Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 832: Peach's Yaoyao (middle)

PS: Chapter 2 is at night

Although Ye City is named a city, it has no city walls, not because of the so-called "most of them are defenseless", but because the city has always been in the expansion stage.

The Hebei area in the Spring and Autumn Period was sparsely populated. Even if Zhao Shangqing let the official Cheng Tuan run the business for three years, there were still only a few thousand households, and thousands of Fan, Zhonghang, and Wei people who were reduced to scoundrels during the war. Most of them are Qi people. I heard that these Qi people who were captured in the Battle of Wenshui were divided into three groups, one group stayed in Lu State for labor, another group went to Wei State to dig canals, and the other group came to Ye The city dug ditches and rectified the turbulent Zhangshui.

However, with the signing of the Houma Covenant, the subjects of the Jin Dynasty were divided up by Zhao Wei and Han, so Yecheng became the largest immigration location.

At the beginning of this spring, 300 families of captives from Wei State, 1,000 families of people from Handan, 1,000 artisans from Chaoge, 700 families of old Zhao family members from Wen County, and 1,000 families of Zhi family members. Gathering from all directions to Yecheng, the mainstream among them is of course the 10,000 households of Gujiang people.

The five-year-old Ximen Bao witnessed the entire relocation process. His family originally lived in the old town of Ximen, so Ximen was the clan. When Jin moved the capital to Xintian, his great-grandfather did not move with him. Who would have expected their generation to be uprooted by the order of the new Shangqing Zhao Wuxi.

Although the people who served as the public office in Gujiang have had a hard time, and even many rogue families have no place to stand, and they have no money at home, they have not yet reached the point where they have to flee to survive. They were forcibly relocated from the hometown where their parents' graves were located, so it was impossible for the people of Jiang to have no complaints, but only because they were afraid of the sharp blade of Zhao Bing behind them, and the name of Zhao Qing had to make the trip. When they left, they all cried bitterly at the graves where their ancestors were buried, and they didn't know if they could come back to worship their ancestors in this life, let alone whether the tax-free benefits promised by Zhao Qing during the relocation could be fulfilled, so they were confused and suspicious. Hit the road.

At first they thought they would go to the new "capital" of Jin State, Tong Zang, but they ended up walking an extra half month and came to an unfamiliar East through Fukou Road.

When Ximen Leopard came here with the clan, it was in the early spring. On the plain beside Zhangshui, a lush meadow covered the entire north bank of Zhangshui, like a thick green blanket covering the thick and tamped loess. Below, there are some peach trees faintly dotted with pink peach blossoms.

The people who came after the long journey were very weak, and Ji Ran of Yecheng organized the locals and those who came first to build a porridge hut next to the road from Fukou to Yecheng, so that the weak and sick could rest here.

After arriving in Yecheng, Zhao Bing, who was originally extremely serious and kept an eye on the immigrants to prevent them from escaping, transformed himself into a construction brigade. Together with the local garrison, he built more than 10,000 shacks in just a few days. They also found some rocks to block the wind around them. According to the distribution of lilu during the migration, each household has a small shack. Soon, these shacks spread out on both sides of the Zhangshui.

This time, when he relocated to Yecheng across hundreds of miles, Zhao Wuxi was very worried about the physical condition of the immigrants. It is said that when King Ping moved eastward, 20 to 30% of the immigrants from the Zhou family died because of acclimatization. To make things worse, Zhao Wuxi didn't want that situation to happen again.

Fortunately, there are many doctors serving the Zhao family.

During the years when the state of Lu was established, Bian Que and others have been constantly improving the relevant health regulations. In the past, when fighting with Qi and Zhi, because there were many magpie doctors in the army, the non-combat attrition of the Zhao army was much lower than that of the enemy army. These health regulations also apply to the civilians. Although the phenomenon of incompatibility is inevitable, doctors in Lingque believe that a considerable number of patients are caused by diseases. The disease and high mortality rate of Ping Wang Dongqian in those days were mainly caused by poor nutrition and poor management and care. .

Therefore, the disciples of Bian Que enforced strict hygiene regulations among the immigrants who arrived in Yecheng. The laborers held iron axes, opened up the forest around Yecheng, cut down a lot of wood and firewood, and placed them on the edge of each temporary shack. Pottery kettles were used to boil water, all had to drink hot water, each had a serving of vegetables a day, and those who developed diseases were immediately treated and closely cared for.

In the end, due to Ji Ran's strong organizational skills and the joint efforts of the magpies, 10,000 families immigrated from Jiangxi. Although more than 2,000 people are currently sick, the magpie doctors have been working hard for many years. The resulting health regulations have had a huge effect. The sick patient is kept under control, and vomit and excrement are cleaned up at any time. They were also able to get enough boiled water through their caregivers, and under effective sanitation regulations, the death toll was kept in the hundreds.

In this way, the initial panic of the immigrants was eased, and they began to pay attention to the land in front of them and how to develop and utilize it to build their new homes.


Zhao Wuxi saved the lives of the immigrants and fulfilled his promise. Every household was allocated a field of 100 mu! And it's the Zhao family's big mu of two hundred and forty steps!

Although these fields that nominally belong to everyone are either abandoned land, or are still covered with weeds and shrubs, and it takes a lot of effort to reclaim, but for the scoundrels and the common people who live in the narrow land without a cone, It was enough to make them cry with joy.

No matter what era, land is the foundation for farmers to stand on.

However, the extensive farming of small farmers in their own way is far less efficient than the intensive farming organized by the government, so these ten thousand small households are actually under the control of the plan.

"The reason why the ancient sage kings guided their people was to serve agriculture first. Therefore, the prosperity of Yecheng came first in Shangnong."

Ji Ran, who has always attached great importance to commodity trade, proposed a strategy for the management of Yecheng, but he was inclined to agriculture, because he knew very well that food was everything. If there is food, there will be manpower, and then the industry can prosper, train the soldiers, and finally let the Zhao family become prosperous and strong.

Zhao Wuxi deeply agreed with Ji Ran's strategy. His original intention was to lead Zhao's family to the path of "farming and warfare". So Fan Chi, a farming expert, was also transferred here from the State of Lu to organize spring ploughing.

"Tan Huai Chuanji, as for Hengzhang, the soil is only white soil, and Jue Fu is wrong, and it is Yecheng. Although this land is sparsely populated, once a fire is set to burn down the forests and shrubs that have grown for thousands of years, it will be a piece of land. A fertile place."

Standing on the bank of Zhangshui and looking at the land of Ye, where all industries are waiting to be developed, Fan Chi is already ambitious, and wants to replicate the miracle of promoting the Daitian method and planting winter wheat, and even two and a half stones per mu in Lu State since Rongshu to Hebei. .

"Cultivating the land is the most urgent task, and then hurry up to sow seeds and reserve more grain for the first winter when the migrants come to Yecheng. The grain shipped from Chaoge and Handan is only enough for the migrants to eat after the autumn harvest. After that, additional allocations will have to be made beyond the plan to live within our means.”

Fan Chi already felt that the farming time was delayed, and he was very anxious. Fortunately, Yecheng was located in the north, and the farming time was a little later than that of Ludi. With the addition of the twelve ditches dug by local people when Yucheng managed Ye, the irrigation could also be smooth. Expand.

As a result, the immigrants from Yecheng were divided into small peasant families from the original township clan, and 10 households were assigned to one class, and 10 class members were assigned to one security. Each A is assigned to an ox or an inferior horse, which Zhao Wuxi bought and half-buried from Zhongshan.

Under the leadership of the field officials, all adults went to work in full swing, and young children were also gathered together in different communities. Zhao Wuqi personally dispatched his own internal treasury funds and made up his mind to start a systematic education in Yecheng. , from the doll!

Immigrants are new arrivals, and most of them live in thatched shacks with mud walls.

In fact, even inside the Gujiang, there are only a few brick and tile houses near the old palace of Jin State, and the rest are mud-embryo thatch shacks. Once there is a fire, there will be heavy losses. due to fire.

Zhao Wuchen's emphasis on education and children moved Yecheng immigrants again.

Of course, the children didn't feel much, they only knew that from now on, they wouldn't be able to play crazy all day long.

Ximen Leopard entered the Mongolian school~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is located in the area called "Linzhang". In the Mongolian school, a long table is placed with thick wooden boards. The hall is bright and clean, and the children are wide-eyed. , followed the teacher who came from the state of Lu and learned from "Poetry".

"Recipe, Shining."

"When the son returns home, it is suitable for his family."

Every morning, the children follow the teacher's elegant words with a reckless accent and start studying. For the older Meng Tong, the gentleman will explain the meaning, "This is the song of congratulating the newlyweds, that is, the song of sending the bride to the bride..."

For younger people such as Ximen Bao, you only need to recite and remember, and then write the words.

After entering Jixia, the cicadas outside Mengxue are better than a day. Ximen Leopard held the branch with his tender hands and wrote the words "Peach Zhi Yaoyao" on the sand table a few times, but his mind was already gone. flew outside.

Because right next to the Mongolian school where he is, a university called "Linzhang Xue Gong" has been completed, and scholars from all over the world flock to it. The husband said that those who came out on top in this month's exams will be allowed to enter the Academy! (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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