Spring and Autumn I Am King

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Well, this is the last public chapter. Tomorrow, "Spring and Autumn I'm King" will be on the shelves!


In the original history, Dong Anyu was deeply feared by Jin Qing Zhisong because he managed his family well and had unparalleled strategy. .

So in the initial stage of the Liuqing Rebellion, the Zhao clan was at a disadvantage, and when he asked Zhisong, Zhisong ordered Zhao Jianzi to kill Dong Anyu and gave him a letter before agreeing to help the Zhao clan to wash away the "calamity" " of the crime.

Zhao Jianzi placed great importance on friendship and naturally could not attack, but Dong Anyu committed suicide by hanging himself for the safety of the Zhao family. Zhao Jianzi was so grieved that he was mortified in the city according to his last words, to satisfy the Zhi clan, and only after the war did Dong Anyu enshrine the ancestral temple of the Zhao clan, and this tradition was still preserved until later generations.

Therefore, Zhao Wuxi's initial impression of Dong Anyu was the clay statue of a civil servant he saw in the Zhao family's ancestral hall in his previous life.

Unexpectedly, after 2,500 years, he could actually see the real person.

This is also a great tragedy and regret. I don't know if this life can be saved without mercy?

The father and son hadn't seen each other for months. After explaining the business affairs, Zhao Wuxi's mood suddenly became a little uneasy, and he hesitated.

Of course he knew that Zhao Yang didn't come back alone this time. His titular fiancee, Le's daughter, also came to the palace together. ?.?® Although Zhao Yang once said in his letter that this woman "could be a good match", but Zhao Wuxi didn't take a look at it in person, and always felt uneasy.

I don't know if it was intentional or not, but Zhao Yang was not in a hurry. He even told Zhao Wu Xie about his deeds when he went south to King Qin. Wu Xie could only restrain his mind and listen patiently.

The battles that have been fought over the entire week have been unceasingly organized and chaotic, and they are simply a mess. In the final analysis, it still has to be traced back to the royal war more than ten years ago.

As a witness of that war, Zhao Yang sighed and said, "We have to start with the chaos of the prince's dynasty."

At that time, King Zhou Jing, a rare and wise king in the Zhou family, believed that his crown prince was violently weak and lacked dignity, while the eldest son, the eldest son, was brave and resourceful and had the demeanor of a king. So King Jing of Zhou wanted to abolish the prince and set up the prince's dynasty.

However, this plan of his was opposed by the powerful officials Liu and the Shan clan, who believed that the succession of the throne would not be passed down to the virtuous.

In the summer of the twenty-fifth year of King Zhou Jing, the emperor finally made up his mind and wanted to carry out a coup d'etat to remove Shan and Liu Erqing, and to establish the crown prince, but he died suddenly of a heart attack before he died.

However, Shan and Liu Erqing violated King Jing's last edict, assassinated Minister Gu Ming, and made the prince fiercely king. On the other hand, the princely dynasty, who was quite virtuous and talented, was also called a king with the support of Yin, Gan, and Zhao Zhuqing. ?ap;??

Since then, the two kings of the Zhou royal family have stood side by side, attacked and killed each other, and remained undecided for several years.

At that time, the strength of the Zhou royal family was inferior to that of a medium-sized vassal state. In the eyes of a big country, such a war was almost a petty fight. However, the two sides have been grumbling for a long time, and the battle is in full swing. Although the battle is not grand, it is extremely tragic. Victory and defeat have changed many times, and the rise and fall have changed hands, dazzling outsiders.

At that time, Jin State, as the uncle of the princes and the eldest brother of Zhujili, heard the chaos in the Zhou family, and naturally wanted to interfere. The six ministers in the Jin state have the exclusive power. In the early years, Duke Wen of Jin and Duke Miao of Jin had no intention of replacing the Zhou family with the Zhou family. They could only try their best to support them.

So the question is, which king should you support?

Now there are two Zhou Tianzi, both sides come to seek support, both claiming that they are authentic, the other is illegal, and Jin is also embarrassed.

Finally, the state of Jin sent a doctor Jingbo (Fan's Xiaozong) to Wangcheng to adjudicate this "orthodox" dispute. Not to mention that it is an unprecedented big joke to let the princes and doctors try to judge whether the emperor is legal or not. What's more, as long as the discerning person knows, the close relationship between Jin Qing Fan Yang and Zhou Qing Liu is naturally doomed.

In the end, it was Wang Zichao who lost the case and was regarded as a traitor by the state of Jin, and sent doctors Zhisong, Zhao Yang, and Jitan to lead troops into Zhou to suppress them. Under the attack of the Jin State, the forces of the prince's dynasty were naturally disintegrated, and the king of Zhou returned to the king's city. At this point, the rebellion of the prince's dynasty was initially settled.

The king was defeated and the bandit was defeated, and Wang Zichao took the Zhao clan, Mao clan, and Yin clan to Chu. They also brought most of Zongzhou's classics to Chu, which was the biggest cultural transfer in the entire Spring and Autumn Period. This batch of classics handed down from the Yin and Shang times has undoubtedly irrigated the culture of Chu State, and cultivated the splendid Chu Ci and a large number of Chu Slips two hundred years later.

However, the matter is not over yet, after Wang Zichao ran to the south, he lived in the area of ​​Fangcheng. Three years ago, the capital of Chu State was smashed by Master Wu, and the whole country was in chaos. So the Zhou royal family took the opportunity to send assassins to kill Wang Zichao, which led to a new round of rebellion.

Wang Zichao has a great reputation in the Zhou family, and there are too many party members, and after ten years, there are still a lot of them lurking. Last summer, Zhou Dafu Dan Pian led the prince to rebel against the rest of the party. This time, they colluded with Zheng Guo to attack Wang Ji (ji).

Now that the matter has come to this point, it is impossible to expect them to sort out the family affairs on their own. Jin has to fight again. Fan Yang, Zhao Yang and Wei Ju go south to King Qin. With their support, in April, Shan and Liu Erqing defeated the rebels in Qiangu, and the situation was reversed, so Zhao Yang was able to return.

In the end, Zhao Yang sighed: "The Zhou family has declined, the emperor has been humbled, just as the poem said, the Zhouzong has been destroyed~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The suffocation of the monarchs, the princes of the state, the lords of the state, and the lords of the state, Moken are all day and night. In the final analysis, it is because of the brothers. Fighting, you can't be careful..."

He seems to be secretly admonishing Zhao Wuxi not to fight too much between brothers, causing the tragedy of the 20-year chaos in the Zhou family.

After saying that, Zhao Yang suddenly stood up from the seat, his eyes turned cold and his tone turned cold: "You tell my father, half a month ago, Chengxiang encountered robbers, what happened, you tell the truth, naturally I am the master for you!"

Zhao Wuxi knew that today's conversation had finally come to a showdown.

According to the answer he had prepared before, he pretended to be ignorant and replied: "It's really just a group of daring little thieves, Wu Xie has defeated and killed them all, and their heads are hung in the village temple, shocking Xiaoxiao!"

Zhao Yang's eyes gradually became gentle, as if he let out a long breath, and secretly thought that he really did not see the wrong person. Shuzi Wu Xie is not only talented, but also has a heart of filial piety, and will hide it for his two unsatisfactory older brothers.

In this way, Zhao Yang completely eliminated Zhongxin and Shuqi from the selection of the best sons, and he once again warned Wu Xie: "That's good, the poem says, brothers are separated from the wall, and the outside is protected from their humiliation, you need it. Remember!"

So far, that matter is over.

Zhao Wuxi also breathed a sigh of relief, it was really not easy to act in front of this tiger-like gentleman. But this way, as long as Zhao Yang was around for one day, the two pig-headed brothers would no longer dare to provoke them.

However, he heard Zhao Yang smiling playfully: "The business is over, it's time for private affairs. Go and meet the lady of the Le family. She is in Luyuan, with your elder sister."


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