Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 827: Zhongni's Evil

ps: I have to go to Wa Mountain for research today. The conditions are very difficult. It is unknown whether there will be any 4G upload chapters for me, so I can only keep updating as much as possible in the next few days. This chapter is still up late, everyone understands

"Isn't the Master trying to teach us the way of being a gentleman? Does a gentleman have such difficult and unlucky times?"

Confucius' chorus stopped, he looked up and stood up with a sullen expression on his face is Zilu, the Zilu who respected him the most in his heart on weekdays, and the one who dared to speak out the most. [(

The past few years have been really depressing for Zilu, and his ideal was originally "a country of a thousand vehicles, surrounded by great countries, plus a division of teachers and brigade, and therefore famine; , and know the way.” Today, however, this dream is still a daydream, but it is his younger brother Ran Qiu, who only has the ambition of "sixty or seventy, such as fifty or sixty". , famous all over the world.

Another classmate, Zigong, also became the actual ruler of the state of Cao. The two disciples that the Master had disliked the most before, Zai Yu and Fan Chi, one was also the magistrate of Qufu, and the other was transferred to the state of Jin as the Zhao clan. farmer. This is a good mix, and other people, such as the head of the public administration, also perform their duties and show their abilities. In the end, he was still in exile everywhere, without a single penny. Coupled with the bad situation in the past few days, after thinking about it, Zilu, who has an upright temperament, is a little angry.

Confucius knew that his disciples had been beleaguered for seven days, and he was full of resentment. It had been several years since he left the state of Lu. Every time he went to a place, new disciples continued to worship, but there were also people who quit halfway, or stayed along the way. The cities and towns of Bangguo became retainers of others, or they went directly to Ran Qiu, Zi Gong, Zai Yu and even Zhao Wuxi.

So, when he was starving, Confucius decided to teach his disciples another lesson.

He said to Zilu, "A gentleman can stick to his troubles and not waver, but a villain in troubles may not be able to do anything wrong."

Zi Lu was angry for a while, he wanted to rely on his martial arts skills, and then take a few mobile brothers to go to the Caijun camp outside to wander around, like stealing the little pig yesterday, to find something else. Now that Confucius said this, Zilu dismissed the idea ashamed.

Although Confucius, who was starving, did not ask where he came from when he presented the roasted Xiao She yesterday, he sat cross-legged on the ground and ate it when he took it. You must know that when he was an official in the State of Lu, "the seat was not right, and the seat was not right; the cutting was not right. , do not eat; if there is no sauce, do not eat!”

"A gentleman is open-minded, a villain is always affectionate, but the master is calm." No matter what the disciples thought in their hearts, in this situation, only by uniting can we overcome difficulties, and when we are hungry, we can only use some repetitions Emphasize the spiritual sustenance to ease the pain away.

So the disciples came to Confucius one by one. Confucius looked at them and said, "The poem says, 'The bandits and the bandits and the tigers lead them into the wilderness'. Are you thinking, is there something wrong with our theory? Otherwise, Why did it fall to this point?"

The disciples looked at each other in dismay, as expected of the Master, and immediately guessed the doubts in their hearts.

"You all talk about it, why is this happening?"

Everyone was silent, but Zilu said carelessly: "I guess it's because we haven't reached the level of benevolence! That's why the lords, ministers and officials don't trust us. Or maybe we haven't reached the level of knowledge! theory."

"If the benevolent will surely be trusted, then why would Boyi and Shuqi starve to death in Yangshan? If the wise will surely succeed, then why would Prince Bigan be disgraced?"

Confucius smiled and returned the problem to Zi Lu, letting him tangle himself, and he didn't know how much hunger he could relieve in his stomach, or maybe he would scream in anger when he couldn't think about it, and simply fell asleep. This is Zi Lu's character.

After Zilu went down, someone asked another question. It was Gao Chai, a student who was only five feet tall. He said hesitantly, "Master's teachings are extremely broad, so no country in the world can accommodate you. Can Master be a little lower? What about the standard?"

Confucius shook his head and said, "Chai, listen to me, a good farmer is good at sowing but cannot guarantee a good harvest, and a good craftsman is good at craftsmanship but cannot meet everyone's requirements. Le Lai regulates the country and uses morality to govern its subjects, but it cannot be guaranteed that it will be understood by the world. If I don’t cultivate the doctrines I follow but seek to be accepted by others, it will be deviating from my ambition!”

Everyone remained silent, the disciples sighed in their hearts again, Master, still too stubborn. Except for Yuan Xian, Qi Diaokai and other "junzi Confucians" whose main goal is to discredit and oppose Zhao Wuxi, the other disciples actually hope that the Master can reconcile with Zhao's family as soon as possible. In that case, Jin, Lu, Song, Wei, and Ju would all be able to open the door of convenience for them, whether it was an official or a comfortable and prosperous life.

Why does the master bother with his son-in-law? It's four years at a time

Just as they shook their heads and sighed, because the Master couldn't figure it out, just outside Zi Lu came in a hurry, and said to everyone with a smile: "Ziyuan is here!"

Yan happened to be following Zilu, and he felt aching muscles all over his body, as if there were signs of burning. When he went to explore the road, the rock also scratched his hands. He used a wooden thorn to pick out the rotten blisters one by one on the way, and then resumed his calm smile, holding up the peasants in the mountains to beg for it. Rice, said to all the brothers and sisters: "There is rice! I will go in and cook it, and let the master eat it first."

Yeah, why bother?

After the disciples had retreated, Confucius was lying in a dilapidated house at the foot of the mountain that was barely sheltered from the wind and rain, and he also had doubts in his heart.

In the twelfth lunar month of last year, he received a letter from his daughter, Kong Jiao, saying that when he was pregnant, Confucius smiled knowingly, got up and paced around the house, thinking about what name he would give his grandson. Now, she is six months pregnant. month?

But as a gentleman, family affection should be talked about, but fundamental issues must not be compromised! Although Kong Jiao also begged him in the letter to accept Zhao's invitation to live in Yecheng, where there are thousands of mansions, where Confucian disciples can live happily, read the group, and have a good teaching environment, which can make The study of Confucianism also sprouted in Jin.

But Confucius flatly refused.

Because he has almost guessed the purpose of Zhao Wuxi, this son is a natural thief, not only to steal the state of Lu, but also to steal the state of Jin. What's even more tragic is that Bo Qin and Tang Shuyu's family, the state and the country, are really likely to fall into Zhao's hands.

This is completely contrary to what Confucius has always advocated and called for, so the Tao is different and it is not conspiracy!

Although, he also understands the temptation of home and the temptation of relatives.

Squinting on the straw mat, feeling the fierce sunlight outside the house, the country of Lu, thousands of miles away, is also blue sky and cloudless.

"In the late spring and March, the sky is high and the clouds are clear, I really want to be with Zixi, put on spring clothes, five or six crowns, six or seven boys, go to bathe in the Yi River, blow the wind on the dance platform, and sing songs all the way. Home"

In the fantasy, the bright blue Yi River flows from the bottom of the mountain, sparkling in the sun. Can you see such a view yourself? It was only when he was in his home state of Lu that he felt that he was complete.

After the few mouthfuls of meat yesterday, he never ate again. The hunger not only tortured his disciples, but also tortured the body and spirit of the old man, and his consciousness gradually became blurred.

"Maybe I am dying slowly now." A thought flashed in Kongqiu's mind. The people of Xia were buried on the east steps, the people of Zhou were buried on the west steps, and the people of Yin were buried between the two pillars. The three-inch coffin is buried by countless loess, and a tombstone can be erected. People in the Central Plains use this to put an end to their lives.

But if all the disciples of Confucius were wiped out here, who would establish a seal for him? Maybe there is only one tomb for the clothes, maybe it's his wife and children in the country of Lu, maybe it's the daughter who married into the country of Jin, and the person he doesn't want is Zhao Wuxi.

If so, I might as well be a jackal and a bird-eater, he thought sadly, "and the corpse worms will burrow through my chest."

What happens after a person dies?

If the legendary Si Ming came to take his life and took him between the two pillars where the Yin people were, he would be able to reunite with his father, ancestor Wei Ziqi and others he had never met and become a ghost. Confucius did not fully believe in ghosts and spirits, but after becoming a Shang Dynasty, he could not help but believe. Although people can't see or hear, they are everywhere, as if they are three feet above people's heads, and they seem to be right and left of people, for ghosts and spirits, galloping in the starry sky forever

While he was in a daze, Confucius smelled a familiar and unfamiliar fragrance. He woke up immediately, turned around slowly, but saw Yan squatting beside the pottery kettle, grasping the pot with his hands. meal to eat!

His heart, which was hot because of the food, suddenly became cold

Distress, will it really make the original gentleman lose his original appearance and act like a villain?

This time, Confucius began to doubt his original intentions.

"Master, the rice is ready!"

Confucius turned over, nodded slowly, pretended not to see what Yan Zhaofan was eating, got up and said, "I dreamed about my ancestors just now, so before eating, I have to take some rice to pay homage, but the food must be especially clean. "

Yan was an honest person, and immediately bowed down and explained: "No! Just now, the coal ash floated into the kettle. I pushed it out with my hands, and there were some rice grains on it. The food is unclean, and it is not allowed to sacrifice to ancestors.”

Confucius looked at Yan's eyes, and saw only a clear light, and sighed: "What I believe is my eyes, but my eyes are not trustworthy; what I rely on is my heart, but my heart is still not enough. Knowing people is not easy, I almost You're wrong, sure enough, it's not easy to understand a person."

In times of distress, the relationship between teachers and students has become more fragile than usual. Confucius has noticed that his authority is publicly questioned by his disciples, and his trust in his most beloved disciple is actually not as deep as he thought in the past.

However, the smart and happy Yan may be able to give him the answer.

He glanced at the half-cooked rice in the kettle, swallowed his saliva, and asked Yan seriously, "Shi Yun's bandits, bandits and tigers lead the wilderness. Ah, do you think there is something wrong with my theory? Otherwise, Why did it fall to this point?"

Yan shook his head and said, "The way of the Master is so great that the world cannot tolerate it. But what if it is not accepted by the world? It is a shame to be a disciple if you cannot understand the meaning of it. Shame. Therefore, it is impossible to see the true character of a gentleman! To improve and revise the Master's theory in adversity, this is what the Master should think about!"

Confucius smiled happily and said, "If you see one and know ten, I might as well give it time. Your academic achievements will surely surpass mine! If you have a lot of property, I can definitely be the slaughter of your family."

While the master and the disciple were talking, Zilu pushed the door open and entered.

"Master, there are changes outside!"

"Master, Ziyuan, listen!" Ziluo said solemnly.

Yan turned his ears to listen, and heard the low and faint rumbling of the drums across the distance. Confucius heard it too, he frowned and walked out of the door.

When they got outside, the drums were even louder, and the disciples also gathered together, holding a few weapons tightly, and looked at the Cairen camp that had been guarding the intersection for seven days in the distance.

"It doesn't seem to be Cai Guo's own people"

The Cai people's camp was also in commotion. The three Cai soldiers hurried past with their arms in hand, and the officials scold them in a low voice. The horses they tied to the camp also became uneasy, some neighing and some breathing.

The experienced Zilu lay on the ground and listened for a moment, then found the direction: "It's the west, and a huge convoy is coming!"

At the end of the speech, a heavy chariot broke into the end of everyone's field of vision. It was driven by Hu Ben in fiery red armor, and the speed was very fast, and his dozens of colleagues followed closely. The long spear-shaped hub was like a spinning sickle, and it charged straight towards the slack Cai Bing camp!

In just a split second, before they came into contact with the chariot, the fragile Cai people collapsed. The soldiers abandoned their weapons and fled, including the officials who shouted to Confucius and his disciples that day. The enemy who suddenly came was definitely not theirs. The small army of Zhibian Town can handle it.

"Saved?" Confucius and his disciples were both surprised and delighted by the upheaval. They watched intently, hoping to judge the identity of the visitor through the flags and shouts.

Whether it was the fleeing Cai people or the attackers, they all called out a word with a southern accent.

"King! King! Wang Zhi!"

"It's the Emperor Zhou's family here!" In a short while ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Kongthala, who was in a trance due to hunger, had this crazy thought, and he was moved to tears. It is also shabby to say, the old man has respected Zhou Li and the emperor all his life, but in the end he has not been received by the emperor even once, but he has always insisted that there is only one emperor and one king in the world!

But when the drum sounded again, and the chariots started to pass over Caiying and drove towards Confucius and his party, the slogans shouted by Hu Ben changed.

"Xiongxiong, King of Chu Linxi!"

After the Cai people were dispersed, a wedge-shaped formation of vehicles drove over. Everyone had distinct armor, and the flag flying above the head was the most striking. It was an impressive flag, several feet high and several feet wide: Above is A golden phoenix with wings ready to fly, with a round of rising sun in the middle, a nine-toothed fire wheel outlined by a long, pointed flame, and a rectangular base with a cloud and thunder pattern in the lower part.

Confucius and his disciples were seen by Zuo Guang's elites in Chu State, and the motorcade rushed forward and surrounded them. The King of Chu, Xiong Zhen, came with the phoenix flag.

(To be continued.) 8

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