Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 833: Yaoyao of Peach (Part 2)

It was early autumn, and Yecheng had begun to take shape. The craftsmen planned this new main town of Zhao's family very well based on the "Craftsman Running the Country" in the method of examining the workers, referring to the specifications of Chaoge, Xinjiang and other big cities. appropriate. The main urban area is located in the north of Zhangshui River, away from possible floods, but it does not affect the water use of residents. The palaces, residential areas, and workshops are all designed in an orderly manner, although many places are still hastily built shanties.

Generally speaking, the most magnificent and perfect place in the city should be the palace of the nobles. However, Ye City is different. When Zhao Wuxi first arrived in Ye, he just renovated and expanded the original Yi Temple and let his family The two pregnant women who lived in the house did not build a palace and pavilion like ordinary nobles.

In this regard, many retainers and diners have suggested that the Zhao family is now a high-ranking minister of three or four thousand, and the people of the country even surpass the state of Qi. It must be a grand and tall palace to reflect the power of the Zhao family.

However, Zhao Wuxi was noncommittal. He asked Gongshu Ban and the retainer who proposed to build a palace: "How much silk will it cost to build a high platform? It's equivalent to how many families' property."

Gongxu Ban calculated with others, and responded, "It needs to spend as much property as 10 medium-sized families."

Zhao Wuxi smiled: "In this way, if you want to build a royal palace like the following palace, it will cost at least the property of a thousand middle-class families, and to build a vast project like the Xiqi Palace and the Tongqi Palace, you need to spend at least The property of 10,000 middle-class families! For my own selfish desires, I will not do this kind of thing that will break the family of 10,000 people!"

Hearing this, the retainers and diners who proposed to build a palace hurriedly bowed down to apologize, Zhao Wuxi said to them earnestly: "I heard that when Duke Wen of Jin was the leader of the alliance, the Jiangdu palace was short and there was no terrace to watch. However, the building that received the envoys of the princes was built to be tall and large, just like the palace of the king. When the guests of the princes came, the people of Dian lighted the torches, and the servants patrolled the palace. So the guests felt at home, and the state of Jin was dominated by this."

"However, when Duke Ping, Duke Zhao, and Henggong came later, the Xiqi Palace and Tongli Palace stretched for several miles, and the Jin State dominated the industry for a hundred years. They took all the baht from the feudal lords, but they used it like sand. There are more peasants in Jiangdu; rafters on beams than workers on planes; nail heads are more than millet in Yu; the gaps in tiles are more than silk threads all over the body; The city; the orchestra is hoarse, more than the words of the city people! Within a day, between a palace, and the climate is uneven..."

"But did these things keep Jin's hegemony? No! In order to build the palace, the princes of Jin increased their taxes and cut expenses in other places. So the envoys of the princes lived in scoundrel-like houses, and the door was not allowed for cars, and thieves were more open to thieves. If it ran rampant, the disease could not be prevented. Later, the envoys of the feudal lords gradually stopped coming to the Jin state, and the people also lost their minds.

Everyone was ashamed and bowed their heads to admit their mistakes.

Zhao Wuxi spread out his hands to Gongshuban and the others, and said, "The most important thing for a monarch is to understand what you need most. I didn't come to Yecheng to build a palace like King Ling of Chu and Duke Ping of Jin, and to compare and enjoy with the princes. So the house is enough for the family to live in, the clothes are enough to keep warm and decent enough, and the meals are enough to eat."

He laughed at himself: "Anyway, I'm not as lustful as the monarch. There are dozens of wives and concubines. It's okay to live in a little crowd. If you live next to each other, the family can be warmer. After you wait, I saved the money and silk originally planned to build palaces and pavilions, so that the migrating people could have more bricks and tiles and more well water, which made me happier than building a few pavilions. The rest of the money was spent on the school palace. Let's build..."


This dialogue between Zhao Wuxi and his courtiers was adapted into a new genre, "Tongjiao Palace Fu", which begins with "Yu Guobi, Jizhou Yi, Huo Taiwu, Tongjiachu" as the opening chapter, summarizing the Jin Dynasty. The historical lesson of the country's loss of hegemony after the fairness and justice alludes to the extravagance of the Jin State's royal office in Tongjiao. At the end of the whole article, the style of painting changed, praising the new Shangqing Zhao Wuxi's frugality and resting with the people, and in order not to break the wealth of ten families, he stopped building high platforms and palaces...

This catchy "Tongzi Palace Fu" soon spread throughout Ye, along with the soldiers who helped immigrants build houses and dig wells.

In addition to being moved by the scholars and people who first came to Yecheng, they also spread the story of Zhao Wuxi more and more. On informal occasions, long skirts that drag the floor are not allowed, and no embroidery is allowed on the drapery. Even Zhao Shangqing himself only eats two meals a day, and each meal is only one meat, two vegetables, and one soup...

"Do not use the selfish desires of one person to break the wealth of ten thousand families, Zhao Qing is wise." Even Ji Ran and others praised them sincerely, but Wang Sunsheng, Shi Qi and others secretly admired Zhao Wuxi's means of bribing people's hearts. To the level of perfection. The Jin Gong's office, who was under house arrest in Tong Zhai, unknowingly became the villain of the abuse of the people's fat and the people's cream, and made Zhao Qing stand out as a taller.

Another chain reaction caused by this incident was that the Linzhang Academy replaced the Zhao Palace, which was hastily completed because Zhao Qing was about to marry a woman again, and became the largest, most solemn, and most refined building in Ye City.


"It covers an area of ​​5 hectares, the main building is 140 rooms, the scholar's residence is 850 rooms, and the lecture hall is 10 feet long and 30 feet wide. Since the foundation was laid a year ago, the number of workers and apprentices has reached 10,000, and now it can accommodate several Thousands of people go to school, and it can continue to expand along the banks of the Zhangshui River in the future..."

The construction scale of this "Linzhang Academy" has reached an unprecedented level, 1.5 times the size of the later Yuelu Academy, and far exceeds the area of ​​educational institutions such as the "Bi Yong" of the current Zhou Tianzi and the "Pan Palace" of the princes.

Piyong and Pangong are not pure universities. These places are also like palaces, where nobles often offer sacrifices, hold banquets, select warriors, and negotiate battle plans. After winning the battle, he also came here to "offer prisoners" and "reward". Political affairs, sacrifices, and learning activities are all mixed together, and they do not have the professionalism and systematicness of education. The children of the princes and doctors who enter are just to get a qualification, or to join the circle of young nobles in advance, and they have no desire to learn. Heart.

However, Linzhang Academy is different. It is a purely government-run higher education institution. From the first day of its establishment, it has a clear purpose! Just like the "school motto" written by Zhao Wuxi for the school!

On this day, a young man with a lot of trouble came to the gate of the Linzhang Academy, just like countless scholars in the past few months.

He is about ten years old, he is too young, his eyebrows are straight, the bridge of his nose is pretty, and his complexion is slightly darker. sack. But after walking a few steps, the temperament shown in his gestures, but he looks young and mature.

This person is named Bu Shang, a native of Wen County, Jin Kingdom. He just reached the crown last year. Because he came of age in midsummer, and Shang and Xia have successively followed, he is called "Zixia". Their Bu family has been the Zhao family's fortune teller for generations, and they are also the last batch of immigrants who moved from Wenxian to Yecheng. They went north with Zhao Wuxi's motorcade to meet Ji Ying. They saw everything on the way, but Zhao Wuxi was busy. , I didn't have time to hear the young man's name, and I didn't talk to him.

But a sharp awl cannot be hidden in the pocket for too long. Sooner or later, it will show its edge...

Now that the group has just arrived in Yecheng, the wedding of Zhao Shangqing and "Xu Ying" will be held in three days. Zixia followed the elders around the Zhao Palace~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Seeing that the Zhao Palace was as simple as the rumors said, there was nothing to see, so he decided to take time to visit the Zhangxue Palace.

He wanted to see if it was true as the legend said, and it was another holy place that scholars yearned for after the Zhou Dynasty Shou Zangshi and Qufu Xinglin.

"Set up your mind for the heaven and earth, set up your life for the people, follow the unique learning for the ancestors, and create peace for all generations..."

Standing at the main entrance of the Linzhang Academy, reading the four mantras engraved on the stone arch, Zi Xia Wushu's mouth showed a smile.


Holding the introduction letter written for him by the elders of the family, he stepped forward, smelled the fragrance of peach fruit, and walked towards the academy. With him, there were a group of immature Mongolian children who were in the Mongolian school exam this month. Those who performed well were allowed to visit the palace, including the young Ximen Leopard.

What Zixia and Ximen Bao didn't expect was that his arrival coincided with a storm, a fierce debate among scholars within the academy over whether Zhao Qing's marriage to his sister Ji Ying was "proper"... …

(To be continued.) Enable new URL

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