Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 829: King Wu Jin Ge Yue King Sword (Part 1)

PS: There is another chapter in the evening

"Fuchai, did you forget to kill your father!?"

"Yi, don't forget!"

Three years, three full years after the Battle of Ji Li! Every day of Fu Chai started with this question and answer. In order not to forget the revenge of King Wu Helu's death in battle, he specially arranged a crucian carp for his crucian carp outside his palace. He would shout at him and ask such a question.

"Fuchai, don't forget to cross!"

Zhuan's voice is so loud that not only the husband can hear it, but half of the Wu palace can hear it. Wu people are a country where civilization and savagery meet, and they see revenge as extremely important, and they cannot share the sky with their enemies! For the enemy who killed one's parents, one should sleep on a straw mat and use a shield as a pillow to keep in mind the battle. No matter in the market or in the court, as soon as you encounter an enemy, you should immediately kill him - pin it on your waist The sword draws the sword, and if you don't bring a weapon, you have to hit it with your bare hands!

Therefore, in the past three years, Fuchai has devoted almost all his energy to the great cause of revenge, and let everything from the outside world do nothing: Chu State began to revive, successively destroyed Dun and Hu, and attacked Cai State. Xiang Huaiying dispatched one soldier and one pawn. Zhao Wuxi, whom he vaguely regarded as an opponent, rose from the north of the Dahe River, broke Qi, destroyed the knowledge, divided Jin, and became the minister of a great country. He sent someone to contact him, hoping that Wu Guo and Qi could contain the Zhao family together, but Fu Chai declined.

Fu Chai must first avenge his father's revenge, which is also the national revenge of Wu State, before he can be truly recognized by the people of Wu, and he can be recognized as the King of Wu before he can do more things and achieve greater ambitions...

While training his soldiers with Sun Wu as the mainstay, he strived to build a phalanx of light and heavy infantry in Wu State, while Wu Zixu and Bo Xi managed the government and the people.

He let go of his pride and desire for extravagance, and continued the style of King Helu of Wu: he didn't eat two dishes, he didn't use two layers of mats, he didn't build new palaces and pavilions, and he didn't add red lacquer or carvings to utensils. Vehicles and boats are not decorated, clothes and utensils are practical and not vain. In China, when natural disasters and plagues were sent down from heaven, they personally patrolled to appease orphans and widows and help the poor. In the army, the cooked food must wait for the soldiers to get it before eating it by himself. He eats the delicacies of the mountains and seas, and his cronies have a share.

Under the hard work of Fuchai's monarchs and ministers, the strength of Wu State also recovered quickly, and the army reached a state of 55,000 people. In this way, everyone in Wu country wanted to follow Fuchai to avenge the first emperor, but the irascible Fuchai also obeyed the advice of Sun Wu and Wu Zixu and endured it for three years, allowing Wu to recuperate.

God pays off, this year, Fuchai's chance has finally arrived!

Lao Yue Wang Yunchang abdicated after the Battle of Guli. He himself died within two years, and the Yue Kingdom was completely left to Goujian. Wen Fuchai, in order to avenge his father's revenge, was training the army to prepare for the overrun, but the arrogant Gou Jian refused to listen to the dissuasion of the doctors and decided to preemptively attack Wu.

When Fuchai heard the report, he dispatched fifty thousand elite soldiers to attack the Viet Nam. The two armies fought at Fujiao. There was a slippery swamp on the edge of the five lakes. For the Wu and Yue people, this is the area where they are best at fighting, and they can fight by land and boat. This was also a nationwide battle. The Wu army was 50,000 people and the Vietnamese army 30,000 people were determined to die here. In the end, the Wu army relied on Sun Wu's ingenious command and overwhelmed the two flanks of the Yue army. On the edge of the five lakes, they retreated all the way to Kuaiji, and only 5,000 people remained.

How could Fu Chai miss this good opportunity to beat the enemy, Wu army marched straight in, went deep across the border, crossed the surging Qiantang River mouth, and approached Kuaiji, a place Wu people had never reached before.

Although Wu and Yue were similar in culture and language, the Yue kingdom had little technology from the Central Plains, and the capital was not as tall and thick as Suzhou, which was built under the supervision of Wu Zixu. The low rammed earth wall could not stop the Wu army from attacking. The Wu people quickly broke through here, and the Wu Jun, who had already killed the red eye, rushed into the capital and returned to his old ways. With the connivance of Wu Wangfuchai, they began to loot and rape, just like their father and brother in Chuduying more than ten years ago. City does the same thing.

After the war, Wu Wangfucha rode a chariot through the city of Kuaiji, which was full of corpses. The rhinoceros guards followed closely, laughing and playing with each other.

The fields that the Yue people had worked so hard for were flattened by Wu Jun's stomping feet. Rice and Shudou beans were trampled into the soil. The Wu Guo Jin Ge and Yue Guo daggers scattered on the ground were watered with blood and became new terrible crops. Some of the injured Yue people groaned and some asked for help. The rhinoceros guards would go up and take daggers to free them. They harvested countless heads from the dead and dying people, and then piled them up to the ground. Together, show off your illustrious martial arts.

The Yue Kingdom Palace was on fire, and plumes of black smoke billowed up into the blue sky. Beneath the crumbling dry mud walls, the Wu people galloped back and forth, waving long whips in their hands, urging survivors to leave the smoking ruins. The Yuyue people are also a tough nation. Even if they are defeated and enslaved, they bravely accept their own destiny. Although the old people and children have become slaves, they still walk with a kind of sullen self-esteem. The women who were able to escape in the future were killed, and where Fuchai passed, the girls who were raped made a heartbreaking sound. It was a long choking, which continued endlessly. Made a smug laugh at this, and walked over to get involved.

The country of Vietnam has been completely defeated, and the Wu army is on their land, wreaking havoc on the people, and this is the spoils of war they have won for three years. However, King Wu's husband was not satisfied. He searched the entire capital and could not find the King of Yue, and most of the young and strong men disappeared.

King Goujian of Yue did not ignore the advice of his ministers Fan Li and Wen Zhong this time. He resolutely gave up the city of Kuaiji, and with 5,000 people in armor and shields and tens of thousands of people, surrendered to Kuaiji Mountain.


Kuaiji Mountain is just to the southeast of Kuaiji City, where thousands of rocks are beautiful, thousands of ravines compete for streams, and the grass and trees are covered on it, like clouds and clouds. This place is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Ever since Yuyue emerged in this land, Kuaiji Mountain has always been their military hinterland fortress.

Of course Wu Wangfuchai would not let the enemy go easily, so he continued to lead his army to Kuaiji Mountain, cut off the way down the mountain, and wanted to trap the Yue people to death on the mountain! Gou Jian retreated again and again, and at this point, he could no longer escape!

The beasts were still fighting, so the resistance of the Yue people was still fierce. Seeing that the time from early March to April, Kuaiji Mountain was still unable to be captured, and Wu Jun was unable to cut off the water source on the mountain.

From the west, there was also news that the Chu army had joined forces with Chen and Sui to encircle the capital of Cai. Like Wu Poyue, Chu State punished Cai State with the mentality of winning. They built a fortress one li from the city, one zhang wide and two zhang high. The servants were stationed for nine days and nights, and when Caihou saw that the Wu army was late, he arranged and bound the male and female slaves as gifts and sent them out. King Xiong Zhen of Chu asked Cai to move between the Yangtze River and Rushui, and regained control of the eastern border...

Once the Cai State is lost, the spoils of Wu Shi's entry into Ying will only be left in the land of Qunshu. If the Chu army is allowed to flow down the river, even the hinterland of Wu State will be in danger!

Fuchai was furious, and his patience, which he had held back for three years, began to disappear little by little. He decided to let the army force the attack on the mountain. Before the rainy season, he must fall into Kuaiji and capture Goujian!

However, at this moment, there was a commotion outside the camp~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Fuchai asked people to ask, and learned that it was Goujian from the mountain who sent people to ask for surrender.

"Please surrender?" Fu Chai frowned. For Wu Renyue people, this word is a symbol of shame. If he is a magnanimous man, he would rather die than bow his head to the enemy.

After he sneered contemptuously, he waved his hand: "No, behead!"

"Wait, Your Majesty." Dazai Bo Xi stood up and persuaded: "The Kuaiji Mountain cannot be conquered for a long time, and now the more people show weakness, why don't you see it, and listen to what they say."

Although Fu Chai was obedient to Wu Zixu's words, his favorite subject was this uncle. After thinking for a while, he nodded: "Alright, let the messenger enter the account!"

The tent was opened, Wu Jia in the tent pulled out his weapon, and looked at the person who came in with murderous eyes. This was a middle-aged man dressed in dark clothes, wearing a crown, and dressed as a scholar-officer in the Central Plains. It was frightened by the full of sword light.

He paused on his knees, climbed all the way from the gate of the tent to the front of Fuchai, with a very humble attitude, and finally said cautiously: "The king's deceased minister, Jujian, let the companion Wenzhong come here to ask the king to surrender: Jujian, please be a minister, and his wife is a concubine. , serving as slaves and servants for generations, serving the state of Wu!" (To be continued.) Open a new website

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