Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 839: Xu Guo

"In the wild, there are dead glutinous rice, which is covered with white grass. There is a girl who is cherishing spring, and Ji Shi lures it."

"In the forest there is Pu Yu, and there are dead deer in the wild. The white grass is pure, and there are women like jade."

The two of them slept together in the new room, and the banquet was still going on outside. The pre-Qin atmosphere was open, and they were not as secretive about **** as they were in later generations. Save Zhao Qing some face.

After getting up the next day, everything was business as usual, because Zhao Yang had passed away, and the host of the etiquette, the "Praiser", could only replace the uncle and Guli's bride. Ji Ying was liquified and gave the dried meat to Le Lingzi, the wife of Zhao Qing's wife, who was pregnant for ten months. , indicating that Mrs. Le's status is slightly lower than that of the Eastern rank.

This relieved the guests who came to watch the ceremony from the Song Kingdom. The current order in the Central Plains is largely dominated by the Zhao clan. , with the posture of a fierce army, I don't know whether to go west to Chen Cai or north to Song Lu.

If King Wu's husband was really hot-headed and headed north, Song Guo would probably suffer another disaster of a large army crossing the border. At that time, he could not defeat the Wu people by himself, and he would have to rely on Zhao's protection. Therefore, Zhao Le's marriage has become the most important bond between the two families. People from the Song country often whisper that the reason why Le Ziming has been able to sit in the position of Zhengqing for so many years is not because of having a good sister.

Originally, Zhao Wuxi married "Xu Ying" with a strong attitude, but Song people were still very worried, would the status of Le's daughter be shaken? Now it seems to be too much to worry about. If Le Lingzi gave birth to a son this time and established himself as the heir, then the position of Song Guozhengqing in the music room would be able to sit for at least a generation!

On this side, the Song Guole clan nodded with joy, but on the other side, the maiden family in the name of "Xu Ying" was a little unhappy for her.

Ji Ying's face was calm, neither happy nor worried, she was used to such scenes. After waiting down the western steps, he handed over the meat left over from the food to the person who sent his relatives. The man was not tall. When he saw Ji Ying coming over, he bowed his head and said respectfully and softly, "Daughter-in-law."

"I'm just the daughter of Xu Guo's son who ran away, so I shouldn't be called a daughter-in-law." Ji Ying felt a little helpless. After her identity was made public, there were some who questioned her, and some who regarded her as a god.

Xu Cheng in front of him is one of them. This person is a side member of Xu Guo's clan. After the fall of Xu country, he served in Wu Guozhou's division in humiliation. Later, during the honeymoon period of Zhao Wuxi and Wu country, he went to Wu country's traveler Qu. If you want to be good at water fighters to deal with Robber Zhi, Xu Cheng, who is not welcome, will be sent there.

However, his arrival was unfortunate. By the time he arrived in the State of Lu, the robber Zhi had already surrendered to the Zhao clan, and Xu Cheng took over the Onoze fleet of the robber. Slowly replaced the bandit leaders in the boat division with those arranged by Zhao Wuxi.

Originally, Xu Cheng was the commander-in-chief of the Zhao clan, and he didn't have much ambition. It had been 20 years since the country of Xu had perished. Back then, when the tree fell, the princes of the country of Xu were scattered, and the princes of the country of Xu, Zhang Yu and his wife were also in the country. After the breakup, he committed himself to the barbarians, and was moved to the far south of the Yangtze River by the King of Wu.

But after the Zhao clan announced that Ji Ying was the posthumous daughter of Zhang Yu, the son of Xu Guo's son, Xu Cheng's long-silent heart for restoring the country was rekindled as if he had poured oil on it!

He has also served the Zhao clan for seven years. Watching Zhao Wuxi rise from a humble doctor in the Lu country to the top minister of a big country, he also knows how powerful the Zhao clan is: the strength of three or four thousand times, more than Qi Guo is a bit stronger! It is one of the few powers in the world that can fight against Wu. In Xu Cheng's view, as long as the Zhao family lends a little help, Xu Guo has hope of recovery.

If in the past, Zhao Wuxi didn't have to take the risk of being completely hostile to Wu State to restore Xu State, but now, with Xu Ying's relationship, everything is very different.

"Back then, it was precisely when the son Zhang Yu saw that the country of Xu was about to perish and did not want to be the king of the country, so he alertly took his wife one step ahead. In the hearts of the servants, he should be the king of the kingdom of Xu. Today, when he saw the son's orphan, the minister naturally Treat him like a daughter-in-law. The daughter-in-law is newly married and becomes the wife of Zhao Shangqing, the minister is happy, but it’s a pity”

Xu Chengchang knelt on the ground, held up the food box he had just received, and said emotionally, "The son and daughter should have eaten the rest of the food, so the minister should have sent Xu Cheng to announce the good news in front of King Yan's temple to complete the ceremony. The Millennium Palace has been occupied by barbarians with short hair and tattoos! Daughter, your hometown is gone! Hundreds of thousands of Xu people are all slaves to the subjugation of the country!"

Ji Ying's complexion was a little pale. It was not for nothing that the old people of Xu, headed by Xu Cheng, had been obsessed with restoring the country. In ancient times, Ruomu, the son of Boyi, was the founding monarch of the Xu country. So separate.

Since then, in the Xia Dynasty, Shang Dynasty, and Western Zhou Dynasty, Xu State has always been the most powerful Fang State in the southeast. During the period of Zhou Gongdan, to the period of Zhou Chengwang and Zhou Kangwang, the war between the Western Zhou Dynasty and Xu was very frequent. Xu Guo participated in the rebellion against Zhou by the remnants of the Shang Dynasty headed by Wu Geng, and resisted Zhou Gong's eastward expedition. King Xu Ju's counterattack had been hitting the Yellow River, causing huge trouble to the Zhou family. Kuwang seeks help from the river in the west", even though he failed to subvert the Zhou Dynasty rule, he is still the actual leader of the Dongyi alliance.

By the time of King Xu Yan of the 32nd generation, the kingdom of Xu had reached its peak, and there were as many as thirty-six kingdoms of Fang who paid homage to him! For a time, Xu Guo and Zong Zhou competed in court, almost evenly dividing the world.

However, with the surprise attack of King Mu of Zhou, the Xu Kingdom was defeated, and King Xu Yan fled to his death. Since then, the Xu Kingdom has gradually declined and gradually became Huaxia. But until a hundred years ago, it was still a big country in Huaibei, with 10,000 soldiers and 500 chariots. Economically and culturally, it far surpassed Wu, which was "abandoned by the sea", so the Huaxia clothes and crowns that were accustomed to seeing were replaced by broken tattoos. , quite a sense of humiliation.

"After the state of Xu fell to the state of Wu, with a population of 300,000, nearly half of the tribute was supplied, and the people of Xu could not bear the hardships, and there were not a few people who fled north to Song and Lu, and it would be good if they came here to seek asylum. Hundreds, let these people contact the township party, there will be thousands of people, with these people as guides, the Zhao clan will send tens of thousands of troops to follow, then the Wu people can be driven out, and the Xu country can be restored!"

Ji Ying looked at Xu Cheng, who was eager to restore the country, and was touched, but he couldn't let go.

"In the male lead, outside the female lead, you should discuss this matter with Shang Qing."

She bowed to Xu Cheng and forced herself to turn around and leave.

The place where the jade of the founder is divided into two parts, the place where the river flows in Sishui, where Ji Zi hangs his sword, and where the prince looks north to the hometown of her father and mother, why doesn't Ji Ying want to see it? But what she believes more is that Wu Xie must have a plan, and it is enough to watch silently behind him as she has done for many years.

"The State of Xu is connected to the Central Plains in the north, and Wuyue in Nantong, just as Zheng, Song, Wu, and Chu are in the Chong, and Qi, Lu, Wei, and Zhou are also in the way. If the Xu State is obtained, it is equivalent to the Huaibei, and if the Huaibei is obtained, the Wu State will decline!"

Xu Cheng didn't give up, and he really found Zhao Wuxi after the incident, strongly advocating the importance of Xu Guo and the need to restore Xu Guo.

Because of marrying Xu Ying (Ji Ying)~www.wuxiaspot.com~ retainers such as Zigong, Xu Cheng, etc., guessed that Zhao Wuxi wanted to stretch his hand south, to the southeast of Song, and was occupied by Wu people Xu to go.

However, Zhao Wuxi really didn't plan to go south to stimulate Fuchai to go north ahead of time, so he didn't want to play the game of hegemony with Fuchai. He also doesn't want to conquer an enclave across regions with inconvenient transportation. Maybe Xu land will be taken from Wu State at that time, but Zhao's can't hold it, but Song State will be cheaper.

"Xu State is indeed a stronghold on Si Shang, and it is also a springboard for Wu State's northern invasion, but"

Zhao Wuchun smiled and asked, "If the Zhao family really wants Xu to restore the country, who should be the monarch?"

Xu Cheng said tactfully: "The sons and grandsons of Xu country are all over the world, and they are lingering. It is not a matter of Shangqing's words who will be the king at that time."

"Although there are many descendants of Xu country, they are not people who know the bottom line. I can't believe it." He leaned forward and gave Xu Cheng a stunned proposal: "If I want Xu Ying to be the queen of Xu country, ours Can the Xu people accept the succession of the Xu country's altar?"

(To be continued.)

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