Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 830: King Wu Jin Ge Yue King Sword (Part 2)

PS: Chapter 2

In the early summer, Kuaiji Mountain is like a green screen, sheltering the last country of the Yue people. Five thousand Yue soldiers and tens of thousands of Yue people are hiding in the jungle, using their good mountain combat to prevent the Wu people from going up the mountain.

With the Wu army besieging this place for more than a month, the Yue people ran out of food and could only hunt and gather everywhere for a living. They lived by peeling tree bark, chewing bitter vine leaves, and eating toad and ant eggs, but these things were not enough to feed tens of thousands of people. The belly of the Yue people is already hungry, and it is still a question whether they can last until the rainy season.

Gou Jian once brought Li to defeat King Helu of Wu, and his reputation shocked the southern kingdom, so much that King Xiong Zhen of Chu also honored him as the "King of Yue" in writing, sent messengers to make friends, and married Gou Jian's eldest daughter, hoping to form an alliance with the Yue Kingdom. .

But now, Gou Jian is in a very embarrassed situation. Looking at the powerful and breathless Yue people stationed on the mountain in a mess, with countless wounded and sick, he couldn't help sighing and said, "Is the lonely general here to end his life?"

"Tang of Shang was imprisoned in Xiatai, King Wen of Zhou was besieged in Yuli, Chong'er of Jin fled to Zhai, and Xiaobai of Qi fled to Ju, all of them finally became kings and dominated the world. From this perspective, what is the situation of the king today? Is it impossible to become a blessing in the future?"

A middle-aged scholar who was in his thirties came over. After being trapped for a month, Fan Li also began to dress up like the Yue people. He was walking on the Kuaiji Mountain, and people who didn't know would never have thought that this unkempt man was unkempt. The guy will be Dr. Chu by the king's side. If he changed his style of writing, he would never be able to be so free and easy. When he went down the mountain, he still took a good bath, put on a deep coat, and carefully hung up his sword before leaving.

Gou Jian saw that it was Fan Li, and his face like a bird's beak showed a hint of shame: "Gu, because I didn't listen to the doctor's advice, rashly attacked Wu State, and went deep into the five lakes to get to this point..."

Fan Li pushed back his messy hair and said with a smile, "Those who can completely preserve their merits must follow the way of heaven without overflowing; those who can pacify the overthrow must understand that humanism is about humility. Now the king listens to the words of Dr. He sent a generous gift to the King of Wu, and if he wants to use his talent as a doctor, he will definitely be able to achieve something."

It turned out that after King Goujian of Yue was trapped in Kuaiji, he issued an order to the three armies seeking meritocracy: "As long as my father, brother, brother Kun and the children of the country's surname, as long as there is a plan to repel the state of Wu, I will jointly manage the state of Yue with them. Political affairs, fiefs promise it."

Wenzhong, a doctor who came from Chu State like Fan Li, criticized his practice: "I have heard that merchants prepare furs in summer, and fine cloth in winter. When there is a drought, they prepare boats. Prepare vehicles when there is a flood, just to use them when these things are lacking. Even if you have a family and a country, even when you are not disturbed by your neighbors, you still have to choose your advisors and samurai. Just like Minokasa, the rain has already fallen. Now, it is too late to search everywhere. Now that the king has retreated to Kuaiji Mountain, and then seeks ministers who can make suggestions, I am afraid it is too late?"

Goujian is very ashamed, but he is sometimes stubborn and cruel, but when he encounters setbacks, he will deeply reflect on himself. If you can let me hear the opinions of the second and third sons, why is it too late?"

His attitude of knowing and being able to change made Wen Zhong and Fan Li, who had already felt a hint of leaving, to stay. After some discussion, they decided to send Wen Zhong to the Wu army camp at the foot of the mountain to ask for peace. It has been a day since then. Overnight, still no news.

Goujian, King of Yue, was a little anxious, and he paced back and forth and asked, "If King Wu doesn't allow it, what can I do?"

Fan Li said: "If King Wu doesn't agree, it's better for the king to go to serve him in person and mortgage himself to the state of Wu."

Gou Jian's face was not very good-looking: "In this way, wouldn't the Yue Kingdom be equivalent to death!?"

Fan Li said earnestly: "After losing the capital and being occupied by the Wu army, the country of Yue is already dead. Now that the king wants to recover, he can only do as the Sun Wuzi of Wu said..."

With a fisted palm, he said heavily: "Throw into the dead and survive, fall into the dead and then live!"

At this moment, Chou Wuyu, Xu Wei and others from outside came to report, saying that Wen Zhong was back!

Gou Jian and Fan Li looked at each other and hurriedly went to the mountain pass to greet them, but when they saw Wen Zhong kneeling on the ground far away, they said ashamedly, "This minister has humiliated the ruler's order, and the King of Wu said that he would destroy the country of Yue... conditions of the country!"


"King Wu has a burnt color on his face. According to my guess, if there is something wrong with Chen and Cai in the west, or there is chaos in the land of Xu and Dongyi in the north, I don't want to be deadlocked with us until the rainy season in May. It was rainy and rainy all day, and the Wu army could not fight for a long time. For these reasons, Fuchai had to agree to the minister's request for peace. If the reward is given to Wu, it will be the fault if God does not take it back. Don't agree to the king's request for peace... So Fu Chai drove the minister out."

Wen Zhong didn't even take a sip of water, and then he told the story of the envoy Wu Ying. Everyone looked at each other, Fan Li was thinking, and Gou Jian simply stomped and said, "Bring my wife and my son up!"

Mrs. Yue Wang, whose face was covered in ink, and her son Lu Ying, whose hair started to break at a young age, were brought up. Gou Jianhong stared at them for a while, and said in Vietnamese, "Since Fuchai and Wu Zixu are going to kill my Yueguo, then I will He will kill his wife and children first, then burn the treasures, and go to the battlefield to fight to the death! A man from Yue, would rather die standing than live on his knees!"

With a wave of his hand, he pulled out the sharp sword from his waist, and was about to slash at his wife and children!

Fan Li trotted quickly to block the sword in front of Mrs. Yue Wang and the son, so that King Yue's sword stopped a few inches away from his chest. Then everyone reacted and stepped forward to stop them. Among them, Wen Zhong said, "Wait a minute, king, there are still things to do. Turn around!"

King Yue's eyes were full of killing intent, and he asked, "What's the turning point?"

Wen Zhong hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "When I was on the first mission, I found out that King Wu has retreated, but Wu Zixu is too smart and determined, so King Wu insisted on destroying Yue. If there is no Zixu, the minister's plan is sure It's already done! Wu Guo is not Wu Zixu's one-word hall. The only person who can compete with him is Wu's Dazai Bo Xi. Bo Xi and his minister are both from Chu. He is very greedy and lustful, and he has openly asked me for bribes before. When I can tempt him with wealth and beauty, let him help to speak, please allow me to go down the mountain to accommodate, maybe there will be a turning point!"

Gou Jian looked at his wife who was crying while holding his son, and sighed, "It's only like this until now..."

His hand holding the sword fell weakly, but then raised it again.

This is a fine bronze sword with a gleaming cold light. The body of the sword is covered with black rhombus patterns, and the decoration is exquisite. The two sides of the sword grid are cast with patterns, which are embedded with blue glass and turquoise. There are two lines of bird seal inscriptions on the front of the sword body: "Sword of Yue Wang Jiuqian (Goujian, while on the back there are two characters:

Pure Jun!


"Pure Jun", this is the most perfect sword in the Bronze Age. According to legend, this sword is the best work forged by heaven and man.

In order to cast this sword, King Yunchang of Yue specially invited Ou Yezi, the master of the sword, who broke the Chijin Mountain for thousands of years and produced tin, and the Ruoye River for thousands of years produced copper. When the sword was forged, Lei Gong thumped it, the rain master drenched it with water, the dragon held the furnace, and the emperor loaded charcoal. Ou Yezi took the life of heaven and worked hard to forge and grind this sword with the gods for ten years. After the sword was completed, the gods returned to the sky, and the Chijin Mountain was closed as before. Has become a sing-along...

The last time Goujian showed Chunjun, Xue Zhu, the arrogant swordsman who was as famous as Chu Guofeng's beard, fell from his seat on his back in shock, his face froze and sluggish. After a long time, Xue Zhu suddenly woke up, and Gou Jian still remembered his ridiculous appearance at that time.

Xue Zhu tapped his toes and swept down the steps, came to the "Chunjun" sword, bowed deeply, then sorted out his clothes with a solemn expression, took the sword from the waiter, and carefully knocked a few times. After weighing it for a few times, he slowly pulled the sword out of its sheath.

"Raise the sword with your hand, and the splendor of the coriander begins to appear like a lotus flower. Watching its splendor, it is as rotten as a row of stars; watching its light, it is as cloudy as water overflowing in a pond; watching its breaking, the rocks are like petrified stones; watching its talent, Huanhuan is like an ice release...a priceless treasure, a priceless treasure!"

This is Xue Zhu's praise at the time. You must know that before, he evaluated the two famous swords "Hao Cao" and "Juque" as "dull" and "thick in texture", and he didn't even bother to look at them. At a glance!

Therefore, the Chunjun Sword is really the treasure of the Yue Kingdom and a symbol of the authority of the Yue King.

Gou Jian caressed the sword reluctantly, and sighed: "In those days, King Ling of Chu used a thousand horses, three rich villages, and two big cities with shops to exchange for this sword~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But he was rejected by the widow's father."

For the Yue people, the sword is as important as the teeth of a wild beast, but now he is about to lose all his Gou Jian, and he has decided to use him to fight.

He held the Chunjun Sword in both hands and handed it to Wenzhong.

"I also hope that Dr. Chong can go to Wuying again, and bring the beautiful and heavy treasure to bribe the great slaughter of Wu State, let him arrange another meeting with King Wu, present him with the sword of pure Jun, and then repeat Gu's original words."

In order for the Yue Kingdom to survive, Goujian's arrogance and bearing as the King of Yue subsided at this moment and turned into perseverance and humbleness...

"The sinful minister Goujian bows to the head again: the army of the country of Yue is not enough to bother the king to continue the crusade. Goujian is willing to present it to the king with gold beads, beautiful jade and household registration children as gifts to reward the state of Wu for condescending to attack the sinful country. I hope the king can allow Gou Jian to send his own daughter. With the king as concubines, the doctors and daughters of scholars from the state of Yue and the officials and scholars from the state of Wu are concubines. Treasures of the state of Yue, such as Chunjun, Juque, Haocao, Liluo and other swords, are all tribute to the state of Wu. Gou Jian led the whole nation to join the king's army as his concubine, and listened to the dispatch..."

(To be continued.) Enable new URL

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