctor, in order to show that we have cut off the righteousness with Zhao Wuchen!

After Zhao Wuxi forcibly moved the capital to Tongjiao, coerced the Marquis of Jin to order all the officials, and even forced the alliance with Jin to intimidate the emperor, Confucius couldn't take it anymore.


On the same day, he took a bath and changed his clothes, entered the Zheng Palace in court clothes, and put forward his own proposal to Zheng Bosheng as a guest.

"In the past, King Wu conquered Yin, King Cheng Jing Sifang, King Kang Ximin, and built his mother and younger brother to screen the Zhou family. At that time, King Cheng once said: I have no exclusive enjoyment of literature and martial arts. In the event of a crisis, the leader of the feudal lords will rescue him. When Zhou Zhi moved eastward, Jin Zheng was Yi, but now the state of Jin has fallen into the hands of the Zhao clan, and the state of the Son of Heaven has also been bullied. I hope that Jun Zheng can honor the Son of Heaven, raise the banner of righteousness, and join the feudal lords. Kill Zhao!"

The words were so powerful that Zheng Bosheng was taken aback for a moment, and Doctor Qi Muqing who was present was also stunned by this remark. They then looked at each other, all laughed, and the laughter grew louder, leaving only Confucius standing alone in the hall.

Is this old brain still in the era of King Zhou Ping and King Huan? Kill Zhao? It's easy to say, but the Zhao clan has already defeated the Qi country and the Zhi clan, held the Marquis of Jin hostage, and coerced Cheng Zhou. The Zhao clan has become a tyrant in the north. It would be good if Zhao Wuxi didn't come to attack the Zheng country. When the Zheng country was full, he would go back to attack the Zhao clan?

However, after Qi Mu laughed for a while, he couldn't laugh anymore, instead he frowned, because after Zhao's victory in the Jin civil war, Zheng Guo's situation became extremely embarrassing.

At the beginning of the war, they were originally members of the anti-Zhao alliance, and they promised to cooperate with Qi State to contain and encircle the Zhao family. But seeing that the Zhao clan defeated Fan and Zhongxing in succession, and their momentum was rapid, the cunning Zheng people turned to avoid the enemy's edge, and let Qi and Zhi clan carry it for a while. The Man clan and the state of Jin went in a dark place.

However, the coveted Man clan's advance provoked a violent reaction from Duke Ye of the Chu State. Duke Ye took the time to send more than a thousand troops of Chu to garrison Liang and Huo of the Man clan, firmly guarding Rushui, which caused Zheng Jun's Yousu Department to dare not attack you. Southland.

At this time, it happened that Zhao Wuxi defeated the Qi army in Wenshui and captured tens of thousands of people, but the people of Zheng State were tied to the Rushui area by the chicken ribs of the Man family. Offense turns to defense...

Qi Mu of the State of Zheng lost his voice for a while, and condemned the ruling Siji for not listening to Zigong's plan. As a result, Siji had to retire in advance, and Handa of the Han family became the new "state in power".

After Handa came to power, he began to implement a new policy. First, he hurriedly withdrew from the anti-Zhao alliance, cut off the ties with Qi and Zhi, and returned the border towns of Song to prevent Zhao from targeting himself.

Because the Zhao family passed away after Zhao Yang died, Wu Xian decided to rest for two years to destroy the knowledge in one fell swoop, so there was no embarrassment with the Zheng country, and the Zheng people finally survived this crisis safely.

Afterwards, Handa contacted Duke Ye of the Chu State again, seeking reconciliation on the grounds of Zhao and Wu Qiangqiang, claiming that the Zheng State would like to serve as the northern barrier of the Chu State and cut off Zhao and Chu. Ye Gong felt that it was reasonable. He was busy preparing to follow the King of Chu to conquer Dunguo, and he had no intention of entanglement with the Zheng people, so he divided the Rushui with Zheng and acquiesced in the move of Zheng to enter the Yinland in the west, claiming that the south of Santu Mountain was It belongs to Chu, and the north of Santu Mountain belongs to Zheng.

Only then did Zheng Guo finally achieve the strategic goal of taking all the underworld where Yiluo and Lu Hunzhirong gathered, and Duke Ye of Chu also got a piece of the pie by the way and accepted some of the underworld army.

At that time, the Zhi clan of the Jin state thought that "the state of Jin is not peaceful, and An Neng hates Chu and Zheng, so they must quickly go with them!" They turned a blind eye to this.

But now that Jin has been in power, the people of Zheng have begun to worry: will Zhao Wuxi turn his back on Zheng and ask for the underworld? To give or not to give? The reason why they respected Confucius as a guest was that he had a relationship with Zhao Wuxi and many important officials of the Zhao clan, so they took him as a hostage!

However, a few months later, the Zhao family did not respond much. Instead, the Han family occupied Guo, Yiyang and other places outside the river, and also showed great interest in a yin land separated by the Yishui. This made Zheng Guoren realize that they have a new enemy, the Han family!


In the face of Han's challenge, Zheng Guo was not as afraid as Zhao's, and they began to actively seek backers. For a time, the Qin and Zheng countries began to approach rapidly. Coupled with the traditional ally of Qin Chu, Guan Xì, Qin, Chu, and Zheng formed a defensive alliance against Jin. However, there was not much about the Zhao family. In Hexi, across the river, the Wei family is facing each other, while Zheng Guo is in conflict with the Han family...

Vaguely, things began to develop in the direction Zhao Wuxi hoped.

However, after this incident~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the attitude of Zheng Guojun and ministers towards Confucius became more and more indifferent. One day Handa was talking with Confucius and saw the geese flying in the sky. .

Confucius then knew that it was time for him to hit the road again, and his life was destined to be engraved with the word wandering...

"Master, where should we go?" At the end of January this year, on the bustling streets of Xinzheng, the group of master and apprentice once again stood at the crossroads.

Sitting on the ox cart, Confucius closed his eyes, pondered for a while, and then sighed: "Under the Hengmen, you can live in Chi. You can be happy and hungry. Let's go to Chen Guo and Cai Guo. "

So the group turned south and headed towards Chen Guo, whose surname was Gui.

Two months later, Confucius, who was trapped between Chen and Cai, was exhausted, but he never regretted his decision.

He never regretted any choice he made!

(To be continued.)

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